
Defines functions GetAttributeProfiles GetParameterNames GetLambdaName GetLambdaNamesForItem GetLambdaNames GetRequiredAttributes GetRequiredAttributesLambdaFullDCM GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDina GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDino GetRequiredAttributesLambdaCrum GetRequiredAttributesLambdaNido GetGammaName GetGammaNames GetKernelParameterNames GetThresholdLabels GetClassProbsFromMus CalculatePiIStarPrime GetProbCorrectNcrum GetAllProbsCorrectNcrum GetThresholdValuesKernelPiR GetThresholdValuesKernel GetMusFromGammas GetThresholdValues GetClassThresholds

Documented in CalculatePiIStarPrime GetAllProbsCorrectNcrum GetAttributeProfiles GetClassProbsFromMus GetGammaName GetGammaNames GetKernelParameterNames GetLambdaName GetLambdaNames GetLambdaNamesForItem GetMusFromGammas GetParameterNames GetProbCorrectNcrum GetRequiredAttributes GetRequiredAttributesLambdaCrum GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDina GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDino GetRequiredAttributesLambdaFullDCM GetRequiredAttributesLambdaNido GetThresholdLabels GetThresholdValues GetThresholdValuesKernel GetThresholdValuesKernelPiR

#' Attribute Profiles
#' Given a number of attributes, it generates all possible attribute profiles (response patterns of latent variables)
#' @param nattributes a numeric value for number of attributes
#' @param attribute.names optional character vector of attribute names
#' @param profile.names optional character vector of attribute profile names
#' @return a matrix of dimension \code{2^nattributes X nattributes} containing binary values
#' @author Margi Dubal \email{margidubal@@gmail.com} & Diane Losardo \email{dlosardo@@amplify.com}
#' @usage GetAttributeProfiles(nattributes, attribute.names = NULL, profile.names = NULL)
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  GetAttributeProfiles(nattributes=3)
#' }
GetAttributeProfiles <- function(nattributes, attribute.names = NULL, profile.names = NULL){
  nclasses <- 2^nattributes
  numeric.to.binary <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(binary(0:(nclasses-1))), "")))
  pmatrix <- matrix(numeric.to.binary, nclasses, nattributes, byrow = T, dimnames = list(profile.names, attribute.names))

#' Parameter Names for All DCM Models
#' Given a Q-matrix and parameterization method it generates item and structural parameter names. These are non-kernel parameters: 
#' item thresholds (\code{taus}) and latent variable thresholds (\code{nus})
#' @param qmatrix a matrix of size (nitems X nattributes) that specifies which items are required for mastery of each attribute (i.e., latent variable)
#' @param nattributes a numeric value of number of attriutes
#' @param parameterization.method optional character string of parameterization method used to calibrated parameters. 
#' If not specified then the default will be set to  \code{Mplus}
#' @return a string vector of threshold parameter names
#' @author Margi Dubal \email{margidubal@@gmail.com} & Diane Losardo \email{dlosardo@@amplify.com}
#' @usage GetParameterNames(qmatrix, nattributes, parameterization.method = 'Mplus')
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  GetParameterNames(qmatrix = qmatrix.test, nattributes=3)
#' }
GetParameterNames <- function(qmatrix, nattributes, parameterization.method = 'Mplus'){
  pmatrix <- GetAttributeProfiles(nattributes)
  threshold.out <- NULL
  for (c in 1:nrow(pmatrix)){
    for (i in 1:nrow(qmatrix)){
      # numeric vector of required attributes for an item i given qmatrix and class c 
      required.attributes <-  which(qmatrix[i,] == 1)[which(qmatrix[i,] == 1) %in% which(pmatrix[c,] == 1)]    
      if (length(required.attributes) == 0) required.attributes = "0"
      kernel <- paste(required.attributes, collapse = "")
      threshold.out <- c(threshold.out, sprintf("tau%d_%s", i, kernel))
  if(parameterization.method == "Mplus")
    mus.out <- sprintf("mu_%d", 1:(nrow(pmatrix) - 1))
    mus.out <- sprintf("mu_%d", 1:(nrow(pmatrix)))
  return(c(unique(threshold.out), unique(mus.out)))

