
## stupid file name to load first

  contains = "dbartsTreePrior",
  slots = list(
    power = "numeric",
    base = "numeric",
    splitProbabilities = "numeric"
  function(object) {
    if (object@power <= 0.0) return("'power' must be positive")
    if (object@base  <= 0.0 || object@base >= 1.0) return("'base' must be in (0, 1)")
    if (length(object@splitProbabilities) > 0L &&
        (any(object@splitProbabilities < 0.0) ||
         abs(sum(object@splitProbabilities) - 1.0) > 1.0e-10))
      return("'splitProbabilities' must form a simplex")

# this is a prior over k
methods::setClass("dbartsChiHyperprior", contains = "dbartsNodeHyperprior",
                  slots = list(degreesOfFreedom = "numeric", scale = "numeric"))
  function(object) {
    if (object@degreesOfFreedom <= 0.0) return("'degreesOfFreedom' must be positive")
    if (object@scale <= 0.0) return("'scale' must be positive")
methods::setClass("dbartsFixedHyperprior", contains = "dbartsNodeHyperprior",
                  slots = list(k = "numeric"),
                  prototype = list(k = 2))
  function(object) {
    if (object@k <= 0.0) return("'k' must be positive")

methods::setClass("dbartsNormalPrior", contains = "dbartsNodePrior")

methods::setClass("dbartsChiSqPrior", contains = "dbartsResidPrior",
                  slots = list(df = "numeric", quantile = "numeric"))
 function(object) {
   if (object@df <= 0.0) return("'df' must be positive")
   if (object@quantile <= 0.0) return("'quantile' must be positive")
methods::setClass("dbartsFixedPrior", contains = "dbartsResidPrior",
                  slots = list(value = "numeric"))
  function(object) {
    if (object@value <= 0.0) return("'value' must be positive")

  slots =
  list(binary           = "logical",
       verbose          = "logical",
       keepTrainingFits = "logical",
       useQuantiles     = "logical",
       keepTrees        = "logical",
       n.samples        = "integer",
       n.burn           = "integer",
       n.trees          = "integer",
       n.chains         = "integer",
       n.threads        = "integer",
       n.thin           = "integer",
       printEvery       = "integer",
       printCutoffs     = "integer",
       rngKind          = "character",
       rngNormalKind    = "character",
       rngSeed          = "integer",
       updateState      = "logical",
       call             = "language"),
  prototype =
  list(binary           = FALSE,
       verbose          = FALSE,
       keepTrainingFits = TRUE,
       useQuantiles     = FALSE,
       keepTrees        = FALSE,
       n.samples        = NA_integer_,
       n.burn           = 200L,
       n.trees          = 75L,
       n.chains         = 4L,
       n.threads        = 1L,
       n.thin           = 1L,
       printEvery       = 100L,
       printCutoffs     = 0L,
       rngKind          = "default",
       rngNormalKind    = "default",
       rngSeed          = NA_integer_,
       updateState      = TRUE,
       call             = quote(call("NA")))

  function(object) {
    if (length(object@verbose)          != 1L) return("'verbose' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@keepTrainingFits) != 1L) return("'keepTrainingFits' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@useQuantiles)     != 1L) return("'useQuantiles' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@keepTrees)        != 1L) return("'keepTrees' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@n.burn)    != 1L) return("'n.burn' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@n.trees)   != 1L) return("'n.trees' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@n.threads) != 1L) return("'n.threads' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@n.thin)    != 1L) return("'n.thin' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@printEvery)   != 1L) return("'printEvery' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@printCutoffs) != 1L) return("'printCutoffs' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@updateState)  != 1L) return("'updateState' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@n.samples)    != 1L) return("'n.samples' must be of length 1")
    if (length(object@rngSeed) != 1L) return("'rngSeed' must be of length 1")
    if (is.na(object@verbose))          return("'verbose' must be TRUE/FALSE")
    if (is.na(object@keepTrainingFits)) return("'keepTrainingFits' must be TRUE/FALSE")
    if (is.na(object@useQuantiles))     return("'useQuantiles' must be TRUE/FALSE")
    if (is.na(object@keepTrees))               return("'keepTrees' must be TRUE/FALSE")
    if (object@n.burn    <  0L) return("'n.burn' must be a non-negative integer")
    if (object@n.trees   <= 0L) return("'n.trees' must be a positive integer")
    if (object@n.chains  <= 0L) return("'n.chains' must be a positive integer")
    if (object@n.threads <= 0L) return("'n.threads' must be a positive integer")
    if (object@n.thin    <  0L) return("'n.thin' must be a non-negative integer")
    if (object@printEvery   < 0L) return("'printEvery' must be a non-negative integer")
    if (object@printCutoffs < 0L) return("'printCutoffs' must be a non-negative integer")
    ## try to extract rng kinds from function text
    rngKind <- parse(text = deparse(RNGkind)[-1L])[[1L]]
    rngKinds <- character(0L)
    rngNormalKinds <- character(0L)
    for (i in seq_along(rngKind)) {
      rngKind.i <- as.character(rngKind[[i]])
      if (any(grepl("Mersenne", rngKind.i)))
        rngKinds <- eval(parse(text = rngKind.i[which(grepl("Mersenne", rngKind.i))]))
      if (any(grepl("Inversion", rngKind.i)))
        rngNormalKinds <- eval(parse(text = rngKind.i[which(grepl("Inversion", rngKind.i))]))
    if (length(rngKinds) == 0L || length(rngNormalKinds) == 0L) {
      oldKind <- RNGkind()
      oldSeed <- .Random.seed
      tryResult <- tryCatch(RNGkind(object@rngKind, object@rngNormalKind), error = function(e) e)
      if (inherits(tryResult, "error")) return(paste0("unrecognized rng kind ('", object@rngKind, "', '", object@rngNormalKind, "')"))
      ## this will work with partial matches, so we extract the full name
      object@rngKind       <- RNGkind()[1L]
      object@rngNormalKind <- RNGkind()[2L]
      RNGkind(oldKind[1L], oldKind[2L])
      .Random.seed <- oldSeed
    } else {
      if (!(object@rngKind %in% rngKinds)) return(paste0("unrecognized rng kind '", object@rngKind, "'"))
      if (!(object@rngNormalKind %in% rngNormalKinds)) return(paste0("unrecognized rng normal kind '", object@rngNormalKind, "'"))
    if (is.na(object@updateState)) return("'updateState' must be TRUE/FALSE")
    ## handle this in particular b/c it is set through dbarts, not
    ## standard initializer
    if (!is.na(object@n.samples) && object@n.samples < 0L) return("'n.samples' must be a non-negative integer")

