
Defines functions gl.plot.structure

Documented in gl.plot.structure

#' @name gl.plot.structure
#' @title Plots STRUCTURE analysis results (Q-matrix)
#' @description
#' This function takes a structure run object (output from
#'  \code{\link{gl.run.structure}}) and plots the typical structure bar
#'   plot that visualize the q matrix of a structure run.
#' @param sr Structure run object from \code{\link{gl.run.structure}} [required].
#' @param K The number for K of the q matrix that should be plotted. Needs to
#'  be within you simulated range of K's in your sr structure run object. If 
#'  NULL, all the K's are plotted [default NULL].
#' @param met_clumpp The algorithm to use to infer the correct permutations.
#' One of 'greedy' or 'greedyLargeK' or 'stephens' [default "greedyLargeK"].
#' @param iter_clumpp The number of iterations to use if running either 'greedy'
#'  'greedyLargeK' [default 100].
#' @param clumpak Whether use the Clumpak method (see details) [default TRUE].
#' @param plot_theme Theme for the plot. See Details for options
#' [default NULL].
#' @param colors_clusters A color palette for clusters (K) or a list with
#' as many colors as there are clusters (K) [default NULL].
#' @param ind_name Whether to plot individual names [default TRUE].
#' @param border_ind The width of the border line between individuals 
#' [default 0.25]. 
#' @param plot.out Specify if plot is to be produced [default TRUE].
#' @param save2tmp If TRUE, saves any ggplots and listings to the session
#' temporary directory (tempdir) [default FALSE].
#' @param verbose Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2,
#'  progress log ; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default
#'   NULL, unless specified using gl.set.verbosity]
#' @details The function outputs a barplot which is the typical output of
#'  structure. For a Evanno plot use gl.evanno.
#'  This function is based on the methods of CLUMPP and Clumpak as implemented 
#'  in the R package starmie (https://github.com/sa-lee/starmie). 
#'  The Clumpak method identifies sets of highly similar runs among 
#'  all the replicates of the same K. The method then separates the distinct 
#'  groups of runs representing distinct modes in the space of possible solutions.
#'  The CLUMPP method permutes the clusters output by independent runs of 
#'  clustering programs such as structure, so that they match up as closely as 
#'  possible.
#'  This function averages the replicates within each mode identified by the 
#'  Clumpak method.
#'  Plots and table are saved to the temporal directory (tempdir) and can be
#'  accessed with the function \code{\link{gl.print.reports}} and listed with
#'  the function \code{\link{gl.list.reports}}. Note that they can be accessed
#'  only in the current R session because tempdir is cleared each time that the
#'   R session is closed.
#' Examples of other themes that can be used can be consulted in \itemize{
#'  \item \url{https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/ggtheme.html} and \item
#'  \url{https://yutannihilation.github.io/allYourFigureAreBelongToUs/ggthemes/}
#'  }
#' @return List of Q-matrices
#' @author Bernd Gruber & Luis Mijangos (Post to \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr})
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #bc <- bandicoot.gl[,1:100]
#' #sr <- gl.run.structure(bc, k.range = 2:5, num.k.rep = 3, exec = './structure')
#' #ev <- gl.evanno(sr)
#' #ev
#' #qmat <- gl.plot.structure(sr, K=3)
#' #head(qmat)
#' #gl.map.structure(qmat, K=3, bc, scalex=1, scaley=0.5)
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{gl.run.structure}, \code{gl.plot.structure}
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Pritchard, J.K., Stephens, M., Donnelly, P. (2000) Inference of
#' population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics 155, 945-959.
#' \item Kopelman, Naama M., et al. "Clumpak: a program for identifying 
#' clustering modes and packaging population structure inferences across K." 
#' Molecular ecology resources 15.5 (2015): 1179-1191.
#' \item Mattias Jakobsson and Noah A. Rosenberg. 2007. CLUMPP: a cluster
#' matching and permutation program for dealing with label switching and
#' multimodality in analysis of population structure. Bioinformatics
#' 23(14):1801-1806. Available at
#' \href{http://web.stanford.edu/group/rosenberglab/clumppDownload.html}{clumpp}
#' }

