as.dataRobotFeatureInfo: Information on a data feature.

View source: R/Features.R

as.dataRobotFeatureInfoR Documentation

Information on a data feature.


Information on a data feature.





list. See return value below for expected elements.


A named list which contains:

  • id numeric. feature id. Note that throughout the API, features are specified using their names, not this ID.

  • name character. The name of the feature.

  • featureType character. Feature type: 'Numeric', 'Categorical', etc.

  • importance numeric. numeric measure of the strength of relationship between the feature and target (independent of any model or other features).

  • lowInformation logical. Whether the feature has too few values to be informative.

  • uniqueCount numeric. The number of unique values in the feature.

  • naCount numeric. The number of missing values in the feature.

  • dateFormat character. The format of the feature if it is date-time feature.

  • projectId character. Character id of the project the feature belongs to.

  • max. The maximum value in the dataset, formatted in the same format as the data.

  • min. The minimum value in the dataset, formatted in the same format as the data.

  • mean. The arithmetic mean of the dataset, formatted in the same format as the data.

  • median. The median of the dataset, formatted in the same format as the data.

  • stdDev. The standard deviation of the dataset, formatted in the same format as the data.

  • timeSeriesEligible logical. Whether this feature can be used as the datetime partition column in a time series project.

  • timeSeriesEligibilityReason character. Why the feature is ineligible for the datetime partition column in a time series project, "suitable" when it is eligible.

  • crossSeriesEligible logical. Whether the cross series group by column is eligible for cross-series modeling. Will be NULL if no cross series group by column is used.

  • crossSeriesEligibilityReason character. The type of cross series eligibility (or ineligibility).

  • timeStep numeric. For time-series eligible features, a positive integer determining the interval at which windows can be specified. If used as the datetime partition column on a time series project, the feature derivation and forecast windows must start and end at an integer multiple of this value. NULL for features that are not time series eligible.

  • timeUnit character. For time series eligible features, the time unit covered by a single time step, e.g. "HOUR", or NULL for features that are not time series eligible.

  • targetLeakage character. Whether a feature is considered to have target leakage or not. A value of "SKIPPED_DETECTION" indicates that target leakage detection was not run on the feature.

  • keySummary data.frame. Optional. Descriptive statistics for this feature, iff it is a summarized categorical feature. This data.frame contains:

    • key. The name of the key.

    • summary. Descriptive statistics for this key, including:

      • max. The maximum value in the dataset.

      • min. The minimum value in the dataset.

      • mean. The arithmetic mean of the dataset.

      • median. The median of the dataset.

      • stdDev. The standard deviation of the dataset.

      • pctRows. The percentage of rows (from the EDA sample) in which this key occurs.

See Also

Other feature functions: GetFeatureInfo(), ListFeatureInfo(), ListModelFeatures()

datarobot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.