
Defines functions s_attribute_rename s_attribute_delete s_attribute_merge s_attribute_get_regions s_attribute_get_values s_attribute_files s_attribute_recode s_attribute_encode

Documented in s_attribute_delete s_attribute_encode s_attribute_files s_attribute_get_regions s_attribute_get_values s_attribute_merge s_attribute_recode s_attribute_rename

#' Read, process and write data on structural attributes.
#' @details `s_attribute_encode()` implements a 'pure R' implementation to add
#' or modify structural attributes of an existing CWB corpus.
#' If the corpus has been loaded/used before, a new s-attribute may not be
#' available unless `RcppCWB::cl_delete_corpus()` has been called. Use the
#' argument `delete` for calling this function.
#' @param values A `character` vector with the values of the structural
#'   attribute.
#' @param data_dir The data directory where to write the files.
#' @param s_attribute Name of the structural attribute, an atomic `character`
#'   vector containing only lowercase ASCII characters (a-z), digits (0-9), -,
#'   and _: No non-ASCII or uppercase letters allowed.
#' @param region_matrix A two-column `matrix` with corpus positions.
#' @param corpus A CWB corpus.
#' @param method Either 'R' or 'CWB'.
#' @param encoding Encoding of the data.
#' @param registry_dir Path name of the registry directory.
#' @param delete Logical, whether to call `RcppCWB::cl_delete_corpus()`.
#' @param verbose Logical.
#' @export s_attribute_encode
#' @importFrom RcppCWB cl_delete_corpus
#' @seealso To decode a structural attribute, see
#'   \code{\link[RcppCWB]{s_attribute_decode}}.
#' @examples
#' require("RcppCWB")
#' registry_tmp <- fs::path(tempdir(), "cwb", "registry")
#' data_dir_tmp <- fs::path(tempdir(), "cwb", "indexed_corpora", "reuters")
#' cwb_dir_rcppcwb <- system.file(package = "RcppCWB", "extdata", "cwb")
#' registry_dir_rcppcwb <- fs::path(cwb_dir_rcppcwb, "registry")
#' data_dir_rcppcwb <- fs::path(cwb_dir_rcppcwb,"indexed_corpora", "reuters")
#' corpus_copy(
#'   corpus = "REUTERS",
#'   registry_dir = registry_dir_rcppcwb,
#'   data_dir = data_dir_rcppcwb,
#'   registry_dir_new = registry_tmp,
#'   data_dir_new = data_dir_tmp
#' )
#' no_strucs <- cl_attribute_size(
#'   corpus = "REUTERS",
#'   attribute = "id",
#'   attribute_type = "s",
#'   registry = registry_tmp
#' )
#' cpos_matrix <- get_region_matrix(
#'       corpus = "REUTERS",
#'       struc = 0L:(no_strucs - 1L),
#'       s_attribute = "id",
#'       registry = registry_tmp
#' )
#' s_attribute_encode(
#'   values = 1L:nrow(cpos_matrix),
#'   data_dir = data_dir_tmp,
#'   s_attribute = "article_id",
#'   corpus = "REUTERS",
#'   region_matrix = cpos_matrix,
#'   method = "R",
#'   registry_dir = registry_tmp,
#'   encoding = "latin1",
#'   verbose = TRUE,
#'   delete = TRUE
#' )
#' cl_struc2str(
#'   "REUTERS",
#'   struc = 0L:(nrow(cpos_matrix) - 1L),
#'   s_attribute = "article_id",
#'   registry = registry_tmp
#' )
#' unlink(registry_tmp, recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink(data_dir_tmp, recursive = TRUE)
#' @rdname s_attribute
s_attribute_encode <- function(
    method = c("R", "CWB"),
    registry_dir = Sys.getenv("CORPUS_REGISTRY"),
    delete = FALSE,
    verbose = TRUE
  if (!is.character(values)){
    if (verbose)
        "class of input {.arg values} is {.val {typeof(values)}}"
    values <- as.character(values)
    values_n <- length(unique(values))
    if (verbose){
        "unique values after coercion to `character` vector: {.val {values_n}}"
  stopifnot(is.character(s_attribute), length(s_attribute) == 1L)
  if (isFALSE(.check_attribute_name(s_attribute))) return(FALSE)
  # See https://github.com/PolMine/cwbtools/issues/69
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" & s_attribute == "id")
      "s-attribute name 'id' may cause errors on Windows: ",
      "Rename s-attribute to avoid issues with reserved filename ",
      "{.path id.rng}!"
    inherits(region_matrix, "matrix"),
    ncol(region_matrix) == 2L,
    length(values) == nrow(region_matrix),
    length(method) == 1L,
    length(encoding) == 1L,
    length(verbose) == 1L,
  if (!inherits(as.vector(region_matrix), "integer")){
    region_matrix <- matrix(
      data = as.integer(as.vector(region_matrix)),
      ncol = 2
  # ensure order
  sortvec <- order(region_matrix[,1])
  if (!identical(sortvec, 1L:nrow(region_matrix))){
    cli_alert_info("regions and values reordered (input regions not yet sorted)")
    values <- values[sortvec]
    m <- region_matrix[sortvec,] 
  } else {
    m <- region_matrix
  if (!all(m[2:nrow(m), 1] - m[1:(nrow(m) - 1), 2] >= 1)){
    stop("overlapping regions are not permitted")

