#' @name links
#' @title Multistage record linkage
#' @description Assign records to unique groups based on an ordered set of match criteria.
#' @param sn \code{[integer]}. Unique record ID.
#' @param strata \code{[atomic]}. Subsets of the dataset. Record-groups are created separately for each \code{strata}. See \code{Details}.
#' @param criteria \code{[list|atomic]}. Ordered list of attributes to be compared. Each element of the list is a stage in the linkage process. See \code{Details}.
#' @param sub_criteria \code{[list|\link{sub_criteria}]}. Nested match criteria. This must be paired to a stage of the linkage process (\code{criteria}). See \code{\link{sub_criteria}}
#' @param data_source \code{[character]}. Source ID for each record. If provided, a list of all sources in each record-group is returned. See \code{\link[=pid-class]{pid_dataset slot}}.
#' @param group_stats \code{[character]}. A selection of group specific information to be return for each record-group. Most are added to slots of the \code{\link[=pid-class]{pid}} object.
#' Options are \code{NULL} or any combination of \code{"XX"}, \code{"XX"} and \code{"XX"}.
#' @param data_links \code{[list|character]}. \code{data_source} required in each \code{\link[=pid-class]{pid}}. A record-group without records from these \code{data_sources} will be \code{\link[=delink]{unlinked}}. See \code{Details}.
#' @param expand \code{[logical]}. If \code{TRUE}, a record-group gains new records if a match is found at the next stage of the linkage process. \emph{Not interchangeable with \code{shrink}}.
#' @param shrink \code{[logical]}. If \code{TRUE}, a record-group loses existing records if no match is found at the next stage of the linkage process. \emph{Not interchangeable with \code{expand}}.
#' @param recursive \code{[logical]}. If \code{TRUE}, within each iteration of the process, a match can spawn new matches. Ignored when \code{batched} is \code{"no"}.
#' @param check_duplicates \code{[logical]}. If \code{TRUE}, within each iteration of the process, duplicates values of an attributes are not checked. The outcome of the logical test on the first instance of the value will be recycled for the duplicate values. Ignored when \code{batched} is \code{"no"}.
#' @param display \code{[character]}. Display progress update and/or generate a linkage report for the analysis. Options are; \code{"none"} (default), \code{"progress"}, \code{"stats"}, \code{"none_with_report"}, \code{"progress_with_report"} or \code{"stats_with_report"}.
#' @param tie_sort \code{[atomic]}. Preferential order for breaking match ties within an iteration of record linkage.
#' @param repeats_allowed \code{[logical]} If \code{TRUE}, pairs made up of repeat records are not created and compared. Only used when \code{batched} is \code{"no"}.
#' @param permutations_allowed \code{[logical]} If \code{TRUE}, permutations of record-pairs are created and compared. Only used when \code{batched} is \code{"no"}.
#' @param ignore_same_source \code{[logical]} If \code{TRUE}, only records-pairs from a different \code{data_source} are created and compared.
#' @param batched \code{[character]} Determines if record-pairs are created and compared in batches. Options are \code{"yes"}, \code{"no"} or \code{"semi"}.
#' @return \code{\link[=pid-class]{pid}}; \code{list}
#' @seealso \code{\link{links_af_probabilistic}}; \code{\link{episodes}};
#' \code{\link{predefined_tests}}; \code{\link{sub_criteria}}
#' @details
#' The priority of matches decreases with each subsequent stage of the linkage process.
#' Therefore, the attributes in \code{criteria} should be in an order of decreasing relevance.
#' Records with missing data (\code{NA}) for each \code{criteria} are
#' skipped at the respective stage, while records with
#' missing data \code{strata} are skipped from every stage.
#' If a record is skipped from a stage, another attempt will be made to
#' match the record at the next stage. If a record is still unmatched
#' by the last stage, it is assigned a unique group ID.
#' A \code{\link{sub_criteria}} adds nested match criteria
#' to each stage of the linkage process. If used, only
#' records with a matching \code{criteria} and \code{sub_criteria} are linked.
#' In \bold{\code{\link{links}}}, each \code{\link{sub_criteria}} must
#' be linked to a \code{criteria}. This is done by adding each \code{\link{sub_criteria}}
#' to a named element of a list - "cr" concatenated with
#' the corresponding stage's number.
