
#use_data(nt_PHMM, example_nt_string, example_nt_string_errors,ex_nt_list, overwrite = TRUE, internal = TRUE)
#then load for dev with:
# load('R/sysdata.rda')

#'An example of a list of four coi5p sequences, each containing indel errors.

#' Nucleotide profile hidden markov model for debar.
#' This model is stored in the package and was trained on a representitive
#' sample of the barcode of life database (http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php).
#' @keywords internal

#' Example coi5p DNA sequence string.
#' This string of barcode data is used in the package documentation's examples
#' and within the vignette demonstrating how to use the package.

#' Example coi5p DNA sequence string with insertion and deletion errors.
#' This string of barcode data is used in the package documentation's examples
#' and within the vignette demonstrating how to use the package.

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debar documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:02 a.m.