
Defines functions supports_window_clause.MariaDBConnection sql_escape_ident.MySQLConnection sql_escape_datetime.MariaDBConnection sql_query_upsert.MariaDBConnection sql_query_update_from.MariaDBConnection sql_values_subquery.MySQL sql_expr_matches.MariaDBConnection sql_query_join.MariaDBConnection sql_table_analyze.MariaDBConnection sql_translation.MySQL sql_translation.MariaDBConnection db_col_types.MariaDBConnection db_connection_describe.MariaDBConnection dbplyr_edition.MariaDBConnection simulate_mariadb simulate_mysql

Documented in simulate_mariadb simulate_mysql

#' Backend: MySQL/MariaDB
#' @description
#' See `vignette("translation-function")` and `vignette("translation-verb")` for
#' details of overall translation technology. Key differences for this backend
#' are:
#' * `paste()` uses `CONCAT_WS()`
#' * String translations for `str_detect()`, `str_locate()`, and
#'   `str_replace_all()`
#' * Clear error message for unsupported full joins
#' Use `simulate_mysql()` with `lazy_frame()` to see simulated SQL without
#' converting to live access database.
#' @name backend-mysql
#' @aliases NULL
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' lf <- lazy_frame(a = TRUE, b = 1, c = 2, d = "z", con = simulate_mysql())
#' lf %>% transmute(x = paste0(d, " times"))

#' @export
#' @rdname backend-mysql
simulate_mysql <- function() simulate_dbi("MySQLConnection")

#' @export
#' @rdname backend-mysql
simulate_mariadb <- function() simulate_dbi("MariaDBConnection")

#' @export
dbplyr_edition.MariaDBConnection <- function(con) {
#' @export
dbplyr_edition.MySQL <- dbplyr_edition.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
dbplyr_edition.MySQLConnection <- dbplyr_edition.MariaDBConnection

#' @export
db_connection_describe.MariaDBConnection <- function(con, ...) {
  info <- dbGetInfo(con)

    "mysql ", info$serverVersion, " [",
    info$username, "@", info$host, ":", info$port, "/", info$dbname,
#' @export
db_connection_describe.MySQL <- db_connection_describe.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
db_connection_describe.MySQLConnection <- db_connection_describe.MariaDBConnection

#' @export
db_col_types.MariaDBConnection <- function(con, table, call) {
  table <- as_table_path(table, con, error_call = call)
  col_info_df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, glue_sql2(con, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {.tbl table};"))
  set_names(col_info_df[["Type"]], col_info_df[["Field"]])
#' @export
db_col_types.MySQL <- db_col_types.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
db_col_types.MySQLConnection <- db_col_types.MariaDBConnection

#' @export
sql_translation.MariaDBConnection <- function(con) {
    sql_translator(.parent = base_scalar,
      # basic type casts as per:
      # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/cast/
      # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/cast-functions.html#function_cast
      # https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-lang.html#Vector-objects
      as.logical = function(x) {
        sql_expr(IF(!!x, TRUE, FALSE))
      as.character = sql_cast("CHAR"),
      as.numeric  = sql_cast("DOUBLE"),
      as.double   = sql_cast("DOUBLE"),
      as.POSIXct  = sql_cast("DATETIME"),
      as_datetime = sql_cast("DATETIME"),
      # Neither MySQL nor MariaDB support CASTing to BIGINT. MariaDB may
      # silently cast an INTEGER into a BIGINT type, MySQL outright fails.
      # https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/205822
      as.integer64  = sql_cast("INTEGER"),

      runif = function(n = n(), min = 0, max = 1) {
        sql_runif(RAND(), n = {{ n }}, min = min, max = max)

      # string functions ------------------------------------------------
      paste = sql_paste(" "),
      paste0 = sql_paste(""),

      # stringr
      str_c = sql_paste(""),
      # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/regexp.html
      # NB: case insensitive by default; could use REGEXP_LIKE for MySQL,
      # but available in MariaDB. A few more details at:
      # https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/mysql-cookbook/0596001452/ch04s11.html
      str_detect = sql_infix("REGEXP"),
      str_like = function(string, pattern, ignore_case = TRUE) {
        if (isTRUE(ignore_case)) {
          sql_expr(!!string %LIKE% !!pattern)
        } else {
          sql_expr(!!string %LIKE BINARY% !!pattern)
      str_locate = function(string, pattern) {
        sql_expr(REGEXP_INSTR(!!string, !!pattern))
      str_replace_all = function(string, pattern, replacement){
        sql_expr(regexp_replace(!!string, !!pattern, !!replacement))
    sql_translator(.parent = base_agg,
      sd =  sql_aggregate("STDDEV_SAMP", "sd"),
      var = sql_aggregate("VAR_SAMP", "var"),
      str_flatten = function(x, collapse = "") {
        sql_expr(group_concat(!!x %separator% !!collapse))
    sql_translator(.parent = base_win,
      sd = win_aggregate("STDDEV_SAMP"),
      var = win_aggregate("VAR_SAMP"),
      # GROUP_CONCAT not currently available as window function
      # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/aggregate-functions-as-window-functions/
      str_flatten = win_absent("str_flatten")

