#' @title Calculate option Greeks
#' @description The functions \code{greeks} and \code{greeks2} provide
#' two different calling conventions for computing a full set of
#' option Greeks. \code{greeks} simply requires entering a pricing function
#' with parameters. \code{greeks2} requires the use of named parameter
#' entries. The function \code{bsopt} calls \code{greeks2} to
#' produce a full set of prices and greeks for calls and puts. These
#' functions are all vectorized, the only restriction being that the
#' functions will produce an error if the recycling rule can not be
#' used safely (that is, if parameter vector lengths are not integer
#' multiples of one another).
#' @name greeks
#' @aliases bsopt greeks greeks2
#' @return A named list of Black-Scholes option prices and Greeks, or
#' optionally (`complete=TRUE`) a dataframe.
#' @note The pricing function being passed to the greeks function must
#' return a numeric vector. For example, \code{callperpetual} must
#' be called with the option \code{showbarrier=FALSE} (the
#' default). The pricing function call cannot contain a variable
#' named `z91k25`.
#' @details Numerical derivatives are calculated using a simple
#' difference. This can create numerical problems in edge
#' cases. It might be good to use the package numDeriv or some
#' other more sophisticated calculation, but the current approach
#' works well with vectorization.
#' @usage
#' greeks(f, complete=FALSE, long=FALSE, initcaps=TRUE)
#' # must used named list entries:
#' greeks2(fn, ...)
#' bsopt(s, k, v, r, tt, d)
#' @param s Price of underlying asset
#' @param k Option strike price
#' @param v Volatility of the underlying asset, defined as the
#' annualized standard deviation of the continuously-compounded
#' return
#' @param r Annual continuously-compounded risk-free interest rate
#' @param tt Time to maturity in years
#' @param d Dividend yield of the underlying asset, annualized,
#' continuously-compounded
#' @param fn Pricing function name, not in quotes
#' @param f Fully-specified option pricing function, including inputs
#' which need not be named. For example, you can enter
#' \code{greeks(bscall(40, 40, .3, .08, .25, 0))}
#' @param complete FALSE. If TRUE, return a data frame with columns
#' equal to input parameters, function name, premium, and greeks
#' (each greek is a column). This is experimental and the output
#' may change. Convert to long format using \code{long=TRUE}.
#' @param long FALSE. Setting \code{long=TRUE} returns a long data
#' frame, where each row contains input parameters, function name,
#' and either the premium or one of the greeks. \code{long=TRUE}
#' implies \code{complete=TRUE}
#' @param initcaps TRUE. If true, capitalize names (e.g. "Delta" vs
#' "delta")
#' @param ... Pricing function inputs, must be named, may either be a
#' list or not
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @examples
#' s=40; k=40; v=0.30; r=0.08; tt=0.25; d=0;
#' greeks(bscall(s, k, v, r, tt, d), complete=FALSE, long=FALSE, initcaps=TRUE)
#' greeks2(bscall, list(s=s, k=k, v=v, r=r, tt=tt, d=d))
#' greeks2(bscall, list(s=s, k=k, v=v, r=r, tt=tt, d=d))[c('Delta', 'Gamma'), ]
#' bsopt(s, k, v, r, tt, d)
#' bsopt(s, c(35, 40, 45), v, r, tt, d)
#' bsopt(s, c(35, 40, 45), v, r, tt, d)[['Call']][c('Delta', 'Gamma'), ]
#' ## plot Greeks for calls and puts for 500 different stock prices
#' ##
#' ## This plot can generate a "figure margins too large" error
#' ## in Rstudio
#' k <- 100; v <- 0.30; r <- 0.08; tt <- 2; d <- 0
#' S <- seq(.5, 250, by=.5)
#' Call <- greeks(bscall(S, k, v, r, tt, d))
#' Put <- greeks(bsput(S, k, v, r, tt, d))
#' y <- list(Call=Call, Put=Put)
#' par(mfrow=c(4, 4), mar=c(2, 2, 2, 2)) ## create a 4x4 plot
#' for (i in names(y)) {
#' for (j in rownames(y[[i]])) { ## loop over greeks
#' plot(S, y[[i]][j, ], main=paste(i, j), ylab=j, type='l')
#' }
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Using complete option for calls
#' call_long <- greeks(bscall(S, k, v, r, tt, d), long=TRUE)
#' ggplot2::ggplot(call_long, aes(x=s, y=value)) +
#' geom_line() + facet_wrap(~greek, scales='free')
