
### 2/23/15
## Fixed a couple of bugs in processing `scope.min'
## Fixed a bug related to returning output
crrstep <- function (formula, scope.min = ~1, etype, ..., subset, data,
    direction = c("backward", "forward"), criterion = c("AIC",
        "BICcr", "BIC"), crr.object = FALSE, trace = TRUE, steps = 100)
    crr.extractAIC <- function(object, cov1, k = 2) {
        round(-2 * object$loglik + k * ncol(cov1), 2)
    crr.makecov1 <- function(formula, data) {
        cov1 <- model.matrix(formula, data = as.data.frame(data))
    crr.dropterm <- function(scope.max, scope.min, ftime, fstatus,
        data, ...) {
        Terms <- terms(scope.max)
        scope <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
        if (missing(scope.min))
            scope.min <- as.formula(~1)
        else if (is.null(scope.min))
            scope.min <- as.formula(~1)
        Terms1 <- terms(scope.min)
        scope1 <- attr(Terms1, "term.labels")
        cov1 <- crr.makecov1(formula = scope.max, data = data)
        cov11 <- crr.makecov1(formula = scope.min, data = data)
        covtmp <- cov1
        cov1 <- cov1[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        attr(cov1, "assign") <- attr(covtmp, "assign")[-1]
        covtmp1 <- cov11
        cov11 <- cov11[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        attr(cov11, "assign") <- attr(covtmp1, "assign")[-1]
        ns <- length(scope)
        ns1 <- length(scope1)
        if (ns1 == 0) {
            ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(c("<none>",
                scope), "AIC"))
            cnames2 <- attributes(cov1)$assign
            cov1.2 <- cov1
            init <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1.2, variance = FALSE, ...)
            ans[1, ] <- crr.extractAIC(init, cov1.2, k)
            if (ncol(cov1.2) == 0) {
                ans[1, ] <- -2 * init$loglik.null
            else if (ncol(cov1.2) == 1) {
                for (i in seq(ns)) {
                  remove.x <- (1:length(cnames2))[cnames2 ==
                  cov1.3 <- cov1.2[, -remove.x, drop = FALSE]
                  ans[i + 1, ] <- round(-2 * init$loglik.null,
            else {
                for (i in seq(ns)) {
                  remove.x <- (1:length(cnames2))[cnames2 ==
                  cov1.3 <- cov1.2[, -remove.x, drop = FALSE]
                  if (ncol(cov1.3) == 0) {
                    ans[i + 1, ] <- round(-2 * init$loglik.null,
                    object2 <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1.2, variance = FALSE, ...)
                  else {
                    object2 <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1.3, variance = FALSE, ...)
                    ans[i + 1, ] <- crr.extractAIC(object2, cov1.3,
        else {
            scope.new2 <- scope[!(scope %in% scope1)]
            ns.new <- length(scope.new2)
            ans <- matrix(nrow = ns.new + 1, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(c("<none>",
                scope.new2), "AIC"))
            init <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1, variance = FALSE, ...)
            ans[1, ] <- crr.extractAIC(init, cov1, k)
            cov1.2 <- cov1
            for (i in seq(length(scope.new2))) {
                remove.x <- scope.new2[i]
                remove.x0 <- grep("\\(*\\)", remove.x)
                if (length(remove.x0) == 0)
                  remove.x <- remove.x
                else if (length(remove.x0) > 0) {
                  remove.x1 <- gsub("\\(", "\\\\\\(", remove.x)
                  remove.x1 <- gsub("\\)", "\\\\\\)", remove.x1)
                  remove.x <- remove.x1
                cov1.3 <- cov1.2[, -c(grep(remove.x, colnames(cov1.2))),
                  drop = FALSE]
                object2 <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1.3, variance = FALSE, ...)
