#' @title Section a function and set default values in function
#' @description Section a functions domain by fixing certain
#' arguments of a function call.
#' @name section_fun
#' @author Søren Højsgaard, \email{} based on code
#' adapted from the curry package.
#' @param fun Function to be sectioned
#' @param nms Either a named list of the form name=value where each
#' name is the name of an argument of the function (in which case
#' `vls` is ignored) or a character vector of names of arguments.
#' @param vls A vector or list of values of the arguments
#' @param method One of the following: 1) "args" (default); based on
#' substituting fixed values into the function argument list as
#' default values). For backward compatibility can also be "def".
#' 2) "body" for substituting fixed values into the function
#' body. For backward compatibility can also be "sub". 3) "env":
#' (for environment); using an auxillary argument for storing
#' sectioned values.
#' @param envir Environment
#' @param object An object from section_fun (a scaffold object).
#' @seealso [bquote_fun_list()]
#' @details Let E be a subset of the cartesian product X x Y where X
#' and Y are some sets. Consider a function f(x,y) defined on
#' E. Then for any x in X, the section of E defined by x (denoted
#' Ex) is the set of $y$s in Y such that (x, y) is in
#' E. Correspondingly, the section of f(x,y) defined by x is the
#' function $f_x$ defined on Ex given by $f_x(y)=f(x,y)$.
#' `section_fun` is a wrapper for calling `set_default` (default
#' method), `section_fun_env` or `section_fun_sub`. Notice that
#' creating a sectioned function with `section_fun_sub` can be
#' time consuming.
#' @return A new function: The input function `fun` but with certain
#' arguments fixed at specific values.
#' @examples
#' f <- function(x, y){x + y}
#' f_ <- section_fun(f, list(y = 10), method="args") ## "def"" is default
#' f_ <- section_fun(f, nms="y", vls=10, method="args") ## SAME AS ABOVE
#' f_
#' f_(x=1)
#' f_ <- section_fun(f, list(y = 10), method="body") ##
#' f_ <- section_fun(f, nms="y", vls=10, method="body") ## SAME AS ABOVE
#' f_
#' f_(x=1)
#' f_ <- section_fun(f, list(y = 10), method="env")
#' f_ <- section_fun(f, nms="y", vls=10, method="env") ## SAME AS ABOVE
#' f_
#' f_(x=1)
#' get_section(f_)
#' get_fun(f_)
#' ## With more complicated values:
#' g <- function(A, B) {
#' A + B
#' }
#' g_ <- section_fun(g, list(A = matrix(1:4, nrow=2)))
#' g_ <- section_fun(g, "A", list(matrix(1:4, nrow=2)))
#' g_(diag(1, 2))
#' g_ <- section_fun(g, list(A = matrix(1:4, nrow=2)))
#' ## Using built in function
#' set.seed(123)
#' rnorm5 <- section_fun(rnorm, list(n=5))
#' rnorm5(0, 1)
#' set.seed(123)
#' rnorm(5)
## FIXME: If nms is a list it should be reported if not all elements
## of nms have names. Guess the same applies to caracas.
#' @rdname section_fun
#' @export
set_default <- function(fun, nms, vls=NULL){
args <- nms_vls_to_list(nms, vls)
nms <- names(args)
vls <- args
fmls <- formals(fun)
i <- match(nms, names(fmls))
j <- c(setdiff(seq_along(fmls), i), i) # new order
fmls <- fmls[j]
fmls[nms] <- vls
formals(fun) <- fmls
#' @rdname section_fun
#' @export
section_fun <- function(fun, nms, vls=NULL, method="args") {
method_ <- match.arg(method, c("args", "env", "body", "def", "sub"))
args <- nms_vls_to_list(nms, vls)
"def"={set_default(fun, args)},
"sub"={section_fun_sub_worker(fun, args)},
"env"={section_fun_env_worker(fun, args)}
#' @rdname section_fun
#' @export
section_fun_sub <- function(fun, nms, vls=NULL, envir=parent.frame()){
args <- nms_vls_to_list(nms, vls)
section_fun_sub_worker(fun, args)
section_fun_sub_worker <- function(fun, args, envir=parent.frame()){
fmls <- formals(fun)
idx <- match(names(args), names(fmls))
idx <- idx[!]