#' Obtain name of a particular lambda parameter
#' Gets the name of a particular lambda parameter and produces a string of the
#' form: l_item_effect_attribtues.
#' @param item a numeric value representing item number
#' @param attributes a String of the attributes associated with this gamma
#' @return a String of the form: l_item_effect_attribtues.
GetLambdaName <- function(item, attributes){
  return(sprintf("l%d_%d_%s", item, nchar(attributes), paste(attributes, collapse = "")))

#' Gets lambda names for a given item
#' @param item.index.intercept a numeric value representing item number for the intercept lambda
#' @param item.index.main.effect a numeric value representing item number for the main effects lambda
#' @param required.attributes a numeric vector of attributes required to have mastered to get item correct
#' @return a String vector of lambda names for one item
GetLambdaNamesForItem <- function(item.index.intercept, item.index.main.effect, required.attributes){
  final.lambdas <- sprintf("l%d_0", item.index.intercept)
  if (any(grepl("&", required.attributes))){
    required.attributes <- as.numeric(regmatches(required.attributes, regexpr('[0-9]+', required.attributes)))
    for (i in 1:length(required.attributes)){
      attrs <- combn(required.attributes, i, function(x) paste(x, collapse=""))
      tmp.lambda <- sapply(attrs, function(x) GetLambdaName(item.index.main.effect, x))
      final.lambdas <- c(final.lambdas, tmp.lambda)
  } else if(any(grepl("\\|", required.attributes))){
    required.attributes <- as.numeric(regmatches(required.attributes, regexpr('[0-9]+', required.attributes)))
    tmp.lambda <- sapply(required.attributes, function(x) GetLambdaName(item.index.main.effect, x))
    final.lambdas <- c(final.lambdas, tmp.lambda)
  } else if(length(required.attributes) == 1) {
    final.lambdas <- c(final.lambdas, sprintf("l%d_1_%s", item.index.main.effect,  required.attributes))
#' Gets names of lambda parameters
#' @param item.indexes.intercepts a numeric vector indicating which item is assoicated with the lamdba intercept
#' at the given index and thus allowing for equality constraints. For example, with nitems = 3,
#' this is c(1, 1, 1), that implies that intercept lambdas across items should be contrained to equality.
#' @param item.indexes.main.effects a numeric vector indicating which item is assoicated with the lamdba main effect
#' at the given index and thus allowing for equality constraints. For example, with nitems = 3,
#' this is c(1, 1, 1), that implies that main effect (and higher order) lambdas 
#' across items should be contrained to equality.
#' @param required.attributes.lambda a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String
#' representing the attributes required for the given class and item specific to lambda parameters.
#' @return a String vector of names of lambda parameters
GetLambdaNames <- function(item.indexes.intercepts, item.indexes.main.effects, required.attributes.lambda){
  nitems <- ncol(required.attributes.lambda)
  nclasses <- nrow(required.attributes.lambda)
  all.lambdas <- NULL
  lambda.equations <- matrix(NA, nclasses, nitems) 
  for (i in 1:ncol(required.attributes.lambda)){
    lambdas <- NULL
    for (c in 1:nrow(required.attributes.lambda)){
      # numeric vector of required attributes for an item i given qmatrix and class c 
      required.attributes <- unlist(strsplit(required.attributes.lambda[c, i], ""))
      cur.lambdas <- GetLambdaNamesForItem(item.indexes.intercepts[i]
                                           , item.indexes.main.effects[i]
                                           , required.attributes)
      lambdas <- c(lambdas, cur.lambdas)
      lambda.equations[c, i] <- paste(cur.lambdas, collapse = " + ")
    all.lambdas <- c(all.lambdas, lambdas)
  return(list(lambda.names = unique(all.lambdas), lambda.equations = lambda.equations))

#' Generate required attributes
#' Generates a matrix of required attributes
#' @param qmatrix a nitems by nattributes matrix that specifies which items are required for mastery of each attribute (i.e., latent variable)
#' @param pmatrix a numeric nclasses by nattributes matrix of all possible attribute profiles
#' @return a nclasses by nitems character matrix with Strings representing the required attributes for a given item and class.
GetRequiredAttributes <- function(qmatrix, pmatrix){
  apply(qmatrix, 1, function(y) {
    aaply(pmatrix, 1, function(x) 
      paste(which(y ==1)[which(y== 1) %in% which(x== 1)], collapse = ""))}