#' For example, 3 \code{sub_criteria} linked to
#' \code{criteria} 1, 5 and 13 will be;
#' \deqn{list(cr1 = sub_criteria(...), cr5 = sub_criteria(...), cr13 = sub_criteria(...))}
#' Any unlinked \code{\link{sub_criteria}} will be ignored.
#' Every element in \code{data_links} must be named \code{"l"} (links) or \code{"g"} (groups).
#' Unnamed elements of \code{data_links} will be assumed to be \code{"l"}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item If named \code{"l"}, groups without records from every listed \code{data_source} will be unlinked.
#' \item If named \code{"g"}, groups without records from any listed \code{data_source} will be unlinked.
#' }
#' See \code{vignette("links")} for more information.
#' @examples
#' data(patient_records)
#' dfr <- patient_records
#' # An exact match on surname followed by an exact match on forename
#' stages <- as.list(dfr[c("surname", "forename")])
#' p1 <- links(criteria = stages)
#' # An exact match on forename followed by an exact match on surname
#' p2 <- links(criteria = rev(stages))
#' # Nested matches
#' # Same sex OR birth year
#' m.cri.1 <- sub_criteria(
#' format(dfr$dateofbirth, "%Y"), dfr$sex,
#' operator = "or")
#' # Same middle name AND a 10 year age difference
#' age_diff <- function(x, y){
#' diff <- abs(as.numeric(x) - as.numeric(y))
#' wgt <- diff %in% 0:10 & !
#' wgt
#' }
#' m.cri.2 <- sub_criteria(
#' format(dfr$dateofbirth, "%Y"), dfr$middlename,
#' operator = "and",
#' match_funcs = c(age_diff, exact_match))
#' # Nested match criteria 'm.cri.1' OR 'm.cri.2'
#' n.cri <- sub_criteria(
#' m.cri.1, m.cri.2,
#' operator = "or")
#' # Record linkage with additional match criteria
#' p3 <- links(
#' criteria = stages,
#' sub_criteria = list(cr1 = m.cri.1,
#' cr2 = m.cri.2))
#' # Record linkage with additonal nested match criteria
#' p4 <- links(
#' criteria = stages,
#' sub_criteria = list(cr1 = n.cri,
#' cr2 = n.cri))
#' dfr$p1 <- p1; dfr$p2 <- p2
#' dfr$p3 <- p3; dfr$p4 <- p4
#' head(dfr)
#' @aliases links
#' @export
links <- function(
sub_criteria = NULL,
sn = NULL,
strata = NULL,
data_source = NULL,
data_links = "ANY",
display = "none",
group_stats = FALSE,
expand = TRUE,
shrink = FALSE,
recursive = "none",
check_duplicates = FALSE,
tie_sort = NULL,
batched = "yes",
repeats_allowed = FALSE,
permutations_allowed = FALSE,
ignore_same_source = FALSE){
tm_a <- Sys.time()
web <- list(repo = list(
sn = sn,
strata = strata,
data_source = data_source,
tie_sort = tie_sort
web$options <- list(
display = display,
group_stats = group_stats,
expand = expand,
shrink = shrink,
recursive = recursive,
check_duplicates = check_duplicates,
batched = batched,
repeats_allowed = repeats_allowed,
permutations_allowed = permutations_allowed,
ignore_same_source = ignore_same_source
web$match.cri <- list(
criteria = criteria,
sub_criteria = sub_criteria,
data_links = data_links
web$export <- list()
web$tm_a <- tm_a
rm(criteria, sub_criteria, sn,
strata, data_source, data_links,
display, group_stats, expand,
shrink, recursive, check_duplicates,
tie_sort, batched, repeats_allowed,
permutations_allowed, ignore_same_source)
web$err <- err_links_checks_0(
web$match.cri$criteria, web$match.cri$sub_criteria,
web$repo$sn, web$repo$strata, web$repo$data_source, web$match.cri$data_links,
web$options$display, web$options$group_stats, web$options$expand,
web$options$shrink, web$options$recursive, web$options$check_duplicates,
web$options$permutations_allowed, web$options$ignore_same_source,
stop(web$err, call. = FALSE)
web$options$batched <- lapply(web$options$batched, tolower)
web$options$display <- tolower(web$options$display)
if(inherits(web$options$recursive, "logical")){
web$options$is_recursive <- web$options$recursive
web$options$recursive <- c("linked", "unlinked")
web$options$recursive <- "none"
web$options$is_recursive <-
any(c("linked", "unlinked") %in%
web$options$recursive) &
!"none" %in% web$options$recursive
if(!inherits(web$match.cri$criteria, "list")){
web$match.cri$criteria <- list(web$match.cri$criteria)
web$n.row <- as.numeric(lapply(web$match.cri$criteria, length))
web$n.row <- c(
unlist(rc_dv(lapply(web$match.cri$sub_criteria, function(x){