#' @export
sql_translation.MySQL <- function(con) {
  maria <- unclass(sql_translation.MariaDBConnection())
    sql_translator(.parent = maria$scalar,
      # MySQL doesn't support casting to INTEGER or BIGINT.
      as.integer = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TRUNCATE(CAST(!!x %AS% DOUBLE), 0L))
      as.integer64 = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TRUNCATE(CAST(!!x %AS% DOUBLE), 0L))
#' @export
sql_translation.MySQLConnection <- sql_translation.MySQL

#' @export
sql_table_analyze.MariaDBConnection <- function(con, table, ...) {
  glue_sql2(con, "ANALYZE TABLE {.tbl table}")
#' @export
sql_table_analyze.MySQL <- sql_table_analyze.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
sql_table_analyze.MySQLConnection <- sql_table_analyze.MariaDBConnection

#' @export
sql_query_join.MariaDBConnection <- function(con,
                                             type = "inner",
                                             by = NULL,
                                             ...) {
  if (identical(type, "full")) {
    cli_abort("MySQL does not support full joins")
#' @export
sql_query_join.MySQL <- sql_query_join.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
sql_query_join.MySQLConnection <- sql_query_join.MariaDBConnection

#' @export
sql_expr_matches.MariaDBConnection <- function(con, x, y, ...) {
  # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comparison-operators.html#operator_equal-to
  glue_sql2(con, "{x} <=> {y}")
#' @export
sql_expr_matches.MySQL <- sql_expr_matches.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
sql_expr_matches.MySQLConnection <- sql_expr_matches.MariaDBConnection

# https://modern-sql.com/blog/2018-08/whats-new-in-mariadb-10.3#3.values
# MariaDB doesn't accept `ROW` unlike MySQL
#' @export
sql_values_subquery.MariaDBConnection <- sql_values_subquery.DBIConnection

#' @export
sql_values_subquery.MySQL <-function(con, df, types, lvl = 0, ...) {
  # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/values.html
  sql_values_subquery_default(con, df, types = types, lvl = lvl, row = TRUE)
#' @export
sql_values_subquery.MySQLConnection <- sql_values_subquery.MySQL

#' @export
sql_query_update_from.MariaDBConnection <- function(con,
                                                    returning_cols = NULL) {
  if (!is_empty(returning_cols)) {
    check_unsupported_arg(returning_cols, backend = "MariaDB")

  # https://stackoverflow.com/a/19346375/946850
  parts <- rows_prep(con, table, from, by, lvl = 0)
  update_cols <- sql_table_prefix(con, names(update_values), table)

  clauses <- list(
    sql_clause("INNER JOIN", parts$from),
    sql_clause_on(parts$where, lvl = 1),
    sql_clause_set(update_cols, update_values),
    sql_returning_cols(con, returning_cols, table)
  sql_format_clauses(clauses, lvl = 0, con)
#' @export
sql_query_update_from.MySQLConnection <- sql_query_update_from.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
sql_query_update_from.MySQL <- sql_query_update_from.MariaDBConnection

#' @export
sql_query_upsert.MariaDBConnection <- function(con,
                                               returning_cols = NULL,
                                               method = NULL) {
  cli_abort("{.fun rows_upsert} is not supported for MariaDB.")
#' @export
sql_query_upsert.MySQLConnection <- sql_query_upsert.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
sql_query_upsert.MySQL <- sql_query_upsert.MariaDBConnection

#' @export
sql_escape_datetime.MariaDBConnection <- function(con, x) {
  # DateTime format as per:
  # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/datetime.html
  # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/datetime/
  x <- strftime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC")
  sql_escape_string(con, x)
#' @export
sql_escape_datetime.MySQLConnection <- sql_escape_datetime.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
sql_escape_datetime.MySQL <- sql_escape_datetime.MariaDBConnection

# dbQuoteIdentifier() for RMySQL lacks handling of SQL objects
#' @export
sql_escape_ident.MySQLConnection <- function(con, x) {
  if (!isS4(con)) { # for simulate_mysql()
  } else if (methods::is(x, "SQL")) {
  } else {
    DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, x)

#' @export
supports_window_clause.MariaDBConnection <- function(con) {
#' @export
supports_window_clause.MySQLConnection <- supports_window_clause.MariaDBConnection
#' @export
supports_window_clause.MySQL <- supports_window_clause.MariaDBConnection

utils::globalVariables(c("%separator%", "group_concat", "IF", "REGEXP_INSTR", "RAND", "%LIKE BINARY%", "TRUNCATE", "DOUBLE"))

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