
Defines functions csv_to_disk.frame_data.table_backend csv_to_disk.frame

Documented in csv_to_disk.frame

#' Convert CSV file(s) to disk.frame format
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom fs dir_delete
#' @importFrom pryr do_call
#' @param infile The input CSV file or files
#' @param outdir The directory to output the disk.frame to
#' @param inmapfn A function to be applied to the chunk read in from CSV before
#'   the chunk is being written out. Commonly used to perform simple
#'   transformations. Defaults to the identity function (ie. no transformation)
#' @param nchunks Number of chunks to output
#' @param in_chunk_size When reading in the file, how many lines to read in at
#'   once. This is different to nchunks which controls how many chunks are
#'   output
#' @param shardby The column(s) to shard the data by. For example suppose
#'   `shardby = c("col1","col2")`  then every row where the values `col1` and
#'   `col2` are the same will end up in the same chunk; this will allow merging
#'   by `col1` and `col2` to be more efficient
#' @param compress For fst backends it's a number between 0 and 100 where 100 is
#'   the highest compression ratio.
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite the existing directory
#' @param header Whether the files have header. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param .progress A logical, for whether or not to show progress
#' @param backend The CSV reader backend to choose: "data.table" or "readr". 
#'   disk.frame does not have its own CSV reader. It uses either
#'   data.table::fread or readr::read_delimited. It is worth noting that
#'   data.table::fread does not detect dates and all dates are imported as
#'   strings, and you are encouraged to use {fasttime} to convert the strings to
#'   date. You can use the `inmapfn` to do that. However, if you want automatic
#'   date detection, then backend="readr" may suit your needs. However, readr
#'   is often slower than data.table, hence data.table is chosen as the default.
#' @param chunk_reader Even if you choose a backend there can still be multiple
#'   strategies on how to approach the CSV reads. For example, data.table::fread
#'   tries to mmap the whole file which can cause the whole read process to
#'   fail. In that case we can change the chunk_reader to "readLines" which uses the
#'   readLines function to read chunk by chunk and still use data.table::fread
#'   to process the chunks. There are currently no strategies for readr backend,
#'   except the default one.
#' @param ... passed to data.table::fread, disk.frame::as.disk.frame,
#'   disk.frame::shard
#' @importFrom pryr do_call
#@importFrom LaF detect_dm_csv process_blocks
#' @importFrom bigreadr split_file get_split_files
#' @family ingesting data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tmpfile = tempfile()
#' write.csv(cars, tmpfile)
#' tmpdf = tempfile(fileext = ".df")
#' df = csv_to_disk.frame(tmpfile, outdir = tmpdf, overwrite = TRUE)
#' # clean up
#' fs::file_delete(tmpfile)
#' delete(df)
csv_to_disk.frame <- function(infile, outdir = tempfile(fileext = ".df"), inmapfn = base::I, nchunks = recommend_nchunks(sum(file.size(infile))), 
                              in_chunk_size = NULL, shardby = NULL, compress=50, overwrite = TRUE, header = TRUE, .progress = TRUE, backend = c("data.table", "readr", "LaF"), chunk_reader = c("bigreadr", "data.table", "readr", "readLines"), ...) {
  backend = match.arg(backend)
  chunk_reader = match.arg(chunk_reader)

