
Defines functions whichreind reinds whichterms yfrm slotApply slotsz ST2Omega abbrvNms BlockDiagonal formatVC print.coef.mer print.ranef.mer plist coef.mer convergenceMessage famType mkZt VecFromNames lmerControl checkSTform lmerFactorList isLMM.mer isNLMM.mer isGLMM.mer isREML.mer isGLMM isNLMM isLMM isREML isNested lmerFrames createCm expandSlash makeInteraction slashTerms subnms subbars nobars findbars

# lmer, glmer and nlmer plus methods and utilities

### Utilities for parsing the mixed model formula

findbars <- function(term)
### Return the pairs of expressions that separated by vertical bars
    if (is.name(term) || !is.language(term)) return(NULL)
    if (term[[1]] == as.name("(")) return(findbars(term[[2]]))
    if (!is.call(term)) stop("term must be of class call")
    if (term[[1]] == as.name('|')) return(term)
    if (length(term) == 2) return(findbars(term[[2]]))
    c(findbars(term[[2]]), findbars(term[[3]]))

nobars <- function(term)
### Return the formula omitting the pairs of expressions that are
### separated by vertical bars
    if (!('|' %in% all.names(term))) return(term)
    if (is.call(term) && term[[1]] == as.name('|')) return(NULL)
    if (length(term) == 2) {
	nb <- nobars(term[[2]])
	if (is.null(nb)) return(NULL)
	term[[2]] <- nb
    nb2 <- nobars(term[[2]])
    nb3 <- nobars(term[[3]])
    if (is.null(nb2)) return(nb3)
    if (is.null(nb3)) return(nb2)
    term[[2]] <- nb2
    term[[3]] <- nb3

subbars <- function(term)
### Substitute the '+' function for the '|' function
    if (is.name(term) || !is.language(term)) return(term)
    if (length(term) == 2) {
	term[[2]] <- subbars(term[[2]])
    stopifnot(length(term) >= 3)
    if (is.call(term) && term[[1]] == as.name('|'))
	term[[1]] <- as.name('+')
    for (j in 2:length(term)) term[[j]] <- subbars(term[[j]])

subnms <- function(term, nlist)
### Substitute any names from nlist in term with 1
    if (!is.language(term)) return(term)
    if (is.name(term)) {
        if (any(unlist(lapply(nlist, get("=="), term)))) return(1)
    stopifnot(length(term) >= 2)
    for (j in 2:length(term)) term[[j]] <- subnms(term[[j]], nlist)

slashTerms <- function(x)
### Return the list of '/'-separated terms in an expression that
### contains slashes
    if (!("/" %in% all.names(x))) return(x)
    if (x[[1]] != as.name("/"))
        stop("unparseable formula for grouping factor")
    list(slashTerms(x[[2]]), slashTerms(x[[3]]))

makeInteraction <- function(x)
### from a list of length 2 return recursive interaction terms
    if (length(x) < 2) return(x)
    trm1 <- makeInteraction(x[[1]])
    trm11 <- if(is.list(trm1)) trm1[[1]] else trm1
    list(substitute(foo:bar, list(foo=x[[2]], bar = trm11)), trm1)

expandSlash <- function(bb)
### expand any slashes in the grouping factors returned by findbars
    if (!is.list(bb)) return(expandSlash(list(bb)))
    ## I really do mean lapply(unlist(... - unlist returns a
    ## flattened list in this case
    unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) {
        if (length(x) > 2 && is.list(trms <- slashTerms(x[[3]])))
                          function(trm) substitute(foo|bar,
                                                   list(foo = x[[2]],
                                                        bar = trm))))

### Utilities used in lmer, glmer and nlmer

createCm <- function(A, s)
### Create the nonzero pattern for the sparse matrix Cm from A.
### ncol(A) is s * ncol(Cm).  The s groups of ncol(Cm) consecutive
### columns in A are overlaid to produce Cm.
    stopifnot(is(A, "dgCMatrix"))
    s <- as.integer(s)[1]
    if (s == 1L) return(A)
    if ((nc <- ncol(A)) %% s)
        stop(gettextf("ncol(A) = %d is not a multiple of s = %d",
                      nc, s))
    ncC <- as.integer(nc / s)
    TA <- as(A, "TsparseMatrix")
    as(new("dgTMatrix", Dim = c(nrow(A), ncC),
           i = TA@i, j = as.integer(TA@j %% ncC), x = TA@x),

