
Defines functions print0 attrs lsdMod sanitizeData sanitizePars sanitizeConditions sanitizeCores loadDLL getLocalDLLs compile expand.grid.alt lbind long2wide wide2long.list wide2long.matrix wide2long.data.frame wide2long blockdiagSymb submatrix combine compare.data.frame compare.eqnvec compare.character compare.list compare

Documented in attrs blockdiagSymb combine compare compare.character compare.data.frame compare.eqnvec compare.list compile expand.grid.alt getLocalDLLs lbind loadDLL long2wide lsdMod print0 submatrix wide2long wide2long.data.frame wide2long.list wide2long.matrix

#' Compare two objects and return differences
#' Works eigher on a list or on two arguments. In case of a list,
#' comparison is done with respect to a reference entry. Besides the
#' objects themselves also some of their attributes are compared,
#' i.e. "equations", "parameters" and "events" and "forcings".
#' @param vec1 object of class \link{eqnvec}, \code{character} or
#' \code{data.frame}. Alternatively, a list of such objects.
#' @param vec2 same as vec1. Not used if vec1 is a list.
#' @param reference numeric of length one, the reference entry.
#' @param ... arguments going to the corresponding methods
#' @return \code{data.frame} or list of data.frames with the differences. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Compare equation vectors
#' eq1 <- eqnvec(a = "-k1*a + k2*b", b = "k2*a - k2*b")
#' eq2 <- eqnvec(a = "-k1*a", b = "k2*a - k2*b", c = "k2*b")
#' compare(eq1, eq2)
#' ## Compare character vectors
#' c1 <- c("a", "b")
#' c2 <- c("b", "c")
#' compare(c1, c2)
#' ## Compare data.frames
#' d1 <- data.frame(var = "a", time = 1, value = 1:3, method = "replace")
#' d2 <- data.frame(var = "a", time = 1, value = 2:4, method = "replace")
#' compare(d1, d2)
#' ## Compare structures like prediction functions
#' fn1 <- function(x) x^2
#' attr(fn1, "equations") <- eq1
#' attr(fn1, "parameters") <- c1
#' attr(fn1, "events") <- d1
#' fn2 <- function(x) x^3
#' attr(fn2, "equations") <- eq2
#' attr(fn2, "parameters") <- c2
#' attr(fn2, "events") <- d2
#' mylist <- list(f1 = fn1, f2 = fn2)
#' compare(mylist)

compare <- function(vec1, ...) {
  UseMethod("compare", vec1)

#' @export
#' @rdname compare
compare.list <- function(vec1, vec2 = NULL, reference = 1, ...) {
  index <- (1:length(vec1))[-reference]
  diffable.attributes <- c("equations", "parameters", "forcings", "events")
  out.total <- lapply(index, function(i) {
    # Compare objects if possible
    vec1.inner <- vec1[[reference]]
    vec2.inner <- vec1[[i]]
    out1 <- NULL
    if(any(class(vec1.inner) %in% c("eqnvec", "data.frame"))) {
      out1 <- list(compare(vec1.inner, vec2.inner))
      names(out1) <- "object"
    # Compare comparable attributes of the object if available
    out2 <- NULL
    attributes1 <- attributes(vec1.inner)[diffable.attributes]
    attributes2 <- attributes(vec2.inner)[diffable.attributes]
    slots <- names(attributes1)[!is.na(names(attributes1))]
    out2 <- lapply(slots, function(n) {
      compare(attributes1[[n]], attributes2[[n]])
    names(out2) <- slots
    c(out1, out2)
  names(out.total) <- names(vec1)[index]
  ## Do resorting of the list
  innernames <- names(out.total[[1]])
  out.total <- lapply(innernames, function(n) {
    out <- lapply(out.total, function(out) out[[n]])
    out[!sapply(out, is.null)]
  names(out.total) <- innernames