attr_eval(x, func = identity, simplify = FALSE)
}), func = length), use.names = FALSE), web$n.row)
web$n.row <- max(web$n.row)
web$err <- err_sn_1(
sn = web$repo$sn,
ref_num = web$n.row,
ref_nm = "criteria")
stop(web$err, call. = FALSE)
web$repo$pr_sn <-
web$repo$pid <- seq_len(web$n.row)
web$repo$wind_id <- rep(NA_real_, web$n.row)
web$repo$cur_refs <- web$repo$max_refs <- rep(0L, web$n.row)
if(!is.null(web$repo$tie_sort)) {
if(!inherits(web$repo$tie_sort, c("numeric", "integer", "double"))){
web$repo$tie_sort <- as.integer(as.factor(web$repo$tie_sort))
if(length(web$repo$tie_sort) == 1){
web$repo$tie_sort <- rep(web$repo$tie_sort, web$n.row)
web$repo$tie_sort <- rep(0L, web$n.row)
if(!inherits(web$match.cri$data_links, "list")){
web$match.cri$data_links <- list(l = web$match.cri$data_links)
names(web$match.cri$data_links) <- rep("l", length(web$match.cri$data_links))
names(web$match.cri$data_links) <- ifelse(
names(web$match.cri$data_links) == "", "l", names(web$match.cri$data_links))
if(length(web$options$batched) == 1 & length(web$match.cri$criteria) > 1){
web$options$batched <- rep(
web$repo$tag <-
web$repo$iteration <- rep(0L, web$n.row)
web$repo$sys.linked <-
web$repo$cri.linked <- rep(FALSE, web$n.row)
web$mxp_cri <- length(web$match.cri$criteria) + 1L
web$repo$pid_cri <- rep(web$mxp_cri, web$n.row)
web$report <- list()
if(grepl("report$", web$options$display)){
web$rp_data <- di_report(
cumm_time = Sys.time() - web$tm_a,
duration = Sys.time() - web$tm_a,
"Data Prep.",
current_tot = web$n.row,
memory_used = utils::object.size(web[names(web)[names(web) != "report"]]))
web$report[length(web$report) + 1] <- list(web$rp_data)
web$tm_ia <- Sys.time()
if(!grepl("^none", web$options$display)){
web$i <- web$ite <- web$itx <- web$counts$max_indexes <- 1L
while(web$i %in% seq_len(length(web$match.cri$criteria))){
web$i_nm <- ifelse(!is.null(names(web$match.cri$criteria[web$i])),
paste0(web$i, ": ", names(web$match.cri$criteria[web$i])),
if(grepl("^progress|^stats", web$options$display)){
cat(paste0("`Criteria ", web$i_nm,"`.\n"), sep = "")
web$cri.tmp$sub.cri <- web$match.cri$sub_criteria[
which(names(web$match.cri$sub_criteria) == paste0("cr", web$i))
web$options$is_nested <- length(web$cri.tmp$sub.cri) > 0
web$options$is_recursive <- ifelse(
web$options$batched[web$i] %in% "no" |
FALSE, web$options$is_recursive
web$options$check_duplicates <- ifelse(
web$options$batched[web$i] %in% "no" |
TRUE, web$options$check_duplicates
web$repo$cri.linked <- rep(FALSE, web$n.row)
# Restart iteration
] <- 0L
# Attribute for current stage
web$repo$cri_l <-
web$repo$cri_level <-
# Reuse place holders in `criteria`
if(length(web$repo$cri_level) == 1){
web$repo$cri_level <- rep(
# Records included/excluded from current stage
web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk <-
# missing values for current stage/attribute
# unique values for current stage/attribute
web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk] <-
!(!duplicated(web$repo$cri_level[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk], fromLast = TRUE) &
!duplicated(web$repo$cri_level[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk], fromLast = FALSE))
web$repo$cri_level <- list(current = web$repo$cri_level)
if(!is.null(web$repo$strata)) {
web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk][$repo$strata[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk])] <- FALSE
web$repo$cri_level[["strata"]] <- web$repo$strata
if(isTRUE(web$options$shrink) & web$ite != 1){
web$repo$cri_level[["record_group"]] <- web$repo$pid
web$repo$cri_level$record_group[!web$repo$sys.linked] <-
web$repo$sys.linked <- rep(FALSE, web$n.row)
web$repo$cri <- rep(NA, web$n.row)
web$repo$cri[which(web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk)] <- combi(
lapply(web$repo$cri_level, function(x) x[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk])
(!duplicated(web$repo$cri[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk], fromLast = TRUE) &
!duplicated(web$repo$cri[web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk], fromLast = FALSE))
] <- FALSE
