
Defines functions get_cov pl_fun get_gamma fit_univariate get_pl_moments get_pl_mean get_bs skewkurt_discrepancy get_segment_moments get_truncated_moments get_lowerupper unflatten get_pair_idx get_uncond_pcs create.submatrix

create.submatrix <- function(I, Matrix)
  # I <- unique(I)
  d <- dim(Matrix)[1]
  l <- length(I)

  for (i in (d:1))
    if(sum(Matrix[, i] %in% I) == l)

  sub.matrix <- Matrix[(i:d), (i:d)]

  remove.ind <- which(!(diag(sub.matrix) %in% I))
  if (length(remove.ind) != 0)
    sub.matrix <- sub.matrix[, -remove.ind]

  new.sub.matrix <- NULL

  for (i in (1:(dim(sub.matrix)[2])))
    indx <- which(sub.matrix[, i] %in% I)

    tmp.mat <- sub.matrix[indx, i]
    new.sub.matrix <- cbind(new.sub.matrix, c(rep(0, length(I) - length(tmp.mat)),

  sub.matrix <- new.sub.matrix
  return(list(sub.matrix = sub.matrix))

## functions that return the order of pcs in vines structure recursive!
get_uncond_pcs <- function(M)
  a <- cbind(diag(M[nrow(M):1, ]), M[1, ])
  return(a[-nrow(a), ])
get_pair_idx <- function(M)
  res <- matrix(get_uncond_pcs(M), ncol = 2)
  tree <- 1
  res <- cbind(res, tree)
  if (nrow(M) > 2)
    for (tree in 2:(nrow(M) - 1))
      tmpM <- M[tree:nrow(M), 1:length(tree:nrow(M))]
      tmpM <- matrix(get_uncond_pcs(tmpM), ncol = 2)
      tmpM <- cbind(tmpM, tree)
      res <- rbind(res, tmpM)
# un-flatten
unflatten <- function(longlist)
  position <- length(longlist)
  ll <- 1
  mylist <- list()
  while (position > 0)
    mylist <- c(mylist, list(longlist[(position - ll + 1):position]))
    position <- position - ll
    ll <- ll + 1

## adf test 2. We first estimate W Matrix from large sample, and use it
## repeatedly.
# test_covariance2 <- function(sigma.target, vc, n = 10^5, bign = 10^6, reps = 100)
# {
#   model <- NULL
#   for (i in 1:ncol(sigma.target)) model <- paste(model, paste0("x", i,
#                                                                "~~", diag(sigma.target)[i], "*x", i, "\n"))
#   for (i in 2:nrow(sigma.target))
#   {
#     for (j in 1:(i - 1)) model <- paste(model, paste0("x", i, "~~",
#                                                       sigma.target[i, j], "*x", j, "\n"))
#   }
#   ## large WLS weight matrix
#   bigsample <- data.frame(rvine(bign, vc, cores=parallel::detectCores()))
#   wls.V <- solve(lavaan:::lavGamma(bigsample)[[1]])
#   wls.0 <- lavaan::lav_matrix_vech(sigma.target)
#   pvalues <- numeric(reps)
#   set.seed(1)
#   pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = reps, style = 3)
#   for (i in 1:reps)
#   {
#     wls.obs <- lavaan::lav_matrix_vech(cov(rvinecopulib::rvine(n, vc,cores=parallel::detectCores())))
#     wls.res <- as.matrix(wls.obs - wls.0)
#     TestStat <- (n - 1) * as.numeric(t(wls.res) %*% wls.V %*% wls.res)
#     pvalues[i] <- 1 - pchisq(TestStat, df = length(wls.obs))
#     setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
#   }
#   # pvalues should be uniformly distributed
#   res <- ks.test(pvalues, y = "punif")
#   res$p.value
# }

# one-parameter copulas
get_lowerupper <- function(name)
  names <- c("gaussian", "clayton", "gumbel", "frank", "joe", "indep")
  bound_list <- list(c(-1, 1), c(0.0001, 28), c(1, 50), c(-35, 34.8), c(1,
                                                                      30), c(0,0))
  bound_list[[grep(name, names, fixed = T)]]

