
Defines functions agg_to_freq sum_na sd_na mean_na index_by_friday index_one_by_friday Diff pct_chng last_obs col_to_list row_to_list get_from_list number_finite all_finite any_finite extract_basic_character limit_character extract_character extract_numeric

Documented in agg_to_freq all_finite any_finite col_to_list Diff extract_basic_character extract_character extract_numeric get_from_list index_by_friday last_obs limit_character mean_na number_finite pct_chng row_to_list sd_na sum_na

#' Extract numeric values
#' Extract numeric values from x
#' @param x object containing numeric (and other) values
#' @return Numeric values from the object
#' @examples 
#' extract_numeric(c("7+5", "abc123")) ## c(75, 123)
extract_numeric <- function(x) as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", as.character(x)))

#' Extract character values
#' Extract character values from x including space and underscore
#' @param x object containing character values
#' @return Character valus from the object
#' @examples 
#' extract_character(c("this_1one", "abc123")) ## c("this_one", "abc")
extract_character <- function(x) trimws(gsub("([^A-Za-z _]|NA)","",as.character(x)))

#' Limit Characters
#' limit the number of characters in a string and remove spacial characters (will not drop numbers)
#' @param x object containing character values
#' @param limit maximum number of characters to return
#' @return Character values within the limit
#' @examples 
#' limit_character("a%b+&cd!efghij",limit = 3)  ## "abc"
limit_character <- function(x, limit = 100) substr(gsub("([^A-Za-z0-9 _]|NA)","",as.character(x)), 1, limit)

#' Extract characters
#' Extract character values from x excluding space and underscore
#' @param x object containing character (and other) values
#' @return Character values without space and underscore
#' @examples
#' extract_basic_character(c("this_1one", "abc123"))  ## c("thisone", "abc123)
extract_basic_character <- function(x) tolower(trimws(gsub("([^A-Za-z]|NA)","",as.character(x))))

#' Rows with finite values
#' Return indexes of rows with at least one finite value
#' @param Y matrix like data object
#' @return Indexes of rows with at least one finite value
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(1,10,2)
#' X[3,] <- NA
#' any_finite(X)
any_finite <- function(Y) seq(NROW(Y))%in%(any_obs_cols(t(as.matrix(Y)))+1)

#' Rows with only finite values
#' Return indexes of rows with only finite values
#' @param Y matrix like data object
#' @return Indexes of rows with with only finite values
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(1,10,2)
#' X[3,1] <- NA
#' all_finite(X)
all_finite <- function(Y) seq(NROW(Y))%in%(finite_cols(t(as.matrix(Y)))+1)

#' Number of finite values in a column
#' Return the number of finite values in a column of Y
#' @param Y matrix like data object
#' @return The number of finite values per column
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(1,10,2)
#' X[3,1] <- NA
#' number_finite(X)
number_finite <- function(Y) count_finite(as.matrix(Y))

#' Get from list
#' Retrieve object `what` from `lst`
#' @param lst list
#' @param what object to retrieve (by name or index)
#' @return Element of the list indicated 
#' @examples
#' get_from_list(list("a" = "alpha", "b" = c(1,2,3)), "a") # "alpha"
get_from_list <- function(lst, what) lst[[what]]

#' Convert rows to list
#' Return `Y` with each row as a list
#' @param Y matrix like data object
#' @return Each row as a list
#' @examples
#' row_to_list(matrix(rnorm(20),10,2))
row_to_list <- function(Y) split(Y, row(Y))

#' Convert columns to list
#' Return `Y` with each column as a list
#' @param Y matrix like data object
#' @return Each column as a list
#' @examples 
#' row_to_list(matrix(rnorm(20),10,2))
col_to_list <- function(Y) split(Y, col(Y))

#' Last observation
#' Return the last finite observation of `x`
#' @param x data potentially with non-finite values
#' @return The last finite observation
#' @examples 
#' last_obs(c(NA,1,2,3,NA,5,NA,7,NA,NA)) ## 7
last_obs <- function(x){
  idx <- which(is.finite(x))
  if(length(idx) == 0){