gl.plot.structure <- function(sr,
                                K = NULL,
                                met_clumpp = "greedyLargeK",
                                iter_clumpp = 100,
                                clumpak = TRUE,
                                plot_theme = NULL,
                                colors_clusters = NULL,
                                ind_name = TRUE,
                                border_ind = 0.15,
                                plot.out = TRUE,
                                save2tmp = FALSE,
                                verbose = NULL) {
  verbose <- gl.check.verbosity(verbose)
  funname <- match.call()[[1]]
  utils.flag.start(func = funname,
                   build = "Jody",
                   verbosity = verbose)
  if (!is(sr, "structure.result")) {
      "sr is not a structure result object returned from gl.run.structure.\n"
  if (is.null(K)) {
    ks <- range((lapply(sr, function(x) {
    ks <- ks[1]:ks[2]
  } else{
    ks <- K
  res <- list()
  for (i in ks) {
    eq.k <- sapply(sr, function(x) {
      x$summary["k"] == i
    if (sum(eq.k) == 0) {
        "No entries for K =", K, "found in 'sr'.\n"
    sr_tmp <- sr[eq.k]
    Q_list_tmp <- lapply(sr_tmp, function(x) {
      as.matrix(x[[2]][, 4:ncol(x[[2]])])
    # If K = 1
    if (ncol(Q_list_tmp[[1]]) == 1) {
      res[[length(res)+1]]  <- c(res, as.matrix(Q_list_tmp[1]))
    # If K > 1  
      # If just one replicate 
        res_tmp <- Q_list_tmp[[1]]
      # if more than 1 replicate
        res_tmp <- clumpp(Q_list_tmp, method = met_clumpp, iter = iter_clumpp)$Q_list
      # clumpak method for inferring modes within multiple structure runs as
      # implemented in starmie package
      if (clumpak) {
        # if just one replicate
          res_tmp_2 <- res_tmp[[1]]
        # if more than one replicate
          simMatrix <- as.matrix(proxy::simil(res_tmp, method = G))
          diag(simMatrix) <- 1
          t <- calcThreshold(simMatrix)
          simMatrix[simMatrix < t] <- 0
          clusters <- mcl(simMatrix, addLoops = TRUE)$Cluster
          res_tmp_2 <- split(res_tmp, clusters)
        # averaging replicates
        # if there is just one mode
          # if there is just one replicate within the mode
            res_tmp_3 <- res_tmp_2[[1]]
            # if there are more than 1 replicate within the mode
            res_tmp_3 <- as.matrix(Reduce("+", res_tmp_2[[1]]) / length(res_tmp_2[[1]]))
          # if there are more than 1 mode  
          res_tmp_3 <- lapply(res_tmp_2, function(x) {
            # if there is just one replicate within the mode
              #if there are more than 1 replicate within the mode
              return(Reduce("+", x[1]) / length(x[1]))
        res_tmp_3 <- res_tmp 
      # if the object is a list
        for (y in 1:length(res_tmp_3)) {
          res[[length(res)+1]] <- res_tmp_3[y]
        res[[length(res)+1]] <- res_tmp_3
  #flattening lists
  renquote <- function(l) if (is.list(l)) lapply(l, renquote) else enquote(l)
  res <- lapply(unlist(renquote(res)), eval)
  names(res) <- as.character(1:length(res))
  Q_list <- res
  #get K labels
  Ks <- unlist(lapply(Q_list, ncol))
  if (length(unique(Ks)) != length(Ks)) {
    #Repeated Ks so label with subnumbering
    Ks <- paste(Ks, ave(Ks, Ks, FUN = seq_along), sep = ".")
  } else{
    Ks <- as.character(Ks)
  for (i in 1:length(Q_list)) {
    Q_list_tmp <- data.frame(
      Label = sr[[1]]$q.mat$id,
      K = rep(Ks[[i]], nrow(Q_list[[i]])),
      orig.pop = sr[[1]]$q.mat$orig.pop
    n_col <- ncol(Q_list_tmp) - 3
    colnames(Q_list_tmp) <-
      c("Label", paste0(rep("cluster", n_col), 1:n_col), "K", "orig.pop")
    cols_order <- colnames(Q_list_tmp)
    cols_order <- cols_order[grepl("cluster", cols_order)]
    Q_list_tmp$orig.pop <- as.factor(Q_list_tmp$orig.pop)
    Q_list_tmp_list <- split(Q_list_tmp, Q_list_tmp$orig.pop)
    Q_list_tmp_list_2 <- lapply(Q_list_tmp_list, function(x) {
      data.table::setorderv(x, cols = cols_order, order = -1)
    Q_list_tmp <- data.table::rbindlist(Q_list_tmp_list_2)
    Q_list_tmp$ord <- 1:nrow(Q_list_tmp)
    Q_list[[i]] <- Q_list_tmp
  order_df <- Q_list[[1]][order(Q_list[[1]]$Label),]

  Q_list <- lapply(Q_list,function(x){
    tmp <- x[order(x$Label),]
    tmp$ord <- order_df$ord
  if (is.null(plot_theme)) {
    plot_theme <- theme_dartR()
  if (is.null(colors_clusters)) {
    colors_clusters <- structure_colors
  if (is(colors_clusters, "function")) {
    cols_clusters <- colors_clusters(max(ks))
  if (!is(colors_clusters, "function")) {
    cols_clusters <- colors_clusters
  # #Melt and append Q matrices
  Q_melt <-
              id.vars = c("Label", "K", "orig.pop", "ord"),
              variable.name = "Cluster"

  Q_melt$orig.pop <-
    factor(Q_melt$orig.pop, levels = unique(sr[[1]]$q.mat$orig.pop))

  p3 <- ggplot(Q_melt, aes_(x= ~ factor(ord), y = ~value, fill = ~Cluster)) +
    geom_col(color = "black", size = border_ind,width = 1) +
     facet_grid(K ~ orig.pop , scales = "free", space = "free") +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
      breaks = unique(Q_melt$ord),
      labels = unique(Q_melt$Label),
      expand = c(0, 0)
    ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = cols_clusters) +
    plot_theme +
      panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"),
      panel.border = element_rect(
        color = "black",
        fill = NA,
        size = 1
      strip.background = element_blank(),
      strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12, angle = 90),
      axis.title.x = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_text(
        size = 8,
        angle = 90,
        vjust = 0.5,
        hjust = 1
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank() ,
      legend.position = "none"
    p3 + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
               axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
  # creating temp file names
  if (save2tmp) {
    if (plot.out) {
      temp_plot <- tempfile(pattern = "Plot_")
      match_call <-
               collapse = "_")
      # saving to tempdir
      saveRDS(list(match_call, p3), file = temp_plot)
      if (verbose >= 2) {
        cat(report("  Saving the ggplot to session tempfile\n"))
    temp_table <- tempfile(pattern = "Table_")
    saveRDS(list(match_call, Q_list), file = temp_table)
    if (verbose >= 2) {
      cat(report("  Saving tabulation to session tempfile\n"))
          "  NOTE: Retrieve output files from tempdir using gl.list.reports() and gl.print.reports()\n"
  if (verbose >= 1) {
    cat(report("Completed:", funname, "\n"))

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dartR documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:48 a.m.