
Defines functions dbplsr.Gram dbplsr.D2 dbplsr.dist dbplsryz dbplsr.formula dbplsr

Documented in dbplsr dbplsr.D2 dbplsr.dist dbplsr.formula dbplsr.Gram

  #### dbplsr functions ###

    #### dbplsr of class formula ###

     #generic function with a commun parameter (y).
 dbplsr<-function(...)  UseMethod("dbplsr")
 dbplsr.formula <- function(formula,data,...,metric="euclidean",method="ncomp",
  # call dbglm
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

  # control metric. See the auxiliary function
  if (missing(data))
    data <- environment(formula)
  # recover z and y of the formula
  zy <- formula_to_zy(formula,data,mf,"dblm",metric)

  # y and z are defined--> pass to default method (try for avoid the program crash). 
  try(ans <- dbplsryz(z=zy$z,y=zy$y,metric=metric,weights=weights,method=method,
  if (inherits(ans,"try-error")) 
    return(paste("the program failed.Tries to read the help. If the error persists attempts to communicate with us "))
  # call dbglm
  ans$call <- mf

    #### default dbplsr (y,z) ######

dbplsryz <- function(y,z,metric="euclidean",weights,ncomp,method="ncomp",...)
  call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  # See if z or distance matrix is defined by the user.
  #  require(cluster)
  # control metric. See the auxiliary function
  # call z_to_dist to pass the explanatory variables to an object of class dist 
  dist_and_way <- z_to_dist(z,metric)
  D <- dist_and_way$D
  way <- dist_and_way$way
  # if metric=gower. the distance matrix D is already the squared.
  if (metric=="gower"){
     D2 <-as.matrix(D)
     class(D2) <- "D2"
     D2 <-disttoD2(D)
  # y and Distance are defined--> pass to dist method (try for avoid crash). 
  try(ans <- dbplsr.D2(D2=D2,y=y,weights=weights,ncomp=ncomp,method=method)) 
  # y and Distance are defined--> pass to dist method (try for avoid crash). 
  if (inherits(ans,"try-error")) 
    return(paste("the program failed.Tries to read the help. If the error persists attempts to communicate with us "))
  ans$call <- call

  attr(ans,"metric") <- metric
  attr(ans,"zs") <- z
  attr(ans,"way") <- way

    ####    dbplsr with Dist or   ###
    ####  dissimilarity distance ####

dbplsr.dist <- function(distance,y,...,weights,ncomp=ncomp,method="ncomp")

   call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)                   
   # program controls: distance must be of class D2 dist or dissimilarity.
   if (missing(distance)||is.null(distance))
    stop("distance must be defined")
   # dist to D2
   Delta <- disttoD2(distance)     
   if (inherits(ans,"try-error"))
     return(paste("the program failed.Tries to read the help. If the error persists attempts to communicate with us "))
   ans$call <- call
   ans$distance <- distance


    ####  dbplsr with D2 distance ###
dbplsr.D2 <- function(D2,y,...,weights,ncomp=ncomp,method="ncomp")

	if (!inherits(D2,"D2")) 
		stop("for a dblm.D2 method the class of the distance matrix D2 must be 'D2'")
    # control method. See the auxiliary function
   # another program controls: See the auxiliary function
   y <- as.matrix(y)
   n <- nrow(y)
   # program controls: weights
   if (missing(weights)||is.null(weights))
   if (!is.null(weights) && !is.numeric(weights))
    stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
   if (sum(weights<0)>0)
    stop("Weights array weights is not valid: some weights are negative")
   if (sum(weights)==0)
    stop("Weights array weights is not valid: sum(weights)=0")
   # calculing weights, Dw, y0 and rel.gvar
   ori_weights <-weights           # originals weights !!
   weights <- weights/sum(weights) # percent weights !! 
   # G: inner products matrix (symmetrical G)
   G <- Gcalc(n,weights,Delta=D2) 
    ans$call<-match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

    ####    dbplsr with Gram    ####
    ####       object           ####

dbplsr.Gram <- function(G,y,...,weights,ncomp=ncomp,method="ncomp")
   method <- control_method(method,"dbplsr")  
   # another program controls: See the auxiliary function
   weights <- controls_dbplsr(G,weights,ncomp,y)
   ori_weights <-weights           # originals weights !!
   weights <- weights/sum(weights) # percent weights !!   
   Dw   <- diag(weights)          # diagonal matrix with the weights
   Dsqw <- diag(sqrt(weights))
   # y 
   y <- as.matrix(y)
   n <- nrow(y)
   y0 <- y - sum(weights*y)       # centered response varaible(y) 
   # initial G
   G0 <- G
   Gini <- G0
   gvec <- diag(G0)
   gvar <- t(weights)%*%as.matrix(gvec)
   # define the fitted and the residuals
   yhat <- vector("list", ncomp+1)
   ytit <- vector("list", ncomp+1)
   names(yhat) <- c("mean(y)",paste(c(1:ncomp),rep("comp",ncomp),sep = " ")) 
   names(ytit) <- c("1-mean(y)",paste(c(1:ncomp),rep("comp",ncomp),sep = " ")) 
   # F
   fk <- vector("list", ncomp)
   names(fk)<-paste(rep("comp",ncomp),c(1:ncomp),sep = "") 
   # initial fitted and residuals 
   ytit[[1]] <- y - sum(weights*y)
   yhat[[1]] <- sum(weights*y)
   Hk <-0
   bk <-array(0,ncomp) 
   ocv <-array(0,ncomp)
   gcv <-array(0,ncomp)
   aic <-array(0,ncomp)
   bic <-array(0,ncomp)
   gvar.iter <-array(0,ncomp)

   # iterations
   for (j in 1:ncomp){
     fk[[j]] <- G0%*%Dw%*%ytit[[j]]
     fk2 <- as.numeric(t(fk[[j]])%*%Dw%*%fk[[j]])
     Pk <- (fk[[j]]%*%t(fk[[j]])%*%Dw)/fk2
     Qk <- diag(rep(1,n))-Pk
     bk[j] <- (t(ytit[[j]])%*%Dw%*%fk[[j]])/fk2 
     Gk <- Gproduct(fk[[j]],Dw,G0)  #call internal function Gproduct
     G0 <- Gk
     ytit[[j+1]] <- ytit[[j]]-fk[[j]]*bk[j]
     yhat[[j+1]] <- yhat[[j]]+fk[[j]]*bk[j] 
     # calculing the ordinary cross-validation estimator
     ocv[j] <- sum(weights*((y-yhat[[j+1]])/(1-diag(Hk)))^2)   
     # calculing the generalized cross-validation estimator
     gcv[j] <- sum(weights*(yhat[[j+1]]-y)^2)/(n*(1-mean(diag(Hk)))^2)
     # aic                                         
     rss <- sum(ori_weights*(ytit[[j+1]])^2)/n 
     aic[j] <- 2*j+n*log(rss) 
     # bic
     bic[j] <- n*log(rss)+j*log(n)
     gvar.iter[j] <- weights%*%diag(G0)      
     # gvar.iter[j] <- weights%*%svd(G0)$d     
     # gvar.iter[j] <- weights%*%(eigen(G0)$values)
  	ncomp.opt <- switch(method,
      "ncomp"= ncomp)
   ans$call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

 #generic function with a commun paramatre (y).
 # UseMethod("dbplsr") 

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