mtgplant1: Class 'foldermtg'

mtgplant1R Documentation

Class foldermtg


These data produced by the SAGAH team (Sciences Agronomiques Appliquées à l'Horticulture, now Research Institute on Horticulture and Seeds), provide the topological structure of a rosebush.




This object of class foldermtg is a list of 10 data frames:

  • mtgplant1$classes: data frame with 6 rows and 5 columns named SYMBOL (factor: the classes of the vertices), SCALE (integer: the scale at which they appear), DECOMPOSITION (factor), INDEXATION (factor) and DEFINITION (factor).

    The vertex classes are:

    • P: the whole plant (scale 1)

    • A: the axes (scale 2)

    • O, M, I: the ..., metamers (phytomers) and inflorescences (scale 3)

  • mtgplant1$description: data frame with 8 rows and 4 columns (factors) named LEFT, RIGHT, RELTYPE and MAX.

  • mtgplant1$features: data frame with 13 rows and 2 columns (factors) named NAME and TYPE.

  • mtgplant1$topology: data frame with 88 rows and 4 columns:

    • order1, order2 and order3 (factors): the codes of the vertices, as they are found in the MTG table of the MTG file. The column on which a code appears gives the branching order of the corresponding vertex.

    • vertex (character): the same codes of vertices, on a single column.

  • mtgplant1$coordinates: data frame with 86 rows and 6 columns (numeric) named XX, YY and 22: cartesian coordinates of the vertices, and AA, BB and CC: an other coordinates system.

  • mtgplant1$P, mtgplant1$A, mtgplant1$M, mtgplant1$I: data frames of the features on the vertices (all numeric).


This object of class foldermtg can be built by reading the data in a MTG file (see examples).


Pradal, C., Godin, C. and Cokelaer, T. (2023). MTG user guide

See Also

read.mtg: to read an MTG file and build an object of class MTG.

mtgplant2: an other example of such data.



# To read these data from a MTG file:
mtgfile1 <- system.file("extdata/plant1.mtg", package = "dad")
mtgplant1 <- read.mtg(mtgfile1)

dad documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:06 p.m.