#' @export
#' @rdname compare
compare.character <- function(vec1, vec2 = NULL, ...) {
  missing <- setdiff(vec1, vec2)
  additional <- setdiff(vec2, vec1)
  out <- do.call(rbind, 
          list(different = NULL, 
               missing = data.frame(name = missing), 
               additional = data.frame(name = additional)
  if(nrow(out) == 0) out <- NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname compare
compare.eqnvec <- function(vec1, vec2 = NULL, ...) {

  names1 <- names(vec1)
  names2 <- names(vec2)
  missing <- setdiff(names1, names2)
  additional <- setdiff(names2, names1)
  joint <- intersect(names1, names2)
  # Compare joint equations
  v1 <- format(vec1)
  v2 <- format(vec2)
  not.coincide <- which(as.character(v1[joint]) != as.character(v2[joint]))
  different <- data.frame(name = names(v2[not.coincide]), equation = as.character(v2[not.coincide]))
  missing <- data.frame(name = names(v2[missing]), equation = as.character(v2[missing]))
  additional <- data.frame(name = names(v2[additional]), equation = as.character(v2[additional]))
  out <- do.call(rbind, list(different = different, missing = missing, additional = additional))
  if(nrow(out) == 0) out <- NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname compare
compare.data.frame <- function(vec1, vec2 = NULL, ...) {
  additional <- !duplicated(rbind(vec1, vec2))[-(1:nrow(vec1))]
  missing <- !duplicated(rbind(vec2, vec1))[-(1:nrow(vec2))]
  out <- do.call(rbind, list(different = character(0), missing = vec1[missing, ], additional = vec2[additional, ]))
  if(nrow(out) == 0) out <- NULL

#' Combine several data.frames by rowbind
#' @param ... data.frames or matrices with not necessarily overlapping colnames
#' @details This function is useful when separating models into independent csv model files,
#' e.g.~a receptor model and several downstream pathways. Then, the models can be recombined 
#' into one model by \code{combine()}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data1 <- data.frame(Description = "reaction 1", Rate = "k1*A", A = -1, B = 1)
#' data2 <- data.frame(Description = "reaction 2", Rate = "k2*B", B = -1, C = 1)
#' combine(data1, data2)
#' @export
combine <- function(...) {
  # List of input data.frames
  mylist <- list(...)
  # Remove empty slots
  is.empty <- sapply(mylist, is.null)
  mylist <- mylist[!is.empty]
  mynames <- unique(unlist(lapply(mylist, function(S) colnames(S))))
  mylist <- lapply(mylist, function(l) {
    if(is.data.frame(l)) {
      i <- sapply(l, is.factor)
      l[i] <- lapply(l[i], as.character)
      present.list <- as.list(l)
      missing.names <- setdiff(mynames, names(present.list))
      missing.list <- structure(as.list(rep(NA, length(missing.names))), names = missing.names)
      combined.data <- do.call(function(...) cbind.data.frame(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE), c(present.list, missing.list))
      rownames(combined.data) <- rownames(l)
    if(is.matrix(l)) {
      present.matrix <- as.matrix(l)
      missing.names <- setdiff(mynames, colnames(present.matrix))
      missing.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(present.matrix), ncol = length(missing.names), 
                             dimnames = list(NULL, missing.names))
      combined.data <- submatrix(cbind(present.matrix, missing.matrix), cols = mynames)
      rownames(combined.data) <- rownames(l)
  out <- do.call(rbind, mylist)

#' Submatrix of a matrix returning ALWAYS a matrix
#' @param M matrix
#' @param rows Index vector
#' @param cols Index vector
#' @return The matrix \code{M[rows, cols]}, keeping/adjusting attributes like ncol nrow and dimnames.
#' @export
submatrix <- function(M, rows = 1:nrow(M), cols = 1:ncol(M)) {
 M[rows, cols, drop = FALSE] 
  # myrows <- (structure(1:nrow(M), names = rownames(M)))[rows]
  # mycols <- (structure(1:ncol(M), names = colnames(M)))[cols]
  # if(any(is.na(myrows)) | any(is.na(mycols))) stop("subscript out of bounds")
  # matrix(M[myrows, mycols], 
  #        nrow = length(myrows), ncol = length(mycols), 
  #        dimnames = list(rownames(M)[myrows], colnames(M)[mycols]))


#' Embed two matrices into one blockdiagonal matrix
#' @param M matrix of type character
#' @param N matrix of type character
#' @return Matrix of type character containing M and N as upper left and lower right block
#' @examples
#' M <- matrix(1:9, 3, 3, dimnames = list(letters[1:3], letters[1:3]))
#' N <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2, dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:2], LETTERS[1:2]))
#' blockdiagSymb(M, N)
#' @export
blockdiagSymb <- function(M, N) {
  red <- sapply(list(M, N), is.null)
  if(all(red)) {
  } else if(red[1]) {
  } else if(red[2]) {
  A <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(N)[2], nrow=dim(M)[1])
  B <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(M)[2], nrow=dim(N)[1])
  result <- rbind(cbind(M, A), cbind(B, N))
  colnames(result) <- c(colnames(M), colnames(N))
  rownames(result) <- c(rownames(M), rownames(N))