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx <- which(web$ite.tmp$inc_lgk)
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx <- web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[
web$repo$pid_cri[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] >= web$i]
# if(length(web$repo$cri.linked) == length(which(web$repo$cri.linked[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx]))){
if(length(which(!web$repo$sys.linked[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx])) == 0){
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx <- numeric()
if(web$i > 1){
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx <-
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] >= web$i - 1]
tmp.func.1 <- function(x){
if(length(x) == 1){
exc_indx <- Inf
exc_indx <- which(
tmp.func.2 <- function(x){
rc_dv(x = x, func = tmp.func.1)
mVal.indx <- attr_eval(web$cri.tmp$sub.cri[[1]],
simplify = TRUE, func = tmp.func.2)
if(Inf %in% mVal.indx){
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx <- numeric()
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx <-
web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[!web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx %in% mVal.indx]
if(length(web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx) %in% 0:1 | (length(web$repo$cri_l) == 1 & isFALSE(web$options$is_nested))) {
if(grepl("^progress|^stats", web$options$display)){
cat(paste0(" -> Skipped.\n\n"))
web$i <- web$i + 1L
web$ite <- web$ite + 1L
# Back up identifiers
web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] -> web$ite.tmp$bkp_pid
web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] -> web$ite.tmp$bkp_tag
web$repo$cri.linked[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] -> web$ite.tmp$bkp_cri.linked
web$repo$sys.linked[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] -> web$ite.tmp$bkp_sys.linked
web$repo$pid_cri[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] -> web$ite.tmp$bkp_pid_cri
web$repo$iteration[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] -> web$ite.tmp$bkp_iteration
web$ite.tmp$ <- index_multiples(
x = web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx,
multiples = web$n.row,
repeats = web$counts$max_indexes)$mm
web$repo$wind_id[web$ite.tmp$] -> web$ite.tmp$bkp_wind_id
# Reset identifiers
web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] <-
web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] <-
web$repo$iteration[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] <- 0L
web$repo$pid_cri[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] <- web$mxp_cri
x = web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx,
multiples = web$n.row,
repeats = web$counts$max_indexes)$mm
] <- NA_real_
web$cri.tmp$sub.cri <- list(sub_criteria(rep(TRUE, web$n.row)))
web$repo$tag <- rep(0L, web$n.row)
# web$repo$ite.linked <- as.logical(web$repo$tag)
web$repo$bkp_pid <- web$repo$pid
web$itx <- 1L
if(grepl("^progress|^stats", web$options$display) &
cat(" -> Checking `sub_criteria`\n")
web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx <- web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx
while(suppressWarnings(min(web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx])) != 2 &
length(web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx) > 0) {
web$tmp$lgk <- web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx] != 2
if(web$itx > 1 & web$options$is_recursive){
(web$repo$cri.linked[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx] & "linked" %in% web$options$recursive) |
(!web$repo$cri.linked[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx] & "unlinked" %in% web$options$recursive)
] <- TRUE
web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx <- web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx[web$tmp$lgk]
web$sort_ord <- order(
web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx <- web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx[web$sort_ord]
if(length(web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx) <= 1){
web$repo$pid_cri[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx] <- -1L
web$ite <- web$ite + 1L
