
Defines functions print.dipm get_nomvals findrows_node findrows_nom findrows_ord findrows_bin prinm prin

prin = function(mess, a){

    cat(sprintf("\n%s\n", mess))

prinm = function(mess){

    cat(sprintf("\n%s\n", mess))

findrows_bin = function(data, covar, coval) {
#  This function accepts as arguments a BINARY 
#  covariate and one of its values and returns a 
#  vector containing "TRUE"/"FALSE" values, where 
#  "TRUE" denotes that the covariate in a 
#  particular row of data equals the specified 
#  value.

      ifrow = (data[, covar] == coval)

findrows_ord = function(data, covar, coval, sign){
#  This function accepts as arguments an ORDINAL 
#  covariate and its values and returns a vector 
#  containing "TRUE"/"FALSE" values, where "TRUE" 
#  denotes that the covariate in a particular row 
#  of data equals the specified values.

    dat = data[, covar]

    if(sign == 1){  # less than or equal to
        ifrow = (dat <= coval)

    if(sign == 2){  # greater than
        ifrow = (dat > coval)


findrows_nom = function(data, covar, coval, ncat){
#  This function accepts as arguments a NOMINAL 
#  covariate and its values and returns a vector 
#  containing "TRUE"/"FALSE" values, where "TRUE" 
#  denotes that the covariate in a particular row 
#  of data equals any of the specified values.

#   ... extract nominal categories from "coval" input
      vals2 = get_nomvals(coval, ncat)
      vals2 = sub("\\{", "", vals2)
      vals2 = sub("\\}", "", vals2)
      vals2 = strsplit(vals2, split = ",")
      vals = unlist(vals2)

      lll = length(vals)
      ifrow = rep(FALSE, nrow(data))

      for(i in 1:lll){

          ifrow2 = (data[, covar] == vals[i])
          ifrow = ifrow | ifrow2



findrows_node = function(node, tree, data, ncat){
#  This function accepts as arguments the integer
#  index of a node starting from 1, the tree, and
#  the dataset containing all of the candidate
#  split variables and returns a vector containing 
#  "TRUE"/"FALSE" values, where "TRUE" denotes that 
#  a particular row of data is in the node.

#   ... get indices of relevant nodes in tree
    index = node

    if(node != 1){

        for(i in 1:node){

            j = length(index)
            current_node = index[j]

            if(current_node == 1) break()

            index = c(index, tree$"parent"[current_node])

        index = sort(index)

#   ... get the covariates and values
      covars = tree$"splitvar"[index]
      covals = tree$"splitval"[index]
      covar_types = tree$"type"[index]
      signs = tree$"sign"[index]

      ncat0 = 0
      ncat = c(ncat0, ncat[covars[-1]])

#   ... find the rows that have the desired values
      ifnode = rep(TRUE, nrow(data))

      lll = length(covars)

      if(lll > 0){

      for(i in 1:length(covars)){

          if(covar_types[i] == 0){  # all rows are in root node

          if(covar_types[i] == 1){  # binary
              ifnode2 = findrows_bin(data,covars[i], covals[i])

          if(covar_types[i] == 2){  # ordinal
              ifnode2 = findrows_ord(data, covars[i], covals[i], signs[i])

          if(covar_types[i] == 3){  # nominal
              ifnode2 = findrows_nom(data, covars[i], covals[i], ncat[i])

          ifnode = ifnode & ifnode2


get_nomvals = function(value, ncat) {
#  This function returns the categories of a nominal
#  split.
    icat = ncat
    cats0 = NULL

    for(i in 1:ncat){

        value = as.numeric(value)
        value = value / 2

        if(floor(value) == value){
            icat = icat - 1

        cats0 = c(cats0, icat)

        if(value == 0.5) break

        icat = icat - 1
        value = floor(value)

    cats0 = sort(cats0)
    cats = paste("{", cats0[1], sep="")

    if(length(cats0) > 1){
        for(i in 2:length(cats0)){
            cats = paste(cats, ",", cats0[i], sep="")

    cats = paste(cats, "}", sep="")


