
Defines functions shrink.eigen2 shrink.eigen ell.lambda c.ell s.ell sigma.sq.est detectSpikes mp.obj getMPfit estSpikedCovariance plot.spikedCovariance plotSpikedCovariance

Documented in estSpikedCovariance plotSpikedCovariance

#' Optimization problem 6.2
#' @details
#' Some of the shrinkers do not have an analytical solution and the non-lineartiy
#' must be computed numerically. This function implements
#' Optimization problem 6.2 as described in (Donoho, Gavish, and Johnstone, 2013)
#' @param lambda sample eigenvalue
#' @param gamma  fitted value of variables/observations
#' @param type   combination of (pivot+norm)/(statistical loss)
#' @param lambda sample eigenvalue to be shrunk
.shrink.eigen2 <- function(ell, c, s, type, lambda) {
  temp <- unlist(strsplit(type,"\\."))
  isStatistical <- FALSE; mnorm <- ""; pivot <- -1
  if (length(temp) == 2) {
    mnorm <- temp[1]
    pivot <- as.numeric(temp[2])
  } else { 
    isStatistical <- TRUE
  .obj <- function(eta) {
    A <- matrix(c(ell, 0, 0, 1), nrow=2, byrow = TRUE)
    B <- matrix(c(1 + (eta -1)*c^2, (eta -1)*c*s, 
                  (eta -1)*c*s, 1 + (eta -1)*s^2), nrow=2, byrow = TRUE)
    if(isStatistical) {
      0.5*log(0.5*det(A + B)/sqrt(det(A)*det(B)))
    } else {
      M <- 
        if (pivot == 3) solve(A) %*% B - diag(rep(1,2))
        else if (pivot == 4) solve(B) %*% A - diag(rep(1,2))
        else if (pivot == 5) solve(A) %*% B + solve(B) %*% A - 2*diag(rep(1,2))
        else if (pivot == 7) log(sqrt(solve(A)) %*% B %*% sqrt(solve(A)))
      if (mnorm == "Frobenius") norm(M, type = "F")
      else if (mnorm == "Operator") sqrt(eigen(M%*%t(M))$values[1])
      else if (mnorm == "Nuclear") sum(sqrt(diag(t(M) %*% M)))  
  fit <- DEoptim(fn = .obj, 
                 lower=1, upper = lambda,
                 control = list(itermax = 500, trace = 0))  

#' Table 2
#' @details
#' Table 2 as described in (Donoho, Gavish, and Johnstone, 2013)
#' @param lambda sample eigenvalue
#' @param gamma  fitted value of variables/observations
#' @param type   combination of (pivot+norm)/(statistical loss)
.shrink.eigen <- function(lambda, gamma, type) {
  ell <- .ell.lambda(lambda, gamma)
  c <- .c.ell(lambda, gamma)
  s <- .s.ell(lambda, gamma)
  if (type == "Frobenius.1") ell*c^2 + s^2
  else if (type == "Frobenius.2") ell/(c^2 + ell*s^2)
  else if (type == "Frobenius.3") (ell*c^2 + ell^2*s^2)/(c^2 + ell^2*s^2)
  else if (type == "Frobenius.4") (ell^2*c^2 + s^2)/(ell*c^2 + s^2)
  else if (type == "Frobenius.5") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Frobenius.6") c^2*(ell-1)/(c^2 + ell*s^2)^2
  else if (type == "Frobenius.7") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Operator.1") ell
  else if (type == "Operator.2") ell
  else if (type == "Operator.3") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Operator.4") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Operator.5") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Operator.6") (ell-1)/(c^2 + ell*s^2)
  else if (type == "Operator.7") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Nuclear.1") max(1, 1 + (ell -1)*(1 - 2*s^2))
  else if (type == "Nuclear.2") max(1, ell/(c^2 + (2*ell -1)*s^2))
  else if (type == "Nuclear.3") max(1, ell/(c^2 + ell^2*s^2))
  else if (type == "Nuclear.4") max(1, (ell^2*c^2 + s^2)/ell)
  else if (type == "Nuclear.5") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Nuclear.6") max(1, (ell-(ell-1)^2*c^2*s^2)/(c^2 + ell*s^2)^2)
  else if (type == "Nuclear.7") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)

