
Defines functions recode.character .recode recode .handle.default .handle.pdf .handle.txt .handle.xpt .handle.spec .copy .handle.csv .handle .handleEach as.labeled.data.frame as.labeled.character as.labeled as.xport.labeled as.xport as.submission.character as.submission.submission as.submission .base .extension .strReverse .menu .escape .fragment .execute .staticref .executeref .hypertarget .hyperlink

Documented in as.labeled as.labeled.character as.labeled.data.frame as.submission as.submission.character as.submission.submission as.xport as.xport.labeled recode recode.character

#' Generate a latex hyperlink.
#' Generates a latex hyperlink.
.hyperlink <- function(label, caption){
  stopifnot(length(label) == length(caption))
    function(i)command('hyperlink',args = c(label[[i]],.fragment(.escape(caption[[i]]))))

#' Generate a latex hypertarget.
#' Generates a latex hypertarget.
.hypertarget <- function(label, caption){
  stopifnot(length(label) == length(caption))
    function(i)command('hypertarget',args = c(label[[i]],.fragment(.escape(caption[[i]]))))

#' Generate a latex executeref.
#' Generates a latex executeref.
.executeref <- function(file)sapply(
  function(i)command('href',args = c(.execute(file[[i]]),.fragment(.escape(file[[i]]))))

#' Generate a latex staticref.
#' Generates a latex staticref (unlinked) to a file path.
.staticref <- function(file)sapply(

#' Generate an executable path.
#' Generates an executable path.
.execute <- function(file)sapply(

#' Break up a file path for wrapping in a table.
#' Breaks up a file path for wrapping in a table.
.fragment <- function(x)gsub('/','/\\\\hspace{0pt}',x)

#' Format special characters for latex rendering.
#' Formats special characters for latex rendering.
.escape <- function(x){
  x <- gsub('_','\\_',x,fixed = TRUE) # ok
  x <- gsub('#','\\#',x,fixed = TRUE) # problematic
  x <- gsub('$','\\$',x,fixed = TRUE) # ok
  x <- gsub('%','\\%',x,fixed = TRUE) # problematic
  x <- gsub('&','\\&',x,fixed = TRUE) # ok
  x <- gsub('*','\\*',x,fixed = TRUE) # problematic
  x <- gsub('^','\\^',x,fixed = TRUE) # ok
  x <- gsub('?','\\?',x,fixed = TRUE) # problematic

#' Create latex content for define.doc menu.
#' Creates latex content for define.doc menu.
#' @import latexpdf
.menu <- function(
  title, # not used
  grid = TRUE,
  rules = 1,
  colwidth = c('0.5in','1.5in','1.5in','2in'),
  tabularEnvironment = 'longtable',
  walls = 1,
  tabnum = FALSE,
  pretable = paste('\\hline \\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{\\textbf{Contents}} \\\\'),
  prepos = 1,
  headerBold = TRUE,
  reserve = FALSE,
  menu <- data.frame(
    File = ifelse(
    Description = ifelse(
    Location = .executeref(file),
    Source = ifelse(
  if(headerBold) names(menu) <- paste0('\\textbf{',names(menu),'}')
  menu <- as.tabular(
    grid = grid,
    rules = rules,
    colwidth = colwidth,
    tabularEnvironment = tabularEnvironment,
    walls = walls,
    reserve = reserve,
  menu <- append(menu,pretable,prepos)

#'  Reverse a string.
#'  Reverses the order of characters in a string.
.strReverse <- function(x)sapply(lapply(strsplit(x, NULL), rev), paste, collapse = "")

#'  Isolate a filename extenstion.
#'  Returns the extension of a filename.
.extension <- function(x,...){
  x <- .strReverse(x)
  x <- sub('\\..*','',x)
  x <- .strReverse(x)
.base <- function(x,...){
  x <- .strReverse(x)
  x <- sub('^[^.]*.','',x)
  x <- .strReverse(x)

#' Create a submission.
#' Returns a list of vetted artifacts (spec or char corresponding to x)
#' that represent a submission object for further processing.
#' @export
as.submission <- function(x,...)UseMethod('as.submission') 

#' Coerce a submission to class submission.
#' Coerces a submission to class submission.
#' @param x object of dispatch
#' @param ... passed along
#' @export
as.submission.submission <- function(x,...)x

