#' Compile C++ code
#' [cpp_source()] compiles and loads a single C++ file for use in R.
#' [cpp_function()] compiles and loads a single function for use in R.
#' [cpp_eval()] evaluates a single C++ expression and returns the result.
#' Within C++ code you can use `[[cpp11::linking_to("pkgxyz")]]` to link to
#' external packages. This is equivalent to putting those packages in the
#' `LinkingTo` field in a package DESCRIPTION.
#' @param file A file containing C++ code to compile
#' @param code If non-null, the C++ code to compile
#' @param env The R environment where the R wrapping functions should be defined.
#' @param clean If `TRUE`, cleanup the files after sourcing
#' @param quiet If 'TRUE`, do not show compiler output
#' @param cxx_std The C++ standard to use, the `CXX_STD` make macro is set to
#' this value. The default value queries the `CXX_STD` environment variable, or
#' uses 'CXX11' if unset.
#' @param dir The directory to store the generated source files. `tempfile()` is
#' used by default. The directory will be removed if `clean` is `TRUE`.
#' @return For [cpp_source()] and `[cpp_function()]` the results of
#' [dyn.load()] (invisibly). For `[cpp_eval()]` the results of the evaluated
#' expression.
#' @examples
#' cpp_source(
#' code = '#include "cpp11/integers.hpp"
#' [[cpp11::register]]
#' int num_odd(cpp11::integers x) {
#' int total = 0;
#' for (int val : x) {
#' if ((val % 2) == 1) {
#' ++total;
#' }
#' }
#' return total;
#' }
#' ')
#' num_odd(as.integer(c(1:10, 15, 23)))
#' if (interactive() && require("progress")) {
#' cpp_source(
#' code = '
#' #include <cpp11/R.hpp>
#' #include <RProgress.h>
#' [[cpp11::linking_to("progress")]]
#' [[cpp11::register]] void
#' show_progress() {
#' RProgress::RProgress pb("Processing [:bar] ETA: :eta");
#' pb.tick(0);
#' for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
#' usleep(2.0 / 100 * 1000000);
#' pb.tick();
#' }
#' }
#' ')
#' show_progress()
#' }
#' @export
cpp_source <- function(file, code = NULL, env = parent.frame(), clean = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, cxx_std = Sys.getenv("CXX_STD", "CXX11"), dir = tempfile()) {
stop_unless_installed(c("brio", "callr", "cli", "decor", "desc", "glue", "tibble", "vctrs"))
if (!missing(file) && !file.exists(file)) {
stop("Can't find `file` at this path:\n", file, "\n", call. = FALSE)
dir.create(dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(dir, "R"), showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(file.path(dir, "src"), showWarnings = FALSE)
if (!is.null(code)) {
tf <- tempfile(pattern = "code_", fileext = ".cpp")
file <- tf
if (isTRUE(clean)) {
brio::write_lines(code, file)
if (!any(tools::file_ext(file) %in% c("cpp", "cc"))) {
stop("`file` must have a `.cpp` or `.cc` extension")
name <- generate_cpp_name(file)
package <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(name)
orig_dir <- normalizePath(dirname(file), winslash = "/")
new_dir <- normalizePath(file.path(dir, "src"), winslash = "/")
# file now points to another location
file.copy(file, file.path(new_dir, name))
#change variable name to reflect this
new_file_path <- file.path(new_dir, name)
new_file_name <- basename(new_file_path)
orig_file_path <- file.path(orig_dir, new_file_name)
all_decorations <- decor::cpp_decorations(dir, is_attribute = TRUE)
#provide original path for error messages
check_valid_attributes(all_decorations, file = orig_file_path)
funs <- get_registered_functions(all_decorations, "cpp11::register", quiet = quiet)
cpp_functions_definitions <- generate_cpp_functions(funs, package = package)
cpp_path <- file.path(dirname(new_file_path), "cpp11.cpp")
brio::write_lines(c('#include "cpp11/declarations.hpp"', "using namespace ::cpp11;", cpp_functions_definitions), cpp_path)
linking_to <- union(get_linking_to(all_decorations), "cpp11")
includes <- generate_include_paths(linking_to)
if (isTRUE(clean)) {
on.exit(unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
r_functions <- generate_r_functions(funs, package = package, use_package = TRUE)
makevars_content <- generate_makevars(includes, cxx_std)
brio::write_lines(makevars_content, file.path(new_dir, "Makevars"))
source_files <- normalizePath(c(new_file_path, cpp_path), winslash = "/")
res <- callr::rcmd("SHLIB", source_files, user_profile = TRUE, show = !quiet, wd = new_dir)
if (res$status != 0) {
error_messages <- res$stderr
# Substitute temporary file path with original file path
error_messages <- gsub(tools::file_path_sans_ext(new_file_path), tools::file_path_sans_ext(orig_file_path), error_messages, fixed = TRUE)
stop("Compilation failed.", call. = FALSE)
shared_lib <- file.path(dir, "src", paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(new_file_name), .Platform$dynlib.ext))
r_path <- file.path(dir, "R", "cpp11.R")
brio::write_lines(r_functions, r_path)
source(r_path, local = env)
dyn.load(shared_lib, local = TRUE, now = TRUE)
the <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
the$count <- 0L
generate_cpp_name <- function(name, loaded_dlls = c("cpp11", names(getLoadedDLLs()))) {
ext <- tools::file_ext(name)
root <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(name))
count <- 2
new_name <- root
while(new_name %in% loaded_dlls) {
new_name <- sprintf("%s_%i", root, count)
count <- count + 1
sprintf("%s.%s", new_name, ext)
generate_include_paths <- function(packages) {
out <- character(length(packages))
for (i in seq_along(packages)) {
path <- system.file(package = packages[[i]], "include")
if (is_windows()) {
path <- utils::shortPathName(path)
out[[i]] <- paste0("-I", shQuote(path))
generate_makevars <- function(includes, cxx_std) {
c(sprintf("CXX_STD=%s", cxx_std), sprintf("PKG_CPPFLAGS=%s", paste0(includes, collapse = " ")))
#' @rdname cpp_source
#' @export
cpp_function <- function(code, env = parent.frame(), clean = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, cxx_std = Sys.getenv("CXX_STD", "CXX11")) {
cpp_source(code = paste(c('#include "cpp11.hpp"',
"using namespace ::cpp11;",
"namespace writable = ::cpp11::writable;",
collapse = "\n"),
env = env,
clean = clean,
quiet = quiet,
cxx_std = cxx_std
#' @rdname cpp_source
#' @export
cpp_eval <- function(code, env = parent.frame(), clean = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, cxx_std = Sys.getenv("CXX_STD", "CXX11")) {
cpp_source(code = paste(c('#include "cpp11.hpp"',
"using namespace ::cpp11;",
"namespace writable = ::cpp11::writable;",
"SEXP f() { return as_sexp(",
collapse = "\n"),
env = env,
clean = clean,
quiet = quiet,
cxx_std = cxx_std
get_linking_to <- function(decorations) {
out <- decorations[decorations$decoration == "cpp11::linking_to", ]
if (NROW(decorations) == 0) {
gsub("\"", "", as.character(unlist(out$params)))
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