if(grepl("^progress", web$options$display)){
web$msg <- progress_bar(
n = 1, d = 1, max_width = 100,
msg = paste0("Iteration ",
fmt(web$ite), " (",
fmt(difftime(Sys.time(), web$tm_ia), "difftime"),
prefix_msg = " ")
cat(web$msg, "\r", sep = "")
web$ite.tmp$index_cd <- !duplicated(web$repo$cri[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx], fromLast = FALSE)
if(web$options$batched[web$i] == "semi" # & isTRUE(web$options$is_nested)
web$ite.tmp$index_cd[web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx] == -1] <- TRUE
}else if(web$options$batched[web$i] == "no" # & isTRUE(web$options$is_nested)
web$ite.tmp$index_cd[TRUE] <- TRUE
web$ite.tmp$batch_strata <- web$repo$cri[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx]
if(web$options$batched[[web$i]] != "no"){
!duplicated(web$ite.tmp$batch_strata) & !web$ite.tmp$index_cd] <- TRUE
# Create record-pairs
web$rec.pairs <- make_pairs_batched(
strata = web$ite.tmp$batch_strata,
x = web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx,
index_record = web$ite.tmp$index_cd,
assign_ord = seq_len(length(web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx)),
look_back = web$options$permutations_allowed,
# include_repeat = web$options$repeats_allowed,
include_repeat = TRUE,
ignore_same_source = web$options$ignore_same_source,
data_source = web$data_source)
if(isFALSE(web$options$repeats_allowed) & length(web$rec.pairs$x_pos) == 0){
# Possible when `repeats_allowed` FALSE
# and `permutations_allowed = TRUE`
# and current iteration has only 1 record
# Recreate `web$rec.pairs` as if `repeats_allowed` = TRUE so that `web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx` is tagged
web$rec.pairs <- list(
x_pos = seq_len(length(web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx)),
y_pos = seq_len(length(web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx)),
index_ord = rep(1L, length(web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx)),
x_val = web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx,
y_val = web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx)
names(web$rec.pairs)[which(names(web$rec.pairs) == "x_val")] <- "cu_pos"
names(web$rec.pairs)[which(names(web$rec.pairs) == "y_val")] <- "tr_pos"
web$rec.pairs[["rec.match"]] <- eval_sub_criteria(
x = web$cri.tmp$sub.cri[[1]],
x_pos = web$rec.pairs$cu_pos,
y_pos = web$rec.pairs$tr_pos,
check_duplicates = web$options$check_duplicates)
web$export.nm <- names(web$rec.pairs$rec.match)
web$export.nm <- web$export.nm[!grepl("^logical|^equal", web$export.nm)]
if(length(web$export.nm) > 0){
web$export[[paste0("cri.", web$i)]][[paste0("iteration.", web$ite)]] <-
web$rec.pairs$rec.match[web$export.nm] <- NULL
web$rec.pairs[["rec.match"]] <- list(logical_test = rep(1, length(web$rec.pairs$cu_pos)))
web$rec.pairs$rec.match <- lapply(web$rec.pairs$rec.match, as.logical)
web$rec.pairs$rec.match$logical_test <- as.logical(web$rec.pairs$rec.match$logical_test) |
# Flag the reference record
web$rec.pairs$ref_rd <- web$rec.pairs$cu_pos == web$rec.pairs$tr_pos
# Update window ids for matched or reference records
web$rec.pairs$w.match <-
((web$rec.pairs$rec.match$logical_test) | web$rec.pairs$ref_rd) &
# ($repo$wind_id[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos.mi]) |
# (!$repo$wind_id[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos.mi]) & web$rec.pairs$cu_linked)
# )
# &$repo$wind_id[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos.mi])
web$ite.tmp$s_ord <- order(web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match])
web$ite.tmp$nw_index_ord <- rle(web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match][web$ite.tmp$s_ord])
web$ite.tmp$nw_index_ord <- sequence(web$ite.tmp$nw_index_ord$lengths)
web$ite.tmp$nw_index_ord <- web$ite.tmp$nw_index_ord[order(web$ite.tmp$s_ord)]
web$ite.tmp$lgk <- !duplicated(web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match], fromLast = TRUE)
web$repo$max_refs[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match][web$ite.tmp$lgk]] <-
web$repo$cur_refs[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match][web$ite.tmp$lgk]] + web$ite.tmp$nw_index_ord[web$ite.tmp$lgk]
