
Defines functions sql_cast_dispatch.integer64 sql_cast_dispatch.POSIXct sql_cast_dispatch.Date sql_cast_dispatch.factor sql_cast_dispatch.character sql_cast_dispatch.numeric sql_cast_dispatch.integer sql_cast_dispatch.logical sql_cast_dispatch.sql sql_cast_dispatch values_prepare.DBIConnection values_prepare sql_values_cast_clauses sql_values_zero_rows sql_values_clause sql_values_subquery_union sql_values_subquery_column_alias sql_values_subquery_default sql_values_subquery.DBIConnection sql_values_subquery op_vars.lazy_values_query flatten_query.values_query sql_render.values_query sql_build.lazy_values_query lazy_values_query copy_inline auto_copy.tbl_sql copy_to.src_sql

Documented in copy_inline copy_to.src_sql

#' Copy a local data frame to a remote database
#' @description
#' This is an implementation of the dplyr [copy_to()] generic and it mostly
#' a wrapper around [DBI::dbWriteTable()].
#' It is useful for copying small amounts of data to a database for examples,
#' experiments, and joins. By default, it creates temporary tables which are
#' only visible within the current connection to the database.
#' @export
#' @param df A local data frame, a `tbl_sql` from same source, or a `tbl_sql`
#'   from another source. If from another source, all data must transition
#'   through R in one pass, so it is only suitable for transferring small
#'   amounts of data.
#' @param name Name of new remote table. Use a string to create the table
#'   in the current catalog/schema. Use `I()` if you want to create it
#'   in a specific catalog/schema, e.g. `I("schema.table")`.
#' @param types a character vector giving variable types to use for the columns.
#'    See <https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html> for available types.
#' @param temporary if `TRUE`, will create a temporary table that is
#'   local to this connection and will be automatically deleted when the
#'   connection expires
#' @param unique_indexes a list of character vectors. Each element of the list
#'   will create a new unique index over the specified column(s). Duplicate rows
#'   will result in failure.
#' @param indexes a list of character vectors. Each element of the list
#'   will create a new index.
#' @param analyze if `TRUE` (the default), will automatically ANALYZE the
#'   new table so that the query optimiser has useful information.
#' @param in_transaction Should the table creation be wrapped in a transaction?
#'   This typically makes things faster, but you may want to suppress if the
#'   database doesn't support transactions, or you're wrapping in a transaction
#'   higher up (and your database doesn't support nested transactions.)
#' @inheritParams dplyr::copy_to
#' @inherit arrange.tbl_lazy return
#' @seealso [copy_inline()] to use small data in an SQL query without actually
#'   writing to a table.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' df <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = letters[5:1])
#' db <- copy_to(src_memdb(), df)
#' db
#' df2 <- data.frame(y = c("a", "d"), fruit = c("apple", "date"))
#' # copy_to() is called automatically if you set copy = TRUE
#' # in the join functions
#' db %>% left_join(df2, copy = TRUE)
#' @importFrom dplyr copy_to
copy_to.src_sql <- function(dest,
                            name = deparse(substitute(df)),
                            overwrite = FALSE,
                            types = NULL,
                            temporary = TRUE,
                            unique_indexes = NULL,
                            indexes = NULL,
                            analyze = TRUE,
                            in_transaction = TRUE) {

  if (!is.data.frame(df) && !inherits(df, "tbl_sql")) {
    cli_abort("{.var df} must be a local dataframe or a remote tbl_sql")

  name <- as_table_path(name, dest$con)

  if (inherits(df, "tbl_sql") && same_src(df$src, dest)) {
    out <- compute(df,
      name = name,
      temporary = temporary,
      unique_indexes = unique_indexes,
      indexes = indexes,
      analyze = analyze,
  } else {
    # avoid S4 dispatch problem in dbSendPreparedQuery
    df <- as.data.frame(collect(df))

    name <- db_copy_to(dest$con, name, df,
      overwrite = overwrite,
      types = types,
      temporary = temporary,
      unique_indexes = unique_indexes,
      indexes = indexes,
      analyze = analyze,
      in_transaction = in_transaction,

    out <- tbl_src_dbi(dest, name, vars = names(df))


#' @importFrom dplyr auto_copy
#' @export
auto_copy.tbl_sql <- function(x, y, copy = FALSE, ...) {
  copy_to(x$src, as.data.frame(y), unique_table_name(), ...)