  else if (type == "Stein") ell/(c^2 + ell*s^2)
  else if (type == "Entropy") ell*c^2 + s^2
  else if (type == "Divergence") sqrt((ell^2*c^2 + ell*s^2)/(c^2 + ell*s^2))
  else if (type == "Affinity") .shrink.eigen2(ell, c, s, type, lambda)
  else if (type == "Frechet") (sqrt(ell)*c^2 + s^2)^2
  else NA

#' Equation 4.4
#' @details
#' Equation 4.4 as described in (Donoho, Gavish, and Johnstone, 2013)
#' @param lambda sample eigenvalue
#' @param gamma  fitted value of variables/observations
.ell.lambda <- function(lambda, gamma) {
  temp <- lambda + 1 - gamma
  0.5*(temp + sqrt(temp^2 - 4*lambda))

#' Equation 1.2
#' @details
#' Equation 1.2 as described in (Donoho, Gavish, and Johnstone, 2013)
#' @param lambda sample eigenvalue
#' @param gamma  fitted value of variables/observations
.c.ell <- function(lambda, gamma) {
  ell <- .ell.lambda(lambda, gamma)
  sqrt((1 - gamma/(ell - 1)^2)/(1 + gamma/(ell - 1)))

#' Equation 6.3
#' @details
#' Equation 6.3 as described in (Donoho, Gavish, and Johnstone, 2013)
#' @param lambda sample eigenvalue
#' @param gamma  fitted value of variables/observations
.s.ell <- function(lambda, gamma) {
  sqrt(1 - (.c.ell(lambda, gamma))^2)

#' Calculate unknown noise estimate
#' @details
#' This method calculates the unknown unbiased estimate of noise for the eigenvalues
#' based on the procedure described in (Kritchman and Nadler, 2009). It involves
#' solving a couple of nonlinear equations.
#' @param lambdas eigenvalues to which the distribution is fitted
#' @param numObs  number of data observations
#' @param numOfSpikes number of spikes in the spike covariance model
.sigma.sq.est <- function(lambdas , numObs, numOfSpikes) {
  p <- length(lambdas)
  sigma.sq <- 1/(p-numOfSpikes) * sum(lambdas[(numOfSpikes+1):p])
  while(TRUE) {
    tmp.b <- lambdas[1:numOfSpikes] + sigma.sq - sigma.sq*(p-numOfSpikes)/numObs 
    discriminant <- tmp.b^2 - 4 * lambdas[1:numOfSpikes]*sigma.sq
    if (any( discriminant < 0)) break
    rho <- 0.5*(tmp.b + sqrt(discriminant)) 
    sigma.sq.new <- 1/(p-numOfSpikes) * (sum(lambdas) - sum(rho))
    if (abs(sigma.sq.new - sigma.sq)/sigma.sq < 1e-8) break
    sigma.sq <- sigma.sq.new

#' Detect spikes in a covariance model
#' @details
#' This method calculates the number of spikes in a spiked covariance model
#' by iteratively comparing a standardized eigenvalue to the qunatile of Tracy-Wisdom
#' distribution for given significance level. The procedure is described in 
#' (Kritchman and Nadler, 2009). 
#' @param lambdas eigenvalues to which the distribution is fitted
#' @param numObs  number of data observations
#' @param alpha significance level for the test
.detectSpikes <- function(lambdas, numObs, alpha = 0.05) {
  p <- length(lambdas); max.spikes <- min(numObs, p) - 1; sigma.sq <- 0
  s_alpha <- (-3/2 * log(4*sqrt(pi) * alpha/100 ))^(2/3)
  for(spikes in 1:max.spikes) {
    mu_np <- 1/numObs*(sqrt(numObs-1/2) + sqrt((p - spikes)-1/2))^2
    sigma_np <- sqrt(mu_np/numObs) * (1/sqrt(numObs-1/2) + 1 / sqrt((p-spikes)-1/2) )^(1/3)
    sigma.sq.temp <- .sigma.sq.est(lambdas,numObs,spikes) 
    if(lambdas[spikes] <= sigma.sq.temp*(mu_np + s_alpha * sigma_np)) break
    sigma.sq <- sigma.sq.temp
  est.sigma.sq <- if(spikes > 1) sigma.sq else  sum(lambdas)/p
  list(numOfSpikes = spikes - 1, sigma.sq = est.sigma.sq)