#' Translate wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format 
#' @param out data.frame or matrix or list of matrices in wide format 
#' @param keep Index vector, the columns to keep
#' @param na.rm Logical, if \code{TRUE}, missing values are removed in the long format.
#' @details The function assumes that out[,1] represents a time-like vector
#' whereas out[,-1] represents the values. Useful for plotting with ggplot. If 
#' a list is supplied, the names of the list are added as extra column names "condition"
#' @return data.frame in long format, i.e. columns "time" (out[,1]), "name" (colnames(out[,-1])), 
#' "value" (out[,-1]) and, if out was a list, "condition" (names(out))
#' @export
wide2long <- function(out, keep = 1, na.rm = FALSE) {
  UseMethod("wide2long", out)

#' Translate wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format 
#' @param out data.frame or matrix or list of matrices in wide format 
#' @param keep Index vector, the columns to keep
#' @param na.rm Logical, if \code{TRUE}, missing values are removed in the long format.
#' @details The function assumes that out[,1] represents a time-like vector
#' whereas out[,-1] represents the values. Useful for plotting with ggplot. If 
#' a list is supplied, the names of the list are added as extra column names "condition"
#' @return data.frame in long format, i.e. columns "time" (out[,1]), "name" (colnames(out[,-1])), 
#' "value" (out[,-1]) and, if out was a list, "condition" (names(out))
#' @export wide2long.data.frame
#' @export
wide2long.data.frame <- function(out, keep = 1, na.rm = FALSE) {
  wide2long.matrix(out, keep = keep, na.rm = na.rm)

#' Translate wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format 
#' @param out data.frame or matrix or list of matrices in wide format 
#' @param keep Index vector, the columns to keep
#' @param na.rm Logical, if \code{TRUE}, missing values are removed in the long format.
#' @details The function assumes that out[,1] represents a time-like vector
#' whereas out[,-1] represents the values. Useful for plotting with ggplot. If 
#' a list is supplied, the names of the list are added as extra column names "condition"
#' @return data.frame in long format, i.e. columns "time" (out[,1]), "name" (colnames(out[,-1])), 
#' "value" (out[,-1]) and, if out was a list, "condition" (names(out))
#' @export wide2long.matrix
#' @export
wide2long.matrix <- function(out, keep = 1, na.rm = FALSE) {
  timenames <- colnames(out)[keep]
  allnames <- colnames(out)[-keep]
  if (any(duplicated(allnames))) warning("Found duplicated colnames in out. Duplicates were removed.")
  times <- out[,keep]
  ntimes <- nrow(out)
  values <- unlist(out[,allnames])
  outlong <- data.frame(times, 
                        name = factor(rep(allnames, each = ntimes), levels = allnames), 
                        value = as.numeric(values))
  colnames(outlong)[1:length(keep)] <- timenames
  if (na.rm) outlong <- outlong[!is.na(outlong$value),]

#' Translate wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format 
#' @param out list of matrices in wide format 
#' @param keep Index vector, the columns to keep
#' @param na.rm Logical, if \code{TRUE}, missing values are removed in the long format.
#' @details The function assumes that out[,1] represents a time-like vector
#' whereas out[,-1] represents the values. Useful for plotting with ggplot. If 
#' a list is supplied, the names of the list are added as extra column names "condition"
#' @return data.frame in long format, i.e. columns "time" (out[,1]), "name" (colnames(out[,-1])), 
#' "value" (out[,-1]) and, if out was a list, "condition" (names(out))
#' @export wide2long.list
#' @export
wide2long.list <- function(out, keep = 1, na.rm = FALSE) {
  conditions <- names(out)
  outlong <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:max(c(length(conditions), 1)), function(cond) {
    cbind(wide2long.matrix(out[[cond]]), condition = conditions[cond])

#' Translate long to wide format (inverse of wide2long.matrix) 
#' @param out data.frame in long format 
#' @return data.frame in wide format 
#' @export
long2wide <- function(out) {
  timename <- colnames(out)[1]
  times <- unique(out[,1])
  allnames <- unique(as.character(out[,2]))
  M <- matrix(out[,3], nrow=length(times), ncol=length(allnames))
  M <- cbind(times, M)
  colnames(M) <- c(timename, allnames)