#' Use a local data frame in a dbplyr query
#' This is an alternative to [copy_to()] that does not need write access and
#' is faster for small data.
#' It writes the data directly in the SQL query via the `VALUES` clause.
#' @seealso [copy_to()] to copy the data into a new database table.
#' @export
#' @param con A database connection.
#' @param df A local data frame. The data is written directly in the SQL query
#'   so it should be small.
#' @param types A named character vector of SQL data types to use for the columns.
#'    The data types are backend specific. For example for Postgres this could
#'    be `c(id = "bigint", created_at = "timestamp", values = "integer[]")`.
#'    If `NULL`, the default, the types are determined from `df`.
#' @return A `tbl_lazy`.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = c("a", "b", "c"))
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
#' copy_inline(con, df)
#' copy_inline(con, df) %>% dplyr::show_query()
copy_inline <- function(con, df, types = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(df, "data.frame")) {
    cli_abort("{.var df} needs to be a data.frame.")

  if (ncol(df) == 0) {
    cli_abort("{.var df} needs at least one column.")

  if (!is_null(types)) {

    if (!setequal(colnames(df), names(types))) {
      cli_abort("Names of {.arg df} and {.arg types} must be the same.")

  # This workaround is needed because `tbl_sql()` applies `as.sql()` on `from`
  subclass <- class(con)[[1]] # prefix added by dplyr::make_tbl
    c(subclass, "sql", "lazy"),
    src = src_dbi(con),
    from = df,
    lazy_query = lazy_values_query(df, types),
    vars = colnames(df)

lazy_values_query <- function(df, types) {
    query_type = "values",
    x = df,
    col_types = types,
    group_vars = character(),
    order_vars = NULL,
    frame = NULL

#' @export
sql_build.lazy_values_query <- function(op, con, ..., sql_options = NULL) {
  class(op) <- c("values_query", "query")

#' @export
sql_render.values_query <- function(query,
                                    con = query$src$con,
                                    sql_options = NULL,
                                    subquery = FALSE,
                                    lvl = 0) {
  sql_values_subquery(con, query$x, types = query$col_types, lvl = lvl)

#' @export
flatten_query.values_query <- function(qry, query_list, con) {
  querylist_reuse_query(qry, query_list, con)

#' @export
op_vars.lazy_values_query <- function(op) {

sql_values_subquery <- function(con, df, types, lvl = 0, ...) {

#' @export
sql_values_subquery.DBIConnection <- function(con, df, types, lvl = 0, ...) {
  sql_values_subquery_default(con, df, types = types, lvl = lvl, row = FALSE)

sql_values_subquery_default <- function(con, df, types, lvl, row) {
  df <- values_prepare(con, df)
  if (nrow(df) == 0L) {
    return(sql_values_zero_rows(con, df, types, lvl))

  # The query consists of two parts:
  # 1) An outer select which converts the values to the correct types. This needs
  # to use the translation of `as.<column type>(<column name>)` (e.g. `as.numeric(mpg)`)
  # because some backends need a special translation for some types e.g. casting
  # to logical/bool in MySQL
  #   `IF(<column name>, TRUE, FALSE)`
  # This is done with the help of `sql_cast_dispatch()` via dispatch on the
  # column type. The explicit cast is required so that joins work e.g. on date
  # columns in Postgres.
  # 2) A subquery which is the union of:
  #   a) a zero row table which is just required to name the columns. This is
  #      necessary as e.g. SQLite cannot name `VALUES`.
  #   b) `VALUES` clause
  sim_data <- rep_named(colnames(df), list(NULL))
  cols_clause <- escape(sim_data, con = con, parens = FALSE, collapse = NULL)

  null_row_clauses <- list(
    select = sql_clause_select(con, cols_clause),
    where = sql_clause_where(sql("0 = 1"))

  rows_clauses <- sql_values_clause(con, df, row = row)
  rows_query <- sql_format_clauses(rows_clauses, lvl = lvl + 1, con = con)

  subquery <- sql_query_union(
    x = sql_format_clauses(null_row_clauses, lvl + 1, con),
    unions = list(table = as.character(rows_query), all = TRUE),
    lvl = lvl + 1

    select = sql_values_cast_clauses(con, df, types, na = FALSE),
    from = sql_query_wrap(con, subquery, name = "values_table", lvl = lvl),
    lvl = lvl

sql_values_subquery_column_alias <- function(con, df, types, lvl, ...) {
  df <- values_prepare(con, df)
  if (nrow(df) == 0L) {
    return(sql_values_zero_rows(con, df, types, lvl))