# from survival
survmean = function (x, scale = 1, rmean) 
    start.time = x$start.time
  else start.time = min(0, x$time)
  pfun = function(nused, time, surv, n.risk, n.event, lower, 
                   upper, start.time, end.time){
    minmin = function(y, x){
      tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5
      keep = (!is.na(y) & y < (0.5 + tolerance))
      else {
        x = x[keep]
        y = y[keep]
        if (abs(y[1] - 0.5) < tolerance && any(y < y[1])) 
          (x[1] + x[min(which(y < y[1]))]) / 2
        else x[1]
      hh = ifelse((n.risk - n.event) == 0, 0, n.event/(n.risk * 
                                                          (n.risk - n.event)))
      keep = which(time <= end.time)
      if(length(keep) == 0){
        temptime = end.time
        tempsurv = 1
        hh = 0
        temptime = c(time[keep], end.time)
        tempsurv = c(surv[keep], surv[max(keep)])
        hh = c(hh[keep], 0)
      n = length(temptime)
      delta = diff(c(start.time, temptime))
      rectangles = delta * c(1, tempsurv[-n])
      varmean = sum(cumsum(rev(rectangles[-1]))^2 * rev(hh)[-1])
      mean = sum(rectangles) + start.time
      mean = 0
      varmean = 0
    med = minmin(surv, time)
      upper = minmin(upper, time)
      lower = minmin(lower, time)
      c(nused, max(n.risk), n.risk[1], sum(n.event), sum(mean), 
        sqrt(varmean), med, lower, upper)
    else c(nused, max(n.risk), n.risk[1], sum(n.event), sum(mean), 
           sqrt(varmean), med, 0, 0)
  stime = x$time / scale
    rmean = rmean / scale
  surv = x$surv
  plab = c("records", "n.max", "n.start", 
            "events", "*rmean", "*se(rmean)", "median", 
            paste(x$conf.int, c("LCL", "UCL"), sep = ""))
  ncols = 9
  if (is.matrix(surv) && !is.matrix(x$n.event)) 
    x$n.event = matrix(rep(x$n.event, ncol(surv)), ncol = ncol(surv))
  if (is.null(x$strata)){
    if(rmean == "none") 
      end.time = NA
    else if(is.numeric(rmean)) 
      end.time = rmean
    else end.time = max(stime)
      out = matrix(0, ncol(surv), ncols)
      for(i in 1:ncol(surv)){
          out[i, ] = pfun(x$n, stime, surv[, i], x$n.risk, 
                           x$n.event[, i], NULL, NULL, start.time, end.time)
        else out[i, ] = pfun(x$n, stime, surv[, i], 
                              x$n.risk, x$n.event[, i], x$lower[, i], x$upper[, 
                                                                              i], start.time, end.time)
      dimnames(out) = list(dimnames(surv)[[2]], plab)
      out = matrix(pfun(x$n, stime, surv, x$n.risk, x$n.event, 
                         x$lower, x$upper, start.time, end.time), nrow = 1)
      dimnames(out) = list(NULL, plab)
    nstrat = length(x$strata)
    stemp = rep(1:nstrat, x$strata)
    last.time = (rev(stime))[match(1:nstrat, rev(stemp))]
    if (rmean == "none") 
      end.time = rep(NA, nstrat)
    else if (is.numeric(rmean)) 
      end.time = rep(rmean, nstrat)
    else if (rmean == "common") 
      end.time = rep(max(last.time), nstrat)
    else end.time = last.time
      ns = ncol(surv)
      out = matrix(0, nstrat * ns, ncols)
        dimnames(out) = list(rep(names(x$strata), ns), 
        cname = outer(names(x$strata), dimnames(surv)[[2]], 
                       paste, sep = ", ")
        dimnames(out) = list(c(cname), plab)
      k = 0
      for(j in 1:ns){
        for(i in 1:nstrat){
          who = (stemp == i)
          k = k + 1
            out[k, ] = pfun(x$n[i], stime[who], surv[who, 
                                                      j], x$n.risk[who], x$n.event[who, j], NULL, 
                             NULL, start.time, end.time[i])
          else out[k, ] = pfun(x$n[i], stime[who], surv[who, 
                                                         j], x$n.risk[who], x$n.event[who, j], x$lower[who, 
                                                                                                       j], x$upper[who, j], start.time, end.time[i])
      out = matrix(0, nstrat, ncols)
      dimnames(out) = list(names(x$strata), plab)
      for(i in 1:nstrat){
        who = (stemp == i)
          out[i, ] = pfun(x$n[i], stime[who], surv[who], 
                           x$n.risk[who], x$n.event[who], NULL, NULL, 
                           start.time, end.time[i])
        else out[i, ] = pfun(x$n[i], stime[who], surv[who], 
                             x$n.risk[who], x$n.event[who], x$lower[who], 
                             x$upper[who], start.time, end.time[i])
    out = out[, 1:7, drop = F]
  if(rmean == "none") 
    out = out[, -(5:6), drop = F]
  list(matrix = out[, , drop = T], end.time = end.time)

#' @importFrom survival survfit
print.dipm = function(tree_txt, X, Y, C, treatment,
                      types, ncat, method, ntree, print,
#  This function accepts as an argument a re-formatted
#  "tree_txt" object from a tree made in our C code and 
#  prints out the tree in text form to the screen in R.

#    for survival methods, best treatment determined by
#    mean survival
    if(method %in% c(11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 25)){

        for(i in 1:nrow(tree_txt)){

#            get vector denoting which records are in the current node
            ifnode = findrows_node(i, tree_txt, X, ncat)

#            get the kaplan-meier curves by treatment group for 
#            subjects in the current node
            if(ncol(X) == 1){
              temp_X = data.frame(X[ifnode, ])
              names(temp_X) = names(X)
              survobj = with(temp_X, Surv(Y[ifnode], C[ifnode] == 1))
              km = survfit(survobj ~ treatment[ifnode], data = temp_X)
              survobj = with(X[ifnode, ], Surv(Y[ifnode], C[ifnode] == 1))
              km = survfit(survobj ~ treatment[ifnode], data = X[ifnode, ])
            val = survmean(km, rmean = "individual")[[1]]