## PLSIM functions
get_truncated_moments <- function(g1,g2){# orjebins recursive formula
  # second term in recursive formula should be zero at infinite endpoint
  infg1 <- is.infinite(g1); infg2 <-  is.infinite(g2)
  Diff <- stats::pnorm(g2)-stats::pnorm(g1)
  m <- c(0,1, (stats::dnorm(g1)-stats::dnorm(g2))/Diff)
  m <- c(m, (length(m)-2)*m[length(m)-1]-(ifelse(infg2,0, g2)^(length(m)-2)*stats::dnorm(g2)-ifelse(infg1,0, g1)^(length(m)-2)*stats::dnorm(g1))/Diff)
  m <- c(m, (length(m)-2)*m[length(m)-1]-(ifelse(infg2,0, g2)^(length(m)-2)*stats::dnorm(g2)-ifelse(infg1,0, g1)^(length(m)-2)*stats::dnorm(g1))/Diff)
  m <- c(m, (length(m)-2)*m[length(m)-1]-(ifelse(infg2,0, g2)^(length(m)-2)*stats::dnorm(g2)-ifelse(infg1,0, g1)^(length(m)-2)*stats::dnorm(g1))/Diff)

# (a_iZ+b_i)*I( g1 < Z < g2)
get_segment_moments <- function(a, b, g1, g2){
  #moments of Z*I( g1 < Z < g2)
  mom <- c(1, get_truncated_moments(g1, g2))*(stats::pnorm(g2)-stats::pnorm(g1))

  koefs <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, a, b,
                    0, 0, a^2, 2*a*b, b^2,
                    0, a^3, 3*a^2*b, 3*a*b^2, b^3,
                    a^4, 4*a^3*b, 6*a^2*b^2,4*a*b^3, b^4), byrow = T, nrow=4)
  as.vector(koefs %*% matrix(rev(mom)))

#skew and kurtosis
skewkurt_discrepancy <- function(a, gamma, skew, kurt){#
  ##  continuity.zero mean.
  b <- get_bs(a, gamma)
  mom <- get_pl_moments(a,b, gamma)
  var <- mom[2]
  s <- mom[3]/var^1.5
  k <- mom[4]/var^2-3
#calibrate b for zero mean and continuity
get_bs <- function(a, gamma){
  b <- rep(0, length(a))
  for(i in 2:length(b))
    b[i] <- b[i-1]+(a[i-1]-a[i])*gamma[i-1]

get_pl_mean <- function(a,b,gamma){
  ddiff <- diff(stats::dnorm(c(-Inf, gamma, Inf)))
  pdiff <- diff(stats::pnorm(c(-Inf, gamma, Inf)))
  -sum(ddiff*a)+sum(pdiff*b)#in paper

get_pl_moments <- function(a, b, gamma){
  g <- c(-Inf, gamma, Inf)
  res <- sapply(1:length(a), function(i){
    get_segment_moments(a[i],b[i], g[i], g[i+1])

## fit piecewise linear functions
fit_univariate <- function(gammalist, skew, kurt, scale=FALSE, monot){

  alist <- lapply( 1:length(skew), function(i){
    out <- stats::nlminb(start=rep(1, length(gammalist[[i]])+1),
                  objective =skewkurt_discrepancy,
                  gamma=gammalist[[i]], skew=skew[i], kurt=kurt[i], lower=ifelse(monot, 0.05,-Inf))
    if(out$objective< 1e-4)

  if(sum(is.na(alist)) > 0)

    alist <- lapply(1:length(alist), function(i){
      a <- alist[[i]]; gamma <- gammalist[[i]]
      b <- get_bs(a, gamma)
      mom <- get_pl_moments(a, b, gamma)

# regular gammas
get_gamma <- function(k) stats::qnorm((1:k)/k)[1:(k-1)]

pl_fun <- function(x, a, b, gamma){
  k <- findInterval(x, gamma)+1

get_cov<- function(a1, b1, gamma1, a2,b2, gamma2, rho){
  gg1 <- c(-Inf, gamma1, Inf)
  gg2 <- c(-Inf, gamma2, Inf)

  cov <- 0
  for(j in 2:length(gg2)){
    low2 <- gg2[j-1]; upp2 <- gg2[j]
    a2.tmp <- a2[j-1]; b2.tmp <- b2[j-1]
    for(i in 2:length(gg1)){
      low1 <- gg1[i-1]; upp1 <- gg1[i]
      a1.tmp <- a1[i-1]; b1.tmp <- b1[i-1]

      prob <- tmvtnorm::ptmvnorm(lowerx=c(low1,low2), upperx=c(upp1,upp2),
                                 sigma=matrix(c(1,rho, rho, 1),2))

      ## sometimes returns NA for extreme case
      ## so we break if prob is 0
      if (prob < 1e-6)

      res <- tmvtnorm::mtmvnorm(sigma=matrix(c(1,rho, rho, 1),2),
                                lower=c(low1,low2), upper=c(upp1,upp2))
      ex <- res$tmean[1]; ey <- res$tmean[2]
      exy <- res$tvar[1,2]+ex*ey
        cat("NA in exy for",i, j, "\n")
      cov <- cov + (a1.tmp*a2.tmp*exy +a1.tmp*b2.tmp*ex+

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