
Defines functions call_targets get_clean_ids get_removed_ids get_gene_pct

Documented in call_targets get_clean_ids get_gene_pct get_removed_ids

#' Call clean droplets after running EM
#' Call cells or nuclei from an SCE object. EM must be run beforehand.
#' The posterior probability is defined as 1 - Prob(Debris), where 
#' Prob(Debris) is the posterior probability that a droplet is 
#' debris.
#' @param x An SCE object.
#' @param pp_thresh The minimum posterior probability of a droplet to be 
#'  classified as a cell/nucleus.
#' @param min_genes The minimum number of genes a droplet must have 
#'  to be classified as a cell/nucleus.
#' @return An SCE object.
#' @export
call_targets <- function(x, pp_thresh = 0.95, min_genes = 200){

    if (!"CleanProb" %in% colnames(x@droplet_data)) stop("Run DIEM before calling targets")

    calls <- rep("Debris", nrow(x@droplet_data))
    calls[x@droplet_data$CleanProb >= pp_thresh & x@droplet_data$n_genes >= min_genes] <- "Clean"
    calls <- as.factor(calls)
    x@droplet_data[,"Call"] <- calls


#' Return IDs of clean droplets
#' Return the barcodes that pass DIEM filtering. The function 
#' \code{\link{call_targets}} must be run beforehand.
#' @param x An SCE object.
#' @return A character vector with the called droplet IDs.
#' @export
get_clean_ids <- function(x){
    if (!"Call" %in% colnames(x@droplet_data)) 
        stop("Call targets before calling get_clean_ids")

    clean <- x@droplet_data$Call == "Clean"
    ids <- rownames(x@droplet_data)[clean]

#' Return IDs of removed droplets
#' Return the droplet IDs in the test set that have been removed 
#' by DIEM. 
#' The function \code{\link{call_targets}} must be run beforehand.
#' @param x An SCE object.
#' @return A character vector with the called droplet IDs.
#' @export
get_removed_ids <- function(x){
    if (!"Call" %in% colnames(x@droplet_data)) 
        stop("Call targets before calling get_clean_ids")

    if (length(x@test_set) == 0) stop("No test set droplets")
    debris <- rownames(x@droplet_data)[x@droplet_data$Call == "Debris"]
    removed <- intersect(x@test_set, debris)

#' Get percent of reads align to given gene(s)
#' Add a data column for each droplet giving the percentage of raw reads/UMIs 
#' that align to genes given in \code{genes}. The column name is specified by 
#' \code{name}.
#' @param x An SCE object.
#' @param genes Genes to calculate percentage of in counts.
#' @param name Column name to place in dropl_info.
#' @return An SCE object.
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Add MT%
#' mt_genes <- grep(pattern="^mt-", x=rownames(mb_small@gene_data), ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE)
#' mb_small <- get_gene_pct(x = mb_small, genes=mt_genes, name="pct.mt")
#' # Add MALAT1
#' genes <- grep(pattern="^malat1$", x=rownames(mb_small@gene_data), ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE)
#' mb_small <- get_gene_pct(x = mb_small, genes=genes, name="MALAT1")
get_gene_pct <- function(x, genes, name){
    expr <- x@counts[genes,,drop=FALSE]
    if (length(expr) == 0){
        stop("None of the given genes found.")
    gene_pct <- 100 * colSums(expr) / colSums(x@counts)
    x@droplet_data[names(gene_pct),name] <- gene_pct

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diem documentation built on Nov. 16, 2019, 1:08 a.m.