### FIXME: somehow the environment of the mf formula does not have
### .globalEnv in its parent list.  example(Mmmec, package = "mlmRev")
### used to have a formula of ~ offset(log(expected)) + ... and the
### offset function was not found in eval(mf, parent.frame(2))
lmerFrames <- function(mc, formula, contrasts, vnms = character(0))
### Create the model frame, X, Y, wts, offset and terms

### mc - matched call of calling function
### formula - two-sided formula
### contrasts - contrasts argument
### vnms - names of variables to be included in the model frame
    mf <- mc
    m <- match(c("data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", "offset"),
               names(mf), 0)
    mf <- mf[c(1, m)]

    ## The model formula for evaluation of the model frame.  It looks
    ## like a linear model formula but includes any random effects
    ## terms and any names of parameters used in a nonlinear mixed model.
    frame.form <- subbars(formula)      # substitute `+' for `|'
    if (length(vnms) > 0)               # add the variables names for nlmer
        frame.form[[3]] <-
            substitute(foo + bar,
                       list(foo = parse(text = paste(vnms, collapse = ' + '))[[1]],
                            bar = frame.form[[3]]))

    ## The model formula for the fixed-effects terms only.
    fixed.form <- nobars(formula)       # remove any terms with `|'
    if (!inherits(fixed.form, "formula"))
      ## RHS is empty - use `y ~ 1'
      fixed.form <- as.formula(substitute(foo ~ 1, list(foo = fixed.form)))

    ## attach the correct environment
    environment(fixed.form) <- environment(frame.form) <- environment(formula)

    ## evaluate a model frame
    mf$formula <- frame.form
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    fe <- mf                            # save a copy of the call
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame(2))

    ## evaluate the terms for the fixed-effects only (used in anova)
    fe$formula <- fixed.form
    fe <- eval(fe, parent.frame(2)) # allow model.frame to update them

    ## response vector
    Y <- model.response(mf, "any")
    ## avoid problems with 1D arrays, but keep names
    if(length(dim(Y)) == 1) {
        nm <- rownames(Y)
        dim(Y) <- NULL
        if(!is.null(nm)) names(Y) <- nm
    mt <- attr(fe, "terms")

    ## Extract X checking for a null model. This check shouldn't be
    ## needed because an empty formula is changed to ~ 1 but it can't hurt.
    X <- if (!is.empty.model(mt))
        model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts) else matrix(,NROW(Y),0)
    storage.mode(X) <- "double"      # when ncol(X) == 0, X is logical
    fixef <- numeric(ncol(X))
    names(fixef) <- colnames(X)
    dimnames(X) <- NULL

    ## Extract the weights and offset.  For S4 classes we want the
    ## `not used' condition to be numeric(0) instead of NULL
    wts <- model.weights(mf); if (is.null(wts)) wts <- numeric(0)
    off <- model.offset(mf); if (is.null(off)) off <- numeric(0)

    ## check weights and offset
    if (any(wts <= 0))
        stop(gettextf("negative weights or weights of zero are not allowed"))
    if(length(off) && length(off) != NROW(Y))
        stop(gettextf("number of offsets is %d should equal %d (number of observations)",
                      length(off), NROW(Y)))

    ## remove the terms attribute from mf
    attr(mf, "terms") <- mt
    list(Y = Y, X = X, wts = as.double(wts), off = as.double(off), mf = mf, fixef = fixef)

##' Is f1 nested within f2?
##' Does every level of f1 occur in conjunction with exactly one level
##' of f2? The function is based on converting a triplet sparse matrix
##' to a compressed column-oriented form in which the nesting can be
##' quickly evaluated.
##' @param f1 factor 1
##' @param f2 factor 2

##' @return TRUE if factor 1 is nested within factor 2

isNested <- function(f1, f2)
    f1 <- as.factor(f1)
    f2 <- as.factor(f2)
    stopifnot(length(f1) == length(f2))
    sm <- as(new("ngTMatrix",
                 i = as.integer(f2) - 1L,
                 j = as.integer(f1) - 1L,
                 Dim = c(length(levels(f2)),
    all(diff(sm@p) < 2)

isREML <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("isREML")
isLMM  <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("isLMM")
isNLMM <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("isNLMM")
isGLMM <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("isGLMM")