#' Render a character vector as class submission.
#' Converts a character vector of file names to class submission.
#' @param x filenames: xpt, csv, spec, txt, other
#' @param tag short names for each element of x
#' @param description informative multi-word label for each element of x
#' @param dir parent directory for placement of submission artifacts
#' @param subdir optional subdirectories relative to dir for each submission artifact
#' @param ... passed along to handlers
#' @export
#' @return a list of artifacts each having attributes: x, tag, des, file, spec
#' @describeIn as.submission character method for as.submission
as.submission.character <- function(
  x, # xpt, csv, spec, txt, other
  tag = names(x),
  description = basename(x),
  dir = '.',
  subdir = NULL,
  exists <- file.exists(x)
  if(!all(exists))stop('cannot find e.g. ',x[!exists][[1]])
  if(is.null(tag))tag <- rep_len(letters,length.out = length(x))
  need <- is.na(tag) | tag == ''
  tag[need] <- rep_len(letters,length.out = sum(need))
  tag <- make.unique(tag)
  if(length(subdir) == 1) subdir <- rep_len(subdir,length.out = length(x))
    length(description) == length(x),
    length(tag) == length(x),
    length(dir) == 1,
    length(subdir) == length(x) | is.null(subdir) 
  description <- as.character(description)
  # case csv:  if spec enforce/use spec else make/enforce/use spec; copy as xpt
  # case xpt:  make/enforce/use spec use labels; copy
  # case spec: enforce/use spec, copy csv as xpt
  # case txt:  copy as is
  # case other:copy as txt
  classify <- function(x)structure(x,class = union(.extension(x),class(x)))
  y <- lapply(x, classify)
  dups <- duplicated(.base(x))
  #if(any(dups))warning('possible duplicate specification, e.g.',x[dups][[1]])
  out <- lapply(y,.handleEach,ref = x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,des = description,copy =! is.null(subdir),...)
  class(out) <- 'submission'

#' Coerce to class xport.
#' Coerces to class xport.
as.xport <- function(x, ...)UseMethod('as.xport')

#' Coerce labeled to xport.
#' Coerces labeled to xport.
#' @param x a labeled data.frame
#' @param name a name for the data.frame
#' @param file where to write the data.frame
#' @param autogen.formats passed to write.xport
#' @param ... passed to write.xport
#' @importFrom SASxport write.xport
#' @describeIn as.xport labeled method for as.xport
as.xport.labeled <- function(x,name,file,autogen.formats = FALSE,...){
  y <- list(x)
  names(y) <- name
  write.xport(list = y,file = file,autogen.formats = autogen.formats)

#' Coerce to class labeled.
#' Coerces to class labeled.

as.labeled <- function(x,...)UseMethod('as.labeled')

#' Coerce character to class labeled.
#' Coerces character to a labeled data.frame.
#' @param x length-one filename for csv-formatted data file
#' @param spec length-one file name for spec
#' @param as.is passed to read.csv
#' @param na.strings passed to read.csv
#' @param rename a function with arguments x, ... to pre-process column names
#' @param ... passed to as.labeled.dat
#' @import spec
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @describeIn as.labeled data.frame method for as.labeled
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.labeled.data.frame}}
as.labeled.character <- function(
  as.is = TRUE,
  na.strings = c('','.'),
  rename = function(x,...)x, 
  dat <- read.csv(x,as.is = as.is,na.strings = na.strings)
  dat[]  <- lapply(dat,function(col) if(is.integer(col)) as.numeric(col) else col)
  names(dat) <- rename(names(dat))
  # because labelled integer is stored as character and NA is NA if read as factor but '' if read as.is.
  if(missing(spec)) spec <- read.spec(sub('\\.csv$','.spec',x))
  #spec$guide[encoded(spec)] <- recode(spec$guide[encoded(spec)])
  as.labeled(dat,spec = spec,...)

