
dag.sim2 <- function (dag, b = rep(0, nrow(dag$arc)), bxy = 0, n, 
                      distr  = rep(0, length(dag$x)),
                      mu     = rep(0, length(dag$x)),
                      stdev  = rep(0, length(dag$x)),
                      nu     = NA,
                      lambda = NA,
                      binary = NA,
                      naming = 2, seed = NA, verbose = FALSE) 
    # arguments:
    # b      - the regression coefficient (on linear scale)
    # distr  - 0 for Normal distribution continuous nodes,
    #          1 for binary nodes simulated from logistic model,
    #          1.1 for binary nodes simulated from logistic model (see mu),
    #          2 for binary nodes simulated from linear risk difference model,
    #          2.1 for binary nodes simulated from linear risk difference model (see mu)
    #          Note. binary nodes are made binary before calculating descendant nodes, i.e. there
    #                will be a discrete difference--not a continuous change--in the descendants.
    # mu     - for normally distributed continuous variables, the overall mean simulated
    #          for binary variables w/ distr=1 or distr=2, proportion of successes simulated
    #          for binary variables w/ distr=1.1 or distr=2.1, proportion of successes simulated in the
    #                                             reference category (sum of coef-weighted predictors =0)
    # stdev  - for normally distributed continuous variables without ancestors,
    #          the sd of the simulated distribution
    #          for other variables, the sd of the noise added to the calculated value
    #          (might not be very reasonable for binary/survival variables, as it just biases towards 0,
    #           i.e. reducing the b should do the same; for continuous, it broadens the conf.int.)
    #          Note. the noise is added after shifting to the mean, so the mean will not be exact.
    #          Note. the noise is added before calculating descendant nodes, i.e. it is sort of
    #               true inter-individual variation, not measurement error.
    # nu     - not used
    # lambda - not used
    # binary - DEPRECATED - use argument "distr" instead;
    # seed   - setting the random seed in the function call is discouraged and may be deprecated
    #           in future releases;
    { warning("argument 'binary' has been replaced by 'distr'; overwriting 'distr' with 'binary'!");
    { warning("setting the random seed in the function call is discouraged and may be deprecated in future releases!");
    logit<-function(p) log(p/(1-p));            # helper function;
    inv.logit<-function(l) exp(l)/(1+exp(l));   # helper function;
    if (length(b) != nrow(dag$arc)) {
      stop("number of coefficients does not fit number of arcs");
    writeLines("Note: undirected arcs are discarded, an xy arc is appended.");
    dag$arc <- dag$arc[dag$arc.type == 0, ]; # discard undirected arcs;
    nodes <- length(dag$x);
    dag$arc <- rbind(dag$arc, c(1, nodes))   # append xy arc (node 1 -> last node);
    b <- b[dag$arc.type == 0];               # discard b's belonging to undirected arcs;
    b <- c(b, bxy);                          # append bxy to b's;
    # following two lines just so that the internal dag remains consistent in itself...
    dag$arc.type <- dag$arc.type[dag$arc.type == 0];  # discard arc.type of undirected arcs;
    dag$arc.type <- c(dag$arc.type, 0);               # append arc.type for xy arc;
    df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = nodes, nrow = n)); # prepare data.frame to simulate;
    if(!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed);
    all.simulated <- FALSE;
    counter <- 1;
    while (all.simulated == FALSE) {
      for (i in 1:nodes) {
        if (is.na(df[1, i])) { 
          if (length(dag.ancestors(dag, A = i)) == 1) # does node have no ancestor?;
            if (distr[i]==0) {
              writeLines(paste(c("simulating node", i, "from Normal, with mean SD", mu[i], stdev[i]), collapse = " "));
              df[, i] <- rnorm(n, mean=mu[i], sd=stdev[i]);  # simulate continuous node with no ancestors;
            } else
              if (distr[i] %in% c(1, 1.1, 2, 2.1)) {
                writeLines(paste(c("simulating node", i, "from Binomial, with prob", mu[i]), collapse = " "));
                df[, i] <- rbinom(n=n, size=1, prob=mu[i]); # simulate binary node with no ancestors;
            if (all(!is.na(df[1, dag.ancestors(dag, i)[-1]]))) # are all ancestors already simulated?;
              relevant.b <- b[which(dag$arc[, 2] == i)]; # reduce b's to those of arcs pointing to node i;
              relevant.x <- as.matrix(cbind(df[, dag$arc[dag$arc[,2] == i, 1]], rep(0, n)));
              # reduce simulated nodes to ancestors of i;
              pred.value <- rowSums(relevant.x %*% c(relevant.b, 0)); # calculate new node "predicted value";
              noise2add  <- rnorm(mean=0, sd=stdev[i], n=n);             # noise to add;
              if(distr[i]==0) # Normal distribution node with ancestors
                raw.value <- pred.value + (mu[i]-mean(pred.value)) + noise2add; # shift and add noise!!!;
                df[, i]   <- raw.value;                                         # assign to data.frame;
                writeLines(paste(c("node", i,
                                   ": calculated from nodes", dag$arc[dag$arc[,2] == i, 1],
                                   "via arcs", which(dag$arc[, 2] == i),
