
Defines functions `sql_escape_logical.Microsoft SQL Server` mssql_bit_int_bit mssql_case_when mssql_sql_if mssql_infix_boolean mssql_infix_comparison mssql_is_null mssql_as_bit with_mssql_bool mssql_needs_bit `sql_returning_cols.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_query_save.Microsoft SQL Server` `db_table_temporary.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_table_analyze.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_escape_raw.Microsoft SQL Server` mssql_version `sql_translation.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_query_delete.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_query_upsert.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_query_update_from.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_query_append.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_query_insert.Microsoft SQL Server` `sql_query_select.Microsoft SQL Server` `dbplyr_edition.Microsoft SQL Server` simulate_mssql

Documented in simulate_mssql

#' Backend: SQL server
#' @description
#' See `vignette("translation-function")` and `vignette("translation-verb")` for
#' details of overall translation technology. Key differences for this backend
#' are:
#' * `SELECT` uses `TOP` not `LIMIT`
#' * Automatically prefixes `#` to create temporary tables. Add the prefix
#'   yourself to avoid the message.
#' * String basics: `paste()`, `substr()`, `nchar()`
#' * Custom types for `as.*` functions
#' * Lubridate extraction functions, `year()`, `month()`, `day()` etc
#' * Semi-automated bit <-> boolean translation (see below)
#' Use `simulate_mssql()` with `lazy_frame()` to see simulated SQL without
#' converting to live access database.
#' @section Bit vs boolean:
#' SQL server uses two incompatible types to represent `TRUE` and `FALSE`
#' values:
#' * The `BOOLEAN` type is the result of logical comparisons (e.g. `x > y`)
#'   and can be used `WHERE` but not to create new columns in `SELECT`.
#'   <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/comparison-operators-transact-sql>
#' * The `BIT` type is a special type of numeric column used to store
#'   `TRUE` and `FALSE` values, but can't be used in `WHERE` clauses.
#'   <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/bit-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15>
#' dbplyr does its best to automatically create the correct type when needed,
#' but can't do it 100% correctly because it does not have a full type
#' inference system. This means that you many need to manually do conversions
#' from time to time.
#' * To convert from bit to boolean use `x == 1`
#' * To convert from boolean to bit use `as.logical(if(x, 0, 1))`
#' @param version Version of MS SQL to simulate. Currently only, difference is
#'   that 15.0 and above will use `TRY_CAST()` instead of `CAST()`.
#' @name backend-mssql
#' @aliases NULL
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' lf <- lazy_frame(a = TRUE, b = 1, c = 2, d = "z", con = simulate_mssql())
#' lf %>% head()
#' lf %>% transmute(x = paste(b, c, d))
#' # Can use boolean as is:
#' lf %>% filter(c > d)
#' # Need to convert from boolean to bit:
#' lf %>% transmute(x = c > d)
#' # Can use boolean as is:
#' lf %>% transmute(x = ifelse(c > d, "c", "d"))

#' @include verb-copy-to.R

#' @export
#' @rdname backend-mssql
simulate_mssql <- function(version = "15.0") {
  simulate_dbi("Microsoft SQL Server",
    version = numeric_version(version)

#' @export
`dbplyr_edition.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con) {

#' @export
`sql_query_select.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con,
                                                    where = NULL,
                                                    group_by = NULL,
                                                    having = NULL,
                                                    window = NULL,
                                                    order_by = NULL,
                                                    limit = NULL,
                                                    distinct = FALSE,
                                                    subquery = FALSE,
                                                    lvl = 0) {
    select    = sql_clause_select(con, select, distinct, top = limit),
    from      = sql_clause_from(from),
    where     = sql_clause_where(where),
    group_by  = sql_clause_group_by(group_by),
    having    = sql_clause_having(having),
    window    = sql_clause_window(window),
    order_by  = sql_clause_order_by(order_by, subquery, limit),
    lvl       = lvl