  slots =
  list(p.birth_death = "numeric",
       p.swap        = "numeric",
       p.change      = "numeric",
       p.birth = "numeric",
       node.scale = "numeric",
       tree.prior       = "dbartsTreePrior",
       node.prior       = "dbartsNodePrior",
       node.hyperprior  = "dbartsNodeHyperprior",
       resid.prior      = "dbartsResidPrior"),
  prototype =
  list(p.birth_death = 1.0,
       p.swap        = 0.0,
       p.change      = 0.0,
       p.birth       = 0.5,
       node.scale    = 0.5,
       tree.prior    = new("dbartsCGMPrior"),
       node.prior    = new("dbartsNormalPrior"),
       node.hyperprior = new("dbartsFixedHyperprior"),
       resid.prior   = new("dbartsChiSqPrior")))
  function(object) {
    proposalProbs <- c(object@p.birth_death, object@p.swap, object@p.change)
    if (any(proposalProbs < 0.0) || any(proposalProbs > 1.0)) return("rule proposal probabilities must be in [0, 1]")
    if (abs(sum(proposalProbs) - 1.0) >= 1e-10) return("rule proposal probabilities must sum to 1")
    if (object@p.birth <= 0.0 || object@p.birth >= 1.0) return("birth probability for birth/death step must be in (0, 1)")
    if (object@node.scale <= 0.0) return("node.scale must be > 0")

methods::setClassUnion("matrixOrNULL", c("matrix", "NULL"))
methods::setClassUnion("numericOrNULL", c("numeric", "NULL"))

  slots =
  list(y            = "numeric",
       x            = "matrix",
       varTypes     = "integer",
       x.test       = "matrixOrNULL",
       weights      = "numericOrNULL",
       weights.test = "numericOrNULL",
       offset       = "numericOrNULL",
       offset.test  = "numericOrNULL",
       n.cuts       = "integer",
       sigma        = "numeric",

       testUsesRegularOffset   = "logical"),
  prototype =
  list(y            = numeric(0),
       x            = matrix(0, 0, 0),
       varTypes     = integer(0),
       x.test       = NULL,
       weights      = NULL,
       weights.test = NULL,
       offset       = NULL,
       offset.test  = NULL,
       n.cuts       = integer(0),
       sigma        = NA_real_,

       testUsesRegularOffset   = NA
  function(object) {
    numObservations <- length(object@y)
    if (nrow(object@x) != numObservations) return("number of rows of 'x' must equal length of 'y'")
    if (length(object@varTypes) > 0 &&
        any(object@varTypes != ORDINAL_VARIABLE & object@varTypes != CATEGORICAL_VARIABLE))
      return("variable types must all be ordinal or categorical")
    if (!is.null(object@weights)) {
      if (length(object@weights) != numObservations) return("'weights' must be null or have length equal to that of 'y'")
      if (anyNA(object@weights)) return("'weights' cannot be NA")
      if (any(object@weights < 0.0)) return("'weights' must all be non-negative")
      if (any(object@weights == 0.0)) warning("'weights' of 0 will be ignored but increase computation time")
    if (!is.null(object@offset) && length(object@offset) != numObservations) return("'offset' must be null or have length equal to that of 'y'")
    if (!is.null(object@x.test)) {
      if (ncol(object@x.test) != ncol(object@x)) return("'x.test' must be null or have number of columns equal to 'x'")
      if (!is.null(object@weights.test) && length(object@weights.test) != nrow(object@x.test))
        return("'weights.test' must be null or have the same number of rows as 'x.test'")
      if (!is.null(object@offset.test) && length(object@offset.test) != nrow(object@x.test))
        return("'offset.test' must be null or have the same number of rows as 'x.test'")
    if (!anyNA(object@n.cuts) && length(object@n.cuts) != ncol(object@x)) return("length of 'n.cuts' must equal number of columns in 'x'")
    if (!is.na(object@sigma) && object@sigma <= 0.0) return("'sigma' must be positive")

## this shouldn't ever get created, used, modified, whathaveyou
  slots = list(trees      = "integer",
               treeFits   = "numeric",
               savedTrees = "integer",
               sigma      = "numeric",
               k          = "numericOrNULL",
               rng.state  = "integer"))

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dbarts documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:31 a.m.