
Defines functions top.bumptwice

Documented in top.bumptwice

### Positioning Method for the top of a group of points.
top.points <- gapply.fun(transform(d[which.max(d$y),],hjust=0.5,vjust=0))

### Positioning Method for the bottom of a group of points.
bottom.points <- gapply.fun(transform(d[which.min(d$y),],hjust=0.5,vjust=1))

### Label the tops, but bump labels up to avoid collisions.
top.bumpup <- list("top.points","bumpup")

### Label the tops, bump labels up to avoid other labels, then to the
### side to avoid collisions with points.
top.bumptwice <- function(d,debug=FALSE,...){
  labtab <- apply.method("top.bumpup",d)
    between <- d[d$y>l$bottom & d$y<l$top,]
    x <- sort(c(range(d$x),between$x))
    dif <- diff(x)
    ok <- dif>with(l,right-left)
    if(!any(ok))ok[1] <- TRUE
    i <- which(ok)
    intervals <- data.frame(left=x[i]+l$w/2,right=x[i+1]-l$w/2,i=seq_along(i))
    molt <- with(intervals,data.frame(i,x=c(left,right)))
    dists <- transform(molt,dist=x-l$x)
    best <- dists[which.min(abs(dists$dist)),]
    besti <- intervals[best$i,]
    l$x <- if(l$x<besti$right & l$x>besti$left)l$x else best$x

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directlabels documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:59 a.m.