#' @export
`sql_query_insert.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con,
                                                    conflict = c("error", "ignore"),
                                                    returning_cols = NULL,
                                                    method = NULL) {
  method <- method %||% "where_not_exists"
  arg_match(method, "where_not_exists", error_arg = "method")
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25969/insert-into-values-select-from
  conflict <- rows_check_conflict(conflict)

  parts <- rows_insert_prep(con, table, from, insert_cols, by, lvl = 0)

  clauses <- list2(
    sql_returning_cols(con, returning_cols, "INSERTED"),
    sql_clause_select(con, sql("*")),

  sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl = 0, con)

#' @export
`sql_query_append.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con,
                                                    returning_cols = NULL) {
  parts <- rows_prep(con, table, from, by = list(), lvl = 0)
  insert_cols <- escape(ident(insert_cols), collapse = ", ", parens = TRUE, con = con)

  clauses <- list2(
    sql_clause_insert(con, insert_cols, table),
    sql_returning_cols(con, returning_cols, "INSERTED"),
    sql_clause_select(con, sql("*")),

  sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl = 0, con)

#' @export
`sql_query_update_from.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con,
                                                         returning_cols = NULL) {
  # https://stackoverflow.com/a/2334741/946850
  parts <- rows_prep(con, table, from, by, lvl = 0)
  update_cols <- sql_escape_ident(con, names(update_values))

  clauses <- list(
    sql_clause_set(update_cols, update_values),
    sql_returning_cols(con, returning_cols, "INSERTED"),
    sql_clause("INNER JOIN", parts$from),
    sql_clause_on(parts$where, lvl = 1)
  sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl = 0, con)

#' @export
`sql_query_upsert.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con,
                                                    returning_cols = NULL,
                                                    method = NULL) {
  method <- method %||% "merge"
  arg_match(method, "merge", error_arg = "method")

  parts <- rows_prep(con, table, from, by, lvl = 0)

  update_cols_esc <- sql(sql_escape_ident(con, update_cols))
  update_values <- sql_table_prefix(con, update_cols, "...y")
  update_clause <- sql(paste0(update_cols_esc, " = ", update_values))

  insert_cols <- c(by, update_cols)
  insert_cols_esc <- sql(sql_escape_ident(con, insert_cols))
  insert_cols_qual <- sql_table_prefix(con, insert_cols, "...y")

  clauses <- list(
    sql_clause("MERGE INTO", table),
    sql_clause("USING", parts$from),
    sql_clause_on(parts$where, lvl = 1),
    sql_clause("UPDATE SET", update_clause, lvl = 1),
    sql_clause_insert(con, insert_cols_esc, lvl = 1),
    sql_clause("VALUES", insert_cols_qual, parens = TRUE, lvl = 1),
    sql_returning_cols(con, returning_cols, "INSERTED"),
  sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl = 0, con)

#' @export
`sql_query_delete.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con,
                                                    returning_cols = NULL) {
  parts <- rows_prep(con, table, from, by, lvl = 0)

  clauses <- list2(
    sql_clause("DELETE FROM", table),
    sql_returning_cols(con, returning_cols, table = "DELETED"),
    !!!sql_clause_where_exists(parts$from, parts$where, not = FALSE)
  sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl = 0, con)

#' @export
`sql_translation.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con) {
  mssql_scalar <-
    sql_translator(.parent = base_odbc_scalar,

      `!`           = function(x) {
                        if (mssql_needs_bit()) {
                          x <- with_mssql_bool(x)
                          sql_expr(~ !!mssql_as_bit(x))
                        } else {

      `!=`           = mssql_infix_comparison("!="),
      `==`           = mssql_infix_comparison("="),
      `<`            = mssql_infix_comparison("<"),
      `<=`           = mssql_infix_comparison("<="),
      `>`            = mssql_infix_comparison(">"),
      `>=`           = mssql_infix_comparison(">="),