#' Coerce data.frame to labeled.
#' Coerces data.frame to labeled.
#' Positive numeric values less than 1e-70 are coerced to zero to solve SAS encoding issues.
#' Column names are forced unique and forced SAS-compliant with \code{link{makesasnames}}.
#' Labels are added to the data.frame column names, and to the data.frame itself.
#' @method as.labeled data.frame
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param label a SAS-style label for x
#' @param spec a spec (specification) data.frame containing column labels
#' @param check should the data.frame be required to match its specification?
#' @param ... ignored
#' @importFrom Hmisc label
#' @importFrom Hmisc label<-
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.labeled.character}}
as.labeled.data.frame <- function(x, label, spec, check = TRUE, ...){
  spec <- as.spec(spec)
  if(check) stopifnot(x %matches% spec)
  x[] <- lapply(names(x),function(col){
    var <- x[[col]]
    label <- with(spec, label[column == col])
    Hmisc::label(var) <- label
    if(is.numeric(var))var[var < 1e-70 & var > 0] <- 0
  Hmisc::label(x) <- label
  names(x) <- makesasnames(names(x))
  class(x) <- union('labeled',class(x))

#' Isolate arguments for an extension-classified define target.
#' Handles each define target by isolating the relevant argument subset 
#' and forwarding to generic handler.
#' @param x path to one define target, classified by extension
#' @param ref set of all define targets: key to isolating further arguments
#' @param tag short names for items
#' @param dir directory for storing artifacts
#' @param subdir subdirectories relative to dir for storing artifacts
#' @param des descriptions of items
#' @param copy should x be copied to dir(/subdir)?
#' @param ... passed along
.handleEach <- function(x,ref,tag,dir,subdir,des,copy,...){
  tag <- tag[match(x,ref)]
  subdir <- subdir[match(x,ref)]
  des <- des[match(x,ref)]
  .handle(x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,des = des,copy = copy,...)

#' Handle a define target.
#' Handles a particular define target.
.handle <- function(x,...)UseMethod('.handle')

#' Handle a define target that is a path to a csv file.
#' Handles a define target that is a path to a csv file. If there is not
#' a corresponding *.spec file in the same directory, it will be created
#' and a message will be issued.  Probably spec should be edited 
#' and \code{link{define}} should be re-run, since column labels 
#' and item decodes (i.e. factor labels) cannot be guessed.
#' @param x path to a csv file
#' @param tag short name
#' @param dir directory for storing artifact
#' @param subdir subdirectory relative to dir for storing artifact
#' @param des description of item
#' @param copy should x be copied to dir(/subdir)?
#' @param ... passed along
#' @importFrom SASxport lookup.xport
#' @import encode
#' @describeIn .handle csv method for .handle
.handle.csv <- function(x,tag,dir,subdir,des,copy,check = TRUE, ...){
  file <- sub('\\.csv$','.spec',x)
  spec <- if(file.exists(file)) read.spec(file) else specification(read.csv(x,as.is = TRUE,na.strings = c('','.')))
  if(!file.exists(file)) {
    message('creating ',file,'; edit and re-run as necessary')
  if(check)stopifnot(x %matches% spec)
  spec$guide[encoded(spec)] <- recode(spec$guide[encoded(spec)]) # remove placeholder decodes
  file <- as.character(NA)
    file <- .copy(x = x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,des = des,spec = spec,export = TRUE,...)
    path <- file.path(dir,file)
    if(!file.exists(path)) warning(path,' seems not to have been created') else {
      sasnames <- lookup.xport(file.path(dir,file))[[1]]$name
      if(length(sasnames) != length(spec$column)) stop('item count mismatch between specification and XPT file')
      spec$column <- sasnames
    list(x = x,tag = tag,des = des,file = file,spec = spec)

#' Copy target to directory.
#' Copies define target to define directory.  In case of csv files, output is SAS Transport (xpt)
#' rather than direct copy.
#' @param x path to a file
#' @param tag short name
#' @param dir directory for storing artifact
#' @param subdir subdirectory relative to dir for storing artifact
#' @param des description of item: SAS-style label for csv conversion to xpt
#' @param spec spec data.frame if x is csv: source of SAS-style column labels for csv conversion to xpt
#' @param overwrite should file be overwritten if already present?
#' @param export should x be (read and) converted to xpt?
#' @param ... passed to as.xport, as.labeled, and file.copy.
.safe.call <- function (what, ...){
  extras <- list(...)
  legal <- names(formals(what))
  extras <- extras[names(extras) %in% legal]
  do.call(what = what, args = extras)
.copy <- function(x,tag,dir,subdir, des = NULL, spec = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, export = FALSE, ext = if(export) '.xpt' else '.txt', ...){
  file <- file.path(subdir,paste0(tag,ext))
  path <- file.path(dir,file)
  dirname <- dirname(path)
  if(!file.exists(dirname))dir.create(dirname,recursive = TRUE) 
  method = if(export) 'exporting ' else 'copying '
  message(method,x,' to ',path)
  if(export)  as.xport(name = tag,file = path,x = as.labeled(x,label = des,spec = spec,check = FALSE,...),...)
  if(!export) .safe.call(file.copy,from = x,to = path,overwrite = overwrite,...)