##' @S3method isREML mer
isREML.mer <- function(x, ...) as.logical(x@dims["REML"])

##' @S3method isGLMM mer
isGLMM.mer <- function(x,...) {
    length(x@muEta) > 0
  ## or: is(x@resp,"glmResp")

##' @S3method isNLMM mer
isNLMM.mer <- function(x,...) {
  ## or: is(x@resp,"nlsResp")
  !isLMM.mer(x) & !isGLMM.mer(x)

##' @S3method isLMM mer
isLMM.mer <- function(x,...) as.logical(x@dims["LMM"])
## or: is(x@resp,"lmerResp") ?

##' dimsNames and devNames are in the package's namespace rather than
##' in the function lmerFactorList because the function sparseRasch
##' needs to access them.

dimsNames <- c("nt", "n", "p", "q", "s", "np", "LMM", "REML",
               "fTyp", "lTyp", "vTyp", "nest", "useSc", "nAGQ",
               "verb", "mxit", "mxfn", "cvg")
dimsDefault <- list(s = 1L,             # identity mechanistic model
                    mxit= 300L,         # maximum number of iterations
                    mxfn= 900L, # maximum number of function evaluations
                    verb= 0L,           # no verbose output
                    np= 0L,             # number of parameters in ST
                    LMM= 0L,            # not a linear mixed model
                    REML= 0L,         # glmer and nlmer don't use REML
                    fTyp= 2L,           # default family is "gaussian"
                    lTyp= 5L,           # default link is "identity"
                    vTyp= 1L, # default variance function is "constant"
                    useSc= 1L, # default is to use the scale parameter
                    nAGQ= 1L,                  # default is Laplace
                    cvg = 0L)                  # no optimization yet attempted

devNames <- c("ML", "REML", "ldL2", "ldRX2", "sigmaML",
              "sigmaREML", "pwrss", "disc", "usqr", "wrss",
              "dev", "llik", "NULLdev")

##' Create model matrices from r.e. terms.
##' Create the list of model matrices from the random-effects terms in
##' the formula and the model frame.
##' @param formula model formula
##' @param fr: list with '$mf': model frame; '$X': .. matrix
##' @param rmInt logical scalar - should the `(Intercept)` column
##'        be removed before creating Zt
##' @param drop logical scalar indicating if elements with numeric
##'        value 0 should be dropped from the sparse model matrices
##' @return a list with components named \code{"trms"}, \code{"fl"}
##'        and \code{"dims"}
lmerFactorList <- function(formula, fr, rmInt, drop)
    mf <- fr$mf
    ## record dimensions and algorithm settings

    ## create factor list for the random effects
    bars <- expandSlash(findbars(formula[[3]]))
    if (!length(bars)) stop("No random effects terms specified in formula")
    names(bars) <- unlist(lapply(bars, function(x) deparse(x[[3]])))
    fl <- vector("list", length(bars))
    for (i in 1:length(bars)) {
      x <- bars[[i]]
      ff <- eval(substitute(as.factor(fac)[,drop = TRUE],
                           list(fac = x[[3]])), mf)
      im <- as(ff, "sparseMatrix") # transpose of indicators
      ## Could well be that we should rather check earlier .. :
      if(!isTRUE(validObject(im, test=TRUE)))
		     stop("invalid conditioning factor in random effect: ", format(x[[3]]))