#' Calculate required attributes for lamdbas fully specified DCM
#' Calculates required attributes for a model parameterized in the LCDM framework using the fully
#' specified DCM model.
#' @param required.attributes.tau a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String
#' representing the attributes required for the given class and item specific to tau parameters.
#' @return a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String representing the
#' attributes required for the given class and item specific to lambda parameters for the a fully
#' specific DCM model.
GetRequiredAttributesLambdaFullDCM <- function(required.attributes.tau){
  apply(required.attributes.tau, c(1,2), function(x) ifelse(nchar(x) > 1, paste(unlist(strsplit(x, "")), collapse="&"), x))
#' Calculate required attributes for lambdas for a DINA model.
#' Calculates required attributes for a model parameterized in the LCDM framework using the DINA
#' model
#' @param required.attributes.tau a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String
#' representing the attributes required for the given class and item specific to tau parameters.
#' @return a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String representing the
#' attributes required for the given class and item specific to lambda parameters for the DINA model.
GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDina <- function(required.attributes.tau){
  apply(required.attributes.tau, 2, function(x) ifelse(nchar(x) == max(nchar(x)), "e", ""))
#' Calculate required attributes for lambdas for a DINO model.
#' Calculates required attributes for a model parameterized in the LCDM framework using the DINO
#' model
#' @param required.attributes.tau a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String
#' representing the attributes required for the given class and item specific to tau parameters.
#' @return a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String representing the
#' attributes required for the given class and item specific to lambda parameters for the DINO model.
GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDino <- function(required.attributes.tau){
  apply(required.attributes.tau, 2, function(x) ifelse(x == "", "", "e"))
#' Calculate required attributes for lambdas for a CRUM model.
#' Calculates required attributes for a model parameterized in the LCDM framework using the CRUM
#' model
#' @param required.attributes.tau a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String
#' representing the attributes required for the given class and item specific to tau parameters.
#' @return a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String representing the
#' attributes required for the given class and item specific to lambda parameters for the CRUM model.
GetRequiredAttributesLambdaCrum <- function(required.attributes.tau){
  apply(required.attributes.tau, c(1,2), function(x) ifelse(nchar(x) > 1, paste(unlist(strsplit(x, "")), collapse="|"), x))
#' Calculate required attributes for lambdas for a NIDO model.
#' Calculates required attributes for a model parameterized in the LCDM framework using the NIDO
#' model
#' @param required.attributes.tau a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String
#' representing the attributes required for the given class and item specific to tau parameters.
#' @return a nclasses by nitems matrix with each cell containing a String representing the
#' attributes required for the given class and item specific to lambda parameters for the NIDO model.
GetRequiredAttributesLambdaNido <- function(required.attributes.tau){
  apply(required.attributes.tau, c(1,2), function(x) ifelse(nchar(x) > 1, paste(unlist(strsplit(x, "")), collapse="|"), x))

#' Obtain name of a particular gamma parameter
#' Produces a string of the form: g_effect_attribtues representing gamma parameters
#' @param attributes a string of the attributes associated with this gamma parameter 
#' @return a string of the form g_effect_attribtues.
GetGammaName <- function(attributes){
  return(sprintf("g_%d_%s", nchar(attributes), paste(strsplit(attributes, "")[[1]], collapse = "")))

#' Obtain names of all gamma parameters
#' Gets names of all gamma parameters
#' @param required.attributes a numeric vector of attributes required to have mastered to get item correct
#' @return a String vector of names for gamma parameters
GetGammaNames <- function(required.attributes){
  final.gammas <- NULL
  if (length(required.attributes) > 1){
    for (i in 1:length(required.attributes)){
      attrs <- combn(required.attributes, i, function(x) paste(x, collapse=""))
      tmp.gamma <- sapply(attrs, function(x) GetGammaName(x)) 
      final.gammas <- c(final.gammas, tmp.gamma)
  if (length(required.attributes) == 1) {
    final.gammas <- c(final.gammas, sprintf("g_1_%d", required.attributes))