#' Bind named list of data.frames into one data.frame
#' @param mylist A named list of data.frame. The data.frames are expected to have the same structure.
#' @details Each data.frame ist augented by a "condition" column containing the name attributed of
#' the list entry. Subsequently, the augmented data.frames are bound together by \code{rbind}.
#' @return data.frame with the originial columns augmented by a "condition" column.
#' @export
lbind <- function(mylist) {
  conditions <- names(mylist)
  #numconditions <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(conditions))
  # if(!any(is.na(numconditions))) 
  #   numconditions <- as.numeric(numconditions) 
  # else 
  numconditions <- conditions

  outlong <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(conditions), function(cond) {
    myout <- mylist[[cond]]
    if (nrow(myout) > 0)
      myout[["condition"]] <- numconditions[cond]
      myout[["condition"]] <- character(0)

#' Alternative version of expand.grid
#' @param seq1 Vector, numeric or character
#' @param seq2 Vector, numeric or character
#' @return Matrix ob combinations of elemens of \code{seq1} and \code{seq2}
expand.grid.alt <- function(seq1, seq2) {
  cbind(Var1=rep.int(seq1, length(seq2)), Var2=rep(seq2, each=length(seq1)))

#' Compile one or more prdfn, obsfn or parfn objects
#' @param ... Objects of class parfn, obsfn or prdfn
#' @param output Optional character of the file to be produced. If several objects were
#' passed, the different C files are all compiled into one shared object file.
#' @param args Additional arguments for the R CMD SHLIB call, e.g. \code{-leinspline}.
#' @param verbose Print compiler output to R command line.
#' @param cores Number of cores used for compilation when several files are compiled.
#' @export
compile <- function(..., output = NULL, args = NULL, cores = 1, verbose = F) {
  objects <- list(...)
  obj.names <- as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
  # Get full list of .c and .cpp files for the obsfn, parfn and prdfn objects in ...
  files <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(objects)) {
    if (inherits(objects[[i]], c("obsfn", "parfn", "prdfn"))) {
      # Get and reset modelname
      filename <- modelname(objects[[i]])
      # Expand modelname by possible endings and check if file exists
      filename <- outer(filename, c("", "_deriv", "_s", "_sdcv", "_dfdx", "_dfdp"), paste0)
      files.obj <- c(paste0(filename, ".c"), paste0(filename, ".cpp"))
      files.obj <- files.obj[file.exists(files.obj)]
      files <- union(files, files.obj)
  roots <- sapply(files, function(f) {
    l <- strsplit(f, split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    paste(l[1:(length(l)-1)], collapse = ".")
  .so <- .Platform$dynlib.ext
  # Sanitize cores on windows
  if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Windows") cores <- 1
  if (is.null(output)) {
    compilation_out <- mclapply(1:length(files), function(i) {
      try(dyn.unload(paste0(roots[i], .so)), silent = TRUE)
      system(paste0(R.home(component = "bin"), "/R CMD SHLIB ", files[i], " ", args), intern = !verbose)
    }, mc.cores = cores, mc.silent = FALSE)
    for (r in roots) dyn.load(paste0(r, .so))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:length(objects)) {
      eval(parse(text = paste0("modelname(", obj.names[i], ") <<- '", output, "'")))
    for (r in roots) try(dyn.unload(paste0(r, .so)), silent = TRUE)
    try(dyn.unload(output), silent = TRUE)
    system(paste0(R.home(component = "bin"), "/R CMD SHLIB ", paste(files, collapse = " "), " -o ", output, .so, " ", args), intern = !verbose)
    dyn.load(paste0(output, .so))

#' Determine loaded DLLs available in working directory
#' @return Character vector with the names of the loaded DLLs available in the working directory
#' @export
getLocalDLLs <- function() {
  all.dlls <- getLoadedDLLs()
  is.local <- sapply(all.dlls, function(x) grepl(getwd(), unclass(x)$path, fixed = TRUE))