                ans[i + 1, ] <- crr.extractAIC(object2, cov1.3,
        aod <- data.frame(ans[, 1])
        colnames(aod) <- criterion
        head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:", deparse(as.vector(init$call)))
        class(aod) <- "data.frame"
        attr(aod, "heading") <- head
    crr.addterm <- function(scope.max, scope.min, ftime, fstatus,
        data, ...) {
        Terms <- terms(scope.max)
        scope <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
        if (missing(scope.min))
            scope.min <- as.formula(~1)
        else if (is.null(scope.min))
            scope.min <- as.formula(~1)
        Terms1 <- terms(scope.min)
        scope1 <- attr(Terms1, "term.labels")
        cov1 <- crr.makecov1(scope.max, data)
        cov11 <- crr.makecov1(scope.min, data)
        covtmp <- cov1
        cov1 <- cov1[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        attr(cov1, "assign") <- attr(covtmp, "assign")[-1]
        covtmp1 <- cov11
        cov11 <- cov11[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        attr(cov11, "assign") <- attr(covtmp1, "assign")[-1]
        ns <- length(scope)
        ns1 <- length(scope1)
        if (ns1 == 0) {
            ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(c("<none>",
                scope), "AIC"))
            cnames2 <- attributes(cov1)$assign
            cov1.2 <- cov1
            init <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1, variance = FALSE,
            ans[1, ] <- round(-2 * init$loglik.null, 2)
            for (i in seq(ns)) {
                add.x <- (1:length(cnames2))[cnames2 == i]
                cov1.3 <- cov1.2[, c(add.x), drop = FALSE]
            object2 <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1.3, variance = FALSE,
                ans[i + 1, ] <- crr.extractAIC(object2, cov1.3,
        else {
            scope.new2 <- scope[!(scope %in% scope1)]
            ns.new <- length(scope.new2)
            ans <- matrix(nrow = ns.new + 1, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(c("<none>",
                scope.new2), "AIC"))
         init <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov11, variance = FALSE, ...)
            ans[1, ] <- crr.extractAIC(init, cov11, k)
            cov1.2 <- cov1
            for (i in seq(length(scope.new2))) {
                add.x <- scope.new2[i]
                add.x0 <- grep("\\(*\\)", add.x)
                if (length(add.x0) == 0)
                  add.x <- add.x
                else if (length(add.x0) > 0) {
                  add.x1 <- gsub("\\(", "\\\\\\(", add.x)
                  add.x1 <- gsub("\\)", "\\\\\\)", add.x1)
                  add.x <- add.x1
                cov1.3 <- cbind(cov11, cov1.2[, c(grep(add.x,
                colnames(cov1.3) <- c(colnames(cov11), colnames(cov1.2)[c(grep(add.x,
                object2 <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1.3, variance = FALSE, ...)
                ans[i + 1, ] <- crr.extractAIC(object2, cov1.3,
        aod <- data.frame(ans[, 1])
        colnames(aod) <- criterion
        head <- c("Single term additions", "\nModel:", deparse(as.vector(init$call)))
        class(aod) <- "data.frame"
        attr(aod, "heading") <- head
    cut.string <- function(string) {
        if (length(string) > 1)
            string[-1] <- paste("\n", string[-1], sep = "")
    stopifnot(identical(formula[[1]], as.name("~")))
    lhs <- if (length(formula) == 3)
    else NULL
    scope.max <- as.formula(formula[-2])
    stopifnot(identical(scope.min[[1]], as.name("~")))
    scope.min <- if (length(scope.min) == 3)
    else as.formula(scope.min)
    fvars <- sort(attr(terms(formula), "term.labels"))
    svars <- sort(attr(terms(scope.min), "term.labels"))
    if (length(svars) > length(fvars)) stop("`scope.min' contains more variables than `formula'")
    if (!all(svars %in% fvars)) stop("`scope.min' contains variables not in `formula'")
    data <- data[subset, ]
    Xmat <- model.frame(formula, data, na.action = na.pass)
    nomiss <- apply(Xmat, 1, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
    data <- data[nomiss, ]
    ftime <- Xmat[nomiss, 1]
    fstatus <- eval(substitute(etype), data)
    fstatus <- fstatus[nomiss]
    criterion <- match.arg(criterion, choices = c("AIC", "BICcr",
    if (criterion == "AIC")
        k <- 2
    if (criterion == "BICcr")
        k <- log(sum(fstatus == 1))
    if (criterion == "BIC")
        k <- log(nrow(data))
    call <- match.call()
    if (trace)
    direction <- match.arg(direction)
    backward <- direction == "backward"
    forward <- direction == "forward"
    formula <- scope.max
    cov1 <- crr.makecov1(formula = formula, data = data)[, -1,
        drop = FALSE]
    object <- crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1 = cov1, variance = TRUE, ...)
