
Defines functions use.weight standardize fert.curve smooth.demogdata smooth.fts

Documented in smooth.demogdata

smooth.fts <- function(data, k=-1, xgrid=data$x, se.fit=FALSE, w=rep(1,nrow(data$y)))
    result <- seresult <- data
    x <- data$x
    result$x <- seresult$x <- xgrid
    ny <- ncol(data$y)
    result$y <- seresult$y <- matrix(NA,ncol=ny,nrow=length(xgrid))
    kvec <- numeric(ny)
    meany <- mean(data)$y
    data$y <- sweep(data$y,1,meany)
        w <- matrix(rep(w,ny),ncol=ny)

    # Find optimal k
        for(j in 1:ny)
            fit <- mgcv::gam(data$y[,j] ~ s(x,k=k), weights=w[,j])
            kvec[j] <- sum(fit$edf)
        k <- round(median(kvec)+.5)
    # Smooth using chosen k
    for(j in 1:ny)
        fit <- mgcv::gam(data$y[,j] ~ s(x,k=k), weights=w[,j])
        smooth.fit <- mgcv::predict.gam(fit,newdata=data.frame(x=xgrid),se.fit=se.fit)
            result$y[,j] <- smooth.fit$fit
            seresults$y[,j] <- smooth.fit$se.fit
            result$y[,j] <- smooth.fit
    interp <- stats::spline(x,meany,n=500)
    interp <- stats::approx(interp$x,interp$y,xout=xgrid)$y
    result$y <- sweep(result$y,1,interp,"+")

## Function to smooth mortality curves
## Divides age into three sections: 0-a, a-b and b+
## Will interpolate first period (0-a)
## Will smooth second period (a-b)
## For third period (b+) it uses montonically increasing smooths if monotonic TRUE
## Number of knots for smoothing set by k
#' Create smooth demogdata functions
#' Smooth demogdata data using one of four methods depending on the value of \code{method}
#' The value of \code{method} determines the type of smoothing used.
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{method="mspline"}{Weighted penalized regression splines with a monotonicity constraint. The curves are monotonically
#'       increasing for age greater than b. Smoothness controlled by \code{k}. Methodology based on Wood (1994). Code calls \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} for the basic
#'       computations.}
#'     \item{method="cspline"}{Weighted regression B-splines with a concavity constraint. Smoothness controlled by \code{lambda}.
#'       Methodology based on He and Ng (1999). Code calls \code{\link[cobs]{cobs}} for the basic computations.}
#'     \item{method="spline"}{Unconstrained weighted penalized regression splines. Equivalent to "mspline" but with \code{b=Inf}.}
#'     \item{method="loess"}{Weighted locally quadratic regression. Smoothness controlled by span. Code calls
#'       \code{\link{loess}} for the basic computations.}
#'   }
#' @param data Demogdata object such as created using \code{\link{read.demogdata}}.
#' @param method Method of smoothing. Possibilities: \code{"mspline"} (monotonic regression splines),
#'   \code{"cspline"} (concave regression splines),
#'   \code{"spline"} (unconstrained regression splines),
#'   \code{"loess"} (local quadratic using \code{\link{loess}}).
#' @param age.grid Ages to use for smoothed curves. Default is single years over a slightly greater range than the unsmoothed data.
#' @param power Power transformation for age variable before smoothing. Default is 0.4 for mortality data and 1 (no transformation) for fertility or migration data.
#' @param b Lower age for monotonicity if \code{method=="mspline"}. Above this, the smooth curve
#'   is assumed to be monotonically increasing.
#' @param k Number of knots to use for penalized regression spline estimate. Ignored if \code{method=="loess"}.
#' @param span Span for loess smooth if \code{method=="loess"}.
#' @param lambda Penalty for constrained regression spline if \code{method=="cspline"}.
#' @param interpolate If \code{interpolate==TRUE}, a linear interpolation is used instead of smoothing.
#' @param weight If TRUE, uses weighted smoothing.
#' @param obs.var Method for computing observational variance. Possible values: \dQuote{empirical} or \dQuote{theoretical}.

