
Defines functions ctFit ctDocs .onAttach

Documented in ctDocs ctFit

  "mxFitFunctionMultigroup", "asymDIFFUSION", 'data.id',
  'TDpredNames', 'TIpredNames', 'Tpoints', 'extract', 'latentNames', 'manifestNames',
  'plot', 'points','T0TRAITEFFECT',
  'Original','sysnoise','starts', 'obsNames',
  "ACF", "ACFhigh", "ACFlow", "Element", "Estimate", "Model", "NobsDT", "Obs", 
  "ObsVsGenID", "ObsVsGenRow", "OutOf95Row", "Row", "Sample", "Time", 
  "TimeInterval", "V2", "Variable", "aic", "ci", "highdat", "leaveOutN", 
  ".ObsCount", ".splitmedian", ".timerange", "DataType", "Iter", "Split", "Time.interval",
  "Type", "condval", "ll", "var1",
  "lowdat", "lp", "mediandat", "mediandatRank", "np", "obsValue"))

  `:=` = NULL
  `.` =NULL
  .N = .id = id= . = grp = NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
  tibble() #due to weird hidden tibble requirement in plyr or ggplot?

#' ctsem
#' ctsem is an R package for continuous time structural equation modelling of panel (N > 1) 
#' and time series (N = 1) data, using either a frequentist or Bayesian approach, or middle
#' ground forms like maximum a posteriori. 
#' The general workflow begins by specifying a model using the \code{\link{ctModel}} function, 
#' in which the \code{type} of model is also specified. Then the model is fit to data using 
#' \code{\link{ctStanFit}}. The ctFit function which allows for fitting using the OpenMx / SEM form,
#' as described in the original JSS ctsem paper, can now be found in the ctsemOMX package.  
#' The omx forms are no longer in 
#' development and for most purposes, the newer stan based forms are more robust and flexible.
#' For examples, see  \code{\link{ctStanFit}}. 
#' For citation info, please run \code{citation('ctsem')} .
#' @import grDevices methods stats graphics data.table ggplot2
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom RcppParallel CxxFlags RcppParallelLibs
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @import expm expm
#' @importFrom rstan constrain_pars sampling unconstrain_pars stan_model log_prob monitor get_num_upars stanc get_sampler_params As.mcmc.list monitor
#' @importFrom plyr aaply alply round_any
#' @importFrom utils relist as.relistable tail capture.output
#' @importFrom Deriv Simplify 
#' @importFrom cOde jacobianSymb prodSymb
#' @importFrom splines bs
#' @useDynLib ctsem, .registration = TRUE
#' @references 
#' https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v077i05
#' Driver, C. C., & Voelkle, M. C. (2018). Hierarchical Bayesian continuous time dynamic modeling. 
#' Psychological Methods. Advance online publication.http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/met0000168
#' Stan Development Team (2018). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.17.3. http://mc-stan.org
#' #' @keywords internal

## usethis namespace: start
## usethis namespace: end


.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # to show a startup message
  packageStartupMessage("ctsem also changes in time, for manual run ctDocs(), for blog see https://cdriver.netlify.app/, for citation info run citation('ctsem'), for original OpenMx functionality install.packages('ctsemOMX'), and for discussion https://github.com/cdriveraus/ctsem/discussions")
    apkgs = data.frame(utils::available.packages(repos = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))
    apkgs = apkgs[apkgs$Package %in% names(a),]
    apkgs = sapply(names(a), function(x){
      v=paste0(a[[which(names(a) %in% x)]],collapse='.')
      utils::compareVersion(a=apkgs$Version[apkgs$Package %in% x],b=v)
    if(any(apkgs > 0)) warning('The following important packages for ctsem are out of date: ', paste0(names(a)[apkgs > 0],collapse=', '))
    # #check for rstan 2.26 / windows / r 4.2
    # if(.Platform$OS.type=="windows" && R.Version()$major >=4 && R.Version()$minor >= 2 && 
    #     compareVersion(as.character(packageVersion('rstan')[[1]]),'2.25.0') == -1){
    #   Sys.setenv(PKG_LIBS=
    #       paste0(' \"',system.file('lib/x64', package = 'rstan', mustWork = TRUE),'/libStanServices.a','\"', 
    #         ' -L','\"',system.file('libs/x64', package = 'StanHeaders', mustWork = TRUE),'\"',
    #         ' -lStanHeaders -L','\"',system.file('lib/x64', package = 'RcppParallel', mustWork = TRUE),'\"',
    #         ' -ltbb'))
    # }

#' Get documentation pdf for ctsem
#' @return Nothing. Opens a pdf.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ctDocs()
ctDocs <- function(){

#' ctFit function placeholder
#' For the original ctsem OpenMx functionality, the package ctsemOMX should be loaded.
#' @param ... arguments to pass to ctFit, if ctsemOMX is loaded.
#' @return message or fit object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(AnomAuth) 
#' AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), 
#'   Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2), TRAITVAR = NULL) 
#' AnomAuthfit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel)
#' }
ctFit <- function(...){
  if('ctsemOMX' %in% utils::installed.packages()[,1]){
    if(!'ctsemOMX' %in% (.packages())){
      message('for original ctsem functionality using OpenMx, please use: library(ctsemOMX)')
    } else eval(parse(text=paste0('ctsemOMX::ctFit(...)'))) #one time hack due to package splitting, forgive my soul...
  } else message('For original ctsem functionality using OpenMx, install.packages("ctsemOMX")')  

Try the ctsem package in your browser

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ctsem documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:33 a.m.