      mm <- model.matrix(eval(substitute(~ expr, # model matrix
                                        list(expr = x[[2]]))),
      if (rmInt) {
         if (is.na(icol <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(mm)))) break
         if (ncol(mm) < 2)
             stop("lhs of a random-effects term cannot be an intercept only")
         mm <- mm[ , -icol , drop = FALSE]
      ans <- list(f = ff,
                 A = do.call(rbind,
                 lapply(seq_len(ncol(mm)), function(j) im)),
                 Zt = do.call(rbind,
                        function(j) {im@x <- mm[,j]; im})),
                 ST = matrix(0, ncol(mm), ncol(mm),
                 dimnames = list(colnames(mm), colnames(mm))))
      if (drop) {
         ## This is only used for nlmer models.
         ## Need to do something more complicated for A
         ## here.  Essentially you need to create a copy
         ## of im for each column of mm, im@x <- mm[,j],
         ## create the appropriate number of copies,
         ## prepend matrices of zeros, then rbind and drop0.
         ans$A@x <- rep(0, length(ans$A@x))
         ans$Zt <- drop0(ans$Zt)
     fl[[i]] <- ans
    fl <- fl[!sapply(fl, is.null)]
    names(fl) <- names(bars)
    dd <-
        VecFromNames(dimsNames, "integer",
                     c(list(n = nrow(mf), p = ncol(fr$X), nt = length(fl),
                            q = sum(sapply(fl, function(el) nrow(el$Zt)))),
    ## order terms by decreasing number of levels in the factor but don't
    ## change the order if this is already true
    nlev <- sapply(fl, function(el) length(levels(el$f)))
    ## determine the number of random effects at this point
    if (any(diff(nlev)) > 0) fl <- fl[rev(order(nlev))]
    ## separate the terms from the factor list
    trms <- lapply(fl, "[", -1)
    names(trms) <- NULL
    fl <- lapply(fl, "[[", "f")
    attr(fl, "assign") <- seq_along(fl)
    ## check for repeated factors
    fnms <- names(fl)
    if (length(fnms) > length(ufn <- unique(fnms))) {
        ## check that the lengths of the number of levels coincide
        fl <- fl[match(ufn, fnms)]
        attr(fl, "assign") <- match(fnms, ufn)
    names(fl) <- ufn
    ## check for nesting of factors
    dd["nest"] <- all(sapply(seq_along(fl)[-1],
                             function(i) isNested(fl[[i-1]], fl[[i]])))
    list(trms = trms, fl = fl, dims = dd)

checkSTform <- function(ST, STnew)
### Check that the 'STnew' argument matches the form of ST.
    stopifnot(is.list(STnew), length(STnew) == length(ST),
              all.equal(names(ST), names(STnew)))
    lapply(seq_along(STnew), function (i)
           stopifnot(class(STnew[[i]]) == class(ST[[i]]),
                     all.equal(dim(STnew[[i]]), dim(ST[[i]]))))
    all(unlist(lapply(STnew, function(m) all(diag(m) > 0))))

lmerControl <- function(msVerbose = getOption("verbose"),
                        maxIter = 300L, maxFN = 900L)
### Control parameters for lmer, glmer and nlmer
    stopifnot(maxIter >= 0, maxFN >= 0)
         maxIter = as.integer(maxIter),
         maxFN = as.integer(maxFN),
	 msVerbose = as.integer(msVerbose))# "integer" on purpose

##' Generate a named vector of the given mode.
##' NB: If \code{defaults} contains more than one entry of a given name,
##' the *last* one wins
VecFromNames <- function(nms, mode = "numeric", defaults = list())
    ans <- vector(mode = mode, length = length(nms))
    names(ans) <- nms
    ans[] <- NA
    if ((nd <- length(defaults <- as.list(defaults))) > 0) {
        if (length(dnms <- names(defaults)) < nd)
            stop("defaults must be a named list")
        stopifnot(all(dnms %in% nms))
        ans[dnms] <- as(unlist(defaults), mode)

mkZt <- function(FL, start, s = 1L)
### Create the standard versions of flist, Zt, Gp, ST, A, Cm,
### Cx, and L. Update dd.
    dd <- FL$dims
    fl <- FL$fl
    asgn <- attr(fl, "assign")
    trms <- FL$trms
    ST <- lapply(trms, `[[`, "ST")
    Ztl <- lapply(trms, `[[`, "Zt")
    Zt <- do.call(rbind, Ztl)
    Zt@Dimnames <- vector("list", 2)
    Gp <- c(0L, cumsum(vapply(Ztl, nrow, 1L, USE.NAMES=FALSE)))
    .Call("mer_ST_initialize", ST, Gp, Zt)
    A <- do.call(rbind, lapply(trms, `[[`, "A"))
    rm(Ztl, FL)                         # because they could be large
    nc <- sapply(ST, ncol)         # of columns in els of ST
    Cm <- createCm(A, s)
    L <- .Call("mer_create_L", Cm)
    if (s < 2) Cm <- new("dgCMatrix")
    if (!is.null(start) && checkSTform(ST, start)) ST <- start

    nvc <- sapply(nc, function (qi) (qi * (qi + 1))/2) # no. of var. comp.
### FIXME: Check number of variance components versus number of
### levels in the factor for each term. Warn or stop as appropriate