#' Percent change
#' Calculate the percent change in `y` from one period to the next
#' @param y data 
#' @param lag number of periods for percent change
#' @return The percentage change among the lag period
#' @examples  
#' pct_chng(c(100,50,100,20,100,110))
pct_chng <- function(y, lag = 1){
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  y <- (y[-seq(lag), ,drop = FALSE] - y[-seq(NROW(y)-lag+1, NROW(y)), ,drop = FALSE])/y[-seq(NROW(y)-lag+1, NROW(y)), ,drop = FALSE]
  y <- rbind(matrix(NA, lag, NCOL(y)), y) # keep the number of rows the same

#' Difference data
#' Wrapper for `diff()` maintaining the same number of observations in `x`
#' @param x data
#' @param lag number of lags to use
#' @return Differenced data
#' @examples 
#' Diff(c(100,50,100,20,100,110))
Diff <- function(x, lag = 1){ # difference but keep same number of rows
    out <- c(rep(NA, lag), diff(x, lag = lag))
    out <- rbind(matrix(NA, lag, NCOL(x)), diff(x, lag = lag))

index_one_by_friday <- function(dte){
  dte <- as.Date(dte)
  tmp_sq <- seq.Date(from = dte, to = dte+6, by = "day")
  idx <- which(weekdays(tmp_sq) == "Sunday")
  return(tmp_sq[idx] - 2)

#' Find the Friday in a given week
#' Find the Friday in a given week from a sequence of Dates
#' Vectors should be in as.Date() format
#' @param dates vector of dates
#' @return The date of the Friday in the week of the given date
#' @examples
#' dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-21"),
#'                   by = "week", length.out = 10)
#' fridays <- index_by_friday(dates)
#' weekdays(fridays)
index_by_friday <- function(dates){
  out <- lapply(dates, FUN = index_one_by_friday)
  return(do.call("c", out))

#' Return the mean
#' Return the mean of `x`. If no observations, return `NA`. This is a workaround for the fact that in data.table, `:= mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)` will return `NaN` where there are no observations
#' @param x data potentially with non-finite values
#' @return Mean of the input
#' @examples 
#' mean_na(c(1,2,3,7,9,NA)) ## 4.4
mean_na <- function(x) if(all(!is.finite(x))) return(as.double(NA)) else return(as.double(mean(x, na.rm = T)))

#' Return the standard deviation
#' Return the standard deviation of `x`. If no observations, return `NA`. This is a workaround for the fact that in data.table, `:= sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)` will return `NaN` where there are no observations
#' @param x data potentially with non-finite values
#' @return Standard deviation of the input
#' @examples 
#' sd_na(c(1,2,3,NA)) ## 1
sd_na <- function(x) if(all(!is.finite(x))) return(as.double(NA)) else return(as.double(sd(x, na.rm = T)))

#' Return the sum
#' Return the sum of `x`. If no observations, return `NA`. This is a workaround for the fact that in data.table, `:= sum()` will return `NaN` where there are no observations
#' @param x data potentially with non-finite values
#' @return Sum of the input
#' @examples 
#' sum_na(c(1,2,3,NA)) # 6
sum_na <- function(x) if(all(!is.finite(x))) return(as.double(NA)) else return(as.double(sum(x, na.rm = T)))