# Maximum number of index records per episode (`max_indexes`).
web$ite.tmp$max_indexes <- suppressWarnings(max(web$repo$max_refs))
# Increase the number of `wind_id` by multiples of `max_indexes`
if(web$ite.tmp$max_indexes > web$counts$max_indexes){
web$repo$wind_id <- c(
rep(rep(NA_real_, web$n.row), (web$ite.tmp$max_indexes - web$counts$max_indexes))
web$counts$max_indexes <- web$ite.tmp$max_indexes
web$rec.pairs$cu_pos.mi <- ((web$ite.tmp$nw_index_ord + web$repo$cur_refs[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match]] - 1L) * web$n.row) + web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match]
web$repo$cur_refs <- web$repo$max_refs
web$repo$wind_id[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos.mi] <- web$rec.pairs$tr_pos[web$rec.pairs$w.match]
web$rec.pairs$e.match <- web$rec.pairs$cu_pos %in%
web$rec.pairs$rec.match$logical_test &
!web$rec.pairs$ref_rd &
web$rec.pairs$e.match <- web$rec.pairs$index_ord == 1 & web$rec.pairs$e.match
web$rec.pairs$index_rd <- web$rec.pairs$cu_pos %in% web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$ref_rd]
web$rec.pairs$index_rd <- (web$rec.pairs$index_ord == 1 & web$rec.pairs$index_rd) | isFALSE(web$options$is_nested)
if(web$options$batched[web$i] == "no"){
web$ite.tmp$batched_pids <- make_ids(web$rec.pairs$x_pos[web$rec.pairs$rec.match$logical_test],
id_length = max(web$rec.pairs$x_pos))
] <- web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx[web$ite.tmp$batched_pids$group_id[web$ite.tmp$batched_pids$linked]]
web$repo$pid[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$e.match]] <- web$repo$pr_sn[web$rec.pairs$tr_pos[web$rec.pairs$e.match]]
web$repo$pid[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$e.match]] <- web$repo$pid[web$rec.pairs$tr_pos[web$rec.pairs$e.match]]
web$ite.tmp$tr_refs <- list(cu_pos = web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$index_ord == 1], tr_pos = web$rec.pairs$tr_pos[web$rec.pairs$index_ord == 1])
web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$inherit_lgk <- web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$cu_pos] == 2 & web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$cu_pos] != web$repo$bkp_pid[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$cu_pos]
web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$inherit_lgk <- web$repo$bkp_pid[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$cu_pos] %in% web$repo$bkp_pid[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$cu_pos[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$inherit_lgk]]
web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$cu_pos[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$inherit_lgk]] <- web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$tr_pos[web$ite.tmp$tr_refs$inherit_lgk]]
web$repo$ovr_lgk <- web$repo$pr_sn %in% web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$e.match] &
# web$ite.tmp$tgt_pid <- web$repo$bkp_pid
web$ite.tmp$tgt_pid <- web$repo$pid
web$ite.tmp$ovr_grp_indx <- which(web$ite.tmp$tgt_pid %in% web$ite.tmp$tgt_pid[web$repo$ovr_lgk])
web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$ovr_grp_indx] <- web$repo$bkp_pid[web$repo$ovr_lgk][
web$ite.tmp$linked_lgk <- which(web$rec.pairs$e.match | web$rec.pairs$index_rd)
web$repo$tag[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$index_rd]] <- 2L
web$repo$tag[web$rec.pairs$tr_pos] <- 2L
web$repo$tag[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$rec.match$equal_test]] <- 2L
web$repo$tag[web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$e.match]] != 2
] <- ifelse(isTRUE(web$options$is_recursive), -1L, 2L)
web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx <- web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$rec.match$logical_test]
web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx <- c(web$rec.pairs$cu_pos[web$rec.pairs$rec.match$logical_test],
web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx] == 2 &
web$repo$iteration[web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx] == 0