#' }
#' @export
bsopt <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d) {
## Black-Scholes put and call values.
xc <- greeks2(bscall, list(s=s, k=k, v=v, r=r, tt=tt, d=d))
xp <- greeks2(bsput, list(s=s, k=k, v=v, r=r, tt=tt, d=d))
return(list(Call=xc, Put=xp))
## the focus so far has been on named vs unnamed parameters. We also
## need to take care of implicit parameters Tue, Jun 21, 2016
#' @export
greeks <- function(f, complete=FALSE, long=FALSE, initcaps=TRUE) {
## returns (I think) a pairlist, where the first
## argument is the function and the second is what follows. By
## extracting the second, we grab the function argument which in
## this case is itself a pairlist (namely the function within
## greeks()). By setting the first element of this
## ([[2]][[1]] to NULL we are left with the arguments
## in the wrapped function, which are in the form of a list
args <-[[2]] ## get f and arguments
funcname <- as.character(args[[1]])
args[[1]] <- NULL ## eliminate function name, leaving function
## arguments as only remaining component
fnames <- names(formals(funcname)) ## list of defined arguments
## following handles case of perpetual options
includetheta <- ("tt" %in% fnames)
## following logic handles the case where some arguments are
## named, some are unnamed, and the arguments are out of order,
## i.e. the named arguments are in some arbitrary order. If the
## function is defined as f(a, b, c), if it's called as
## f(c=3,5,2), the unused arguments are assigned to 5 and 2 in the
## order defined (a then b). The following code fills them in as
## such. The code also keeps counts the arguments in the call to
## handle the case of implicit parameters
numargs <- length(args)
if (length(names(args)) == 0) {
## all arguments unnamed, hence in the correct order
names(args) <- fnames[1:numargs]
} else {
numunnamedargs <- sum(names(args) == "")
## restrict range in setdiff to account for implicit
## parameters in fnames but not in function call
names(args)[which(names(args) == "")] <-
setdiff(fnames, names(args))[1:numunnamedargs]
x <- as.list(args)
## some elements of x will have had explicit values in the call
## (e.g., "s=40"), while others will have inherited values from
## the environment (e.g. "s=s0"). The latter are unevaluated
## language objects, so need to assign a value using eval().
## need to handle the case when the loop index appears in the
## evaluted epxression. So pick a screwy loop index
for (z91k25 in 1:length(x)) x[[z91k25]] <- eval(x[[z91k25]])
## make sure that vectors have lengths appropriate for recycling
xlength <- sapply(x, length)
xmaxlength <- max(xlength)
includetheta <- rep(includetheta, xmaxlength)
Premium <-, x)
Delta <- .FirstDer(funcname, 's', x)
Vega <- .FirstDer(funcname, 'v', x)/100
Rho <- .FirstDer(funcname, 'r', x)/100
Theta <- ifelse(includetheta,
-.FirstDer(funcname, 'tt', x)/365,
Psi <- .FirstDer(funcname, 'd', x)/100
Elast <- ifelse(abs(Premium) > 1e-06, x[['s']]*Delta/Premium, NA)
Gamma <- .SecondDer(funcname, 's', x)
if (long) complete <- TRUE
if (complete) {
## Note: this will not work with a tibble, which doesn't
## support recycling for vectors longer than length 1
tmp <- cbind(, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
funcname, Premium, Delta, Vega,
Rho, Theta, Psi, Elast, Gamma,
if (long) {
premcol <- which(colnames(tmp) == 'premium')
gammacol <- which(colnames(tmp) == 'gamma')
greekcols <- which(colnames(tmp) %in%
c('Premium', 'Delta', 'Vega',
'Rho', 'Theta', 'Psi', 'Elast',
tmp <- stats::reshape(tmp,
if (!initcaps) tmp$greek = tolower(tmp$greek)
row.names(tmp) <- NULL
tmp[['id']] <- NULL
if (!initcaps) colnames(tmp) <- tolower(colnames(tmp))
} else {
numcols <- length(Premium)
numrows <- 8
y <- t(matrix(c(Premium,Delta,Gamma,Vega,Rho,Theta,Psi,Elast),
rownames(y) <- c("Premium", "Delta", "Gamma", "Vega", "Rho", "Theta",
"Psi", "Elasticity")