  # The `SELECT` clause converts the values to the correct types. This needs
  # to use the translation of `as.<column type>(<column name>)` (e.g. `as.numeric(mpg)`)
  # because some backends need a special translation for some types e.g. casting
  # to logical/bool in MySQL
  #   `IF(<column name>, TRUE, FALSE)`
  # This is done with the help of `sql_cast_dispatch()` via dispatch on the
  # column type. The explicit cast is required so that joins work e.g. on date
  # columns in Postgres.
  # The `FROM` clause is simply the `VALUES` clause with table and column alias
  rows_clauses <- sql_values_clause(con, df, row = FALSE)
  rows_query <- sql_format_clauses(rows_clauses, lvl = lvl + 1, con = con)

  table_alias_sql <- sql(paste0("drvd(", escape(ident(colnames(df)), con = con), ")"))

  if (grepl("\\n", rows_query)) {
    rows_query <- sql(paste0("(\n", rows_query, "\n", indent_lvl(") AS ", lvl), table_alias_sql))
  } else {
    # indent is not perfect but okay
    rows_query <- sql(paste0("(", rows_query, ") AS ", table_alias_sql))

    select = sql_values_cast_clauses(con, df, types, na = FALSE),
    from = rows_query,
    lvl = lvl

sql_values_subquery_union <- function(con, df, types, lvl, row, from = NULL) {
  df <- values_prepare(con, df)
  if (nrow(df) == 0L) {
    return(sql_values_zero_rows(con, df, types, lvl, from))

  # The query consists of two parts:
  # 1) An outer select which converts the values to the correct types. This needs
  # to use the translation of `as.<column type>(<column name>)` (e.g. `as.numeric(mpg)`)
  # because some backends need a special translation for some types e.g. casting
  # to logical/bool in MySQL
  #   `IF(<column name>, TRUE, FALSE)`
  # This is done with the help of `sql_cast_dispatch()` via dispatch on the
  # column type. The explicit cast is required so that joins work e.g. on date
  # columns in Postgres.
  # 2) A subquery which is the union of:
  #   a) a zero row table which is just required to name the columns. This is
  #      necessary as e.g. SQLite cannot name `VALUES`.
  #   b) `UNION ALL` of one row `SELECT` statements
  sim_data <- rep_named(colnames(df), list(NULL))
  cols_clause <- escape(sim_data, con = con, parens = FALSE, collapse = NULL)

  clauses <- list(
    select = sql_clause_select(con, cols_clause),
    from = if (!is.null(from)) sql_clause_from(ident(from)),
    where = sql_clause_where(sql("0 = 1"))
  null_row_query <- sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl + 1, con)

  escaped_values <- purrr::map(df, escape, con = con, collapse = NULL, parens = FALSE)

  rows <- rlang::exec(paste, !!!escaped_values, sep = ", ")
  select_kw <- style_kw("SELECT ")
  tables <- paste0(lvl_indent(lvl + 1), select_kw, rows)
  if (!is_null(from)) {
    from_kw <- style_kw("FROM ")
    tables <- paste0(tables, " ", from_kw, from)

  subquery <- sql_query_union(
    x = null_row_query,
    unions = list(all = TRUE, table = tables),
    lvl = lvl + 1

    select = sql_values_cast_clauses(con, df, types, na = FALSE),
    from = sql_query_wrap(con, subquery, name = "values_table", lvl = lvl),
    lvl = lvl

sql_values_clause <- function(con, df, row = FALSE) {
  escaped_values <- purrr::map(df, escape, con = con, collapse = NULL, parens = FALSE)
  rows <- rlang::exec(paste, !!!escaped_values, sep = ", ")
  rows_sql <- sql(paste0(if (row) "ROW", "(", rows, ")"))

  list(sql_clause("VALUES", rows_sql))

sql_values_zero_rows <- function(con, df, types, lvl, from = NULL) {
  if (nrow(df) != 0L) {
    cli_abort("{.arg df} does not have 0 rows", .internal = TRUE)

  typed_cols <- sql_values_cast_clauses(con, df, types, na = TRUE)

  clauses <- list(
    select = sql_clause_select(con, typed_cols),
    from = if (!is.null(from)) sql_clause_from(ident(from)),
    where = sql_clause_where(sql("0 = 1"))
  sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl, con)

sql_values_cast_clauses <- function(con, df, types, na) {
  if (is_null(types)) {
    typed_cols <- purrr::map2_chr(
      df, colnames(df),
      ~ {
        val <- if (na) NA else ident(.y)
        cast_expr <- call2(sql_cast_dispatch(.x), val)
        translate_sql(!!cast_expr, con = con)
  } else {
    typed_cols <- purrr::imap_chr(
      ~ {
        val <- if (na) NA else ident(.y)
        sql_expr(cast(!!val %as% !!sql(.x)), con = con)

  sql_vector(typed_cols, parens = FALSE, collapse = NULL, con = con)

values_prepare <- function(con, df) {

#' @export
values_prepare.DBIConnection <- function(con, df) {

# This
sql_cast_dispatch <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.sql <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.logical <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.integer <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.numeric <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.character <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.factor <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.Date <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.POSIXct <- function(x) {

#' @export
sql_cast_dispatch.integer64 <- function(x) {


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