#' Kernel Parameter Names for all DCM Models
#' Given a Q-matrix and model type it generates item and structural parameter names. These are kernel parameters: 
#' item thresholds (\code{lambdas}) and latent variable thresholds (\code{gammas})
#' @param qmatrix a matrix of size (nitems X nattributes) that specifies which items are required for mastery of each attribute (i.e., latent variable)
#' @param nattributes a numeric value of number of attriutes
#' @param model.type a string value of \code{DCM}, \code{DINA}, \code{CRUM}, \code{DINO},
#' \code{NIDO}, \code{NCRUM}.
#' If not specified then the default will be set to  \code{DCM}
#' @return a string vector of threshold parameter names
#' @author Margi Dubal \email{margidubal@@gmail.com} & Diane Losardo \email{dlosardo@@amplify.com}
#' @usage GetKernelParameterNames(qmatrix, nattributes, model.type = "DCM")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GetKernelParameterNames(qmatrix = qmatrix.test, nattributes=3)
#' }
GetKernelParameterNames <- function(qmatrix, nattributes, model.type = "DCM"){
  pmatrix <- GetAttributeProfiles(nattributes)
  nitems <- nrow(qmatrix)
  nclasses <- nrow(pmatrix)
  gamma.names <- GetGammaNames(which(pmatrix[nclasses,] == 1))
  required.attributes.tau <- GetRequiredAttributes(qmatrix, pmatrix)
  if (model.type == "DCM"){
    required.attributes.lambda <- GetRequiredAttributesLambdaFullDCM(required.attributes.tau)
    item.indexes.intercepts <- c(1:nitems)
    item.indexes.main.effects <- c(1:nitems)
  if (model.type == "DINA"){
    required.attributes.lambda <- GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDina(required.attributes.tau)
    item.indexes.intercepts <- c(1:nitems)
    item.indexes.main.effects <- c(1:nitems)
  if (model.type == "DINO"){
    required.attributes.lambda <- GetRequiredAttributesLambdaDino(required.attributes.tau)
    item.indexes.intercepts <- c(1:nitems)
    item.indexes.main.effects <- c(1:nitems)
  if (model.type == "CRUM"){
    required.attributes.lambda <- GetRequiredAttributesLambdaCrum(required.attributes.tau)
    item.indexes.intercepts <- c(1:nitems)
    item.indexes.main.effects <- c(1:nitems)
  if (model.type == "NIDO"){
    required.attributes.lambda <- GetRequiredAttributesLambdaNido(required.attributes.tau)
    item.indexes.intercepts <- c(1:nitems)
    item.indexes.main.effects <- rep(1, nitems)
  if (model.type == "NCRUM"){
    pi.i.stars <- sprintf("pi.%d.star", 1:nrow(qmatrix))
    r.ia.stars <- unlist(sapply(1:nrow(qmatrix), function(x) sprintf("r.%d.%d.star", x, which(qmatrix[x, ] == 1))))
    return(list(pis.rias = c(pi.i.stars, r.ia.stars), gammas = gamma.names))
  } else {
    lambda.names.structure <- GetLambdaNames(item.indexes.intercepts
                                             , item.indexes.main.effects
                                             , required.attributes.lambda)
  return(list(lambdas = lambda.names.structure, gammas = gamma.names))

#' Obtain item threshold labels
#' Gets item threshold labels for a given qmatrix and pmatrix
#' @param qmatrix a numeric nitems by nattributes matrix that specifies which items are required for mastery of each attribute (i.e., latent variable)
#' @param pmatrix a numeric nclasses by nattributes matrix of all possible attribute profiles
#' @return an nclasses by nitems character matrix with appropriate threshold labels.
#' @export
GetThresholdLabels <- function(qmatrix, pmatrix){
  threshold.labels <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nrow(qmatrix)){
    item.threshold.labels <- NULL
    for (c in 1:nrow(pmatrix)){
      # numeric vector of required attributes for an item i given qmatrix and class c 
      required.attributes <-  which(qmatrix[i,] == 1)[which(qmatrix[i,] == 1) %in% which(pmatrix[c,] == 1)]    
      if (length(required.attributes) == 0) required.attributes = "0"
      item.threshold.labels <- c(item.threshold.labels, sprintf("tau%d_%s", i, paste(required.attributes, collapse = "")))
    threshold.labels <- cbind(threshold.labels, item.threshold.labels)
  colnames(threshold.labels) <- sprintf("Item%d", 1:nrow(qmatrix))