#' Fitting median to the data
#' @details
#' This method calculates the median of the eigenvalues given that they follow 
#' a Marchenko Pastur distribution. The median is matched to the 50 percentile
#' quantile from the MP distribution. This helps fit scale.factor to the data
#' @param theta parameter to be optimized. In this case it is 
#'          gamma, (variables/observations)
#' @param lambdas eigenvalues to which the distribution is fitted
.mp.obj <- function(theta, lambdas, gamma) {
  scale.factor <- theta

  lambda.max <- scale.factor*(1 + sqrt(gamma))^2
  lambda.min <- scale.factor*(1 - sqrt(gamma))^2
  lambdas <- lambdas[(lambdas <= lambda.max) & (lambdas >= lambda.min)]
  if(length(lambdas) < 1) return(.Machine$double.xmax)
  m <- qmp(0.5, svr = 1/gamma, var = scale.factor)
  abs(m - median(lambdas))

#' Fitting an MP distribution to the data
#' @details
#' This method takes in the eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix and fits 
#' a Marchenko Pastur distribution. The eigenvalues are assumed to have unit variance
#' @param lambdas eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix
#' @param gamma   ratio of varibales/observations
#' @param numOfSpikes number of spikes in the spike covariance model
#' @param numObs  number of data observations
#' @param method KNTest/median fitting
.getMPfit <- function(lambdas, gamma, numOfSpikes, numObs, method) {
  scale.factor <-
    if(is.na(numOfSpikes)) {
      if (method == "median-fitting") {
        counts <- hist(lambdas, plot = FALSE, breaks = "FD")$counts
        temp.spikes <- sum(counts[which.max(counts == 0):length(counts)])
        lower <- lambdas[temp.spikes + 1]/(1 + sqrt(gamma))^2
        upper <- if(mean(lambdas) > lower) mean(lambdas) else lambdas[1]/(1 + sqrt(gamma))^2
        fit <- DEoptim(fn = .mp.obj, 
                       lower=lower, upper = upper,
                       control = list(itermax = 500, trace = 0),
                       lambdas = lambdas, gamma = gamma)  
      } else  {
        kn.fit <- .detectSpikes(lambdas, numObs)
      lambdas[numOfSpikes + 1]/(1 + sqrt(gamma))^2
  lambdas <- lambdas/scale.factor
  lambda.max <- (1 + sqrt(gamma))^2
  spikes <- length(lambdas[lambdas > lambda.max])
  if(!is.na(numOfSpikes) && spikes != numOfSpikes) browser()
  list(lambda.max = lambda.max, lambdas = lambdas, gamma = gamma, 
       scale.factor = scale.factor, numOfSpikes = spikes)