#' Handle a define target that is a path to a spec file.
#' Handles a path to a spec file by redirecting to corresponding .csv.  Error if x does not exist.
#' @param x path to a spec file
#' @param tag short name
#' @param dir directory for storing artifact
#' @param subdir subdirectory relative to dir for storing artifact
#' @param des description of item
#' @param copy should x be copied to dir(/subdir)?
#' @param ... passed along
#' @describeIn .handle spec method for .handle
.handle.spec <- function(x,tag,dir,subdir,des,copy,...){
  x  <- sub(x,'\\.spec$','.csv')
  class(x) <- union('csv', class(x))
  .handle(x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,des = des,copy = copy,...)

#' Handle a define target that is a path to an xpt file.
#' Handles a path to an xpt file.  File must exist and contain 
#' a single table.  Warnings are issued if des does not match
#' SAS table label or tag does not match SAS storage name.  SAS
#' column labels are harvested for pdf documentation.

#' @param x path to a csv file
#' @param tag short name
#' @param dir directory for storing artifact
#' @param subdir subdirectory relative to dir for storing artifact
#' @param des description of item
#' @param copy should x be copied to dir(/subdir)?
#' @param ... passed along
#' @importFrom SASxport read.xport
#' @describeIn .handle xpt method for .handle
.handle.xpt <- function(x,tag,dir,subdir,des,copy,...){
  file <- read.xport(file = x,as.list = TRUE) # file is list of data.frame
  if(length(file) != 1) stop('expecting a single data.frame from ',x)
  nm <- names(file)
  file <- file[[1]] # file is data.frame
  lab <- Hmisc::label(file)
  if(is.null(nm) | is.na(nm) | nm != tag)warning('supplied tag ',tag, ' does not match xport name ',nm)
  if(is.null(lab)| is.na(lab)|lab != des)warning('supplied description ',lab,' does not match xport label ', lab)
  spec <- specification(file)
  spec$label <- sapply(file,Hmisc::label) # file is data.frame, no longer needed
  file <- if(copy) .copy(x = x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,ext = '.xpt') else as.character(NA)
  list(x = x,tag = tag,des = des,file = file,spec = spec)                                 

#' Handle a define target that is a path to a text file.
#' Handles a path to a text file.

#' @param x path to a text file
#' @param tag short name
#' @param dir directory for storing artifact
#' @param subdir subdirectory relative to dir for storing artifact
#' @param des description of item
#' @param copy should x be copied to dir(/subdir)?
#' @param ... passed along
#' @describeIn .handle txt method for .handle

.handle.txt <- function(x,tag,dir,subdir,des,copy,...){
  file <-if(copy) .copy(x = x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,ext = '.txt',...) else as.character(NA)
  list(x = x,tag = tag,des = des,file = file,spec = NA)
#' Handle a define target that is a path to a pdf file.
#' Handles a path to a pdf file.

#' @param x path to a pdf file
#' @param tag short name
#' @param dir directory for storing artifact
#' @param subdir subdirectory relative to dir for storing artifact
#' @param des description of item
#' @param copy should x be copied to dir(/subdir)?
#' @param ... passed along
#' @describeIn .handle pdf method for .handle

.handle.pdf <- function(x,tag,dir,subdir,des,copy,...){
  file <-if(copy) .copy(x = x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,ext = '.pdf',...) else as.character(NA)
  list(x = x,tag = tag,des = des,file = file,spec = NA)

#' Handle a define target by default.
#' Handles a path to a file by calling the (default) handler for txt.
#' the txt extension will be enforced.

#' @param x path to a file
#' @param tag short name
#' @param dir directory for storing artifact
#' @param subdir subdirectory relative to dir for storing artifact
#' @param des description of item
#' @param copy should x be copied to dir(/subdir)?
#' @param ... passed along
#' @describeIn .handle default method for .handle

.handle.default <- function(x,tag,dir,subdir,des,copy,...){
  .handle.txt(x = x,tag = tag,dir = dir,subdir = subdir,des = des,copy = copy,...)