#' Aggregate long format data.table
#' Aggregate a data.table in long format to a specified frequency
#' @param dt_long data.table in long format
#' @param frq frequency for aggregation, one of `"month"`, `"week"`, `"quarter"`, or `"year"`
#' @param date_name name of date column
#' @param id_name name of id column
#' @param value_name name of value column
#' @return Aggregated data at specified frequency in long format
#' @examples 
#' out <- agg_to_freq(fred[series_name == "gdp constant prices"], frq = "year")
agg_to_freq <- function(dt_long, frq = c("month", "week", "quarter", "year"),
                        date_name = "ref_date", id_name = "series_name", value_name = "value"){
  frq <- match.arg(frq) # checks and picks the first if unspecified
  dt_long <- data.table(dt_long)
  setnames(dt_long, date_name, "ref_date")
    setnames(dt_long, id_name, "series_name")
    dt_long[ , series_name := "temp"]
  setnames(dt_long, value_name, "value")
  if(frq == "week"){
    dt_out <- dt_long[ , mean_na(value),
                       by = .(series_name, index_by_friday(ref_date))]
    nobs_out <- dt_long[ , sum(is.finite(value)),
                      by = .(series_name, index_by_friday(ref_date))]
    setnames(dt_out, "V1", "value")
    setnames(dt_out, "index_by_friday", "ref_date")
    setnames(nobs_out, "V1", "n_obs")
    setnames(nobs_out, "index_by_friday", "ref_date")
    dt_out <- merge(dt_out, nobs_out, by = c("ref_date", "series_name"))
  }else if(frq == "month"){
    dt_out <- dt_long[ , mean_na(value),
                       by = .(series_name, end_of_period(ref_date))]
    nobs_out <- dt_long[ , sum(is.finite(value)),
                       by = .(series_name, end_of_period(ref_date))]
    setnames(dt_out, "V1", "value")
    setnames(dt_out, "end_of_period", "ref_date")
    setnames(nobs_out, "V1", "n_obs")
    setnames(nobs_out, "end_of_period", "ref_date")
    dt_out <- merge(dt_out, nobs_out, by = c("ref_date", "series_name"))
  }else if(frq == "quarter"){
    dt_out <- dt_long[ , mean_na(value),
                       by = .(series_name, end_of_period(ref_date, period = "quarter"))]
    nobs_out <- dt_long[ , sum(is.finite(value)),
                       by = .(series_name, end_of_period(ref_date, period = "quarter"))]
    setnames(dt_out, "V1", "value")
    setnames(dt_out, "end_of_period", "ref_date")
    setnames(nobs_out, "V1", "n_obs")
    setnames(nobs_out, "end_of_period", "ref_date")
    dt_out <- merge(dt_out, nobs_out, by = c("ref_date", "series_name"))
  }else if(frq == "year"){
    dt_out <- dt_long[ , mean_na(value),
                       by = .(series_name, end_of_period(ref_date, period = "year"))]
    nobs_out <- dt_long[ , sum(is.finite(value)),
                       by = .(series_name, end_of_period(ref_date, period = "year"))]
    setnames(dt_out, "V1", "value")
    setnames(dt_out, "end_of_period", "ref_date")
    setnames(nobs_out, "V1", "n_obs")
    setnames(nobs_out, "end_of_period", "ref_date")
    dt_out <- merge(dt_out, nobs_out, by = c("ref_date", "series_name"))
  dt_out <- dt_out[n_obs >= 1] #drop missing obs in long format
  dt_out <- dt_out[order(series_name, ref_date)]
  if(is.null(id_name)) dt_out[ , series_name := NULL]