#' @return Demogdata object identical to \code{data} except all
#' rate matrices are replaced with smooth versions and pop matrices are replaced with disaggregated population estimates obtained
#' using monotonic spline interpolation applied to the cumulative population data.
#' Weight
#' matrices are also added to the object showing the inverse
#' variances of the estimated smooth curves. 
#' @keywords smooth
#' @author Rob J Hyndman
#' @examples 
#' france.sm <- smooth.demogdata(extract.years(fr.mort,1980:1997))
#' plot(france.sm)
#' plot(fr.mort,years=1980,type="p",pch=1)
#' lines(france.sm,years=1980,col=2)
#' @export
smooth.demogdata <- function(data,method=switch(data$type,mortality="mspline",fertility="cspline",migration="loess"), age.grid,
    b=65, k=30, span=0.2, lambda=1e-10, interpolate=FALSE, weight=data$type != "migration",
    method <- c("mspline","msplinecobs","cspline","spline","loess")[pmatch(method,c("mspline","msplinecobs","cspline","spline","loess"))]
        stop("Unknown smoothing method")
    obs.var <- c("empirical","theoretical")[pmatch(obs.var,c("empirical","theoretical"))]
        stop("Unknown method for observational variance")

    # Smooth logged fertility and mortality data
    dlambda <- data$lambda
    if(data$type != "migration")
        data$lambda <- 0 # Ensure smooth curves are positive.

    minx <- min(data$age)
    maxx <- max(data$age)
    nx <- length(data$age)
    delta1 <- data$age[2]-data$age[1]
    delta2 <- data$age[nx] - data$age[nx-1]

    ## Construct upper ages for each group
    xmin <- minx + 0.5 - 0.5*delta1
    xmax <- maxx + 0.5 + 0.5*delta2
    upperage <- c(xmin, 0.5*(data$age[1:(nx-1)] + data$age[2:nx] + 1), xmax)-1

    # Construct age.grid if missing
        xmin <- minx - 0.5*delta1 + 0.5
        xmax <- maxx + 0.5*delta2 - 0.5
        xmin <- min(age.grid)
        xmax <- max(age.grid)
    xmin <- floor(xmin)
    xmax <- ceiling(xmax)
    age.grid <- seq(xmin,xmax,by=1)

        method <- "mspline"
        b <- 1000
        a <- -1000

    n <- length(data$rate)

    if(data$type == "migration" | interpolate)
        weight <- FALSE
        data$wt <- use.weight(data)
        datawt <- use.weight(data,FALSE)
    fred <- matrix(1,nrow=length(age.grid),ncol=ncol(data$rate[[1]]))
    data$serate <- data$rate
    x <- data$age^power
    data$obs.var <- list()
    for(i in 1:n)
        y <- BoxCox(as.matrix(data$rate[[i]]),data$lambda)
            y[y< -1e20] <- -10
        data$obs.var[[i]] <- y*NA

        ny <- ncol(y)
        p <- nrow(y)
        newpop <- newy <- se.y <- matrix(NA,ncol=ny,nrow=length(age.grid))
        err <- y*NA
        for(j in 1:ny)
                w <- as.matrix(data$wt[[i]])[,j]
                w <- ww <- rep(1,p)
            w[y[,j] < -1e20] <- 0
            xx <- x[w>0]
            yy <- y[w>0,j]
            ww <- w[w>0]
            if(sum(is.na(y[,j]) | y[,j]==0) == p)
                smooth.fit <- list(fit=rep(NA,p),se=rep(NA,p))
			else if(interpolate)
				smooth.fit <- list(fit=stats::approx(xx,yy,xout=age.grid^power,rule=1)$y,se=rep(0,length(age.grid)))
            else if(method=="loess")
                fit <- loess(yy ~ xx,span=span,degree=2,weights=ww,surface="direct")
                smooth.fit <- stats::predict(fit,newdata=data.frame(xx=age.grid^power),se=TRUE)
            else if(method=="mspline")
                smooth.fit <- smooth.monotonic(xx, yy, b^power, max(min(round(length(xx)*.8),k),4), ww, age.grid^power)
            else if(method=="msplinecobs")
                smooth.fit <- smooth.monotonic.cobs(xx, yy, b^power, lambda=lambda, w=ww, newx=age.grid^power, nknots=k)
            else if(method=="cspline")
                smooth.fit <- fert.curve(xx,yy,ww,age.grid^power,lambda=lambda,interpolate=interpolate,tlambda=data$lambda)
            newy[,j] <- smooth.fit$fit
            se.y[,j] <- smooth.fit$se
            newpop[,j] <- diff(cm.spline(upperage,cumsum(c(0,data$pop[[i]][,j])),xmin=xmin-1,xmax=xmax,n=xmax-xmin+2)$y)
                err[,j] <- y[,j] - stats::approx(age.grid,newy[,j],xout=data$age)$y
                fred[,j] <- stats::approx(data$age,datawt[[i]][,j],xout=age.grid,rule=2)$y
        dimnames(newy) <- dimnames(newpop) <- dimnames(se.y) <- list(age.grid,data$year)
        data$rate[[i]] <- InvBoxCox(newy,data$lambda)
			data$serate[[i]] <- data$obs.var[[i]] <- matrix(0,ncol=ny,nrow=length(age.grid))
        else if(obs.var=="theoretical")
            data$serate[[i]] <- se.y/data$rate[[i]] # Needs fixing if lambda != 0
            data$obs.var[[i]] <- 1/fred
            data$obs.var[[i]][abs(data$obs.var[[i]])>1e9] <- max(data$obs.var[[i]][data$obs.var[[i]]<1e9])
            data$serate[[i]] <- se.y
            y <- InvBoxCox(y,data$lambda)
            yy <- y
            for(j in 1:ny)
                yy[,j] <- stats::approx(age.grid,newy[,j],xout=data$age)$y
            yy <- InvBoxCox(yy,data$lambda)
            xx <- data$age
            ov <- exp(stats::predict(loess(log(rowMeans((y-yy)^2)) ~ xx,span=2/sqrt(length(data$age)),degree=2,surface="direct"),newdata=data.frame(xx=age.grid)))
            data$obs.var[[i]] <- matrix(ov,length(age.grid),ny)
        dimnames(data$obs.var[[i]]) <- list(age.grid,data$year)
        data$pop[[i]] <- newpop
        data$err[[i]] <- err
    names(data$obs.var) <- names(data$rate)
    data$age <- age.grid
    data$lambda <- dlambda