#' Obtain attribute profile probabilities from latent variable means
#' Gets all attribute profile probabilities given mu parameters (latent variable means)
#' @param mus a 1 by nclasses numeric vector of latent variable means
#' @return a numeric vector of all attribute profile probability values
GetClassProbsFromMus <- function(mus){
  nu <- sapply(mus, function(x) exp(x)/(sum(exp(mus))))
  names(nu) <- sprintf("nu_%d", 1:length(nu))

#' Calculate value for pi.i.star.prime for one item
#' Given an NCRUM parameterization and values for pi.i.star, r.ia.star, and qmatrix, calculates the value for
#' for pi.i.star.prime for the given item
#' @param pi.i.star a numeric value for the probability that a person responds correctly given they have not mastered
#' any attributes before being penalized for not mastering an attribute.
#' @param r.ia.star a numeric 1 x nattributes vector of the penalty probabilities for this item of a correct response       
#' for each required attribute that has not been mastered.
#' @param q.ia a numeric 1 x nattributes vector of the qmatrix entries for the given item.
#' @return a numeric value representing the pi.i.star_prime for item i
CalculatePiIStarPrime <- function(pi.i.star, r.ia.star, q.ia){

#' Calculate item probability of correct response for NCRUM parameterization
#' Calculates the probability of a correct response for an item given an NCRUM parameterization
#' @param pi.i.star.prime a numeric value for the probability of a correct response for item i given 
#' that no attributes have been mastered.
#' @param r.ia.star a numeric 1 x nattributes vector of the penalty probabilities for this item of a correct response       
#' for each required attribute that has not been mastered.
#' @param q.ia a numeric 1 x nattributes vector of the qmatrix entries for the given item.
#' @param alphas a numeric 1 x nattributes vector with a 1 if a student has mastered an attribute and 0 otherwise.
#' @return the numeric value representing the probability of a correct response for the ith item.
GetProbCorrectNcrum <- function(pi.i.star.prime, r.ia.star, q.ia, alphas){

#' Calculate all item probabilities of correct response for NCRUM parameterization
#' Calculates the probabilities of a correct response for all items given an NCRUM parameterization
#' @param pi.i.star.prime a numeric 1 x nitems vector of the probabilities of a correct response for each item given 
#' that no attributes have been mastered.
#' @param r.ia.star.qmatrix a numeric nitems x nattributes vector of the penalty probabilities for each item of        
#' a correct response for each required attribute that has not been mastered.
#' @param qmatrix a numeric nitems by nattributes matrix that specifies which items are required for mastery of each attribute (i.e., latent variable)
#' @param alphas a numeric 1 x n_attributes vector with a 1 if a student has mastered an attribute and 0 otherwise.
#' @return probabilities of a correct response for all items given a person's attribute profile.
GetAllProbsCorrectNcrum <- function(pi.i.star.prime, r.ia.star.qmatrix, qmatrix, alphas){
  sapply(1:nrow(qmatrix), function(x) GetProbCorrectNcrum(pi.i.star.prime[x], r.ia.star.qmatrix[x, ],
                                                          qmatrix[x, ], alphas))
#' Calculate item threshold values for NCRUM parameterization
#' Calculates all item threshold values for an NCRUM parameterization given parameter estimates,
#' qmatrix, attribute profiles, and threshold label matrix.
#' @param estimates0 a numeric vector of parameter estimates in the form of pis and rs
#' @param qmatrix a numeric nitems by nattributes matrix that specifies which items are required for mastery of each attribute (i.e., latent variable)
#' @param pmatrix a numeric nclasses by nattributes matrix of all possible attribute profiles
#' @param threshold.labels an nclasses by nitems character matrix with appropriate item threshold labels
#' @return a numeric vector of item threshold values
GetThresholdValuesKernelPiR <- function(estimates0, qmatrix, pmatrix, threshold.labels){   
  pi.i.stars <- unlist(estimates0[grep('^pi', names(estimates0))])
  r.ia.stars <- unlist(estimates0[grep('^r', names(estimates0))])
  r.ia.star.qmatrix <- t(qmatrix)
  r.ia.star.qmatrix[r.ia.star.qmatrix==1] <- r.ia.stars
  r.ia.star.qmatrix <- t(r.ia.star.qmatrix)
  pi.i.star.primes <- sapply(1:nrow(qmatrix), function(x) CalculatePiIStarPrime(pi.i.stars[x], r.ia.star.qmatrix[x, ], qmatrix[x, ]))
  probs <- t(apply(pmatrix, 1, function(x) GetAllProbsCorrectNcrum(pi.i.star.primes, r.ia.star.qmatrix, qmatrix, x)))
  taus <- Logit(probs)
  taus <- unique(as.vector(t(taus)))
  names(taus) <- unique(as.vector(t(threshold.labels)))