#' Add NA values to the tail of a wide data.table
#' Add NA values to the tail of a wide data.table to be filled by forecasting routines
#' @param dt data.table in wide format
#' @param horizon number of periods to add at specified `frq`
#' @param frq frequency for aggregation, one of `"month"`, `"week"`, `"quarter"`, or `"year"`
#' @param date_name name of date column
#' @return NA-filled data.table in wide format
#' @examples 
#' add_forecast_dates(fred[series_name == "gdp constant prices"],frq="quarter")
add_forecast_dates <- function(dt, horizon = 1, frq = c("month", "week", "quarter", "year"), date_name = "ref_date"){
  frq <- match.arg(frq)
  setnames(dt, date_name, "ref_date")
  if(frq == "day"){
    tmp <- seq.Date(from = max(dt$ref_date), length.out = 1 + horizon, by = "day")[-1]
    out <- rbind(dt, data.table("ref_date" = tmp), fill = TRUE)
  }else if(frq == "week"){
    tmp <- seq.Date(from = max(dt$ref_date), length.out = 1 + horizon, by = "week")[-1]
    out <- rbind(dt, data.table("ref_date" = tmp), fill = TRUE)
  }else if(frq == "month"){
    tmp <- end_of_period(seq.Date(from = first_of_month(max(dt$ref_date)), length.out = 1 + horizon, by = "month"))[-1]
    out <- rbind(dt, data.table("ref_date" = tmp), fill = TRUE)
  }else if(frq == "quarter"){
    tmp <- end_of_period(seq.Date(from = first_of_quarter(max(dt$ref_date)), length.out = 1 + horizon, by = "quarter"), 
                         period = "quarter")[-1]
    out <- rbind(dt, data.table("ref_date" = tmp), fill = TRUE)
  }else if(frq == "year"){
    tmp <- seq.Date(from = max(dt$ref_date), length.out = 1 + horizon, by = "year")[-1]
    out <- rbind(dt, data.table("ref_date" = tmp), fill = TRUE)
    stop("'frq' must be one of 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', or 'year'")

#' Count observations
#' Return the number of finite observations in `x`
#' @param x data vector
#' @return The Number of observations
#' @examples 
#' count_obs(c(1,3,5,7,9,NA)) # 5
count_obs <- function(x) as.integer(sum(is.finite(x)))

#' Last date in the week
#' Return the latest date in each week for the values in `dates`
#' @param dates A sequence of dates in `as.Date()` format
#' @return Last day of each week
#' @examples 
#' dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-21"),
#'                   by = "day", length.out = 10)
#' last_in_week(dates)
last_in_week <- function(dates){
  dates <- data.table("ref_date" = dates)
  out <- dates[ , max(ref_date), by = index_by_friday(ref_date)]

#' Last date in the month
#' Return the latest date in each month for the values in `dates`
#' @param dates A sequence of dates in `as.Date()` format
#' @return Last day of each month
#' @examples 
#' dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-11"),
#'                   by = "day", length.out = 10)
#' last_in_month(dates)
last_in_month <- function(dates){
  dates <- data.table("ref_date" = dates)
  out <- dates[ , max(ref_date), by = end_of_period(ref_date)]

#' First of month
#' Return the first day of the month for each date in `dates`
#' @param dates A sequence of dates in `as.Date()` format
#' @return First day of the month
#' @examples 
#' dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-11"),
#'                   by = "day", length.out = 10)
#' first_of_month(dates)
first_of_month <- function(dates) as.Date(paste(year(dates), month(dates), 01, sep = "-"))

#' Last date in the week
#' Return the latest date in the quarter fop the values in `dates`
#' @param dates A sequence of dates in `as.Date()` format
#' @return Last day of the quarter
#' @examples 
#' dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-11"),
#'                   by = "day", length.out = 10)
#' last_in_quarter(dates)
last_in_quarter <- function(dates){
  dates <- data.table("ref_date" = dates)
  out <- dates[ , max(ref_date), by = end_of_period(ref_date, period = "quarter")]

#' Last date in the year
#' Return the latest date in each year for the values in `dates`
#' @param dates A sequence of dates in `as.Date()` format
#' @return Last day of the year
#' @examples 
#' dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-11"),
#'                   by = "day", length.out = 10)
#' last_in_year(dates)
last_in_year <- function(dates){
  dates <- data.table("ref_date" = dates)
  out <- dates[ , max(ref_date), by = year(ref_date)]