      `&`            = mssql_infix_boolean("&", "%AND%"),
      `&&`           = mssql_infix_boolean("&", "%AND%"),
      `|`            = mssql_infix_boolean("|", "%OR%"),
      `||`           = mssql_infix_boolean("|", "%OR%"),

      `[` = function(x, i) {
        i <- with_mssql_bool(i)
        glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "CASE WHEN ({i}) THEN ({x}) END")

      bitwShiftL     = sql_not_supported("bitwShiftL"),
      bitwShiftR     = sql_not_supported("bitwShiftR"),

      `if`           = function(condition, true, false = NULL, missing = NULL) {
        mssql_sql_if(enquo(condition), enquo(true), enquo(false), enquo(missing))
      if_else        = function(condition, true, false, missing = NULL) {
        mssql_sql_if(enquo(condition), enquo(true), enquo(false), enquo(missing))
      ifelse         = function(test, yes, no) {
        mssql_sql_if(enquo(test), enquo(yes), enquo(no))
      case_when      = mssql_case_when,
      between        = function(x, left, right) {
        context <- sql_current_context()
        if (context$clause == "WHERE") {
          sql_expr(!!x %BETWEEN% !!left %AND% !!right)
        } else {
          sql_expr(IIF(!!x %BETWEEN% !!left %AND% !!right, 1L, 0L))

      as.logical    = sql_cast("BIT"),

      as.Date       = sql_cast("DATE"),
      as.numeric    = sql_cast("FLOAT"),
      as.double     = sql_cast("FLOAT"),
      as.character  = sql_cast("VARCHAR(MAX)"),
      log           = sql_prefix("LOG"),
      atan2         = sql_prefix("ATN2"),
      ceil          = sql_prefix("CEILING"),
      ceiling       = sql_prefix("CEILING"),

      # https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/187090
      pmin          = sql_not_supported("pmin"),
      pmax          = sql_not_supported("pmax"),

      is.null       = mssql_is_null,
      is.na         = mssql_is_null,

      runif = function(n = n(), min = 0, max = 1) {
        sql_runif(RAND(), n = {{ n }}, min = min, max = max)

      # string functions ------------------------------------------------
      nchar = sql_prefix("LEN"),
      paste = sql_paste_infix(" ", "+", function(x) sql_expr(cast(!!x %as% text))),
      paste0 = sql_paste_infix("", "+", function(x) sql_expr(cast(!!x %as% text))),
      substr = sql_substr("SUBSTRING"),
      substring = sql_substr("SUBSTRING"),

      # stringr functions
      str_length = sql_prefix("LEN"),
      str_c = sql_paste_infix("", "+", function(x) sql_expr(cast(!!x %as% text))),
      # no built in function: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/230138
      str_to_title = sql_not_supported("str_to_title"),
      # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/substring-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15
      str_sub = sql_str_sub("SUBSTRING", "LEN", optional_length = FALSE),

      # lubridate ---------------------------------------------------------------
      # https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SQL_Dialects_Reference/Functions_and_expressions/Date_and_time_functions
      as_date = sql_cast("DATE"),

      # Using DATETIME2 as it complies with ANSI and ISO.
      # MS recommends DATETIME2 for new work:
      # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/datetime-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017
      as_datetime = sql_cast("DATETIME2"),

      today = function() sql_expr(CAST(SYSDATETIME() %AS% DATE)),

      # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/datepart-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017
      year = function(x) sql_expr(DATEPART(YEAR, !!x)),
      day = function(x) sql_expr(DATEPART(DAY, !!x)),
      mday = function(x) sql_expr(DATEPART(DAY, !!x)),
      yday = function(x) sql_expr(DATEPART(DAYOFYEAR, !!x)),
      hour = function(x) sql_expr(DATEPART(HOUR, !!x)),
      minute = function(x) sql_expr(DATEPART(MINUTE, !!x)),
      second = function(x) sql_expr(DATEPART(SECOND, !!x)),

