
Defines functions convert.to.summary.phylolm pool.pgls.param one.phylolm get.pgls.data get.formula check.dimension pgls.dispRity

Documented in pgls.dispRity

#' @title phylolm dispRity (from \code{phylolm::phylolm})
#' @description Passing \code{dispRity} objects to the \code{\link[phylolm]{phylolm}} function from the \code{phylolm} package. Typically to run some PGLS.
#' @param data A \code{dispRity} object with a metric of dimension level 2 at least
#' @param tree If \code{data} does not contain a tree component, a \code{"phylo"} or \code{"multiPhylo"} object to be used as the tree. If \code{data} already contains a tree component and the \code{tree} argument is not missing, the provided \code{tree} will replace any contained in \code{data}.
#' @param formula The PGLS formula. If left empty, runs either \code{disparity ~ 1} or \code{disparity ~ subsets} if \code{data} contains subsets.
#' @param model The covariance model (default is \code{"BM"}). For more details (including the models available) see the manual for \code{\link[phylolm]{phylolm}}.
#' @param ... Any optional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[phylolm]{phylolm}}
#' @param optim An optional named list of arguments to be passed to the function \code{optim}
#' @details
#' The \code{formula} needs to be expressed by always naming the response variable \code{disparity} to use the calculated disparity data from \code{data}.
#' Optional arguments \code{...} correspond to all the non-ambiguous named arguments from the \code{\link[phylolm]{phylolm}}. Optional arguments for the internal \code{optim} function can be passed as a named list to the \code{optim} argument.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[phylolm]{phylolm}}, \code{\link{test.dispRity}}, \code{\link{custom.subsets}}, \code{\link{chrono.subsets}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Simple example
#' data(BeckLee_mat50)
#' data(BeckLee_tree)
#' disparity <- dispRity(BeckLee_mat50, metric = centroids, tree = BeckLee_tree)
#' ## Running a simple PGLS
#' model <- pgls.dispRity(disparity)
#' summary(model)
#' ## More complex example running a PGLS
#' ## on multiple trees and using groups as a predictor 

#' @author Thomas Guillerme
pgls.dispRity <- function(data, tree, formula, model = "BM", ..., optim = list()) {

    match_call <- match.call()

    ## Check data
    check.class(data, "dispRity")
    ## Check data level
    disparity_list <- get.disparity(data)
    checks <- unlist(lapply(disparity_list, check.dimension))
    if(any(!checks)) {
        stop.call(msg.pre =  "Impossible to run a univariate pgls on ", match_call$data, msg = " because doesn't contain a dimension level-2 metric. See ?dispRity.metric for more info.")

    ## Check tree in data
    if(!missing(tree)) {
        data <- add.tree(data, tree = tree, replace = TRUE)
    } else {
        if(is.null(get.tree(data))) {
            stop("No tree was found in the provided data and none was provided through the tree argument.")

    ## Check the formula
    if(missing(formula)) {
        ## Select the formula
        formula <- get.formula(data)

    ## Check if response is disparity
    if(as.character(formula[[2]]) != "disparity") {
        stop("The response term of the formula must be 'disparity'.", call. = FALSE)

    ## Get the pgls data
    data_list <- get.pgls.data(data)

    ## Check model
    check.method(model, all_arguments = eval(formals(phylolm::phylolm)$model), msg = "model")

    ## Set the phylolm optional args
    phylolm_args <- as.list(c(..., optim))
    # warning("DEBUG"); phylolm_args <- as.list(c(optim))
    ## Add the main arguments
    phylolm_args$formula <- formula
    phylolm_args$model   <- model

    ## Run all the models
    models_out <- lapply(data_list, one.phylolm, phylolm_args)

    ## Handle the output
    if(length(models_out) == 1) {
    } else {
        class(models_out) <- c("dispRity", "pgls.dispRity")

## Internals
## Check the dimension of the data
check.dimension <- function(one_disparity) {
    ## Must have names, be numeric (or integer), no dimensions and length > 1
    return(!is.null(names(one_disparity)) &&
           (is.numeric(one_disparity) || is.integer(one_disparity)) &&
           is.null(dim(one_disparity)) &&
           length(one_disparity) > 1)

## Outputs the formula depending on what's in the object
get.formula <- function(disparity) {
    if(is.null(disparity$call$subsets)) {
        return(disparity ~ 1)
    } else {
        ## Grouped data
        ## Get the groups
        group <- lapply(disparity$subsets, function(x) return(c(x$elements)))
        ## Check overlap
        if(any(table(unlist(group)) != 1)) {
            stop("Some groups have overlapping elements.")
        ## Return the correct formula
        if(disparity$call$subsets[[1]] == "customised") {
            return(disparity ~ group)
        } else {
            ## Warning for time auto-correlation
            stop("It is currently not possible to apply an phylogenetic linear model on dispRity data with time series.")
            # warning("Data contains time series: the default formula used is disparity ~ time but it does not take time autocorrelation into account.", call. = FALSE)
            # colnames(group_table) <- "time"
            # return(list(formula = disparity ~ time, group = NULL, time = group_table))

## Formats the data and trees for phylolm
get.pgls.data <- function(data) {
    ## Extract the trees (as a list)
    trees <- get.tree(data)
    if(is(trees, "phylo")) {
        trees <- list(trees)

    ## Extract the disparity results (as a list)
    disparity <- get.disparity(data, observed = TRUE, concatenate = FALSE)

    ## Split the data per matrix and per group
    split_data <- lapply(disparity, function(X) apply(X, 2, function(x) return(x), simplify = FALSE))