#' Coerce a submission object to a document.
#' Coerces a submission object to a document.
#' Makes a pdf-ready character object representing a latex document.  
#' Essentially a wrapper for as.document.  Title, logo, headers,
#' footers, date are placed on the title page.  The second 
#' page has a menu (table) of defined objects that creates bi-directional links
#' to any defined data tables.  Links are also created to the storage locations
#' relative to the (resulting) define.pdf.  Following pages table the attributes
#' of data items in any datasets. 
#' @param x a list of artifacts each having attributes: x, tag, des, file, spec
#' @param title a title for the document
#' @param short short title
#' @param protocol relevant protocol
#' @param sponsor program sponsor
#' @param program drug development program
#' @param author document author
#' @param date today's date by default
#' @param lhead1 left header 1, e.g. short title
#' @param lhead2 left header 2, e.g. relevant protocol(s)
#' @param rhead1 right header 1, e.g. sponsor
#' @param rhead2 right header 2, e.g. development program
#' @param lfoot left footer (italicized), e.g. responsible party
#' @param rfoot right footer, today's date by default
#' @param logo file path for title page logo
#' @param logoscale size adjustment for logo
#' @param morePreamble if NULL, a special value is passed to \code{\link[latexpdf]{as.document.character}}.  See function definition for details, and override if necessary.
#' @param geoLeft passed to \code{\link[latexpdf]{as.document.character}}
#' @param geoRight passed to \code{\link[latexpdf]{as.document.character}}
#' @param geoTop passed to \code{\link[latexpdf]{as.document.character}}
#' @param geoBottom passed to \code{\link[latexpdf]{as.document.character}}
#' @param pagestyle passed to \code{\link[latexpdf]{as.document.character}}
#' @param thispagestyle passed to \code{\link[latexpdf]{as.document.character}}
#' @param units Should units for continuous variables be printed in Codes column?
#' @param ... passed to as.define, as.tabular, as.document.character
#' @export
as.document.submission <- function (
  x, #list(x,tag,des,file,spec)
  short = title,
  protocol = '~',
  sponsor = '~',
  program = '~',
  author = '~',
  date= '\\mydate \\today',
  lhead1 = short,
  lhead2 = protocol,
  rhead1 = sponsor,
  rhead2 = program,
  lfoot = author,
  rfoot = date,
  logo = NULL,
  logoscale = 1,
  morePreamble = NULL, 
  geoLeft = "1in", 
  geoRight = "1in", 
  geoTop = "1in", 
  geoBottom = "1in", 
  pagestyle = NULL,
  thispagestyle = NULL,
  units = FALSE,
) {
  if(is.null(morePreamble)) morePreamble <- c(
    command("usepackage", args = "longtable"), 
    command("usepackage", args = "hyperref", options = 'breaklinks'), 
    command("usepackage", args = "graphicx"),
    command("usepackage", args = "tocbibind"),
    command("usepackage", args = "fixltx2e"),
    command("usepackage", args = "tabu"),
    command("usepackage", args = "fontenc", options = 'T1'),
    command("usepackage", args = "datetime",options = 'nodayofweek'),
    command("NeedsTeXFormat", args = "LaTeX2e"),
    "\\hypersetup{colorlinks = true,filecolor = blue,linkcolor = blue}",
    command("usepackage", args = c("fancyhdr,lastpage")),
    command('pagestyle',args = 'fancy'),
    command("lhead", args = paste(lhead1,'\\\\',lhead2,collapse = ' ')),
    command("rhead", args = paste(rhead2,'\\\\',rhead1,collapse = ' ')),
    command("lfoot", args = command("textit",args= lfoot)),
    command("rfoot", args = '\\mydate \\today'),
    command("date",  args = '\\mydate \\today'),
    command("title", args = title)) 
  menu <- .menu(
    title = title,
    tag = sapply(x,`[[`,'tag'),
    des =  sapply(x,`[[`,'des'),
    file =  sapply(x,`[[`,'file'),
    src  =  sapply(x,`[[`,'x'),
    spec =  sapply(x,function(i)!identical(NA,i[['spec']]))
  specified <- sapply(x,function(i)!identical(NA,i[['spec']]))
  specified <- x[specified]
  specify <- function(x,sep = ' : ',collapse = '\n\n', units = FALSE, reserve = FALSE, ...){
    caption <- x[['tag']]
    spec <- x[['spec']]
    des <- x[['des']]
    text <- guidetext(spec)
    if(units)spec$guide[!is.na(text)] <- sapply(text[!is.na(text)],encode,sep = '|')
    def <- as.define(spec,sep = sep,collapse = collapse,...)
    #tab <- tabular(def,caption = caption,...)
    tab <- as.tabular(def,, reserve = FALSE, ...)
    tab <- wrap(tab,'center')
    link <- .hyperlink(caption,des)
    parens <- function(x,...)paste0("(", x, ")")
    target <- .hypertarget(des,parens(caption))
    #link <- paste0('\\hypertarget{',caption,'}{',des,'}')
    tab <- c('\\pagebreak\n',link,target,tab)
  specifics <- lapply(specified,specify,units = units,...)
  specifics <- unlist(specifics)
  body <- c(
  doc <- as.document(
    morePreamble = morePreamble, 
    prolog = c(
      if(is.null(logo)) NULL else wrap(environment = 'center',command('includegraphics',args = logo,options = paste0('scale = ',logoscale))),
      wrap(environment = 'center',command('huge',args = command('textbf',args = title))),
      command('thispagestyle',args = 'fancy')
    geoLeft = geoLeft, 
    geoRight = geoRight, 
    geoTop = geoTop, 
    geoBottom = geoBottom, 
    pagestyle = pagestyle, 
    thispagestyle = thispagestyle,