    dd["np"] <- as.integer(sum(nvc))    # number of parameters in optimization
    dev <- VecFromNames(devNames, "numeric")
    fl <- do.call(data.frame, c(fl, check.names = FALSE))
    attr(fl, "assign") <- asgn

    list(Gp = Gp, ST = ST, A = A, Cm = Cm, L = L, Zt = Zt,
         dd = dd, dev = dev, flist = fl)

famNms <- c("binomial", "gaussian", "Gamma", "inverse.gaussian",
linkNms <- c("logit", "probit", "cauchit", "cloglog", "identity",
	     "log", "sqrt", "1/mu^2", "inverse")
varNms <- c("constant", "mu(1-mu)", "mu", "mu^2", "mu^3")

famType <- function(family)
    if (!(fTyp <- match(family$family, famNms, nomatch = 0)))
        stop(gettextf("unknown GLM family: %s",
                      sQuote(family$family), domain = "R-lme4"))
    if (!(lTyp <- match(family$link, linkNms, nomatch = 0)))
        stop(gettextf("unknown link: %s",
                      sQuote(family$link), domain = "R-lme4"))
    vNam <- switch(fTyp,
                   "mu(1-mu)",          # binomial
                   "constant",          # gaussian
                   "mu^2",              # Gamma
                   "mu^3",              # inverse.gaussian
                   "mu")                # poisson
    if (!(vTyp <- match(vNam, varNms, nomatch = 0)))
        stop(gettextf("unknown GLM family: %s",
                      sQuote(family$family), domain = "R-lme4"))
    c(fTyp = fTyp, lTyp = lTyp, vTyp = vTyp)

convergenceMessage <- function(cvg)
### Create the convergence message
    msg <- switch(as.character(cvg),
                  "3" = "X-convergence (3)",
                  "4" = "relative convergence (4)",
                  "5" = "both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)",
                  "6" = "absolute function convergence (6)",

                  "7" = "singular convergence (7)",
                  "8" = "false convergence (8)",
                  "9" = "function evaluation limit reached without convergence (9)",
                  "10" = "iteration limit reached without convergence (9)",
                  "14" = "storage has been allocated (?) (14)",

                  "15" = "LIV too small (15)",
                  "16" = "LV too small (16)",
                  "63" = "fn cannot be computed at initial par (63)",
                  "65" = "gr cannot be computed at initial par (65)")
    if (is.null(msg))
        msg <- paste("See PORT documentation.  Code (", cvg, ")", sep = "")

#### Extractors specific to mixed-effects models

coef.mer <- function(object, ...)
    if (length(list(...)))
        warning(paste('arguments named "',
                      paste(names(list(...)), collapse = ", "),
                      '" ignored', sep = ''))
    fef <- data.frame(rbind(fixef(object)), check.names = FALSE)
    ref <- ranef(object)
    ## check for variables in RE but missing from FE, fill in zeros in FE accordingly
    refnames <- unlist(lapply(ref,colnames))
    nmiss <- length(missnames <- setdiff(refnames,names(fef)))
    if (nmiss >0) {
        fillvars <- setNames(data.frame(rbind(rep(0,nmiss))),missnames)
        fef <- cbind(fillvars,fef)
    val <- lapply(ref, function(x) fef[rep(1, nrow(x)),,drop = FALSE])
    for (i in seq(a = val)) {
        refi <- ref[[i]]
        row.names(val[[i]]) <- row.names(refi)
        nmsi <- colnames(refi)
        if (!all(nmsi %in% names(fef)))
            stop("unable to align random and fixed effects")
        for (nm in nmsi) val[[i]][[nm]] <- val[[i]][[nm]] + refi[,nm]
    class(val) <- "coef.mer"

setMethod("coef", signature(object = "cpglmm"), coef.mer)

setAs("cpglmm", "dtCMatrix", function(from)
### Extract the L matrix
      as(from@L, "sparseMatrix"))

setMethod("fixef", signature(object = "cpglmm"),
          function(object, ...)
### Extract the fixed effects