                                   "with b", relevant.b, ", shifted to mean", mu[i], "(added noise SD:", stdev[i],");"),
                                 collapse = " "));
                if (verbose) {
                  writeLines("calculation values:");
                  print(data.frame(relevant.x[,1:ncol(relevant.x)-1], pred.value, noise2add, raw.value, df[, i]));
                if(distr[i]==1) # binary distribution (logistic model, mu is sort of overall prob) node with ancestors
                  raw.value <- pred.value + (logit(mu[i])-mean(pred.value)) + noise2add;             # shift and add noise!!!;
                  df[, i]   <- sapply(raw.value, FUN = function(x)
                  {rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = inv.logit(x))}); # assign binary to data.frame;
                  writeLines(paste(c("node", i,
                                     ": calculated from nodes", dag$arc[dag$arc[,2] == i, 1],
                                     "via arcs", which(dag$arc[, 2] == i),
                                     "with exp(b)", exp(relevant.b),
                                     ", shifted to (overall) probability", mu[i], "(added noise SD:", stdev[i],");"), collapse = " "));
                  if (verbose) {
                    writeLines("calculation values:");
                    print(data.frame(relevant.x[,1:ncol(relevant.x)-1], pred.value, noise2add, raw.value, df[, i]));
                if(distr[i]==1.1) # binary distribution (logistic model, mu is ref cat prob) node with ancestors
                  raw.value <- pred.value + logit(mu[i]) + noise2add;             # shift and add noise!!!;
                  df[, i]   <- sapply(raw.value, FUN = function(x)
                  {rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = inv.logit(x))});                # assign binary to data.frame;
                  writeLines(paste(c("node", i,
                                     ": calculated from nodes", dag$arc[dag$arc[,2] == i, 1],
                                     "via arcs", which(dag$arc[, 2] == i),
                                     "with exp(b)", exp(relevant.b),
                                     ", shifted to (ref cat) probability", mu[i], "(added noise SD:", stdev[i],");"), collapse = " "));
                  if (verbose) {
                    writeLines("calculation values:");
                    print(data.frame(relevant.x[,1:ncol(relevant.x)-1], pred.value, noise2add, raw.value, df[, i]));
                if(distr[i]==2) # binary distribution (risk diff model, mu is overall prob) node with ancestors
                  raw.value <- pred.value + (mu[i]-mean(pred.value)) + noise2add;             # shift and add noise!!!;
                  raw.value.trunc <- pmin(pmax(raw.value, 0), 1);
                  df[, i]   <- sapply(raw.value.trunc, FUN = function(x)                      # assign binary to data.frame;
                  { rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = x)
                  writeLines(paste(c("node", i,
                                     ": calculated from nodes", dag$arc[dag$arc[,2] == i, 1],
                                     "via arcs", which(dag$arc[, 2] == i),
                                     "with RD (b)", relevant.b,
                                     ", shifted to (overall) probability", mu[i], "(added noise SD:", stdev[i],");"), collapse = " "));
                  if(sum(raw.value!=raw.value.trunc)>0) writeLines(paste(c("For", sum(raw.value!=raw.value.trunc),
                                                                           "values, probability had to be truncated to 0 or 1")));
                  if (verbose) {
                    writeLines("calculation values:");
                    print(data.frame(relevant.x[,1:ncol(relevant.x)-1], pred.value, noise2add, raw.value, df[, i]));
                if(distr[i]==2.1) # binary distribution (risk diff model, mu is ref cat prob) node with ancestors
                  raw.value <- pred.value + (mu[i]) + noise2add;             # shift and add noise!!!;
                  raw.value.trunc <- pmin(pmax(raw.value, 0), 1);
                  df[, i]   <- sapply(raw.value.trunc, FUN = function(x)     # assign binary to data.frame;
                  { rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = x)
                  writeLines(paste(c("node", i,
                                     ": calculated from nodes", dag$arc[dag$arc[,2] == i, 1],
                                     "via arcs", which(dag$arc[, 2] == i),
                                     "with RD (b)", relevant.b,
                                     ", shifted to (ref cat) probability", mu[i], "(added noise SD:", stdev[i],");"), collapse = " "));
                  if(sum(raw.value!=raw.value.trunc)>0) writeLines(paste(c("For", sum(raw.value!=raw.value.trunc),
                                                                           "values, probability had to be truncated to 0 or 1")));
                  if (verbose) {
                    writeLines("calculation values:");
                    print(data.frame(relevant.x[,1:ncol(relevant.x)-1], pred.value, noise2add, raw.value, df[, i]));
      counter <- counter + 1; # not really used for anything...;
      all.simulated <- all(!is.na(df[1, ])); # are all nodes already simulated?;
    if(naming==2) names(df)<-dag$symbols; # for now, it's either X1,X2,... or the "symbols";
    rv <- df

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dagR documentation built on Oct. 9, 2022, 5:06 p.m.