    fit <- object
    if (identical(fvars, svars)) {
                    std.error <- sqrt(diag(fit$var))
      outmat <- cbind(signif(fit$coef, 3), signif(std.error,
                  3), signif(abs(fit$coef)/std.error, 3))
                colnames(outmat) <- c("estimate", "std.error",
                rownames(outmat) <- colnames(cov1)
                   if (crr.object) return(fit) else
    return(list(coefficients = outmat, log.likelihood = round(fit$loglik,
    if (backward)
        cov3.2 <- cov1
    if (forward) {
        cov3.1 <- vars.in <- NULL
        formula1 <- scope.min
        cov2 <- crr.makecov1(scope.min, data = data)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
   while (steps > 0) {
        steps <- steps - 1
        aod <- NULL
        change <- NULL
        if (backward) {
     if (identical(sort(attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")), 
        sort(attr(terms(scope.min), "term.labels"))))
            if (ncol(cov3.2) == 0)
            aod <- crr.dropterm(scope.max = formula, scope.min = scope.min,
                ftime = ftime, fstatus = fstatus, data = data, ...)
            rn <- rownames(aod)
            row.names(aod) <- c(rn[1], paste("-", rn[-1], sep = ""))
            if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
            o <- order(aod[, 1])
            aod.o <- aod[o, , drop = FALSE]
            if (trace) {
            if (o[1] == 1) { 
				fit <- update(object, cov1 = cov3.2, variance = TRUE) 
                  std.error <- sqrt(diag(fit$var))
                output <- list(variables = colnames(cov3.2),
                  coefficients = fit$coef, `std. errors` = std.error,
                  log.lik = round(fit$loglik, 2))
                outmat <- cbind(signif(fit$coef, 3), signif(std.error,
                  3), signif(abs(fit$coef)/std.error, 3))
                colnames(outmat) <- c("estimates", "std.error",
                rownames(outmat) <- colnames(cov3.2)
            change <- rownames(aod)[o[1]]
            s.split <- strsplit(change, "-")
            var <- s.split[[1]][2]
            if (trace)
            var0 <- grep("\\(*\\)", var)
            if (length(var0) == 0)
                var <- var
          	var2 <- sub("as.factor\\(", "", var)
			var2 <- sub("\\)", "", var2)
            varpos <- match(var2,all.vars(formula))
            if (!is.na(var2)) { #if there is a variable to remove
				if (length(attr(terms(formula),"variables")) == 2)  { 
					formula <- ~1
				} else {
					formula <- formula(drop.terms(terms(formula),dropx=varpos))
				} #added on 7/16 because if there is only one variable remaining and it is removed
				# you get an error when you drop that variable in the line below
				cov3.2 <- crr.makecov1(formula = formula, data = data)[,-1, drop = FALSE] # added this line on 7/15/14
                if (ncol(cov3.2) != 0) {
				  fit <- update(object, cov1 = cov3.2, variance = TRUE)
                    std.error <- sqrt(diag(fit$var))
                  output <- list(variables = colnames(cov3.2),
                    coefficients = fit$coef, `std. errors` = std.error,
                    log.lik = round(fit$loglik, 2))
                else { # if removing the variable results in a model with no variables, i.e. ncol(cov3.2) == 0
                  fit2 <- fit
                  fit <- NULL
                  null.output <- paste("The best model is the NULL model and the likelihood is:",
                    round(fit2$loglik.null, 2), sep = "")
                  output <- list(variables = NULL, coefficients = NA,
                    `std. errors` = NA, log.lik = round(fit2$loglik.null,
                  outmat <- NULL
            else if (is.na(var2)) { # if no variable is to be removed, ie <none>
                scope.max <- as.formula(paste(ans[2], ans[1],
                  ans[3], sep = ""))
				#scope.max <- formula
                cov3.2 <- crr.makecov1(scope.max, data)[, -1,
                  drop = FALSE]
                if (ncol(cov3.2) != 0) {
                  fit <- update(object, cov1 = cov3.2, variance = TRUE)
                    std.error <- sqrt(diag(fit$var))
                  output <- list(variables = colnames(cov3.2),
                    coefficients = fit$coef, `std. errors` = std.error,
                    log.lik = round(fit$loglik, 2))
                else {
                  fit2 <- fit
                  fit <- NULL
                  null.output <- paste("The best model is the NULL model and the likelihood is:",
                    round(fit2$loglik.null, 2), sep = "")
                  output <- list(variables = NULL, coefficients = NA,
                    `std. errors` = NA, log.lik = round(fit2$loglik.null,
            if (!is.null(fit)) {
                outmat <- cbind(signif(fit$coef, 3), signif(std.error,
                  3), signif(abs(fit$coef)/std.error, 3))
                colnames(outmat) <- c("estimate", "std.error",
                rownames(outmat) <- colnames(cov3.2)
            else fit <- fit2
            if (trace) {
                cat("\nStep: ", criterion, "= ", format(round(crr.extractAIC(fit,
                  cov3.2, k), 2)), "\n", cut.string(deparse(as.vector(fit$call))),
                  "\n\n", sep = "")
        if (forward) {
            aod <- crr.addterm(formula, formula1, ftime, fstatus,
                data, ...)
