
Defines functions get.prob.vector get.neigbhours point.in.circle run.density.removal run.size.removal optimise.results optimise.parameter

# ' @description Optimise a parameter selection
# ' @param function the function to run for optimisation
# ' @param optimise the argument to optimise
# ' @param criterion the optimisation criterion (e.g. remove = 0.5)
# ' @param tuning a list of three parameters: "max" for the maximum of operations, "tol" for the tuning (e.g. 0.1 close) "good" for when to decide it's good enough (i.e. stop if it reaches the tuning after X number of times).
# ' @param parameters other parameters for the function
# ' @param to_remove the logical list of elements to remove for automatically running the optimisation
# ' @param remove the proportion of elements to be removed (in probability)
# ' @param verbose
# ' @param space
## Optimisation function
optimise.parameter <- function(fun, args, criterion, tuning, verbose) {

    ## Initialise the optimisation
    counter <- 0
    bad_loop <- 0 ## Can run in three bad loops in a row (when the optimisation gives the same results as 2 optimisation ago)
    increment <- 1

    ## First run
    prev_prev_diff <- previous_diff <- difference <- length(which(do.call(fun, args)))-criterion

    ## Optimisation loop
    while(difference != 0) {

        ## Tolerance
        if(abs(difference) < round(tuning$tol*criterion)) {

        ## Modify the parameter to optimise
        args$parameters$optimise <- ifelse(difference <= 0, args$parameters$optimise + increment, args$parameters$optimise - increment)

        ## Second run
        new_difference <- length(which(do.call(fun, args))) - criterion

        ## Check if the increment is to big
        while(abs(new_difference/difference) > 1) {
            ## Reject the optimisation
            args$parameters$optimise <- ifelse(difference < 0, args$parameters$optimise - increment, args$parameters$optimise + increment)
            ## And decrease the increment
            increment <- increment/tuning$inc.steps
            ## Update the optimisation
            args$parameters$optimise <- ifelse(difference < 0, args$parameters$optimise + increment, args$parameters$optimise - increment)

            # print(args$parameters$optimise)

            ## Re-do the second run
            new_difference <- length(which(do.call(fun, args))) - criterion
            ## Increment the counter
            if(counter < tuning$max) {
                counter <- counter + 1
                if(verbose) cat(".")
            } else {

        ## Update the differences
        prev_prev_diff <- previous_diff
        previous_diff <- difference
        difference <- new_difference

        if(counter < tuning$max && bad_loop < 2) {
            ## Increment the counter
            counter <- counter + 1
            ## Increment the bad loop
            bad_loop <- ifelse(prev_prev_diff == difference, bad_loop + 1, 0)
            if(verbose) cat(".")
        } else {

    ## Return the optimal parameter
## Wrapping optimisation function
optimise.results <- function(to_remove, fun, remove, args, tuning, verbose = FALSE, space, return.optim = FALSE) {

    ## Set the optimality criterion
    criterion <- round(remove * nrow(space))
    ## Check if optimisation is necessary
    if(length(which(to_remove)) != criterion) {
        if(verbose) cat("Run parameter optimisation:")

        ## Find the optimal parameter
        args$parameters$optimise <- optimise.parameter(fun, args, criterion = criterion, tuning = tuning, verbose = verbose)
        ## Rerun the function with the optimal parameter
        to_remove <- do.call(fun, args)

        if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")

    if(!return.optim) {
        return(list(remove = to_remove))
    } else {
        return(list(remove = to_remove, optim = args$parameters$optimise))

## The different run functions
run.size.removal <- function(space, parameters) {
    return(apply(space, 1, point.in.circle, centre = parameters$centre, radius = parameters$optimise))
# run.position.removal <- function(space, parameters, scree) {
#     return(apply(space, 1, select.value, value = parameters$optimise* ))
# }
run.density.removal <- function(space, parameters, scree) {
    return(1:nrow(space) %in% get.neigbhours(distance = parameters$distance, diameter = parameters$optimise))

# ' @description Selecting points within a circle
# ' @param point a point in space
# ' @param centre the centre from which to count the radius
# ' @param radius the radius for removal
# ' 
point.in.circle <- function(point, centre, radius) {
    return(sqrt(sum(diff(rbind(centre, point))^2)) < radius)

# ' @description Select only the points above one value
# ' @param point a point in space
# ' @param value the threshold value
# ' 
# select.value <- function(point, value) {
#     ## Get a point above a certain value
#     return(ifelse(all(point > value), TRUE, FALSE))
# }

# ' @description Selects pairs of nearest neighbours
# ' @param trait_space the space
# ' @param distance a distance matrix of the trait space
# ' @param diameter the diameter for cosidering closeness or distance
# '
get.neigbhours <- function(distance, diameter = 0.1) {

    ## Get the neighbors
    neighbors <- which(distance < diameter, arr.ind = TRUE)

    ## Select the neighbors
    return(unique(neighbors[neighbors[,1] != neighbors[,2]]))

# ' @description Selects pairs of nearest neighbours
# ' @param space the space
# ' @param bw the bandwidth selector function
# ' @param power a scaling factor to power the flattening/evenness
# '
get.prob.vector <- function(space, bw, power) {
    ## Get the scaled variance per axis
    get.dimension.correction <- function(space) {
        var_axis <- apply(space, 2, var)

    ## Get the sampling prob per axis
    get.prob.axis <- function(axis, bw, power) {
        ## Select the breaks
        band_width <- bw(axis)
        breaks <- seq(from = min(axis - band_width), to = max(axis + band_width), by = band_width) 

        ## Get the counts
        counts <- hist(axis, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)$counts

        ## Exagerate the counts
        counts <- counts^power

        ## Sort each values in each breaks
        proba_counts <- cut(axis, breaks)

        ## Transform the levels into the probabilities
        levels(proba_counts) <- counts/sum(counts)

    ## Count the probability of sampling per axis
    probabilities_table <- apply(space, 2, get.prob.axis, bw, power)

    ## Get the sum probability vector (scaled)
    return(apply(probabilities_table/get.dimension.correction(space), 1, sum))

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