#' Load shared object for a dMod object
#' Usually when restarting the R session, although all objects are saved in
#' the workspace, the dynamic libraries are not linked any more. \code{loadDLL}
#' is a wrapper for \code{dyn.load} that uses the "modelname" attribute of
#' dMod objects like prediction functions, observation functions, etc. to
#' load the corresponding shared object.
#' @param ... objects of class prdfn, obsfn, parfn, objfn, ...
#' @export
loadDLL <- function(...) {
  .so <- .Platform$dynlib.ext
  models <- modelname(...)
  files <- paste0(outer(models, c("", "_s", "_sdcv", "_deriv"), paste0), .so)
  files <- files[file.exists(files)]
  for (f in files) {
    try(dyn.unload(f), silent = TRUE)
  message("The following local files were dynamically loaded: ", paste(files, collapse = ", "))

sanitizeCores <- function(cores)  {
  max.cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  min(max.cores, cores)
 # if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Windows") cores <- 1
 # return(cores)

sanitizeConditions <- function(conditions) {
  new <- str_replace_all(conditions, "[[:punct:]]", "_")
  new <- str_replace_all(new, "\\s+", "_")

sanitizePars <- function(pars = NULL, fixed = NULL) {
  # Convert fixed to named numeric
  if (!is.null(fixed)) fixed <- structure(as.numeric(fixed), names = names(fixed))
  # Convert pars to named numeric
  if (!is.null(pars)) {
    pars <- structure(as.numeric(pars), names = names(pars))
    # remove fixed from pars
    pars <- pars[setdiff(names(pars), names(fixed))]
  return(list(pars = pars, fixed = fixed))

sanitizeData <- function(x, required = c("name", "time", "value"), imputed = c(sigma = NA, lloq = -Inf)) {
  all.names <- names(x)
  missing.required <- setdiff(required, all.names)
  missing.imputed <- setdiff(names(imputed), all.names)
  if (length(missing.required) > 0)
      stop("These mandatory columns are missing: ", paste(missing.required, collapse = ", "))
  if (length(missing.imputed) > 0) {
    for (n in missing.imputed) x[[n]] <- imputed[n]
  list(data = x, columns = c(required, names(imputed)))

#' Print list of dMod objects in .GlobalEnv
#' @description Lists the objects for a set of classes.
#' @param classlist List of object classes to print.
#' @param envir Alternative environment to search for objects.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' lsdMod()
#' lsdMod(classlist = "prdfn", envir = environment(obj)) 
#' }
#' @export
lsdMod <- function(classlist = c("odemodel", "parfn", "prdfn", "obsfn", "objfn", "datalist"), envir = .GlobalEnv){
  glist <- as.list(envir)
  out <- list()
  for (a in classlist) {
    flist <- which(sapply(glist, function(f) any(class(f) == a)))
    out[[a]] <- names(glist[flist])
    #cat(a,": ")
    #cat(paste(out[[a]], collapse = ", "),"\n")

#' Select attributes.
#' @description Select or discard attributes from an object.
#' @param x The object to work on
#' @param atr An optional list of attributes which are either kept or removed. 
#'   This parameter defaults to dim, dimnames, names,  col.names, and row.names.
#' @param keep For keep = TRUE, atr is a positive list on attributes which are 
#'   kept, for keep = FALSE, \option{atr} are removed.
#' @return x with selected attributes.
#' @author Wolfgang Mader, \email{Wolfgang.Mader@@fdm.uni-freiburg.de}
#' @author Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek, \email{mirjam.fehling@@physik.uni-freiburg.de}
#' @export
attrs <- function(x, atr = NULL, keep = TRUE) {

  if (is.null(atr)) {
    atr <- c("class", "dim", "dimnames", "names", "col.names", "row.names")
  xattr <- names(attributes(x))
  if (keep == TRUE) {
    attributes(x)[!xattr %in% atr] <- NULL
  } else {
    attributes(x)[xattr %in% atr] <- NULL

#' Print object and its "default" attributes only.
#' @param x Object to be printed
#' @param list_attributes Prints the names of all attribute of x, defaults to 
#'   TRUE
#' @details Before the \option{x} is printed by print.default, all its arguments
#'   not in the default list of \code{\link{attrs}} are removed.
#' @author Wolfgang Mader, \email{Wolfgang.Mader@@fdm.uni-freiburg.de}
#' @author Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek, 
#'   \email{mirjam.fehling@@physik.uni-freiburg.de}
#' @export
print0 <- function(x, list_attributes = TRUE ) {
  if (list_attributes == TRUE) {
    cat("List of all attributes: ", names(attributes(x)), "\n")

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