#' Calculate item threshold values for kernel parameterization
#' Calculates the item threshold values for a kernel parameterization of a DCM model using lambdas
#' @param lambda.equations an nclasses by nitems character matrix with tau values
#' represented as a function of lambda values
#' @param estimates0 a numeric vector of parameter estimates in the form of lambdas and gammas
#' @param threshold.labels an nclasses by nitems character matrix with appropriate threshold labels.
#' @return a list of a numeric vector of item threshold values and an nclasses by nitems numeric matrix
#' of item threshold values
GetThresholdValuesKernel <- function(lambda.equations, estimates0, threshold.labels){
  nitems <- ncol(lambda.equations)
  nclasses <- nrow(lambda.equations)
  lambda.values <- unlist(estimates0[grep('^l', names(estimates0))])
  threshold.values <- matrix(0, nclasses, nitems)
  for (l in 1:length(lambda.values)){
    for (i in 1:nitems){
      if (any(grepl(names(lambda.values)[l], lambda.equations[,i]))){
        threshold.values[grep(names(lambda.values)[l], lambda.equations[,i]), i] <- threshold.values[grep(names(lambda.values)[l], lambda.equations[,i]), i] + lambda.values[l]
  taus <- unique(as.vector(t(threshold.values)))
  names(taus) <- unique(as.vector(t(threshold.labels)))
  return(list(taus = taus, threshold.values = threshold.values))

#' Calcualte attribute means from gamma parameters
#' Give gamma parameters and all attribute profiles, calculates the attribute means (i.e., mus)
#' @param estimates0 a numeric vector of parameter estimates in the form of lambdas and gammas
#' @param pmatrix a numeric nclasses by nattributes matrix of all possible attribute profiles 
GetMusFromGammas <- function(estimates0, pmatrix){
  gamma.values <- unlist(estimates0[grep('^g', names(estimates0))])
  all.mus <- NULL
  all.mus <- c(all.mus, -1*(sum(gamma.values)))
  for (i in 2:(nrow(pmatrix) - 1)){
    cur.mu <- all.mus[1] + sum(gamma.values[which(pmatrix[i, ] == 1)])
    if (length(which(pmatrix[i, ] == 1)) > 1){
      tmp <- which(pmatrix[i, ] == 1)
      cur.mu <- cur.mu + gamma.values[grep(sprintf("g_%d_%s", length(tmp), paste(tmp, collapse="")), names(gamma.values))]
    all.mus <- c(all.mus, cur.mu)
  all.mus <- c(all.mus, 0)
  names(all.mus) <- sprintf("mu%d", 1:length(all.mus))

#' GetThresholdValues
#' @param threshold.labels an nclasses by nitems character matrix with appropriate threshold labels.
#' @param taus numeric vector of taus correctly named 
#' threshold.labels.cls: String vector of names of thresholds for given class
GetThresholdValues <- function(threshold.labels, taus){
  t(sapply(1:nrow(threshold.labels), function(x) GetClassThresholds(taus, threshold.labels[x,])))

# Obtains correct threshold values ordered by item.
# inputs: taus: numeric vector of taus correctly named
#         threshold.labels.cls: String vector of names of thresholds for given class
# returns: A 1 by nitem vector of threshold values ordered by item.
GetClassThresholds <- function(taus, thresholds.labels.class){
  class.thresholds <- taus[names(taus) %in% thresholds.labels.class]
                                               , regexpr('[0-9]+', names(class.thresholds)))))]

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