xbart <- function(formula, data, subset, weights, offset, verbose = FALSE, n.samples = 200L,
method = c("k-fold", "random subsample"), n.test = c(5, 0.2),
n.reps = 40L, n.burn = c(200L, 150L, 50L), loss = c("rmse", "log", "mcr"),
n.threads = dbarts::guessNumCores(),
n.trees = 75L, k = NULL, power = 2, base = 0.95, drop = TRUE,
resid.prior = chisq, control = dbarts::dbartsControl(), sigma = NA_real_,
seed = NA_integer_)
matchedCall <-
currEnv <- sys.frame(sys.nframe())
evalEnv <- parent.frame(1L)
validateCall <- redirectCall(matchedCall, quoteInNamespace(validateArgumentsInEnvironment), control, verbose, n.samples, sigma)
validateCall <- addCallArgument(validateCall, 1L, currEnv)
validateCall <- addCallArgument(validateCall, 2L, xbart)
eval(validateCall, evalEnv, getNamespace("dbarts"))
if (control@call != call("NA")[[1L]]) control@call <- matchedCall
control@verbose <- verbose
control@n.chains <- 1L
control@keepTrees <- FALSE
if (! control@rngSeed <- as.integer(seed)
dataCall <- redirectCall(matchedCall, quoteInNamespace(dbartsData), formula, data, subset, weights, offset)
data <- eval(dataCall, evalEnv)
data@n.cuts <- rep_len(attr(control, "n.cuts"), ncol(data@x))
data@sigma <- sigma
attr(control, "n.cuts") <- NULL
uniqueResponses <- unique(data@y)
if (length(uniqueResponses) == 2L && all(sort(uniqueResponses) == c(0, 1))) control@binary <- TRUE
if ( && !control@binary)
data@sigma <- summary(lm(data@y ~ data@x, weights = data@weights, offset = data@offset))$sigma
if (control@binary && is.null(matchedCall[["resid.prior"]]))
matchedCall[["resid.prior"]] <- quote(fixed(1))
if (!is.character(method) || method[1L] %not_in% eval(formals(xbart)$method))
stop("method must be in '", paste0(eval(formals(xbart)$method), collapse = "', '"), "'")
method <- method[1L]
if (!is.null(matchedCall$method) && is.null(matchedCall$n.test))
n.test <- eval(formals(xbart)$n.test)[match(method, eval(formals(xbart)$method))]
n.test <- n.test[1L]
if (is.null(matchedCall$loss)) {
loss <- loss[if (!control@binary) 1L else 2L]
} else if (is.function(loss)) {
if (length(formals(loss)) != 3L) stop("supplied loss function must take exactly three arguments")
loss <- list(loss, evalEnv)
} else if (is.list(loss)) {
if (!is.function(loss[[1L]])) stop("first member of loss-list must be a function")
if (length(formals(loss[[1L]])) != 3L) stop("supplied loss function must take exactly three arguments")
if (!is.environment(loss[[2L]])) stop("second member of loss-list must be an environment")
if (is.null(matchedCall$n.trees) && "n.trees" %not_in% names(matchedCall)) {
n.trees <- control@n.trees
} else {
n.trees <- coerceOrError(n.trees, "integer")
control@n.trees <- n.trees[1L]
if (is.null(matchedCall[["k"]])) k <- eval(eval(quoteInNamespace(.kDefault)))
if (is.numeric(k)) {
kOrder <- order(k, decreasing = TRUE)
kOrder.inv <- kOrder; kOrder.inv[kOrder] <- seq_along(kOrder)
k <- k[kOrder]
power <- coerceOrError(power, "numeric")
base <- coerceOrError(base, "numeric")
drop <- coerceOrError(drop, "logical")
tree.prior <- quote(cgm(power, base))
tree.prior[[1L]] <- quoteInNamespace(cgm)
tree.prior[[2L]] <- power[1L]; tree.prior[[3L]] <- base[1L]
tree.prior <- eval(tree.prior)
node.prior <- quote(normal(k))
node.prior[[1L]] <- quoteInNamespace(normal)
node.prior[[2L]] <- ifelse_3(is.numeric(k), is.list(k), k[1L], k[[1L]], k)
node.hyperprior <- NULL
massign[node.prior, node.hyperprior] <- eval(node.prior)
resid.prior <-
if (!is.null(matchedCall$resid.prior) || "resid.prior" %in% names(matchedCall)) {
env <- new.env(parent = evalEnv)
env[["chisq"]] <- getNamespace("dbarts")[["chisq"]]
env[["fixed"]] <- getNamespace("dbarts")[["fixed"]]
eval(matchedCall$resid.prior, env)
} else {
eval(formals(xbart)$resid.prior, getNamespace("dbarts"))()
if ( resid.prior <- eval(resid.prior, getNamespace("dbarts"))
model <- new("dbartsModel", tree.prior, node.prior, node.hyperprior, resid.prior,
node.scale = if (control@binary) 3.0 else 0.5)
if (method == "k-fold") {
n.test <- coerceOrError(n.test, "integer")
if (n.test < 2L || n.test > length(data@y))
stop("for k-fold crossvalidation, n.test must be an integer in [2, N]")
} else {
n.test <- coerceOrError(n.test, "numeric")
if (n.test > 1) n.test <- n.test / length(data@y)
if (n.test <= 0 || n.test >= 1) stop("for random subsample crossvalidation, n.test must be in (0, 1)")
n.reps <- coerceOrError(n.reps, "integer")
n.burn <- coerceOrError(n.burn, "integer")
n.threads <- coerceOrError(n.threads, "integer")
result <- .Call(C_dbarts_xbart, control, model, data, method,
n.test, n.reps, n.burn, loss,
n.threads, n.trees, if (is.numeric(k)) k else NULL, power, base, drop)
if (is.null(result) || is.null(dim(result))) return(result)
## add dim names
varNames <- c("n.trees", "k", "power", "base")
if (identical(drop, TRUE))
varNames <- varNames[sapply(varNames, function(varName) if (length(get(varName)) > 1L) TRUE else FALSE)]
if ("k" %in% varNames &&
varNames <- varNames[varNames != "k"]
if ("k" %in% varNames && exists("kOrder") && any(kOrder != seq_along(k))) {
indices <- rep(list(bquote()), length(dim(result)))
indices[[1L + which(varNames == "k")]] <- kOrder.inv
indexCall <-"["), quote(result)), indices, drop = FALSE))
result <- eval(indexCall)
k <- k[kOrder.inv]
dimNames <- vector("list", length(dim(result)))
for (i in seq_along(varNames)) {
x <- get(varNames[i])
dimNames[[i + 1L]] <- as.character(if (is.double(x)) signif(x, 2L) else x)
names(dimNames) <- c("rep", varNames)
dimnames(result) <- dimNames
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