    ## Get the rownames for all the data
    #TG: expecting all the matrices to have the same rownames
    row_names <- rownames(data$matrix[[1]])[unlist(lapply(data$subsets, function(x) return(x[["elements"]][,1])))]

    ## Split between matrix
    data_list <- list()
    while(length(split_data[[1]]) > 0) {
        ## Get the disparity and group for one matrix
        dispa <- unlist(lapply(split_data, `[[`, 1))
        group <- unlist(mapply(rep_len, as.list(names(split_data)), lapply(lapply(split_data, `[[`, 1), length)))
        ## Populate the data list
        if(!is.null(group)) {
            data_list[[length(data_list)+1]] <- data.frame("disparity" = dispa, "group" = group, row.names = row_names)
        } else {
            data_list[[length(data_list)+1]] <- data.frame("disparity" = dispa, row.names = row_names)
        ## Remove from the list
        split_data <- lapply(split_data, function(x) {x[[1]] <- NULL; return(x)})

    ## Combine both trees and matrices
    if(length(trees) != length(data_list)) {
        ## Check if feasible
        multiple_trees <- (length(trees) > 1)
        multiple_datas <- (length(data_list) > 1)
        if(multiple_datas && multiple_trees) {
            stop(paste0("Data must either same number of matrices (", length(data_list), ") and trees (", length(trees) , ") or just one tree or matrix combined with respectively with multiple matrices or trees."))
        ## Combine the data
        if(multiple_datas) {
            data_out <- lapply(data_list, function(data, tree) return(list(data = data, phy = trees[[1]])), trees)
        } else {
            data_out <- lapply(trees, function(tree, data) return(list(data = data[[1]], phy = tree)), data_list)
    } else {
        data_out <- mapply(function(data, tree) return(list(data = data, phy = tree)), data_list, trees, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

## Run one phylolm
one.phylolm <- function(one_datas, args) {
    ## Adding the tree and the data
    args$phy  <- one_datas$phy
    args$data <- one_datas$data

    ## Run the phylolm
    run_out <- do.call(phylolm, args)
    ## Edit the call
    run_out$call <- paste0(c("dispRity interface of phylolm using: formula = ", args$formula, " and model = ", args$model), collapse = "")

## Pooling output data together for plot and summary
pool.pgls.param <- function(x, param, fun = c(median = median, sd = sd)) {
    ## Extract the parameters
    param_values <- lapply(x, `[[`, param)
    ## Make them into a table
    param_values <- do.call(rbind, param_values)
    ## Get param names
    if(is.null(colnames(param_values))) {
        param_names <- param
    } else {
        param_names <- colnames(param_values)
    ## Output
    return(matrix(c(apply(param_values, 2, fun[[1]]), apply(param_values, 2, fun[[2]])), ncol = length(fun), dimnames = list(c(param_names), names(fun))))

## Converting a list of phylolm to summary phylolm (median)
convert.to.summary.phylolm <- function(data) {
    ## Get the standard error and the t statistic
    se <- sqrt(apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(data, function(x) return(diag(x$vcov)))), 2, median))
    med_coefs <- pool.pgls.param(data, "coefficients")[,1]
    tval <- med_coefs/se

    ## Get the results table
    if(data[[1]]$boot == 0) {
        results_table <- cbind(Estimate = med_coefs, StdErr = se, t.value = tval,
                               p.value = 2*pt(-abs(tval), df=data[[1]]$n - data[[1]]$d))
    } else {
        ## Bootstrapped results
        lower_bootCI <- apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(data, function(x, dim) return(x$bootconfint95[1, 1:dim]), dim = data[[1]]$d)), 2, median)
        upper_bootCI <- apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(data, function(x, dim) return(x$bootconfint95[2, 1:dim]), dim = data[[1]]$d)), 2, median)
        results_table <- cbind(Estimate = med_coefs, StdErr = se, t.value = tval,
                               lowerbootCI = lower_bootCI, upperbootCI = upper_bootCI,
                               p.value = 2*pt(-abs(tval), df=data[[1]]$n - data[[1]]$d))

    ## Combine the results into a phylolm object
    sum_phylolm <- list(call = c(data[[1]]$call, paste0("The statistics are calculated based on the median estimates of ", length(data), " models.")),
                        coefficients = results_table,
                        residuals = pool.pgls.param(data, "residuals")[,1],
                        sigma2 = pool.pgls.param(data, "sigma2")[,1],
                        optpar = if(is.null(data[[1]]$optpar)) {data[[1]]$optpar} else {pool.pgls.param(data, "optpar")[,1]},
                        sigma2_error = if(is.null(data[[1]]$sigma2_error)) {data[[1]]$sigma2_error} else {pool.pgls.param(data, "sigma2_error")[,1]},
                        logLik = pool.pgls.param(data, "logLik")[,1],
                        df = data[[1]]$p,
                        aic = pool.pgls.param(data, "aic")[,1],
                        model = data[[1]]$model,
                        mean.tip.height = pool.pgls.param(data, "mean.tip.height", fun = c(mean = mean, sd = sd))[,1],
                        bootNrep = ifelse(data[[1]]$boot>0, data[[1]]$boot - data[[1]]$bootnumFailed, 0),

                        r.squared = pool.pgls.param(data, "r.squared")[,1],
                        adj.r.squared = pool.pgls.param(data, "adj.r.squared")[,1])

    class(sum_phylolm) <- "summary.phylolm"

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dispRity documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:40 a.m.