            var <- NULL
            rn <- rownames(aod)
            if (trace)
            invar <- if (is.null(vars.in))
                rep(FALSE, length(rn))
            else (rn %in% vars.in)
            aod <- aod[!invar, , drop = FALSE]
            rn <- rownames(aod)
            row.names(aod) <- c(rn[1], paste("+", rn[-1], sep = ""))
            if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
            o <- order(aod[, 1])
            aod.o <- aod[o, , drop = FALSE]
            if (trace) {
            if (o[1] == 1) {
                formula1 <- as.formula(paste(scope.min[1], scope.min[2],
                  sep = ""))
                if (formula1 != ~1) {
                  cov3.1 <- crr.makecov1(formula1, data)[, -1,
                    drop = FALSE]
                  fit <- update(object, cov1 = cov3.1, variance = TRUE)
                    std.error <- sqrt(diag(fit$var))
 #                 output <- list(variables = colnames(cov3.1),
 #                   coefficients = fit$coef, std.errors = std.error,
 #                   log.lik = round(fit$loglik, 2))
               outmat <- cbind(signif(fit$coef, 3), signif(std.error,
                  3), signif(abs(fit$coef)/std.error, 3))
                colnames(outmat) <- c("estimate", "std.error",
                rownames(outmat) <- colnames(cov3.1)
                else {
                  null.output <- paste("The best model is the NULL model and the likelihood is:",
                    round(fit$loglik.null, 2), sep = "")
                  if (trace)
                  fit2 <- fit
                  fit <- NULL
                  output <- list(variables = NULL, coefficients = NA,
                    `std. errors` = NA, log.lik = round(fit2$loglik.null,
                  outmat <- NULL
                  fit$loglik <- fit2$loglik.null
                return(list(coefficients = outmat, log.likelihood = round(fit$loglik,
            change <- rownames(aod)[o[1]]
            s.split <- strsplit(change, "\\+")
            var <- s.split[[1]][2]
            var0 <- grep("\\(*\\)", var)
            if (length(var0) == 0)
				var <- var
			var2 <- sub("as.factor\\(", "", var)
			var2 <- sub("\\)", "", var2)
            ans <- paste("+", var, sep = "")
            formula1 <- as.formula(paste(scope.min[1], scope.min[2],
                ans, sep = ""))
            scope.min <- formula1
          	cov2 <- crr.makecov1(scope.min, data)[,-1, drop = FALSE]
            fit <- update(object, cov1 = cov2, variance = TRUE)
            vars.in <- c(vars.in, var)
                    std.error <- sqrt(diag(fit$var))
            output <- list(variables = NULL, coefficients = NA,
                `std. errors` = NA, log.lik = round(fit$loglik.null,
            if (!is.null(fit)) {
                outmat <- cbind(signif(fit$coef, 3), signif(std.error,
                  3), signif(abs(fit$coef)/std.error, 3))
                colnames(outmat) <- c("estimate", "std.error",
                rownames(outmat) <- colnames(cov2)
            else fit <- fit2
            Terms <- terms(formula)
            scope <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
            Terms1 <- terms(formula1)
            scope1 <- attr(Terms1, "term.labels")
            scope <- sort(scope)
            scope1 <- sort(scope1)
            scope.new2 <- scope[!(scope %in% scope1)]
             if (length(scope.new2) == 0)
            if (trace) {
                cat("\nStep: ", criterion, "= ", format(round(crr.extractAIC(fit,
                  cov3.1, k), 2)), "\n", cut.string(deparse(as.vector(fit$call))),
                  "\n\n", sep = "")
    if (trace) {
    print(list(coefficients = outmat, log.likelihood = round(fit$loglik,
    if (crr.object)
        return(fit) else
    return(list(coefficients = outmat, log.likelihood = round(fit$loglik,


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crrstep documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 1:09 a.m.