  if(backend == "readr" | chunk_reader == "readr") {
    if(!requireNamespace("readr")) {
      stop("csv_to_disk.frame: You have chosen backend = 'readr' or chunk_reader = 'readr'. But `readr` package is not installed. To install run: `install_packages(\"readr\")`")
  overwrite_check(outdir, overwrite)
  # we need multiple backends because data.table has poor support for when the file is larger than RAM
  # https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/3526
  # TODO detect these cases
  # user has requested chunk-wise reading but wants me to do it
  #if(is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
  #} else if(is.character(in_chunk_size) && in_chunk_size == "guess") {
  # system.time(wc_l <- R.utils::countLines(infile))
  # system.time(infos_split <- split_file(infile, every_nlines = 1e7))
  # file_parts <- get_split_files(infos_split)
  #} else
  if(is.numeric(in_chunk_size)) {
    if(backend =="data.table" & chunk_reader == "data.table") {
      rs = df_ram_size()
      if (any((sapply(infile, file.size)/1024^3)> rs)) {
        message("csv_to_disk.frame: using backend = 'data.table' and chunk_reader = 'data.table'.")
        message(glue::glue("But one of your input files is larger than available RAM {rs}."))
        message("if the file(s) fail to read, please set chunk_reader = 'readLines' or chunk_reader = 'readr'.")
        message("E.g. csv_to_disk.frame(..., chunk_reader = 'readr')")
  if(length(infile)>1) {
    message("csv_to_disk.frame: Reading multiple input files.")
    #param_names = names(list(...))
    if(backend == "data.table") {
      #if (!"colClasses" %in% param_names) {
      message("Please use `colClasses = `  to set column types to minimize the chance of a failed read")
    } else if (backend == "readr") {
      #if (!"col_types" %in% param_names) {
      message("Please use `col_types = ` to set column types to minimize the chance of a failed read")
    } else if (backend == "LaF") {
      message("Please check the documentation of {LaF} for how to set column classes. For example type `?LaF`")
    } else {
      stop(glue::glue("csv_to_disk.frame: backend {backend} not supported"))
  if(backend == "LaF") {
    if(!requireNamespace("LaF")) {
      stop("You need to install the LaF package to use backend = 'LaF'. To install: install.packages('LaF')")
    if(length(infile) > 1) {
      stop("csv_to_disk.frame: backend = 'LaF' only supports single file, not multiple files as `infile`")
    if(is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
      stop("csv_to_disk.frame: backend = 'LaF' can only be used when in_chunk_size != NULL")
  if(backend == "LaF" & !is.null(in_chunk_size) & length(infile) == 1) {
    df_out = disk.frame(outdir)
    dm = LaF::detect_dm_csv(infile, header = TRUE, ...)
    LaF::process_blocks(LaF::laf_open(dm), function(chunk, past) {
      if("data.frame" %in% class(chunk)) {
        if(nrow(chunk) > 0 ) {
          add_chunk(df_out, chunk)
    }, nrows = in_chunk_size)
  } else if(backend == "data.table" & (is.null(in_chunk_size) | chunk_reader == "data.table")) {
      .progress, ...
  } else if (backend == "data.table" & chunk_reader == "bigreadr" & !is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
    # use bigreadr to split the files
    tf = tempfile()
    pt = proc.time()
    message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
    message(glue::glue("Stage 1 of 2: splitting the file {infile} into smallers files:"))
    message(glue::glue("Destination: {tf}"))
    message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
    split_file_info = bigreadr::split_file(
      every_nlines = in_chunk_size, 
      prefix_out = tf,
      repeat_header = header)
    files_split = bigreadr::get_split_files(split_file_info)
    message(paste("Stage 1 of 2 took:", data.table::timetaken(pt)))
    message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
    pt2 = proc.time()
    message(glue::glue("Stage 2 of 2: Converting the smaller files into disk.frame"))
    message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
    res = csv_to_disk.frame(
      outdir = outdir,
      inmapfn = inmapfn, 
      nchunks = nchunks,
      shardby = shardby, 
      compress = compress, 
      overwrite = overwrite, 
      header = header, 
      .progress = .progress,
      backend = backend,
    message(paste("Stage 2 of 2 took:", data.table::timetaken(pt2)))
    message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
    message(paste("Stage 2 & 2 took:", data.table::timetaken(pt)))
    message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
  } else if (backend == "data.table" & chunk_reader == "readLines" & !is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
    if (length(infile) == 1) {
      # establish a read connection to the file
      con = file(infile, "r")
      xx = readLines(con, n = in_chunk_size)
      diskf = disk.frame(outdir)
      header_copy = header
      colnames_copy = NULL
      while(length(xx) > 0) {
        if(is.null(colnames_copy)) {
          new_chunk = inmapfn(data.table::fread(text = xx, header = header_copy, ...))
          colnames_copy = names(new_chunk)
        } else {
          # TODO detect the correct delim; manually adding header
          header_colnames = paste0(colnames_copy, collapse = ",")
          xx = c(header_colnames, xx)
          new_chunk = inmapfn(
              text = xx, 
              header = TRUE
              , ...