      month = function(x, label = FALSE, abbr = TRUE) {
        if (!label) {
          sql_expr(DATEPART(MONTH, !!x))
        } else {
          check_unsupported_arg(abbr, FALSE, backend = "SQL Server")
          sql_expr(DATENAME(MONTH, !!x))

      quarter = function(x, with_year = FALSE, fiscal_start = 1) {
        check_unsupported_arg(fiscal_start, 1, backend = "SQL Server")

        if (with_year) {
          sql_expr((DATENAME(YEAR, !!x) + '.' + DATENAME(QUARTER, !!x)))
        } else {
          sql_expr(DATEPART(QUARTER, !!x))

  if (mssql_version(con) >= "11.0") { # MSSQL 2012
    mssql_scalar <- sql_translator(
      .parent = mssql_scalar,
      as.logical = sql_try_cast("BIT"),
      as.Date = sql_try_cast("DATE"),
      as.POSIXct = sql_try_cast("DATETIME2"),
      as.numeric = sql_try_cast("FLOAT"),
      as.double = sql_try_cast("FLOAT"),

      # In SQL server, CAST (even with TRY) of INTEGER and BIGINT appears
      # fill entire columns with NULL if parsing single value fails:
      # https://gist.github.com/DavidPatShuiFong/7b47a9804a497b605e477f1bf6c38b37
      # So we parse to NUMERIC (which doesn't have this problem), then to the
      # target type
      as.integer = function(x) {
        sql_expr(try_cast(try_cast(!!x %as% NUMERIC) %as% INT))
      as.integer64 = function(x) {
        sql_expr(try_cast(try_cast(!!x %as% NUMERIC(38L, 0L)) %as% BIGINT))
      as.character = sql_try_cast("VARCHAR(MAX)"),
      as_date = sql_try_cast("DATE"),
      as_datetime = sql_try_cast("DATETIME2")

    sql_translator(.parent = base_odbc_agg,
      sd            = sql_aggregate("STDEV", "sd"),
      var           = sql_aggregate("VAR", "var"),
      str_flatten = function(x, collapse = "") sql_expr(string_agg(!!x, !!collapse)),

      median = sql_agg_not_supported("median", "SQL Server"),
      quantile = sql_agg_not_supported("quantile", "SQL Server"),
      all = mssql_bit_int_bit(sql_aggregate("MIN")),
      any = mssql_bit_int_bit(sql_aggregate("MAX"))
    sql_translator(.parent = base_odbc_win,
      sd            = win_aggregate("STDEV"),
      var           = win_aggregate("VAR"),
      str_flatten = function(x, collapse = "") {
          sql_expr(string_agg(!!x, !!collapse)),
          partition = win_current_group(),
          order = win_current_order()

      # percentile_cont needs `OVER()` in mssql
      # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/percentile-cont-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15
      median = sql_median("PERCENTILE_CONT", "ordered", window = TRUE),
      quantile = sql_quantile("PERCENTILE_CONT", "ordered", window = TRUE),
      first = function(x, order_by = NULL, na_rm = FALSE) {
          x = x,
          n = 1L,
          order_by = order_by,
          na_rm = na_rm,
          ignore_nulls = "outside"
      last = function(x, order_by = NULL, na_rm = FALSE) {
          x = x,
          n = Inf,
          order_by = order_by,
          na_rm = na_rm,
          ignore_nulls = "outside"
      nth = function(x, n, order_by = NULL, na_rm = FALSE) {
          x = x,
          n = n,
          order_by = order_by,
          na_rm = na_rm,
          ignore_nulls = "outside"
      all = mssql_bit_int_bit(win_aggregate("MIN")),
      any = mssql_bit_int_bit(win_aggregate("MAX")),
      row_number = win_rank("ROW_NUMBER", empty_order = TRUE)


mssql_version <- function(con) {
  if (inherits(con, "TestConnection")) {
    attr(con, "version")
  } else {
    numeric_version(DBI::dbGetInfo(con)$db.version) # nocov