#' (Donoho, Gavish, and Johnstone, 2013)
#' @param R xts object of asset returns
#' @param gamma  ratio of varibales/observations. If NA it will be set to 
#'                ratio of varibales/observations
#' @param numOfSpikes number of spikes in the spike covariance model. 
#'                    If missing then it is estimated based on the number of 
#'                    eigenvalues above the cutoff.
#' @param norm Type of matrix norm that must be calculated. Defaults to Frobenius
#' @param pivot takes values from 1...7. Details can be found in the paper
#' @param statistical Stein/Entropy/Divergence/Affinity/Frechet. Default is set to NA.
#'                    when a valid value is set norm and pivot values are ignored
#' @param fit list with 5 elements, cutoff for the bulk of MP distribution, 
#'            scaled lambdas, fitted gamma fitted scaling constant and
#'            numOfSpikes
#' @param method KNTest/median-fitting. Default is KNTest
#' @details 
#' If the number of spikes are missing and the selected method is median-fitting
#' then, firstly the scale factor is estimated. We guess the number of spikes by
#' counting the number of breaks using the Freedman-Diaconis algorithm. The 
#' initial number of spikes are guessed by counting the number of elements after
#' the first zero. We use this to lower bound the variance. Variance is computed
#' by fitting the median to the spectrum of eigenvalues. If the method is KNTest
#' then we follow the procedure in (Kritchman and Nadler, 2009)
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#'  data("rmtdata")
#'  model <- estSpikedCovariance(rmtdata, numOfSpikes=15)
#' }
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @export
estSpikedCovariance <- function(R, gamma = NA, 
                                numOfSpikes = NA,
                                method = c("KNTest", "median-fitting"),
                                norm = c("Frobenius", "Operator", "Nuclear"),
                                pivot = 1, statistical = NA,
                                fit = NA) {
  .data <- if(is.xts(R)) coredata(R) else as.matrix(R)
  T <- nrow(.data); M <- ncol(.data) 

  if (T < M) stop("Does not work when T < M")
  if((!is.na(gamma)) && (gamma > 1 || gamma < 0)) stop("Invalid gamma")
  if(is.na(gamma)) gamma <- M/T
  else if (gamma > 1 || gamma < 0) stop("Invalid gamma")

  if((!is.na(numOfSpikes)) && ((numOfSpikes > M) || (numOfSpikes < 0))) 
     stop("Invalid numOfSpikes")
  if ("numOfSpikes" %in% names(fit) && (!is.na(numOfSpikes)) && 
      (fit$numOfSpikes != numOfSpikes))
    stop("Conflicting numOfSpikes values")
  norm <- norm[1]
  if (!norm %in% c("Frobenius", "Operator", "Nuclear"))
    stop("Invalid norm value")
  if (pivot < 0 || pivot > 7) stop("Invalid pivot selected")
  if(!is.na(statistical) && 
     !statistical %in% c("Stein","Entropy","Divergence","Affinity","Frechet"))
    stop("Invalid statistical parameter selected")
  method <- method[1]
  if (!method %in%  c("KNTest", "median-fitting")) stop("Invalid method")
  S <- cov(.data)
  eigen <- eigen(S, symmetric=T)
  lambdas <- eigen$values
  if(all(is.na(fit))) fit <- .getMPfit(lambdas, gamma, numOfSpikes, T, method)
  lambda.max <- fit$lambda.max; lambdas <- fit$lambdas; 
  scale.factor <- fit$scale.factor
  spiked.lambdas <- lambdas[lambdas > lambda.max]
  if (length(spiked.lambdas) == 0) stop("Nothing to shrink. Change parameters")
  type <- ifelse(is.na(statistical), paste(norm,".",pivot,sep=""), statistical)

  spiked.lambdas <- sapply(spiked.lambdas, 
                             .shrink.eigen(lambda, gamma, type))
  lambdas[lambdas > lambda.max] <- spiked.lambdas
  lambdas[lambdas <= lambda.max] <- 1
  rescaled.lambdas <- scale.factor * lambdas
  C <- eigen$vectors %*% diag(rescaled.lambdas) %*% t(eigen$vectors)
  model <- list(cov = C, data = R, orig.lambdas = eigen$values, pivot = pivot,
                norm = norm, new.lambdas = rescaled.lambdas, 
                dist.fit = fit)
  class(model) <- "spikedCovariance"

#' internal function for Eigenvalue plot
#' @details
#' Compares shrunk eigenvalues against sample eigenvalues
#' @param x model of the type spikedCovariance
#' @param norm Type of matrix norm that must be calculated. If missing value from
#'              the model will be used
#' @param statistical Stein/Entropy/Divergence/Affinity/Frechet. Default is set to NA.
#'                    when a valid value is set norm and pivot values are ignored

