
## Methods for object of class "kvLocalDisk" - key-value pairs as R objects stored on disk

#' @export
ddoInit.localDiskConn <- function(obj, ...) {
  structure(list(), class = "kvLocalDisk")

#' @export
ddoInitConn.localDiskConn <- function(obj, ...) {

#' @export
requiredObjAttrs.kvLocalDisk <- function(obj) {
    ddo = c(getDr("requiredDdoAttrs"), "files", "sizes"),
    ddf = getDr("requiredDdfAttrs")

#' @export
getBasicDdoAttrs.kvLocalDisk <- function(obj, conn) {
  fp <- conn$loc
  ff <- list.files(fp, recursive = TRUE)
  ff <- ff[!grepl("_meta\\/", ff)]
  if(length(ff) == 0)
    stop("No data", call. = FALSE)
  sz <- file.info(file.path(fp, ff))$size
  getDat <- function(f) {

    conn = conn,
    extractableKV = FALSE,
    totStorageSize = sum(sz),
    files = ff,
    sizes = sz,
    nDiv = length(ff),
    example = getDat(file.path(fp, ff[1]))[[1]]

#' @export
getBasicDdfAttrs.kvLocalDisk <- function(obj) {
    vars = lapply(kvExample(obj)[[2]], class)

# kvLocalDisk is always extractable
#' @export
hasExtractableKV.kvLocalDisk <- function(x) {
  kh <- getAttribute(x, "keyHashes")
  if(length(kh) == 1)

### extract methods

#' @export
extract.kvLocalDisk <- function(x, i, ...) {
  # argument i can either be:
  # - a numeric index, in which case the data ff[i] will be obtained
  # - a list of actual keys, in which case the hash function is applied
  #    and matched to the appropriate directory
  # - a hash digest of the desired keys, in which case the appropriate
  #    file will be located

  ff <- getAttribute(x, "files")
  conn <- getAttribute(x, "conn")
  pr <- conn$loc
  nBins <- conn$nBins
  fileHashFn <- conn$fileHashFn

  idx <- NULL

  if(is.numeric(i)) {
    idx <- i
  } else {
    # try file names, actual keys, and key hash possibilities

    # first try file names
    if(any(i %in% ff)) {
      idx <- unlist(lapply(i, function(x) which(ff == x)))
    } else {
      # then try i as actual keys:
      tmp <- try(fileHashFn(i, conn), silent = TRUE)
      if(!inherits(tmp, "try-error"))
        idx <- unlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) which(ff == x)))

      if(length(idx) == 0) {
        # now try i as hash, only if it is likely that i is a hash
        if(all(is.character(i))) {
          if(all(nchar(i) == 32)) {
              stop("It appears you are trying to retrive a subset of the data using a hash of the key.  Key hashes have not been computed for this data.  Please call updateAttributes() on this data.")

            # get the keys that have md5 hashes that match i
            kh <- getAttribute(x, "keyHashes")
            tmp <- getKeys(x)[unlist(lapply(i, function(x) which(kh == x)))]
            tmp <- fileHashFn(tmp, conn)
            # then get the index of the matching file
            idx <- unlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) which(ff == x)))
  if(length(idx) == 0)
  lapply(idx, function(a) {
    load(file.path(pr, ff[a]))

## default output methods (convert character to output)

charToOutput.kvLocalDiskChar <- function(x) {

### convert methods

#' @export
convertImplemented.kvLocalDisk <- function(obj) {
  c("hdfsConn", "NULL", "localDiskConn")

#' @export
convert.kvLocalDisk <- function(from, to = NULL, overwrite = FALSE) {
  if(!inherits(to, "localDiskConn"))
    mrCheckOutputLoc(to, overwrite = overwrite)
  convertKvLocalDisk(to, from)

convertKvLocalDisk <- function(obj, ...)
  UseMethod("convertKvLocalDisk", obj)

# from local disk to local disk
#' @export
convertKvLocalDisk.localDiskConn <- function(to, from, verbose = FALSE) {

# from local disk to memory
#' @export
convertKvLocalDisk.NULL <- function(to, from, verbose = FALSE) {
  size <- getAttribute(from, "totObjectSize")
    size <- getAttribute(from, "totStorageSize")
  if(size / 1024^2 > 100)
    warning("Reading over 100MB of data into memory - probably not a good idea...")
  ff <- getAttribute(from, "files")
  conn <- getAttribute(from, "conn")
  pr <- conn$loc
  res <- do.call(c, lapply(file.path(pr, ff), function(x) {

  if(inherits(from, "ddf")) {
    res <- ddf(res, update = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  } else {
    res <- ddo(res, update = FALSE, verbose = verbose)

  addNeededAttrs(res, from)

# from local disk to HDFS
#' @export
convertKvLocalDisk.hdfsConn <- function(to, from, verbose = FALSE) {
  conn <- getAttribute(from, "conn")
  pr <- conn$loc
  ff <- getAttribute(from, "files")

  # TODO: check to make sure "to" is a fresh location
  writeDat <- list()
  objSize <- 0
  for(f in file.path(pr, ff)) {
    writeDat[[length(writeDat) + 1]] <- obj[[1]]
    objSize <- objSize + utils::object.size(obj)
    # flush it to HDFS once the list is bigger than 100MB (make this configurable?)
    if(objSize / 1024^2 > 100) {
      rhwrite(writeDat, file = paste(to$loc, "/", digest(writeDat), "_",
        utils::object.size(writeDat), sep = ""))
      writeDat <- list()
      objSize <- 0
  if(length(writeDat) > 0)
    rhwrite(writeDat, file = paste(to$loc, "/", digest(writeDat), "_",
      utils::object.size(writeDat), sep = ""))

  if(inherits(from, "ddf")) {
    res <- ddf(to, update = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  } else {
    res <- ddo(to, update = FALSE, verbose = verbose)

  addNeededAttrs(res, from)

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datadr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:06 p.m.