## The following tests to see if there is variation in any inputs
## (is xmaxlength > 1). If so, is there variation in more than one
## input (length(maxarg) > 1). The column names are constructed
## in each case to state the parameter values for that column.
arggt1 <- which(xlength > 1) # which inputs are vectors
if (xmaxlength == 1) {
colnames(y) <- funcname
} else {
## if we get here, there are multiple inputs with length > 1
tmp <- NULL
for (i in arggt1) {
tmp <- paste(tmp, format(x[[i]], digits=3, trim=TRUE),
colnames(y) <- paste(funcname, tmp, sep='')
if (!initcaps) rownames(y) <- tolower(rownames(y))
#' @export
greeks2 <- function(fn, ...) {
## Fix handling of inputs with different lengths want to modify
## this function so that inputs need not be named
if (is.list(c(...))) x <- c(...)
else x <- list(...)
includetheta <- ('tt' %in% names(x))
## make sure recycling rule will work, stop if not
premium <-, x)
delta <- .FirstDer(fn, 's', x)
vega <- .FirstDer(fn, 'v', x)/100
rho <- .FirstDer(fn, 'r', x)/100
if (includetheta) theta <- -.FirstDer(fn, 'tt', x)/365
else theta <- NA
psi <- .FirstDer(fn, 'd', x)/100
elast <- x[['s']]*delta/premium
gamma <- .SecondDer(fn, 1, x)
numcols <- length(premium)
numrows <- 8
y <- t(matrix(c(premium,delta,gamma,vega,rho,theta,psi,elast),
rownames(y) <- c("Premium", "Delta", "Gamma", "Vega", "Rho", "Theta",
"Psi", "Elasticity")
funcname <- as.character([[2]])
## The following tests to see if there is variation in any inputs
## (is xmaxlength > 1). If so, is there variation in more than one
## input (length(maxarg) > 1)? The column names are constructed as
## appropriate in each case, showing varying input values by column.
## are any parameters input as vectors?
xlength <- lapply(x, length) ## how many of each input?
xmaxlength <- max(unlist(lapply(x, length))) ## max # of inputs
arggt1 <- which(xlength > 1)
if (xmaxlength == 1) {
colnames(y) <- funcname
} else {
## if we get here, there are multiple inputs with length > 1
tmp <- NULL
for (i in arggt1) {
tmp <- paste(tmp, format(x[[i]], digits=3, trim=TRUE), sep='_')
colnames(y) <- paste(funcname, tmp, sep='')
.FirstDer <- function(fn, pos, arglist) {
## compute first derivative of function fn
## arglist must be a list
epsilon <- 1e-04
xup <- xdn <- arglist
xup[[pos]] <- xup[[pos]] + epsilon
xdn[[pos]] <- xdn[[pos]] - epsilon
yup <-, xup)
ydn <-, xdn)
.SecondDer <- function(fn, pos, ...) {
## this is original
## compute second derivative of function fn
if (is.list(c(...))) arglist <- c(...)
else arglist <- list(...)
epsilon <- 5e-04
xup <- xdn <- arglist
xup[[pos]] <- xup[[pos]] + epsilon
xdn[[pos]] <- xdn[[pos]] - epsilon
yup <- .FirstDer(fn, pos, xup)
ydn <- .FirstDer(fn, pos, xdn)
.checkListRecycle <- function(x) {
## function tests whether list of vectors can work with recycling
## without throwing a warning. We can do this by unlisting the
## elements, summing them, and checking for an error. (The summing
## will require recycling to work; if it doesn't, there is a
## mismatch in the number of entries.)
{tmp <- 0; for (i in seq_along(x)) tmp <- tmp+unlist(x[[i]])},
warning = function(c) {
c$message <- paste("Input vector lengths are not",
"integer multiples of one another")
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