#' Make names for a dataset that are unique and follow SAS naming conventions.
#' Makes names for a dataset that are unique and follow SAS naming conventions.
#' Modeled after SASxport::makeSasNames, but handling special cases.
#' @param names existing column names
#' @param nchar limit on number of characters
#' @param maxPasses limit on number of reconciliation attempts
#' @param quiet should messages be suppressed?
#' @return character
makesasnames <-function (names, nchar = 8, maxPasses = 10, quiet = FALSE) {
  names <- as.character(names)
  names <- toupper(names)
  #tooLong <- nchar(names) > 8
  tooLong <- nchar(names) > nchar
  shortNames <- names
  if (any(tooLong)) {
    shortNames[tooLong] <- substr(names[tooLong], 1, nchar)
    if (!quiet) 
      warning("Truncated ", sum(tooLong), " long names to ", nchar," characters.")
  varNames <- shortNames
  passes <- 0
  dups <- FALSE
  while (any(duplicated(varNames)) && passes < maxPasses) {
    passes <- passes + 1
    dups <- duplicated(varNames)
    repeatCount <- table(varNames) - 1
    digitChars <- nchar(as.character(repeatCount)) + 1
    names(digitChars) <- names(repeatCount)
    newNames <- make.names(substr(varNames, 1, nchar - digitChars[varNames]), unique = TRUE)
    changed <- newNames != names
    varNames[dups] <- newNames[dups]
  if (any(duplicated(varNames))) 
    stop("Unable to make all names unique after ", passes, 
         " passes.")
  if (any(dups) && !quiet) 
    warning("Made ", sum(dups), " duplicate names unique.")

#' Recode an encoded object.
#' Recodes an encoded object.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[encode]{encode}}
recode <- function(x,...)UseMethod('recode')

#' Recode a single string.
#' Recodes a single string.
#' @param x string to be recoded
#' @param sep separator to use for output
#' @return character
#' @seealso \code{\link[encode]{recode.character}}
.recode <- function(x,sep = substr(x,1,1),...){ # for a single character string
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  codes <- codes(x)
  decodes <- decodes(x)
  decodes[!is.na(decodes) & decodes == codes] <- NA
  encode(codes, decodes, sep = sep,...)
#' Recode an encoded character vector, dropping noninformative labels.
#' Recodes an encoded character vector.
#' \code{\link[spec]{specification}} creates a template spec object
#' corresponding to a data frame.  Not able to guess factor
#' level decodes (labels) or column descriptions (e.g. SAS labels)
#' it supplies defaults by repeating the argument values. These have
#' value for development, but not for reporting.  This function
#' drops non-informative decodes.
#' @param x vector of strings that represent encodings
#' @param ... passed to sapply
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @describeIn recode character method for recode
recode.character <- function(x,...){
  if(length(x) == 0) return(x)
  sapply(x,.recode,USE.NAMES = FALSE,...)

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define documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6:25 p.m.