.plot.spikedCovariance <- function(x, norm = NA, statistical = FALSE) {
  data <- x$data; gamma <- x$dist.fit$gamma; numOfSpikes <- x$dist.fit$numOfSpikes 
  scale.factor <- x$dist.fit$scale.factor
  if(is.na(norm)) norm <- x$norm

  if (!norm %in% c("Frobenius", "Operator", "Nuclear"))
    stop("Invalid norm value")

  loss <- c("Stein","Entropy","Divergence","Affinity","Frechet")
  numLosses <- if(statistical) length(loss) else 7
  E <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(data), ncol = numLosses)
  for(i in 1:numLosses) {
    C <- 
      if (!statistical) {
        estSpikedCovariance(data, numOfSpikes = numOfSpikes, 
                               norm = norm, pivot = i, fit = x$dist.fit)
      } else {
        estSpikedCovariance(data, numOfSpikes = numOfSpikes, 
                               statistical = loss[i], fit = x$dist.fit)
    E[,i] <- C$new.lambdas
  colnames(E) <- if (!statistical) paste("pivot",1:7,sep = ".") else loss
  df <- data.frame(sample = x$orig.lambdas, E)
  df <- melt(df, id = "sample")
  colnames(df) <- c("samplee" ,"typeofloss" , "shrunke")
  colors  <- c("red" , "green" , "blue" , "cyan" , "hotpink" , "gold3" , 
               "black", "purple")
  colors <- c(head(colors, numLosses), tail(colors,1))
  names(colors) <- c(colnames(E), "y=x")
  norm <- if(statistical) "Statistical" else paste(norm," Norm", sep="")
  p <- ggplot(data = df, aes_string(x = 'samplee', y = 'shrunke' )) + 
    geom_point(aes_string(color = 'typeofloss')) + 
    geom_line(aes_string(color = 'typeofloss')) + 
    geom_abline(aes_string(color = "y=x"), slope=1, intercept=0) + 
    scale_color_manual("", values = colors) + 
    xlab("Sample Eigenvalues") + ylab("Shrunk Eigenvalues") + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(n=10)) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(n=10)) +
    ggtitle(bquote(list(Discrepancy == .(norm), Spikes == .(numOfSpikes),
                        sigma^{2} == .(round(scale.factor,6)))))  + 
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.title=element_text(size=12), legend.key = element_blank())

#' Eigenvalue plot. Similar to figure 1 in the paper
#' @details
#' Compares shrunk eigenvalues against sample eigenvalues for all norms and losses
#' @importFrom scales pretty_breaks
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom grid textGrob gpar
#' @param R xts object of asset returns
#' @param gamma  ratio of varibales/observations. If NA it will be set to 
#'                ratio of varibales/observations
#' @param numOfSpikes model of the type spikedCovariance
#' @param method KNTest/median-fitting. Default is KNTest
#' @param ... additional arguments unused
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#'  data("rmtdata")
#'  plot(rmtdata, numOfSpikes=10)
#' }
#' @export
plotSpikedCovariance <- function(R, gamma = NA, numOfSpikes = NA, 
                                  method = "KNTest", ...) {
  dummyModel <- estSpikedCovariance(R, gamma = gamma, numOfSpikes = numOfSpikes, 
                            method = method, norm = "Frobenius", pivot = 1)
  p.frob <- .plot.spikedCovariance(dummyModel, norm = "Frobenius")
  p.oper <- .plot.spikedCovariance(dummyModel, norm =  "Operator")
  p.nuc  <- .plot.spikedCovariance(dummyModel, norm =  "Nuclear")
  p.stat <- .plot.spikedCovariance(dummyModel, statistical = TRUE)
  grid.arrange(p.frob, p.nuc, p.oper, p.stat, ncol = 2, 
               top = 
                 textGrob("Optimal Shrinkers for 26 Component Loss Functions",
               gp=gpar(fontsize=20, fontface = 'bold')))

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