##' Create a list of lists from multiple parallel lists

##' @param A a list
##' @param ... other, parallel lists

##' @return a list of lists

plist <- function(A, ...)
    dots <- list(...)
    stopifnot(is.list(A), all(sapply(dots, is.list)),
              all(sapply(dots, length) == length(A)))
    dots <- c(list(A), dots)
    ans <- A
    for (i in seq_along(A)) ans[[i]] <- lapply(dots, "[[", i)

##' Extract the random effects.
##' Extract the conditional modes, which for a linear mixed model are
##' also the conditional means, of the random effects, given the
##' observed responses.  These also depend on the model parameters.
##' @param object an object that inherits from the \code{\linkS4class{mer}} class
##' @param postVar logical scalar - should the posterior variance be returned
##' @param drop logical scalar - drop dimensions of single extent
##' @param whichel - vector of names of factors for which to return results

##' @return a named list of arrays or vectors, aligned to the factor list

setMethod("ranef", signature(object = "cpglmm"),
          function(object, postVar = FALSE, drop = FALSE, whichel = names(wt), ...)
          rr <- object@ranef
          ## nt is the number of terms, cn is the list of column names
          nt <- length(cn <- lapply(object@ST, colnames))
          lterm <- lapply(plist(reinds(object@Gp), cn),
                          function(el) {
                              cni <- el[[2]]
                              matrix(rr[ el[[1]] ], ncol = length(cni),
                                     dimnames = list(NULL, cni))
          wt <- whichterms(object)
          ans <- lapply(plist(wt, object@flist),
                        function(el) {
                            ans <- do.call(cbind, lterm[ el[[1]] ])
                            rownames(ans) <- levels(el[[2]])
                            data.frame(ans, check.names = FALSE)
          ## Process whichel
          stopifnot(is(whichel, "character"))
          whchL <- names(wt) %in% whichel
          ans <- ans[whchL]

          if (postVar) {
              pV <- .Call("mer_postVar", object, whchL)
              for (i in seq_along(ans))
                  attr(ans[[i]], "postVar") <- pV[[i]]
          if (drop)
              ans <- lapply(ans, function(el)
                            if (ncol(el) > 1) return(el)
                            pv <- drop(attr(el, "postVar"))
                            el <- drop(as.matrix(el))
                            if (!is.null(pv))
                                attr(el, "postVar") <- pv
          class(ans) <- "ranef.mer"

print.ranef.mer <- function(x, ...) print(unclass(x), ...)
print.coef.mer <- function(x, ...) print(unclass(x), ...)

setGeneric("sigma", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sigma"))
setMethod("sigma", signature(object = "cpglmm"),
          function (object, ...) {
              dd <- object@dims
	      if(!dd[["useSc"]]) return(1)
	      object@deviance[[if(dd[["REML"]]) "sigmaREML" else "sigmaML"]]

#### Methods for standard extractors for fitted models

setMethod("anova", signature(object = "cpglmm"),
	  function(object, ...)
	  mCall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
	  dots <- list(...)
	  modp <- if (length(dots))
	      sapply(dots, is, "cpglmm") | sapply(dots, is, "lm") else logical(0)
	  if (any(modp)) {		# multiple models - form table
	      opts <- dots[!modp]
	      mods <- c(list(object), dots[modp])
	      names(mods) <- sapply(as.list(mCall)[c(FALSE, TRUE, modp)],
	      mods <- mods[order(sapply(lapply(mods, logLik, REML = FALSE),
					attr, "df"))]
	      calls <- lapply(mods, slot, "call")
	      data <- lapply(calls, "[[", "data")
	      if (any(data != data[[1]]))
		  stop("all models must be fit to the same data object")
	      header <- paste("Data:", data[[1]])
	      subset <- lapply(calls, "[[", "subset")
	      if (any(subset != subset[[1]]))
		  stop("all models must use the same subset")
	      if (!is.null(subset[[1]]))
		  header <-
		      c(header, paste("Subset", deparse(subset[[1]]), sep = ": "))
	      llks <- lapply(mods, logLik, REML = FALSE)
	      Df <- sapply(llks, attr, "df")
	      llk <- unlist(llks)
	      chisq <- 2 * pmax(0, c(NA, diff(llk)))
	      dfChisq <- c(NA, diff(Df))
	      val <- data.frame(Df = Df,
				AIC = sapply(llks, AIC),
				BIC = sapply(llks, BIC),
				logLik = llk,
				"Chisq" = chisq,
				"Chi Df" = dfChisq,
				"Pr(>Chisq)" = pchisq(chisq, dfChisq, lower.tail = FALSE),
				row.names = names(mods), check.names = FALSE)
	      class(val) <- c("anova", class(val))
              attr(val, "heading") <-
                  c(header, "Models:",
                    paste(rep(names(mods), times = unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(calls,
                                           "[[", "formula"), deparse), length))),
                         unlist(lapply(lapply(calls, "[[", "formula"), deparse)),
                         sep = ": "))
	  else { ## ------ single model ---------------------
            if (length(object@muEta))
              stop("single argument anova for GLMMs not yet implemented")
            if (length(object@V))
              stop("single argument anova for NLMMs not yet implemented")

