
Defines functions subset_list_and_df is_len_zero combine_penalties get_type_pfc get_names_pfc get_X_lin_newdata get_X_from_linear remove_attr sum_cols_smooth train_together_ind get_family_name unlist_order_preserving names_lint ncol_lint nestNCOL nCOL nROW subset_input_cov subset_array fac_to_int_representation get_names_mod get_layernr_by_opname get_layernr_trainable get_layer_by_opname get_weight_by_opname get_mod_names NCOL0 sparse_mat_to_tensor is_equal_not_null

Documented in combine_penalties get_layer_by_opname get_layernr_by_opname get_layernr_trainable get_names_pfc get_type_pfc get_weight_by_opname

is_equal_not_null <- function(x,y)
  if(is.null(y)) return(FALSE) else return(x==y)

# convert sparse matrix to sparse tensor
sparse_mat_to_tensor <- function(X)

  missing_ind <- setdiff(c("i","j","p"), slotNames(X))
    j = findInterval(seq(X@x)-1,X@p[-1])
  if(missing_ind=="i") stop("Sparse Matrix with missing i not implemented yet.")
  i = X@i
  tf$SparseTensor(indices = lapply(1:length(i), function(ind) c(i[ind], j[ind])),
                  values = X@x,
                  dense_shape = as.integer(X@Dim))


NCOL0 <- function(x)

get_mod_names <- function(x)

#' Function to return weight given model and name
#' @param mod deepregression model
#' @param name character
#' @param partial_match logical; whether to also check for a partial match
#' @export
get_weight_by_opname <- function(mod, name, partial_match = FALSE)
  lay <- get_layer_by_opname(mod, name, partial_match = partial_match)
  wgts <- lay$weights
  if(is.list(wgts) & length(wgts)==1)

#' Function to return layer given model and name
#' @param mod deepregression model
#' @param name character
#' @param partial_match logical; whether to also check for a partial match
#' @export
get_layer_by_opname <- function(mod, name, partial_match = FALSE)
  # names <- get_mod_names(mod)
  w <- get_layernr_by_opname(mod, name, partial_match = partial_match)
    stop("Cannot find specified ", name, " in model weights.")

#' Function to return layer numbers with trainable weights
#' @param mod deepregression model
#' @param logic logical; TRUE: return logical vector; FALSE (default) index
#' @export
get_layernr_trainable <- function(mod, logic = FALSE)
  names <- get_mod_names(mod)
  res <- (sapply(names, function(nm) 
      name = nm
  if(logic) return(res) else return(which(res))

#' Function to return layer number given model and name
#' @param mod deepregression model
#' @param name character
#' @param partial_match logical; whether to also check for a partial match
#' @export
get_layernr_by_opname <- function(mod, name, partial_match = FALSE)
  names <- get_mod_names(mod)
    w <- grep(name, names)
      # try to rescue assuming partial match 
      # is not referring to input
      win <- grep("input", names)
      w <- setdiff(w, win)
      if(length(w)>1) stop("Given name yields ambigious results")
    w <- which(name==names)

get_names_mod <- function(mod, which_param=1)

fac_to_int_representation <- function(data)
  whfac <- sapply(data, is.factor)
  if(all(!whfac)) return(data)
  faclist <- lapply(data[which(whfac)], function(x) list(nlev=nlevels(x), lev = levels(x)))
  names(faclist) <- names(whfac[whfac])
  data[whfac] <- lapply(data[whfac], function(x) as.integer(x)-1L)
  attr(data, "faclist") <- faclist

subset_array <- function(x, index)

  # if(class(x)[1]=="placeholder") return(x[index])
  dimx <- dim(x)
  if(is.null(dimx)) dimx = 1
                           paste(rep(",", length(dimx)-1),collapse=""),
    error = function(e) 
                             paste(rep(",", length(dimx)-1),collapse=""),
                             ",drop=FALSE], 'float32')")))

subset_input_cov <- function(x, index)
  if(is.list(x)) lapply(x, subset_input_cov, index = index) else
    subset_array(x, index = index)

# nrow for list
nROW <- function(x)

nCOL <- function(x)
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "dims"))) return(attr(x, "dims")[-1])
  lapply(x, function(y) if(is.null(dim(y))) 1 else dim(y)[-1])

nestNCOL <- function(x)

  res <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(x)){

    if(is.list(x[[i]]) & length(x[[i]])>=1 & !is.null(x[[i]][[1]])){
      res[[i]] <- nestNCOL(x[[i]])
    }else if((is.list(x[[i]]) & length(x[[i]])==0) | is.null(x[[i]][[1]])){
      res[[i]] <- 0
      res[[i]] <- NCOL(x[[i]])



ncol_lint <- function(z)

  if(is.null(z)) return(0)
  z_num <- NCOL(z[,!sapply(z,is.factor),drop=F])
  facs <- sapply(z,is.factor)
  if(length(facs)>0) z_fac <- sapply(z[,facs,drop=F], nlevels) else
    z_fac <- 0
  if(length(z_fac)==0) z_fac <- 0 else z_fac <- z_fac-1
  return(sum(c(z_num, z_fac)))


names_lint <- function(z)
  unlist(sapply(1:length(z), function(i) 
    if(is.numeric(z[,i])) names(z)[i] else

unlist_order_preserving <- function(x)

  x_islist <- sapply(x, is.list)

    for(w in which(x_islist)){

      beginning <- if(w>1) x[1:(w-1)] else list()
      end <- if(w<length(x))
        x[(w+1):length(x)] else list()

