#' @title Circular Stacked Dot Plot
#' @description Function \code{cdotplot} can be used to plot 2-dimensional
#' stacked dot plot for circular data.
#' @param x a circular data object that is fully defined by the user.
#' @param nbins the number of bins of the circular histogram. Internally,
#' it is rounded to a multiple of 4.
#' @param radius the radius of the reference circle. If \code{radius = 0},
#' a rose diagram is produced; if \code{radius > 0}, a circular histogram
#' is produced outside the reference circle.
#' @param unit the number of observations represented by each dot. If
#' \code{unit > 1}, it means that each dot represents multiple
#' observations.
#' @param area.prop logical; if \code{TRUE}, an area-proportional
#' transformation is applied; if \code{FALSE}, a height-proportional
#' transformationis applied.
#' @param total.area a positive number specifying the total area under the
#' density curve. If \code{total.area = NULL}, no scaling is applied, the
#' plot is in the original scale. If \code{area.prop = TRUE}, the total area
#' is automatically unity without scaling.
#' @param m the number of points within each bin to plot the circular dot
#' plot. The larger the number is, the smoother the plot looks.
#' @param col the color to fill the bars.
#' @param border the color of the border around the bars.
#' @param xlim numeric vectors of length 2, giving the x coordinates
#' ranges.
#' @param ylim numeric vectors of length 2, giving the y coordinates
#' ranges.
#' @param main the main title (on top)
#' @param x.legend x coordinate to plot the legend.
#' @param y.legend y coordinate to plot the legend.
#' @details If the number of observations is relatively small, the
#' usual circular stacked dot plot can be used with \code{unit = 1}.
#' If the dataset is large, the dots may become too dense to
#' visualize or count. Setting \code{unit} to be any positive
#' integer to allow each dot to represent more than one observation.
#' If the number of observations in one bin is not a multiple of the
#' specified unit, a partial dot can be used to represent the
#' remainder at the top of the bin.
#' @concept circular stacked dot plot
#' @return No return value
#' @author Danli Xu <>, Yong Wang <>
#' @references
#' Xu, D. and Wang, Y. (2020). Area-proportional Visualization for
#' Circular Data. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical
#' Statistics}, \bold{29}, 351-357.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cbarplot}}, \code{\link{cdensity}}, \code{\link{chist}}
#' @importFrom graphics hist plot points text polygon title
#' @importFrom stats uniroot
#' @importFrom circular rvonmises circular
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # 30 observations from two von Mises distributions
#' library(circular)
#' x = c(rvonmises(10, circular(pi/4), 5), rvonmises(20, circular(pi), 20))
#' cdotplot(x) # area-proportional dot plot
#' cdotplot(x, area = FALSE) # height-proportional dot plot
#' # 900 observations from two von Mises distributions
#' y = c(rvonmises(300, circular(pi/4), 5), rvonmises(600, circular(pi), 20))
#' cdotplot(y, nbins=76, unit = 10) # area-proportional (partial) dot plot
#' cdotplot(y, nbins=76, unit = 10, area = FALSE) # height-proportional
cdotplot = function(x, nbins=36, radius=1, unit=NA, area.prop=TRUE,
total.area=1, m=NA, col="lightblue", border="skyblue4",
xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, main=NULL,
x.legend="bottomright", y.legend=NULL) {
x = as.vector(x)
n = length(x)
pi = base::pi
nbins = max(4, round(nbins / 4) * 4)
if( m = max(ceiling(3600 / nbins), 2)
br = seq(0, 2 * pi, len = nbins + 1)
br2 = br[-(nbins+1)]
cb2 = cos(br2)
sb2 = sin(br2)
hist = hist(x, breaks = br, plot = FALSE)
if( unit = max(1, ceiling(n / 100))
count = hist$counts / unit
fr = hist$density ## else fr = hist$counts
# factor = if(scale) scalefactor(fr, radius) else 1
factor = scalefactor(fr, radius, total.area, area.prop)
if (is.null(total.area)) factor = 1
aa = diff(hist$breaks)[1] / 2 # length of semi-major
bb = 0.5 / (2 * n * pi / nbins / unit) # length of semi-minor
he = m * 2 # no. points to draw half of ellipse circumference
left = seq(pi / 2 * 3, pi / 2, len = he)
dotarea = pi * aa * bb # area of a full dot
toparea = count %% 1 * dotarea # area of the partial top dot
# plot region
fr2 = ceiling(fr * 2 * n * pi / nbins / unit) * unit / (2 * n * pi / nbins)
fr2f = circtrans(fr2, radius, area.prop, factor)
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim = c(-1,1) * max(abs(cb2 * fr2f))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(-1,1) * max(abs(sb2 * fr2f))
plot(0, type="n", asp=1, axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, xlim=xlim, ylim = ylim)
# stacked dot
for (i in 1:nbins) {
ndot = ceiling(count[i])
xc = hist$mids[i]
yc = c(seq_len(ndot), rev(seq_len(ndot))) /
(2 * n * pi / nbins / unit) - bb
si = rep(c(1, -1), rep(ndot, 2))
xdot = rep(xc, he) + rep(si, rep(he, length(si))) * aa *
cos(left) # theta in 2d
ydot = rep(yc, rep(he, length(yc))) + rep(si, rep(he, length(si))) * bb *
sin(left) # r in 2d
tdot = c(xdot, seq(hist$mids[i], hist$mids[i] + 2 * pi / nbins, len = m))
rdot = c(ydot, rep(0, m))
frdot = circtrans(rdot, radius, area.prop, factor)
polygon(cos(tdot) * frdot, sin(tdot) * frdot, col=col, border=border)
if (count[i] %% 1 > 0) {
toptheta = uniroot(farea, c(0 , 2 * pi), toparea[i], aa, bb)$root
arc = seq(- (pi - toptheta) / 2, pi + (pi - toptheta) / 2, len = he * 2)
tdot2 = rep(xc, he * 2) + cos(arc) * rtheta(arc, aa, bb)
rdot2 = rep(yc[ndot], he * 2) + sin(arc) * rtheta(arc, aa, bb)
tdot3 = seq(tdot2[length(tdot2)], tdot2[1], len = m)
rdot3 = rep(rdot2[1], m)
tdot23 = c(tdot2,tdot3)
rdot23 = c(rdot2,rdot3)
frdot23 = circtrans(rdot23, radius, area.prop, factor)
polygon(cos(tdot23) * frdot23, sin(tdot23) * frdot23,
col="white", border=border)
angle = seq(0, 2*pi, len=500) # draw reference circle
polygon(cos(angle)*radius, sin(angle)*radius, col="white", border=border)
points(0, 0, pch = 3)
## main title
main = paste0(if(area.prop) "Area" else "Height", "-proportional ",
"Dot Plot")
if(!is.null(x.legend)) {
legend = substitute(unit == val, list(val=unit))
legend(x.legend, y.legend, leg=legend, pch=21, cex=1.3,,
pt.cex=2.5, col=border, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5)
# length from a point on the circumference to the centre of an ellipse
rtheta = function(theta, major, minor)
major * minor / sqrt(sin(theta)^2 * major^2 + cos(theta)^2 * minor^2)
# area of a sector
fsector = function(theta, major, minor)
major * minor / 2 * (theta - atan((minor-major)*sin(2*theta) /
# area of a segment of a sector
farea = function(t, s, major, minor) {
t2 = (3 * pi + t) / 2
t1 = (3 * pi - t ) / 2
fsector(t2, major, minor) - fsector(t1, major, minor) -
rtheta(t2, major, minor) * rtheta(t1, major, minor) / 2 * sin(t) - s
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