            p <- object@dims[["p"]]
            ss <- (.Call("mer_update_projection", object)[[2]])^2
            names(ss) <- names(object@fixef)
            asgn <- attr(object@X, "assign")

            terms <- terms(object)
            nmeffects <- attr(terms, "term.labels")
            if ("(Intercept)" %in% names(ss))
              nmeffects <- c("(Intercept)", nmeffects)
            ss <- unlist(lapply(split(ss, asgn), sum))
            df <- unlist(lapply(split(asgn,  asgn), length))
            ## dfr <- unlist(lapply(split(dfr, asgn), function(x) x[1]))
            ms <- ss/df
            f <- ms/(sigma(object)^2)
            ## P <- pf(f, df, dfr, lower.tail = FALSE)
            ## table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, dfr, f, P)
            table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, f)
	    dimnames(table) <-
		   ## c("Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "Denom", "F value", "Pr(>F)"))
		   c("Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value"))
            if ("(Intercept)" %in% nmeffects)
              table <- table[-match("(Intercept)", nmeffects), ]
            attr(table, "heading") <- "Analysis of Variance Table"
            class(table) <- c("anova", "data.frame")

setMethod("fitted", signature(object = "cpglmm"),
          function(object, ...)
          napredict(attr(object@frame, "na.action"), object@mu))

setMethod("residuals", signature(object = "cpglmm"),
	  function(object, ...)
          napredict(attr(object@frame, "na.action"), object@resid))

setMethod("resid", signature(object = "cpglmm"),
	  function(object, ...)
          napredict(attr(object@frame, "na.action"), object@resid))

### Show and print methods and utilities for them

formatVC <- function(varc, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2))
### "format()" the 'VarCorr' matrix of the random effects -- for show()ing
    sc <- unname(attr(varc, "sc"))
    recorr <- lapply(varc, attr, "correlation")
    reStdDev <- c(lapply(varc, attr, "stddev"), list(Residual = sc))
    reLens <- unlist(c(lapply(reStdDev, length)))
    nr <- sum(reLens)
    reMat <- array('', c(nr, 4),
		   list(rep.int('', nr),
			c("Groups", "Name", "Variance", "Std.Dev.")))
    reMat[1+cumsum(reLens)-reLens, 1] <- names(reLens)
    reMat[,2] <- c(unlist(lapply(varc, colnames)), "")
    reMat[,3] <- format(unlist(reStdDev)^2, digits = digits)
    reMat[,4] <- format(unlist(reStdDev), digits = digits)
    if (any(reLens > 1)) {
	maxlen <- max(reLens)
	corr <-
			   function(x, maxlen) {
			       x <- as(x, "matrix")
			       cc <- format(round(x, 3), nsmall = 3)
			       cc[!lower.tri(cc)] <- ""
			       nr <- dim(cc)[1]
			       if (nr >= maxlen) return(cc)
			       cbind(cc, matrix("", nr, maxlen-nr))
			   }, maxlen))
	colnames(corr) <- c("Corr", rep.int("", maxlen - 1))
	cbind(reMat, rbind(corr, rep.int("", ncol(corr))))
    } else reMat