# Smooth interpolation of data

fert.curve <- function(x,y,w,age.grid,lambda=1,interpolate=TRUE,tlambda,...)
#    if(min(age.grid) < min(x))
#    {
#        x <- c(13,x)
#        y <- c(BoxCox(0.001,tlambda),y)
#        w <- c(max(w),w)
#    }
#    if(max(age.grid) > max(x))
#    {
#        x <- c(x,52)
#        y <- c(y,BoxCox(0.001,tlambda))
#        w <- c(w,max(w))
#    }
    w <- w/sum(w)
    # Transformation
    xx <- x#sign(x-30)*abs(x-30)^1.8

    oldwarn <- options(warn=-1)
    # Unweighted smoothing as there seems to be a problem with the cobs function when weights specified
        fred <- stats::predict(cobs(xx,y,constraint="concave",pointwise=cbind(rep(0,length(xx)),xx,y),
        fred <- stats::predict(cobs(xx,y,constraint="concave",

#    fred[,1] <- abs(fred[,1])^(5/9)*sign(fred[,1])+30

    fit <- stats::approx(fred[,1],fred[,2],xout=age.grid,rule=1)$y
    se <- stats::approx(fred[,1],(fred[,4]-fred[,3])/2/1.96, xout=age.grid,rule=1)$y

## Function to calculate the weight

standardize <- function(x,sumx=1)

use.weight <- function(data,standardize=TRUE)
    w <- list()
    n <- length(data$rate)
    for (i in 1:n)
        # Extract rate and population matrices
        rate.dim <- dim(data$rate[[i]])
        rate <- data$rate[[i]]
        pop <- data$pop[[i]]
            pop <- pop/max(pop,na.rm=TRUE)
            rate <- rate/1000
            w[[i]] <- pop*rate^(1-2*data$lambda)
        else if(data$type=="mortality")
            w[[i]] <- pop*rate^(1-2*data$lambda)
            stop("I shouldn't be here!")
		#if(mean(w[[i]],na.rm=TRUE) > 1)
		#	stop("There's a problem. It looks like your rates are all too large.")
		if(mean(w[[i]],na.rm=TRUE) < 0)
			stop("There's a problem. Do you have negative rates?")
		w[[i]][w[[i]] > 1e9] <- 0
        w[[i]][w[[i]] < 0] <- 0
        #w[[i]][rate < 1e-9] <- 0
        #w[[i]][BoxCox(rate,data$lambda) < -1e9] <- 0
            w[[i]][log(rate) > -1e-9] <- 0
            w[[i]] <- apply(w[[i]],2,standardize,sumx=rate.dim[1])
        w[[i]][is.na(w[[i]])] <- 0
        colnames(w[[i]]) <- colnames(pop)
        rownames(w[[i]]) <- rownames(pop)
    names(w) <- names(data$rate)

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demography documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:02 p.m.