#' Add any kind of layer to the deckgl widget
#' Generic function to add any kind of layer to the deckgl widget.
#' Usually you will not use this one but any of the \code{add_*_layer} functions instead.
#' @param deckgl A deckgl widget object.
#' @param class_name The name of the JavaScript layer class, e. g. \code{ScatterplotLayer}.
#' @param data The url to fetch data from or a data object.
#' @param properties A named list of properties with names corresponding to the properties defined
#' in the \href{}{deckgl-api-reference}
#' for the given layer class. The \code{properties} parameter can also be an empty list. In this case
#' all props must be passed as named arguments.
#' @param ... Named arguments that will be added to the \code{properties} object. Identical parameters
#' are overwritten.
#' @param id The unique id of the layer.
#' @param tooltip A tooltip template that defines what should be displayed when the mouse enters an object.
#' You can also pass a list with the properties \code{html} and \code{style}. See also \code{\link{use_tooltip}}.
#' @param source The ID of the data source. See \code{\link{add_source}}.
#' @param filter A filter expression that is applied to the data object.
#' @return A deckgl widget object.
#' @export
add_layer <- function(deckgl, class_name, data = NULL, properties = list(), ...,
id = "hopeful-hopper", tooltip = NULL, source = NULL, filter = NULL) {
properties <- list(tooltip = tooltip, filter = filter) %>%
utils::modifyList(properties) %>%
utils::modifyList(list(...)) %>%
compact() %>%
#if (!is.null(properties$getTooltip)) .Deprecated("tooltip", old = "getTooltip")
if (any(c("tooltip", "getTooltip", "autoHighlight") %in% names(properties)) &&
is.null(properties$pickable)) {
properties$pickable <- TRUE
if (inherits(data, "sf")) {
data <- modify_sf(data)
deckgl %>% invoke_method(
className = class_name,
convertData = inherits(data, "data.frame"),
data = data,
source = source,
properties = utils::modifyList(
list(id = id),
#layer <- list(
# className = class_name,
# convertData = inherits(data, "data.frame"),
# data = data,
# source = source,
# properties = utils::modifyList(
# # list(id = id, data = data),
# list(id = id),
# formula_to_property(properties)
# )
#deckgl$x$layers %<>%
# push(layer)
#has_source <- function(deckgl, source_id) {
# n <- length(deckgl$x$sources)
# if (n == 0) return(FALSE)
# source_id %in% sapply(1:n, function(i) deckgl$x$sources[[i]]$id)
# Deprecated
# TODO: Remove in next release
#merge_properties <- function(x, y) {
# .Deprecated("modifyList")
# for (name in names(y)) {
# x[[name]] <- y[[name]]
# }
# x
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.