BlockDiagonal <- function(lst)
    stopifnot(is(lst, "list"))
    lst <- lapply(lapply(lst, as, Class = "generalMatrix"),
                  as, Class = "TsparseMatrix")
    isSquare <- function(x) nrow(x) == ncol(x)
    stopifnot(all(sapply(lst, isSquare)),
              all(sapply(lst, is, class2 = "dMatrix")))
    if ((nl <- length(lst)) == 1) return(lst[[1]])

    offsets <- c(0L, cumsum(sapply(lst, ncol)))
    new("dgTMatrix", Dim = rep.int(offsets[nl + 1], 2),
        i = unlist(lapply(1:nl, function(i) lst[[i]]@i + offsets[i])),
        j = unlist(lapply(1:nl, function(i) lst[[i]]@j + offsets[i])),
        x = unlist(lapply(lst, slot, "x")))

abbrvNms <- function(gnm, cnms)
### Abbreviate names of columns in grouping factors
### gnm - group name
### cnms - column names
    ans <- paste(abbreviate(gnm), abbreviate(cnms), sep = '.')
    if (length(cnms) > 1) {
	anms <- lapply(cnms, abbreviate, minlength = 3)
	nmmat <- outer(anms, anms, paste, sep = '.')
	ans <- c(ans, paste(abbreviate(gnm, minlength = 3),
			    nmmat[upper.tri(nmmat)], sep = '.'))

ST2Omega <- function(ST)
### Temporary function to convert the ST representation of the
### relative variance-covariance matrix returned by lmer into the
### Omega representation required by lmer
    if (nrow(ST) == 1) return(as(1/ST^2, "dpoMatrix"))
    dd <- diag(ST)
    T <- as(ST, "dtrMatrix")
    T@diag <- "U"

## Utilities for the fitted mer object
slotsz <- function(obj)
    rev(sort(sapply(slotNames(obj), function(s) object.size(slot(obj, s)))))

slotApply <- function(object, f, ..., simplify = FALSE) {
   .localFun <- function(what, ...) f(slot(object, what), ...)
   sapply(slotNames(object), .localFun, ..., simplify = simplify)

yfrm <- function(fm)
    stopifnot(is(fm, "cpglmm"))
    snr <- slotApply(fm, function(x)
                     if (is(x, "matrix") ||
                         is(x, "data.frame") ||
                         is(x, "numeric")) return (NROW(x))
                 }, simplify = TRUE)
    snr <- snr[snr > 0 & !(names(snr) %in%
                           c("Gp", "dims", "deviance", "frame", "flist", "X"))]
    fr <- cbind(fm@frame, fm@flist[1:NROW(fm@frame), !(names(fm@flist) %in%
    n <- NROW(fr)
    if (NROW(fm@X) == n)
        fr <- cbind(fr, X = fm@X, Xbeta = fm@X %*% fm@fixef,
                    Zb = crossprod(fm@Zt, fm@ranef)@x)
    do.call(cbind, c(list(fr), sapply(names(which(snr == NROW(fr))),
                                      slot, object = fm, simplify = FALSE)))

##' Find terms associated with grouping factor names.

##' Determine the random-effects associated with particular grouping
##' factors.

##' @param fm a fitted model object of S4 class "mer"
##' @param fnm one or more grouping factor names, as a character vector

##' @return a list of indices of terms
##' @keywords models
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fm1 <- lmer(strength ~ (1|batch) + (1|sample), Pastes)
##' whichterms(fm1)
whichterms <- function(fm, fnm = names(fm@flist))
    stopifnot(is(fm, "cpglmm"), is.character(fnm))
    fl <- fm@flist
    asgn <- attr(fl, "assign")
    fnms <- names(fl)
    stopifnot(all(fnm %in% fnms))
    if (is.null(names(fnm))) names(fnm) <- fnm

    lapply(fnm, function(nm) which(asgn == match(nm, fnms)))

##' Random-effects indices by term

##' Returns a list of indices into the ranef vector by random-effects
##' terms.

##' @param Gp the Gp slot from an mer object

##' @return a list of random-effects indices
##' @keywords models
reinds <- function(Gp)
    lens <- diff(Gp)
    lapply(seq_along(lens), function(i) Gp[i] + seq_len(lens[i]))

##' Random-effects indices associated with grouping factor names

##' Determine the random-effects indices with particular grouping
##' factors.

##' @param fm a fitted model object of S4 class "mer"
##' @param fnm one or more grouping factor names, as a character vector

##' @return a list of indices of terms
##' @keywords models
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fm1 <- lmer(strength ~ (1|batch) + (1|sample), Pastes)
##' whichreind(fm1)
whichreind <- function(fm, fnm = names(fm@flist))
    lapply(whichterms(fm, fnm),
           function (ind) unlist(reinds(fm@Gp)[ind]))

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