      is_data_frame <- is.data.frame(x[[w]])
      if(is_data_frame) dfxw <- as.matrix(x[[w]])
      len_bigger_one <- !is_data_frame & length(x[[w]])>1 & is.list(x[[w]])
      if(is_data_frame) x <- append(beginning, list(dfxw)) else
        x <- append(beginning, x[[w]])
      x <- append(x, end)
      if(len_bigger_one) return(unlist_order_preserving(x))





get_family_name <- function(dist) gsub(".*(^|/)(.*)/$", "\\2", dist$name)

train_together_ind <- function(train_together)

  if(is.list(train_together) & length(train_together )==0) return(NULL)
  nulls <- sapply(train_together, is.null)
  nets <- unique(train_together[!nulls])
  apply(sapply(nets, function(nn)
           function(tt) if(is.null(tt)) FALSE else nn==tt)), 1, which)


sum_cols_smooth <- function(x)

  byt <- grepl("by", names(x))
  if(length(byt)==0) return(sum(sapply(x, function(y) NCOL(y$X))))
  # if(sum(byt)==0 & length(x)==1) return(NCOL(x[[1]][[1]]$X))
  if(sum(byt)==0) return(sum(sapply(x, function(y) NCOL(y[[1]]$X))))
  if(sum(byt)==length(byt)) return(sum(sapply(x, sum_cols_smooth)))
  return(sum(sapply(x[byt], sum_cols_smooth)) +
           sum(sapply(x[!byt], function(y) NCOL(y[[1]]$X))))


remove_attr <- function(x)
  attributes(x) <- NULL

get_X_from_linear <- function(lint, newdata = NULL)
      ret <- model.matrix(~ 1 + ., data = lint)[,-1]
      ret <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., data = lint)
    ret <- get_X_lin_newdata(linname = names(lint), newdata)

get_X_lin_newdata <- function(linname, newdata)
  if("(Intercept)" %in% linname)
    newdata$`(Intercept)` <- rep(1, nROW(newdata))
  if("X.Intercept." %in% linname)
    linname[which("X.Intercept." %in% linname)] <- "(Intercept)"
    ret <- model.matrix(~ 1 + ., data = newdata[linname])[,-1]
  #  ret <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., data = newdata[linname])

#' Extract term names from the parsed formula content
#' @param pfc parsed formula content
#' @return vector of term names
#' @export
get_names_pfc <- function(pfc) sapply(pfc, "[[", "term")

#### used in fit.deepregression
WeightHistory <- R6::R6Class("WeightHistory",
                             inherit = KerasCallback,
                             public = list(
                               weights_last_layer = NULL,
                               on_epoch_end = function(epoch, logs = list()) {
                                 self$weights_last_layer <- append(
                                   self$weights_last_layer, list(self$model$get_weights())

#' Function to subset parsed formulas
#' @param pfc list of parsed formulas
#' @param type either NULL (all types of coefficients are returned),
#' "linear" for linear coefficients or "smooth" for coefficients of 
#' @export
get_type_pfc <- function(pfc, type = NULL)
  linear <- sapply(pfc, function(x) is.null(x$partial_effect) & !is.null(x$coef) & 
                     !(!x$left_from_oz & !is.null(x$right_from_oz)))
  smooth <- sapply(pfc, function(x) !is.null(x$partial_effect) & !is.null(x$coef) & 
                     !(!x$left_from_oz & !is.null(x$right_from_oz)))
  if(is.null(type)) type <- c("linear", "smooth") else 
    stopifnot(type %in% c("linear", "smooth"))
  to_return <- linear * ("linear" %in% type) + smooth * ("smooth" %in% type)

#' Function to combine two penalties
#' @param penalties a list of penalties
#' @param dims dimensions of the parameters to penalize
#' @return a TensorFlow penalty combining the two penalties
#' @export
combine_penalties <- function(penalties, dims)
  types <- na.omit(sapply(penalties, function(p) if(is.null(p)) return(NA) else p$type))
  output_dims <- na.omit(sapply(penalties, function(p) if(is.null(p)) return(NA) else p$dim))
  null_pen <- sapply(penalties, is.null)
    stop("Combined penalties for multi-output not implemented yet.")
  }else if(length(penalties)>2){
    stop("Combination of more than two penalties not implemented yet.")
  }else if(any(types=="l1")){
    stop("Combination with Lasso-Penalty not implemented yet.")
    if(all(null_pen)) return(NULL)
      # no penalization in one direction
      existing_pen <- penalties[[which(!null_pen)]]
      }else if(existing_pen$type=="spline"){
        return(squaredPenalty(P = kronecker(diag(rep(1, dims[[which(null_pen)]])),
                                        existing_pen$values), 1))
        stop("Not implemented yet.")
      # both directions with penalties
        P1 <- penalties[[1]]$values
        P2 <- penalties[[2]]$values
          P = kronecker(P1, diag(rep(1, dims[2]))) + 
            kronecker(diag(rep(1, dims[1])), P2),
          strength = 1
      }else if(all(types=="l2")){
        return(tf$keras$regularizers$l2(P1 + P2))
        stop("Not implemented yet.")

is_len_zero <- function(x) length(x)==0

subset_list_and_df <- function(x, sel){
  if(is.data.frame(x)) return(x[sel, drop=FALSE])

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deepregression documentation built on Jan. 18, 2023, 1:11 a.m.