#' @export
`sql_escape_raw.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con, x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else {
    # SQL Server binary constants should be prefixed with 0x
    # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/constants-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15#binary-constants
    paste0(c("0x", format(x)), collapse = "")

#' @export
`sql_table_analyze.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con, table, ...) {
  # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/update-statistics-transact-sql
  glue_sql2(con, "UPDATE STATISTICS {.tbl table}")

# SQL server does not use CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and instead prefixes
# temporary table names with #
# <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2008-r2/ms177399%28v%3dsql.105%29#temporary-tables>
#' @export
`db_table_temporary.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con, table, temporary, ...) {
  table <- as_table_ident(table)
  table_name <- vctrs::field(table, "table")

  if (temporary && substr(table_name, 1, 1) != "#") {
    table_name <- hash_temp(table_name)
    vctrs::field(table, "table") <- table_name

    table = table,
    temporary = FALSE

#' @export
`sql_query_save.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con,
                                                  temporary = TRUE,
                                                  ...) {

  # https://stackoverflow.com/q/16683758/946850
  glue_sql2(con, "SELECT * INTO {.tbl name} FROM (\n  {sql}\n) AS temp")

#' @export
`sql_values_subquery.Microsoft SQL Server` <- sql_values_subquery_column_alias

#' @export
`sql_returning_cols.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con, cols, table, ...) {
  stopifnot(table %in% c("DELETED", "INSERTED"))
  returning_cols <- sql_named_cols(con, cols, table = table)

  sql_clause("OUTPUT", returning_cols)

# Bit vs boolean ----------------------------------------------------------

mssql_needs_bit <- function() {
  context <- sql_current_context()
  identical(context$clause, "SELECT") || identical(context$clause, "ORDER")

with_mssql_bool <- function(code) {
  local_context(list(clause = ""))

mssql_as_bit <- function(x) {
  if (mssql_needs_bit()) {
    sql_expr(cast(iif(!!x, 1L, 0L) %as% BIT))
  } else {

mssql_is_null <- function(x) {

mssql_infix_comparison <- function(f) {
  f <- toupper(f)
  function(x, y) {
    mssql_as_bit(glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "{.val x} {f} {.val y}"))

mssql_infix_boolean <- function(if_bit, if_bool) {

  function(x, y) {
    if (mssql_needs_bit()) {
      x <- with_mssql_bool(x)
      y <- with_mssql_bool(y)
      mssql_as_bit(sql_call2(if_bool, x, y))
    } else {
      sql_call2(if_bool, x, y)

mssql_sql_if <- function(cond, if_true, if_false = NULL, missing = NULL) {
  cond_sql <- with_mssql_bool(eval_tidy(cond))
  if (is_null(missing) || quo_is_null(missing)) {
    if_true_sql <- escape(eval_tidy(if_true), con = sql_current_con())
    if (is_null(if_false) || quo_is_null(if_false)) {
      if_false_sql <- NULL
    } else {
      if_false_sql <- escape(eval_tidy(if_false), con = sql_current_con())
    sql_expr(IIF(!!cond_sql, !!if_true_sql, !!if_false_sql))
  } else {
    sql_if(cond, if_true, if_false, missing)

mssql_case_when <- function(...) {

mssql_bit_int_bit <- function(f) {
  # bit fields must be cast to numeric before aggregating (e.g. min/max).
  function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
    f_wrapped <- purrr::compose(
      purrr::partial(f, na.rm = na.rm),


#' @export
`sql_escape_logical.Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(con, x) {
  dplyr::if_else(x, "1", "0", "NULL")

utils::globalVariables(c("BIT", "CAST", "%AS%", "%is%", "convert", "DATE", "DATENAME", "DATEPART", "IIF", "NOT", "SUBSTRING", "LTRIM", "RTRIM", "CHARINDEX", "SYSDATETIME", "SECOND", "MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "DAYOFWEEK", "DAYOFYEAR", "MONTH", "QUARTER", "YEAR", "BIGINT", "INT", "%AND%", "%BETWEEN%"))

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