#' Aggregate data.table and return wide format
#' Aggregate a data.table to a specified frequency and return wide format data
#' @param dt data.table in long format
#' @param frq frequency for aggregation, one of `"month"`, `"week"`, `"quarter"`, or `"year"`
#' @param date_name name of date column
#' @param id_name name of id column
#' @param value_name name of value column
#' @param dt_is_wide T/F, is input data `dt` in wide format
#' @return Aggregated data at specificed frequency in wide format
#' @examples 
#' out <- agg_to_freq_wide(fred,frq="quarter")
agg_to_freq_wide <- function(dt, date_name = "ref_date",  frq = c("month", "week", "quarter", "year"), id_name = "series_name",
                             value_name = "value", dt_is_wide = FALSE){
  frq <- match.arg(frq)
  setnames(dt, date_name, "ref_date")
    setnames(dt, id_name, "series_name")
    setnames(dt, value_name, "value")
    dt <- melt(dt, id.vars = 'ref_date', variable.name = "series_name", na.rm = TRUE)
  dt <- agg_to_freq(dt, frq = frq)
  n_obs <- dcast(dt, ref_date ~ series_name, value.var = "n_obs", fun.aggregate = mean_na)
  dt <- dcast(dt, ref_date ~ series_name, value.var = "value", fun.aggregate = mean_na)
  if(frq == "week"){
    tmp_dt <- data.table("ref_date" = seq.Date(from = min(dt$ref_date), to = max(dt$ref_date), by = 7))# regularize frequency
  }else if(frq == "month"){
    tmp_dt <- data.table("ref_date" = end_of_period(seq.Date(from = first_of_month(min(dt$ref_date)),
                                                            to = first_of_month(max(dt$ref_date)), by = "month")))
  }else if(frq == "quarter"){
    tmp_dt <- data.table("ref_date" = end_of_period(seq.Date(from = first_of_month(min(dt$ref_date)),
                                                              to = first_of_month(max(dt$ref_date)), by = "quarter"), period = "quarter"))
  }else if(frq == "year"){
    tmp_dt <- data.table("ref_date" = seq.Date(from = min(dt$ref_date),
                                               to = max(dt$ref_date), by = "year"))
  dt <- merge(tmp_dt, dt, by = "ref_date", all = TRUE) # regularize frequency
  n_obs <- merge(tmp_dt, n_obs, by = "ref_date", all = TRUE) # regularize frequency
  return(list(dt = dt,
              n_obs = n_obs))

#' Are all elements `NA`?
#' Return a logical indicating if all elements are `NA`
#' @param x data vector
#' @return A logical variable indicating all elements are 'NA'
#' @examples 
#' allNA(c(NA, NA, 1, NA)) ## FALSE
allNA <- function(x) all(is.na(x))

#' Find element of this_in that
#' Find element of this_in that, ie `this_in%in%that`
#' @param that first object
#' @param this_in second object
#' @return Logical variables indicating whether the element exists in both objects
#' @examples 
#' that <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-15"), by = "day", length.out = 10)
#' this_in <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-09-11"), by = "day", length.out = 10)
#' is_in(that, this_in)
is_in <- function(that, this_in) this_in%in%that

#' Rolling mean
#' Take the rolling mean of `x` over `n` elements
#' @param x data vector
#' @param n span of rolling mean
#' @return Rolling mean of the input
#' @examples 
#' rollmean(c(1,2,3),2) ## NA, 1.5, 2.5 
rollmean <- function(x, n){
  y <- rollmean_cpp(x,n)
  y[!is.finite(y)] <- NA

#' Get frequency of data based on missing observations
#' Guess the frequency of a data series based on the pattern of missing observations
#' @param x data, potentially with missing observations
#' @param dates corresponding dates in `as.Date()` format
#' @return The frequency of the data
#' @examples 
#' dates <- as.Date(c("2020-1-1", "2020-1-15", "2020-2-1", 
#'                    "2020-2-15", "2020-3-1", "2020-3-15", "2020-4-1"))
#' get_data_frq(c(1,NA,2,NA,3,NA,4), dates) ## "month"
get_data_frq <- function(x = NULL, dates){
    ddates <- median(diff(dates))
    ddates <- median(diff(dates[!is.na(x)]))
  if(ddates > 300){
  }else if(ddates > 89 && ddates < 93){
  }else if(ddates > 26 && ddates < 32){
  }else if(ddates == 7){
  }else if(ddates == 1){

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