] <- web$ite
web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx] == 2 &
web$repo$pid_cri[web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx] == web$mxp_cri
] <- web$i
web$repo$cri.linked[web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx] <- TRUE
web$repo$bkp_pid <- web$repo$pid
web$ite.tmp$ite.row.n <- length(web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx)
web$ite.tmp$cri.row.n <- length(web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx)
web$ite.tmp$ite.linked.n <- length(which(web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$ite_inc_indx] == 2))
web$ite.tmp$cri.linked.n <- length(which(web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] == 2))
if(grepl("^progress", web$options$display)){
web$msg <- progress_bar(
n = web$ite.tmp$cri.linked.n,
d = web$ite.tmp$cri.row.n,
max_width = 100,
msg = paste0("Iteration ",
fmt(web$ite), " (",
fmt(difftime(Sys.time(), web$tm_ia), "difftime"),
prefix_msg = " ")
cat(web$msg, "\r", sep = "")
}else if (grepl("^stats", web$options$display)){
web$msg <- update_text(
tot_records = fmt(web$ite.tmp$cri.row.n),
current_tot = fmt(web$ite.tmp$ite.row.n),
current_tagged = fmt(web$ite.tmp$ite.linked.n),
time = fmt(Sys.time() - web$tm_ia, "difftime"),
iteration = web$ite,
indent_txt = " "
cat(web$msg, "\n", sep = "")
if(grepl("report$", web$options$display)){
web$rp_data <- di_report(
cumm_time = Sys.time() - web$tm_a,
duration = Sys.time() - web$tm_ia,
criteria = web$i,
iteration = web$ite,
current_tagged = web$ite.tmp$ite.linked.n,
current_tot = web$n.row,
memory_used = utils::object.size(web[names(web)[names(web) != "report"]]))
web$report[length(web$report) + 1] <- list(web$rp_data)
web$tm_ia <- Sys.time()
web$ite <- web$ite + 1L
web$itx <- web$itx + 1L
ta <- Sys.time()
# alt approach
# Records which are not part of the current iteration
web$ite.tmp$cri_exc_indx <- which(!seq_len(web$n.row) %in% web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx)
# ... but belong to a group created by a record that has now changed groups
web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx <- web$ite.tmp$cri_exc_indx[web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$cri_exc_indx] %in% web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx]
if(length(web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx) > 0){
# ... this includes the same records from the POV of other references (index_cd)
web$ite.tmp$ <- index_multiples(
x = web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx,
multiples = web$n.row,
repeats = web$counts$max_indexes)$mm
# ... flag those with links to records that did not change groups in the current since the last iteration
web$l1 <- rep(web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx, web$n.row)
web$l2 <- web$repo$wind_id[web$ite.tmp$]
web$indx <- which(web$l2 %in% web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx)
web$indx <- c(web$l2[web$indx], web$l1[web$indx])
# ... records not flagged have no links to allow it remain part of the group and so need will be reset
web$reset_lgk <- web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx[!web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx %in% web$indx]
web$reset_lgk <- numeric()
if(length(web$reset_lgk) > 0){
web$repo$pid[web$reset_lgk] <-
web$repo$tag[web$reset_lgk] <- 0L
web$repo$cri.linked[web$reset_lgk] <- FALSE
web$repo$sys.linked[web$reset_lgk] <- FALSE
web$repo$pid_cri[web$reset_lgk] <- web$mxp_cri
web$repo$iteration[web$reset_lgk] <- 0L
x = web$reset_lgk,
multiples = web$n.row,
repeats = web$counts$max_indexes)$mm
] <- NA_real_
if(length(web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx) > 0){
# ... flagged records can still remain in the same group but need a new ID to differentiate them from any other group.
web$newId_indx <- web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx[!web$ite.tmp$tgt_indx %in% web$reset_lgk]
web$repo$pid[web$newId_indx] <- web$n.row + web$repo$pid[web$newId_indx]
