
Defines functions MIXED.model is.invariant rTraitDisc.mk k.sampler gen.seq.HKY.binary character.selector HKY.seq.generator proportional.distribution sample.distribution

## sampling from a distribution
## n is the number of samples
## distribution is the distribution as in c(fun, arg1, arg...)
sample.distribution <- function(n, distribution) {
    fun <- distribution[[1]]
    distribution[[1]] <- n
    return(do.call(fun, distribution))

## scaling the results from a distribution sample (to be equal to 1)
## n is the number of samples
## distribution is the distribution as in c(fun, arg1, arg...)
## pass.to.gen.seq.HKY  makes sure the output is correct for gen.seq.HKY.binary
proportional.distribution <- function(n, distribution, ..., pass.to.gen.seq.HKY = FALSE) {
    freq <- distribution(n, ...)
    output <- freq/sum(freq)
    ## Disabling 0 frequencies
    if(pass.to.gen.seq.HKY == TRUE) {
        while(length(output) != 4 || sum(output) != 1 || any(output <= 0) || any(output >= 1)) {
            freq <- distribution(n, ...)
            output <- freq/sum(freq)

## The character generator function for gen.seq.HKY.binary
HKY.seq.generator <- function(tree, substitution, rate, ...) {
    return(phyclust::gen.seq.HKY(tree, pi = proportional.distribution(4, stats::runif, pass.to.gen.seq.HKY = TRUE), kappa = abs(sample.distribution(1, substitution)), L = 1, rate.scale = abs(sample.distribution(1, rate)), ...))

## The character selector (isolating the characters) function for gen.seq.HKY.binary
character.selector <- function(generated_character) {
    return(rapply(unlist(apply(matrix(as.matrix(generated_character)[-1, ]), 1, strsplit, split = " "), recursive = FALSE), function(x) utils::tail(x, 1)))

## seqgen HKY binary
gen.seq.HKY.binary <- function(tree, substitution, rates, states, verbose, ...) {

    ## States is fixed to 2 (O and 1)
    states <- 1

    ## Generating the matrix (with a different parameter for each character)
    character <- character.selector(HKY.seq.generator(tree, substitution, rates, ...))

    ## Transforming the base pairs
    character <- gsub("A", "0", character)
    character <- gsub("G", "0", character)
    character <- gsub("C", "1", character)
    character <- gsub("T", "1", character)

    ## verbose
    if(verbose) cat(".")


## sampling the number of characters states
k.sampler <- function(states) {
    if(length(states) == 1) {
        ## Only binary characters
    } else {
        return(sample(2:(length(states) + 1), 1, prob = states))

## Generating a character using the mk model
rTraitDisc.mk <- function(tree, substitution, rates, states, verbose, ...) {
    ## verbose
    if(verbose) cat(".")
    ## Use the rTraitDisc function with ER model
    return(as.character(rTraitDisc(tree, k = k.sampler(states), rate = abs(sample.distribution(1, rates)), model = "ER", states = seq(from = 0, to = (length(states))), ...) ))

## Invariant characters detector
is.invariant <- function(character) {
    if(length(unique(character)) == 1) {
    } else {

## MIXED model sampler
MIXED.model <- function(tree, substitution, rates, states, verbose, ...) {

    ## Get the number of states
    n_states <- k.sampler(states)

    ## Run Mk if n_states > 2
    if(n_states != 2) {
        #cat("Mk(", n_states, "), ", sep = "")
        return(rTraitDisc.mk(tree, substitution, rates, states = c(rep(0, n_states-2), 1), verbose, ...))
    } else {
        ## Sampling the model (TRUE = HKY, FALSE = Mk)
        model <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)
        if(model) {
            #cat("HKY(2), ")
            return(gen.seq.HKY.binary(tree, substitution, rates, states = 1, verbose, ...))
        } else {
            #cat("Mk(2), ")
            return(rTraitDisc.mk(tree, substitution, rates, states = 1, verbose, ...))

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