  if (method == "R"){
    # attribute values
    avs_file <- fs::path(data_dir, paste(s_attribute, "avs", sep = "."))
    # attribute value index
    avx_file <- fs::path(data_dir, paste(s_attribute, "avx", sep = "."))
    # ranges (filename id.rng not working on Windows)
    rng_file <- fs::path(data_dir, paste(s_attribute, "rng", sep = "."))
    # generate and write attrib.avs
    if (!is.character(values)) values <- as.character(values)
    values_unique <- unique(values)
    if (encoding == "latin1"){
      values_hex_list <- iconv(
        x = values_unique,
        from = "UTF-8",
        to = toupper(encoding),
        toRaw = TRUE
    } else {
      values_hex_list <- lapply(values_unique, charToRaw)
    values_hex_list <- lapply(values_hex_list, function(x) c(x, as.raw(0)))
    values_hex_vec <- unlist(values_hex_list)
    writeBin(object = values_hex_vec, con = avs_file)

    # generate and write attrib.avx
    offset <- cumsum(sapply(values_hex_list, length))
    offset <- c(0L, offset[1:(length(offset) - 1L)])
    avx_matrix <- matrix(
      c(0L:(length(values) - 1L), offset[match(values, values_unique)]),
      ncol = 2L, byrow = FALSE
    avx_vector <- as.integer(t(avx_matrix))
    writeBin(object = avx_vector, con = avx_file, size = 4L, endian = "big")
    # generate and write attrib.rng
    region_vector <- as.vector(t(m))
    writeBin(object = region_vector, con = rng_file, size = 4L, endian = "big")
  } else if (method == "CWB"){
    tab <- data.table(m, s_attribute = values)
    setorderv(tab, cols = "cpos_left", order = 1L)
    # adjust encoding, if necessary
    input_enc <- get_encoding(as.character(tab[["s_attribute"]]))
    if (input_enc != encoding){
      tab[["s_attribute"]] <- iconv(
        from = input_enc,
        to = encoding
      Encoding(tab[["s_attribute"]]) <- encoding
    tmp_file <- tempfile()
      x = tab,
      file = tmp_file,
      quote = FALSE,
      sep = "\t",
      col.names = FALSE
    if (verbose){
        "run 'cwb-s-encode' to add structural attribute {.val {s_attribute}}"
    cmd <- c(
      fs::path(cwb_get_bindir(), "cwb-s-encode"),
      "-d", data_dir,
      "-f", tmp_file,
      "-c", encoding,
      "-V", s_attribute
    system(paste(cmd, collapse = " "))
  regdata <- registry_file_parse(
    registry_dir = registry_dir
  if (!s_attribute %in% regdata[["s_attributes"]]){
    if (verbose)
      cli_alert_info("add s-attribute {.val {s_attribute}} to registry")
    regdata[["s_attributes"]] <- c(regdata[["s_attributes"]], s_attribute)
      corpus = tolower(corpus),
      registry_dir = registry_dir
  if (delete)
    cl_delete_corpus(corpus = toupper(corpus), registry = registry_dir)
  invisible( NULL )

#' @details \code{s_attribute_recode} will recode the values in the avs-file and change
#' the attribute value index in the avx file. The rng-file remains unchanged. The registry
#' file remains unchanged, and it is highly recommended to consider \code{s_attribute_recode}
#' as a helper for \code{corpus_recode} that will recode all s-attributes, all p-attributes,
#' and will reset the encoding in the registry file.
#' @param from Character string describing the current encoding of the attribute.
#' @param to Character string describing the target encoding of the attribute.
#' @export s_attribute_recode
#' @rdname s_attribute
s_attribute_recode <- function(data_dir, s_attribute, from = c("UTF-8", "latin1"), to = c("UTF-8", "latin1")){
  s_attr_files <- s_attribute_files(
    data_dir = data_dir,
    s_attribute = s_attribute
  # read, recode and write values of s-attribute
  attribute_values <- readBin(
    con = s_attr_files[["avs"]],
    what = character(),
    n = file.info(s_attr_files[["avs"]])$size
  Encoding(attribute_values) <- from