        add_chunk(diskf, new_chunk)
        xx = readLines(con, n = in_chunk_size)
        header_copy = FALSE
    } else {
      stop("chunk_reader = 'readLines' is not yet supported for multiple files")
  } else if (backend == "data.table" & chunk_reader == "readr" & !is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
    if (length(infile) == 1) {
      diskf = disk.frame(outdir)

      colnames_copy = NULL
      readr::read_lines_chunked(file = infile, callback = readr::SideEffectChunkCallback$new(function(xx, i) {
        if(is.null(colnames_copy)) {
          new_chunk = inmapfn(
              text = xx, 
              header = header
              , ...
          colnames_copy <<- names(new_chunk)
        } else {
          header_colnames = paste0(colnames_copy, collapse = ",")
          xx = c(header_colnames, xx)
          new_chunk = inmapfn(
              text = xx, 
              header = TRUE
              , ...
        add_chunk(diskf, new_chunk)
      }), chunk_size = in_chunk_size, progress = .progress)
    } else {
      stop("chunk_reader = 'readr' is not yet supported for multiple files")
  } else if(backend == "readr") {
    # if(is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
    #   stop("for readr backend, only in_chunk_size != NULL is supported")
    # } else if (!is.null(shardby)) {
    #   stop("for readr backend, only shardby == NULL is supported")
    # }
      .progress=.progress, ...)
  } else {
    stop("csv_to_disk.frame: this set of options is not supported")