# ... links to records that have changed grouped are erased.
web$ite.tmp$ <- index_multiples(
x = web$ite.tmp$cri_exc_indx,
multiples = web$n.row,
repeats = web$counts$max_indexes)$mm
web$repo$wind_id[web$ite.tmp$] %in% web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx
] <- NA
web$restore_lgk <- (!duplicated(web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx]) &
!duplicated(web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx], fromLast = TRUE))
web$restore_lgk <- which(!web$repo$cri[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx] %in% web$repo$cri[!web$restore_lgk])
if(length(web$restore_lgk) > 0){
web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[web$restore_lgk]] <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_pid[web$restore_lgk]
web$repo$tag[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[web$restore_lgk]] <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_tag[web$restore_lgk]
web$repo$cri.linked[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[web$restore_lgk]] <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_cri.linked[web$restore_lgk]
web$repo$sys.linked[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[web$restore_lgk]] <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_sys.linked[web$restore_lgk]
web$repo$pid_cri[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[web$restore_lgk]] <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_pid_cri[web$restore_lgk]
web$repo$iteration[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[web$restore_lgk]] <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_iteration[web$restore_lgk]
web$ <- index_multiples(
x = web$restore_lgk,
multiples = length(web$ite.tmp$bkp_pid),
repeats = length(web$ite.tmp$$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx))$mm
web$repo$wind_id[web$ite.tmp$[web$]] <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_wind_id[web$]
web$ite.tmp$bkp_pid <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_link_id <-
web$ite.tmp$bkp_tag <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_pid_cri <-
web$ite.tmp$bkp_iteration <- web$ite.tmp$bkp_wind_id <- NULL
# Unlink pids with a single record for another attempt in the next stage
web$tgt_indx <- web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx[!web$repo$sys.linked[web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx]]
web$ite.tmp$lgk <- (
!duplicated(web$repo$pid[web$tgt_indx], fromLast = FALSE) &
!duplicated(web$repo$pid[web$tgt_indx], fromLast = TRUE)
!web$repo$pid[web$tgt_indx] %in% web$repo$pid[web$tgt_indx[web$ite.tmp$lgk]]
] <- TRUE
# web$repo$pid[web$tgt_indx[web$ite.tmp$lgk]] <-
# web$repo$pr_sn[web$tgt_indx[web$ite.tmp$lgk]]
web$repo$pid_cri[web$tgt_indx[web$ite.tmp$lgk]] <- web$mxp_cri
web$repo$iteration[web$tgt_indx[web$ite.tmp$lgk]] <- 0L
# Flag records linked at current stage
web$current_tot <- length(web$ite.tmp$cri_inc_indx)
web$assigned <- length(which(!web$ite.tmp$lgk))
if(grepl("^progress", web$options$display)){
web$msg <- update_text(
tot_records = fmt(web$n.row),
current_tot = fmt(web$current_tot),
current_tagged = fmt(web$assigned),
indent_txt = " "
ifelse(isTRUE(web$options$is_nested), "\n", ""),
"\n", sep = "")
web$i <- web$i + 1L
web$repo$iteration[web$repo$iteration == 0] <- web$ite - 1L
web$ite.tmp$lgk <- (!duplicated(web$repo$pid) & !duplicated(web$repo$pid, fromLast = TRUE))
# Skipped records
if(!inherits(web$repo$strata, "NULL")){
web$ite.tmp$lgk &$repo$strata)
] <- -1L
# Unmatched records
web$ite.tmp$lgk & web$repo$pid_cri != -1
] <- 0L
web$repo$pid[web$ite.tmp$lgk] <-
x = which(web$ite.tmp$lgk),
multiples = web$n.row,
repeats = web$counts$max_indexes)$mm
] <- NA_real_
web$repo$pid <- web$repo$sn[web$repo$pid]
web$repo$wind_id <- web$repo$sn[web$repo$wind_id]
web$repo$pr_sn <- web$repo$sn[web$repo$pr_sn]
web$pids <- make_pids(
y_pos = web$repo$pid,
x_pos = web$repo$pr_sn,
pid_cri = web$repo$pid_cri,
iteration = web$repo$iteration,
link_id = web$repo$wind_id,
data_source = web$repo$data_source,
data_links = web$match.cri$data_links)
web$tm_z <- Sys.time()
web$tms <- fmt(difftime(web$tm_z, web$tm_a), "difftime")
if(grepl("report$", web$options$display)){
web$rp_data <- di_report(
cumm_time = web$tm_z - web$tm_a,
duration = web$tm_z - web$tm_ia,
current_tot = web$n.row,
memory_used = utils::object.size(web[names(web)[names(web) != "report"]]))
web$report[length(web$report) + 1] <- list(web$rp_data)
if(grepl("report$", web$options$display)){
web$pids <- list(pid = web$pids,
report = as.list("rbind", lapply(web$report,
class(web$pids$report) <- "d_report"
if(!grepl("^none", web$options$display)){
cat("Records linked in ", web$tms, "!\n", sep = "")
if(length(web$export) > 0){
if(inherits(web$pids, "list")){
web$pids <- c(web$pids, web["export"])
web$pids <- list(pid = web$pids, export = web$export)
web <- web$pids
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