  values_hex_list <- iconv(x = attribute_values, from = toupper(from), to = toupper(to), toRaw = TRUE)
  values_hex_list <- lapply(values_hex_list, function(x) c(x, as.raw(0)))
  values_hex_vec <- unlist(values_hex_list)
  writeBin(object = values_hex_vec, con = s_attr_files[["avs"]])
  # generate and write attrib.avx
  avx_vector <- readBin(
    con = s_attr_files[["avx"]],
    what = integer(), size = 4L,
    n = file.info(s_attr_files[["avx"]])$size,
    endian = "big"
  avx_dt <- as.data.table(matrix(data = avx_vector, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
  colnames(avx_dt) <- c("struc", "offset_old")
  avx_dt[["offset_id"]] <- match(
    sort.int(unique(avx_dt[["offset_old"]]), decreasing = FALSE)
  offset_new <- cumsum(sapply(values_hex_list, length))
  offset_new <- c(0L, offset_new[1L:(length(offset_new) - 1L)])
  avx_dt[["offset_new"]] <- offset_new[ avx_dt[["offset_id"]] ]

  avx_matrix_new <- as.matrix(avx_dt[, c("struc", "offset_new")])
  avx_vector <- as.integer(t(avx_matrix_new))
  writeBin(object = avx_vector, con = s_attr_files[["avx"]], size = 4L, endian = "big")
  invisible( NULL )

#' @details `s_attribute_files()` will return a named character vector with
#'   the data files (extensions: "avs", "avx", "rng") in the directory indicated
#'   by `data_dir` for the structural attribute `s_attribute`.
#' @export s_attribute_files
#' @rdname s_attribute
s_attribute_files <- function(s_attribute, data_dir){
    c("avs", "avx", "rng"),
    function(fileext) fs::path(data_dir, paste(s_attribute, fileext, sep = "."))

#' @details `s_attribute_get_values()` is equivalent to performing the CL
#'   function cl_struc2id for all strucs of a structural attribute. It is a
#'   "pure R" operation that is faster than using CL, as it processes entire
#'   files for the s-attribute directly. The return value is a `character`
#'   vector with all string values for the s-attribute.
#' @examples
#' data_dir <- system.file(
#'   package = "RcppCWB",
#'   "extdata",
#'   "cwb",
#'   "indexed_corpora",
#'   "reuters"
#' )
#' avs <- s_attribute_get_values(s_attribute = "id", data_dir = data_dir)
#' @export s_attribute_get_values
#' @rdname s_attribute
s_attribute_get_values <- function(s_attribute, data_dir){
  avs_file <- sprintf("%s/%s.avs", data_dir, s_attribute)
  avs_size <- file.info(avs_file)$size
  avs <- readBin(con = avs_file, what = character(), n = avs_size)
  offset <- cumsum(sapply(lapply(avs, charToRaw), length) + 1L)
  offset <- c(0L, offset[1L:(length(offset) - 1L)])
  avx_file <- sprintf("%s/%s.avx", data_dir, s_attribute)
  avx_size <- file.info(avx_file)$size
  avx_vector <- readBin(con = avx_file, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = avx_size, endian = "big")
  avx_matrix <- matrix(data = avx_vector, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  avs[match(avx_matrix[,2], offset)]

#' @details \code{s_attribute_get_regions} will return a two-column integer
#'   matrix with regions for the strucs of a given s-attribute. Left corpus
#'   positions are in the first column, right corpus positions in the second
#'   column. The result is equivalent to calling RcppCWB::get_region_matrix for
#'   all strucs of a s-attribute, but may be somewhat faster. It is a "pure R"
#'   function which is fast as it processes files entirely and directly.
#' @examples
#' rng <- s_attribute_get_regions(
#'   s_attribute = "id",
#'   data_dir = system.file(package = "RcppCWB", "extdata", "cwb", "indexed_corpora", "reuters")
#' )
#' @export s_attribute_get_regions
#' @rdname s_attribute
s_attribute_get_regions <- function(s_attribute, data_dir){
  rng_file <- sprintf("%s/%s.rng", data_dir, s_attribute)
  rng_size <- file.info(rng_file)$size
  rng_vector <- readBin(con = rng_file, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = rng_size, endian = "big")
  matrix(data = rng_vector, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