csv_to_disk.frame_data.table_backend <- function(infile, outdir = tempfile(fileext = ".df"), inmapfn = base::I, nchunks = recommend_nchunks(sum(file.size(infile))), 
                                                 in_chunk_size = NULL, shardby = NULL, compress=50, overwrite = TRUE, header = TRUE, .progress = TRUE, ...) {
  # reading multiple files
  if(length(infile) > 1) {
    dotdotdot = list(...)
    origarg = list(inmapfn = inmapfn, nchunks = nchunks,
                   in_chunk_size = in_chunk_size, shardby = shardby, compress = compress, 
                   overwrite = TRUE, header = header)
    dotdotdotorigarg = c(dotdotdot, origarg)
    pt <- proc.time()
    if(.progress) {
      message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
      message("-- Converting CSVs to disk.frame -- Stage 1 of 2:")
      message(glue::glue("Converting {length(infile)} CSVs to {nchunks} disk.frames each consisting of {nchunks} chunks"))
    outdf_tmp = future.apply::future_lapply(1:length(infile), function(i) {
      dotdotdotorigarg1 = c(dotdotdotorigarg, list(outdir = file.path(tempdir(), i), infile=infile[i]))
      do.call(csv_to_disk.frame_data.table_backend, dotdotdotorigarg1)
    if(.progress) {
      message(paste("-- Converting CSVs to disk.frame -- Stage 1 or 2 took:", data.table::timetaken(pt)))
      message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
      message(" ")
    message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
    message("-- Converting CSVs to disk.frame -- Stage 2 of 2:")
    message(glue::glue("Row-binding the {nchunks} disk.frames together to form one large disk.frame:"))
    message(glue::glue("Creating the disk.frame at {outdir}"))
    pt2 <- proc.time()
    outdf = rbindlist.disk.frame(outdf_tmp, outdir = outdir, by_chunk_id = TRUE, compress = compress, overwrite = overwrite, .progress = .progress)
    if(.progress) {
      message(paste("Stage 2 of 2 took:", data.table::timetaken(pt2)))
      message(" ----------------------------------------------------- ")
      message(paste("Stage 1 & 2 in total took:", data.table::timetaken(pt)))
  } else { # reading one file
    l = length(list.files(outdir))
    if(is.null(shardby)) {
      if(is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
        a = as.disk.frame(inmapfn(data.table::fread(infile, header=header, ...)), outdir, compress=compress, nchunks = nchunks, overwrite = overwrite, ...)
      } else {
        outdf = disk.frame(outdir)
        i <- 0
        tmpdir1 = tempfile(pattern="df_tmp")
        done = FALSE
        skiprows = 0
        column_names = ""
        while(!done) {
          if (identical(column_names, "")) {
            tmpdt = inmapfn(data.table::fread(
              skip = skiprows, nrows = in_chunk_size,...))
            column_names = names(tmpdt)
          } else {
            ddd = list(...)
            if ("col.names" %in% names(ddd)) {
              tmpdt = inmapfn(data.table::fread(
                skip = skiprows, nrows = in_chunk_size, 
                header=FALSE, ...))
            } else {
              tmpdt = inmapfn(data.table::fread(
                skip = skiprows, nrows = in_chunk_size, 
                header=FALSE, col.names = column_names, ...))
          i <- i + 1
          skiprows = skiprows + in_chunk_size + 
            # skips the header as well but only at the first chunk
            ifelse(i == 1 & header, 1, 0)
          rows <- tmpdt[,.N]
          if(rows < in_chunk_size) {
            done <- TRUE
          # add to chunk
          add_chunk(outdf, tmpdt)
          rm(tmpdt); gc()
        message(glue::glue("read {in_chunk_size*(i-1) + rows} rows from {infile}"))
        # remove the files
    } else { # so shard by some element
      if(is.null(in_chunk_size)) {
          shard(inmapfn(data.table::fread(infile, header=header, ...)), shardby = shardby, nchunks = nchunks, outdir = outdir, overwrite = overwrite, compress = compress,...)
      } else {
        i <- 0
        tmpdir1 = tempfile(pattern="df_tmp")
        done = FALSE
        skiprows = 0
        column_names = ""
        while(!done) {
          if (identical(column_names, "")) {
            tmpdt = inmapfn(data.table::fread(
              skip = skiprows, nrows = in_chunk_size,...))
            column_names = names(tmpdt)
          } else {
            ddd = list(...)
            if ("col.names" %in% names(ddd)) {
              tmpdt = inmapfn(data.table::fread(
                skip = skiprows, nrows = in_chunk_size, 
                header=FALSE, ...))
            } else {
              tmpdt = inmapfn(data.table::fread(
                skip = skiprows, nrows = in_chunk_size, 
                header=FALSE, col.names = column_names, ...))
          i <- i + 1
          skiprows = skiprows + in_chunk_size + 
            # skips the header as well but only at the first chunk
            ifelse(i == 1 & header, 1, 0)
          rows <- tmpdt[,.N]
          if(rows < in_chunk_size) {
            done <- TRUE
          tmp.disk.frame = shard(
            shardby = shardby, 
            nchunks = nchunks, 
            outdir = file.path(tmpdir1,i), 
            overwrite = TRUE,
            compress = compress,...)
          rm(tmpdt); gc()
        message(glue::glue("read {in_chunk_size*(i-1) + rows} rows from {infile}"))
        # do not run this in parallel as the level above this is likely in parallel
        # ZJ:
          fnl_out <- 
                  tmpdir1, full.names = TRUE), disk.frame), 
              outdir = outdir, by_chunk_id = TRUE, parallel=FALSE, overwrite = overwrite, compress = compress))
        # remove the files
    df = disk.frame(outdir)
    df = add_meta(df, nchunks=disk.frame::nchunks(df), shardkey = shardby, shardchunks = nchunks, compress = compress)

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disk.frame documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:09 p.m.