
## ----opts, echo=FALSE, results='hide'-----------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev="png", dpi=150)

## ----install1, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
#  install.packages("deBInfer")

## ----install2, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
#  if (require("devtools")){
#    #install deBInfer from github
#    devtools::install_github("pboesu/debinfer")
#  }

## ----loadlib, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------------

## ----dde-def------------------------------------------------------------------
#dede version

  sr    <- p["sr"]
  fs    <- p["fs"]
  ds    <- p["ds"]
  eta   <- p["eta"]
  Tmin  <- p["Tmin"]
  muz <- p["muz"]

  Rs <- Ms <- 0
  lag1 <- lag2 <- 0

  if (t>Tmin) {
    lag1 <- lagvalue(t - Tmin)
    Rs <- sr * fs * lag1[1]

  phiZ <- eta * y[2]
  dy1 <- -(muz + sr) * y[1]
  dy2 <- Rs - Ms - ds * y[2]
  dy3 <- phiZ - (muz + sr) * y[3]

  if(y[1]<0) dy1<-0
    if (y[2] < 0) {
    dy2 <- Rs - Ms
    dy3 <- -(muz + sr) * y[3]
    if (y[3] < 0) {
    dy3 <- dy3 + (muz + sr) * y[3]

## ----data---------------------------------------------------------------------
#load chytrid data
#have a look at the variables
#plot the data
plot(chytrid, xlab = "Time (days)", ylab = "Zoospores x 10e4", xlim = c(0,10))

## ----obs-model----------------------------------------------------------------
# observation model
chytrid_obs_model <- function(data,, samp) {
  ec <- 0.01
  llik.Z <- 0
  for(i in unique(data$time)){
    try(llik.Z <- llik.Z + sum(dpois(data$count[data$time == i], 
                                lambda = ([,"Z"][[,"time"] == i] + ec),
                                log = TRUE)))
  llik <- llik.Z

## ----vars---------------------------------------------------------------------
sr <- debinfer_par(name = "sr", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
                   value = 2, prior = "gamma", hypers = list(shape = 5, rate = 1),
                   prop.var = c(3,4), samp.type = "rw-unif")

fs <- debinfer_par(name = "fs", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
                   value = 0.5, prior = "beta", hypers = list(shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1),
                   prop.var = 0.01, samp.type = "ind")

ds <- debinfer_par(name = "ds", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
                   value = 2, prior = "gamma", hypers = list(shape = 1, rate = 1),
                   prop.var = 0.1, samp.type = "rw")

muz <- debinfer_par(name = "muz", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
                    value = 1, prior = "gamma", hypers = list(shape = 5, rate = 1),
                    prop.var = c(4,5), samp.type = "rw-unif")

eta <- debinfer_par(name = "eta", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
                    value = 10, prior = "gamma", hypers = list(shape = 1, rate = 0.25),
                    prop.var = 5, samp.type = "rw")

Tmin <- debinfer_par(name = "Tmin", var.type = "de", fixed = FALSE,
                     value = 3, prior = "unif", hypers = list(min = 2, max = 6),
                     prop.var = 0.05, samp.type = "rw")

# ----inits---------------------------------------------------------------
C <- debinfer_par(name = "C", var.type = "init", fixed = TRUE, value = 120)
S <- debinfer_par(name = "S", var.type = "init", fixed = TRUE, value = 0)
Z <- debinfer_par(name = "Z", var.type = "init", fixed = TRUE, value = 0)

## ----mcmc-setup---------------------------------------------------------------
# ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------- <- setup_debinfer(sr, fs, ds, muz, eta, Tmin, C, S, Z)

## ----de_mcmc, results='hide', message=FALSE-----------------------------------
# do inference with deBInfer
# MCMC iterations
iter <- 300
# inference call
dede_rev <- de_mcmc(N = iter, data = chytrid, de.model = CSZ.dede,
                    obs.model = chytrid_obs_model, all.params =,
                    Tmax = max(chytrid$time), data.times = c(0,chytrid$time), cnt = 50,
                    plot = FALSE, sizestep = 0.1, solver = "dede", verbose.mcmc = FALSE)

## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8---------------
par(mfrow = c(3,4))
plot(dede_rev, ask = FALSE, auto.layout = FALSE)

## ---- fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8-------------------------------------------
burnin <- 100
pairs(dede_rev, burnin = burnin, scatter = TRUE, trend = TRUE)
post_prior_densplot(dede_rev, burnin = burnin)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
par(mfrow = c(2,3), mgp = c(2.2, 0.8, 0))
#define a fancy y axis label
ylabel = expression(paste(Pr,"(", theta,"|", "Y", ")"))
#plot the individual parameters
post_prior_densplot(dede_rev, param = "sr",xlab = expression(theta), 
                    ylab = ylabel, show.obs = FALSE, xlim = c(0,8),
                    main = expression(paste("s",phantom()[{paste("r")}])))
legend("topright", legend = c("Posterior","Prior"), lty = 1, col = c("black", "red"))
post_prior_densplot(dede_rev, param = "fs",xlab = expression(theta), 
                    ylab = ylabel, show.obs = FALSE, xlim = c(-0.1,1.1), 
                    main = expression(paste("f",phantom()[{paste("s")}])))
post_prior_densplot(dede_rev, param = "ds",xlab = expression(theta),
                    ylab = ylabel, show.obs = FALSE, xlim = c(0,3), 
                    main = expression(paste("d",phantom()[{paste("s")}])))
post_prior_densplot(dede_rev, param = "muz",xlab = expression(theta),
                    ylab = ylabel, show.obs = FALSE, xlim = c(0,6),
                    main = expression(paste(mu,phantom()[{paste("Z")}])))
post_prior_densplot(dede_rev, param = "eta",xlab = expression(theta),
                    ylab = ylabel, show.obs = FALSE, xlim = c(0,50), ylim = c(0,0.2), 
                    main = expression(eta))
post_prior_densplot(dede_rev, param = "Tmin",xlab = expression(theta),
                    ylab = ylabel, show.obs = FALSE, xlim = c(1.5,6.5), 
                    main = expression(paste("T",phantom()[{paste("min")}])))

## ----post-sims----------------------------------------------------------------
post_traj <- post_sim(dede_rev, n = 100, times = seq(0,10,by = 0.1), burnin = burnin, 
                      output = "all", prob = 0.95)

## ----post-sims-plot, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 3----------------------------
#median and HDI
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(post_traj, plot.type = "medianHDI", auto.layout = FALSE)
legend("topright", legend = c("posterior median", "95% HDI"), lty = 1, 
       col = c("red","grey"), bty = "n")

## ----post-sims-ensemble, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6------------------------
plot(post_traj, plot.type = "ensemble", col = "#FF000040")

## ----custom-sim-fig-----------------------------------------------------------
plot(chytrid, xlab = "Time (days)", ylab = "Zoospores x 10e4", xlim = c(0,10))

for(i in seq_along(post_traj$sims)) {
  DATA1 <-$sims[i])
  lines(DATA1[,2] ~ DATA1[,1])
  lines(DATA1[,3] ~ DATA1[,1],col = "red")
  lines(DATA1[,4] ~ DATA1[,1],col = "blue")

Try the deBInfer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

deBInfer documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 5:07 p.m.