#            get the mean survival values for each treatment group
            km_means = val[, "*rmean"]

#            get the corresponding treatment group values
            km_trts = rownames(val)
            km_trts = sub(".*=", "", km_trts)

#            the best treatment group has the highest mean value
            bestval = km_trts[which.max(km_means)]
            tree_txt$"besttrt"[i] = bestval

#    exclude unwanted columns from tree output
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "parent")]
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "sign")]
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "ntrt0")]
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "ntrt1")]
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "r0")]
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "r1")]
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "p0")]
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, -which(colnames(tree_txt) == "p1")]

#    make splitvars the variable that splits the current node
#    into its subsequent child nodes instead of the variable
#    that split the current node
    for(i in 1:nrow(tree_txt)){

        lchild = tree_txt$lchild[i]  # current left child

        if(lchild != 0){

            tree_txt$splitvar[i] = tree_txt$splitvar[lchild]
            tree_txt$type[i] = tree_txt$type[lchild]
            tree_txt$splitval[i] = tree_txt$splitval[lchild]

        }else if(lchild == 0){

            tree_txt$splitvar[i] = NA
            tree_txt$type[i] = 0
            tree_txt$splitval[i] = NA

#    make covariate types more readable
    if(nrow(tree_txt) > 0){

#        make covariate types more readable
        for(i in 1:nrow(tree_txt)){
            if(tree_txt$type[i] == 1) tree_txt$type[i] = "bin"
            else if(tree_txt$type[i] == 2) tree_txt$type[i] = "ord"
            else if(tree_txt$type[i] == 3) tree_txt$type[i] = "nom"

#        make "sign" values more readable
###        for ( i in 2:nrow(tree_txt) ) {
###            if ( tree_txt$sign[i] == 0 ) tree_txt$sign[i]="="
###            else if ( tree_txt$sign[i] == 1 ) tree_txt$sign[i]="LE"
###            else if ( tree_txt$sign[i] == 2 ) tree_txt$sign[i]="GT"
###        }

#    make split values of nominal variables more readable
    ifnominal = any(tree_txt$type == "nom")
    if(ifnominal == TRUE){

        index = which(types == 3)
        nom_colnames = colnames(types)[index]
        nomX = data.frame(X[, colnames(types)[index]])
        nomX = data.frame(lapply(nomX,
                               function(x) as.numeric(levels(x)[x])))
        colnames(nomX) = nom_colnames
        ncat = apply(nomX, 2, max)
        temp_covar = colnames(X)[tree_txt$splitvar]

        for(i in 1:nrow(tree_txt)){

            if(is.na(temp_covar[i])) next

            for(j in 1:ncol(nomX)){

                if(temp_covar[i] == colnames(nomX)[j]){
                    newval = get_nomvals(tree_txt$splitval[i], ncat[j])
                    tree_txt$splitval[i] = newval

#    for terminal nodes, set type, lchild, and rchild to NA
    for(i in 1:nrow(tree_txt)){

        lchild = tree_txt$lchild[i]  # current left child

        if(lchild == 0){
            tree_txt$type[i] = NA
            tree_txt$lchild[i] = NA
            tree_txt$rchild[i] = NA

#    add split variable names to tree output
    tree_txt = data.frame(tree_txt, splitvar_name=NA)
    tree_txt = tree_txt[, c(1, 2, 10, 3:9)]

    for(i in 1:nrow(tree_txt)){

        var_i = tree_txt$splitvar[i]

        if(is.na(var_i)) next()

        tree_txt$splitvar_name[i] = colnames(X)[var_i]
          tree_txt$splitvar[i] = as.integer(splitvar_include[,
          which(colnames(splitvar_include) == colnames(X)[var_i])])

    #    print the tree
    if(print == TRUE){
      #        print header
      if(method == -1){
        message(paste("SPM Tree ",
                    "(Continuous Y, ",
                    "2 treatments",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 6){
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Continuous Y, ",
                    "2 treatments, ",
                    "no mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 7){
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Continuous Y, ",
                    "2 treatments, ",
                    "yes mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 11){
        message(paste("SPM Tree ",
                    "(Survival Y, ",
                    "2 treatments",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 12){
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Survival Y, ",
                    "2 treatments, ",
                    "no mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 13){
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Survival Y, ",
                    "2 treatments, ",
                    "yes mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 20){
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Survival Y, ",
                    "2+ treatments, ",
                    "no mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      } else if ( method == 21 ) {
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Survival Y, ",
                    "2+ treatments, ",
                    "yes mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 22){
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Continuous Y, ",
                    "2+ treatments, ",
                    "no mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 23){
        message(paste("DIPM Tree ",
                    "(Continuous Y, ",
                    "2+ treatments, ",
                    "yes mtry, ",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if(method == 24){
        message(paste("SPM Tree ",
                    "(Continuous Y, ",
                    "2+ treatments",
                    sep = ""))
      }else if( method == 25 ){
        message(paste("SPM Tree ",
                    "(Survival Y, ",
                    "2+ treatments",
                    sep = ""))
      print(tree_txt, row.names = FALSE)

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dipm documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 1:09 a.m.