#' @details `s_attribute_merge()` combines two tables with regions for
#'   s-attributes checking for intersections that may cause problems. The
#'   heuristic is to keep all non-intersecting annotations and those annotations
#'   that define the same region in object `x` and object `y`.
#'   Annotations of `x` and `y` which overlap uncleanly, i.e. without
#'   an identity of the left and the right corpus position ("cpos_left" /
#'   "cpos_right") are dropped. The scenario for using the function is to decode
#'   a s-attribute (using `s_attribute_decode()`), mix in an additional
#'   annotation, and to re-encode the enhanced s-attribute (using
#'   `s_attribute_encode()`).
#' @param x Data defining a first s-attribute, a `data.table` (or an object
#'   coercible to a `data.table`) with three columns ("cpos_left",
#'   "cpos_right", "value").
#' @param y Data defining a second s-attribute, a `data.table` (or an
#'   object coercible to a `data.table`) with three columns ("cpos_left",
#'   "cpos_right", "value").
#' @export s_attribute_merge 
#' @examples
#' x <- data.frame(
#'   cpos_left =  c(1L, 5L, 10L, 20L, 25L),
#'   cpos_right = c(2L, 5L, 12L, 21L, 27L),
#'   value = c("ORG", "LOC", "ORG", "PERS", "ORG"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' y <- data.frame(
#'   cpos_left =  c(5, 11, 20, 25L, 30L),
#'   cpos_right = c(5, 12, 22, 27L, 33L),
#'   value = c("LOC", "ORG", "ORG", "ORG", "ORG"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' s_attribute_merge(x,y)
#' @rdname s_attribute
#' @importFrom data.table is.data.table dcast.data.table
s_attribute_merge <- function(x, y){
  if (!is.data.table(x)) x <- as.data.table(x)
  if (!is.data.table(y)) y <- as.data.table(y)
  x[, "s_attr" := "x"][, "region_no" := seq_len(nrow(x))]
  y[, "s_attr" := "y"][, "region_no" := seq_len(nrow(y))]
  dt <- rbindlist(lapply(
    list(x, y),
         {list(cpos = seq.int(from = .SD[["cpos_left"]], to = .SD[["cpos_right"]]))},
         by = "region_no"
        ][, "s_attr" := dt[["s_attr"]][1]]

  overlaps <- dcast.data.table(data = dt, formula = cpos ~ s_attr, value.var = "region_no")
  # now we get the regions that overlap
  regions <- overlaps[!is.na(x)][!is.na(y)][,{.SD[1L]}, by = c("x", "y")]
  left_identical <- x[regions[["x"]]][["cpos_left"]] == y[regions[["y"]]][["cpos_left"]]
  right_identical <- x[regions[["x"]]][["cpos_right"]] == y[regions[["y"]]][["cpos_right"]]
  keep <- ifelse(left_identical == right_identical, TRUE, FALSE)
  regions_to_drop_x <- regions[!keep][["x"]]
  regions_to_drop_y <- regions[["y"]]
  if (length(regions_to_drop_x) > 0) x <- x[-regions_to_drop_x]
  if (length(regions_to_drop_y) > 0) y <- y[-regions_to_drop_y]
  retval <- rbindlist(list(x,y))
  setorderv(retval, cols = "cpos_left", order = 1L)
  retval[, "s_attr" := NULL][, "region_no" := NULL]

#' @details Function `s_attribute_delete()` is not yet implemented.
#' @export s_attribute_delete
#' @rdname s_attribute
s_attribute_delete <- function(corpus, s_attribute){
  stop("function 's_attribute_delete' is not yet implemented")

#' @details Function `s_attribute_rename()` can be used to rename a structural
#'   attribute.
#' @param old A `character` vector with s-attributes to be renamed.
#' @param new A `character` vector with new names of s-attributes. The vector
#'   needs to have the same length as vector `old`. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd ... nth
#'   attribute stated in vector `old` will get the new names at the 1st, 2nd,
#'   3rd, ... nth position of vector `new`.
#' @export s_attribute_rename
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert
#' @rdname s_attribute
s_attribute_rename <- function(corpus, old, new, registry_dir, verbose = TRUE){
  # missing: Check that file is present
    length(corpus) == 1L,
    length(registry_dir) == 1L,
  if (length(old) != length(new)){
    warning("Length of arguments 'old' and 'new' not identical.")
  if (!file.exists(fs::path(registry_dir, tolower(corpus)))){
      sprintf("No registry file for corpus '%s' in registry directory '%s'", corpus, registry_dir)
  rf <- registry_file_parse(corpus = corpus, registry_dir = registry_dir)
  for (i in 1L:length(old)){
    if (verbose)
      cli::cli_alert(sprintf("renaming s_attribute '%s' to '%s'", old[i], new[i]))
    if (!old[i] %in% rf[["s_attributes"]]){
      warning(sprintf("s_attribute '%s' does not exist", old[i]))
    if (new[i] %in% rf[["s_attributes"]]){
      warning(sprintf("new s_attribute '%s' already exists", new[i]))
    rf[["s_attributes"]][which(rf[["s_attributes"]] == old[i])] <- new[i]
    for (fileext in c("avs", "avx", "rng")){
        from = fs::path(rf[["home"]], paste(old[i], fileext, sep = ".")),
        to = fs::path(rf[["home"]], paste(new[i], fileext, sep = "."))
  if (verbose) cli::cli_alert("update and write registry file")
  registry_file_write(data = rf, corpus = corpus, registry_dir = registry_dir)

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cwbtools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:45 a.m.