if (length(idx) > 0){
fmls <- fmls[-idx]
nn <- names(fmls)
vv <- paste0(fmls)
nc <- nchar(vv)
fmls2 <- ""
if (length(fmls)>0){
fmls2 <-
sapply(1:length(fmls), function(i){
if (nc[i] > 0){
paste0(nn[i], "=", vv[i])
} else {
hd <- paste0("function(", paste0(fmls2, collapse = ", "), ")")
aux <- sapply(1:length(args),
nm <- names(args)[i]
ss <- deparse(args[[i]])
ss <- paste0(ss, collapse = " ")
paste0(nm, " = ", ss)
bd1 <- paste0("\n ## section\n ", paste0(aux, collapse=";\n "), "\n ## section (end)")
bd2 <- deparse(body(fun))
bd2 <- bd2[2:(length(bd2) - 1)]
bd2 <- gsub("^ *", "", bd2) ## Remove leading whites
bd2 <- paste0(paste0(bd2, collapse="\n "))
bd <- paste0("\n{ ", paste0(c(bd1, bd2), collapse="\n "), "\n}")
ff <- paste0(c(hd, bd), collapse="")
out <- eval(parse(text=ff))
environment(out) <- environment(fun)
nms_vls_to_list <- function(nms, vls){
## cat("nms: "); print(nms); cat(" vls: "); print(vls)
all_has_names <- function(x){
(!is.null(names(x))) &&
all(nchar(names(x)) > 0)
if (!(is.atomic(nms) || is.list(nms))){
stop("'nms' must be list or atomic")
if (inherits(nms, "list")){
if (!is.null(vls)) {
warning("vls ignored")
out <- nms
} else {
if (all_has_names(nms)){
vls <- as.list(nms)
out <- vls
} else {
if (length(nms) != length(vls)){
stop("'nms' and 'vls' must have same length\n")
vls <- as.list(vls)
names(vls) <- nms
out <- vls
#' @rdname section_fun
#' @export
section_fun_env <- function(fun, nms, vls=NULL) {
args <- nms_vls_to_list(nms, vls)
section_fun_env_worker(fun, args)
##.partial(fun, args)
section_fun_env_worker <- function(fun, args){
fun <- as.section_function(fun)
apply_args(fun, args)
as.section_function <- function(fun) {
if (!inherits(fun, c("function", "section_function")))
stop("Can not create section_function\n")
if (inherits(fun, 'section_function')) {
} else {
from <- parent.frame()
section_function_create(fun, from)
section_function_create <- function(fun, from = parent.frame()) {
arg_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
assign('args', list(), envir = arg_env)
assign('args_end', list(), envir = arg_env)
fmls <- get_formals(fun)
arg_getter <- get_args(arg_env)
do_section_function(fun, arg_env, fmls, from)
section_function_update <- function(fun, from = parent.frame()) {
arg_env <- clone_environment(attr(fun, "arg_env"))
fmls <- get_formals(fun)
#cat("formals:\n"); print(fmls)
fmls[names(get_section(fun))] <- NULL
fun_orig <- environment(fun)$fun
arg_getter <- get_args(arg_env)
do_section_function(fun_orig, arg_env, fmls, from)
do_section_function <- function(fun, arg_env, fmls, from){
## fmls <- get_formals(fun)
arg_getter <- get_args(arg_env)
new_fun <- function() {}
formals(new_fun) <- fmls
body(new_fun) <- bquote(
. <- "use get_section(function_name) to see section"
. <- "use get_fun(function_name) to see original function"
args <- arg_getter(), args)
list(fun = substitute(fun, from))
structure(new_fun, class = c('section_function', 'function'), arg_env = arg_env)
get_formals <- function(fun){
if (is.primitive(fun)) {
fmls <- formals(args(fun))
} else {
fmls <- formals(fun)
#' @rdname section_fun
#' @export
get_section <- function(object){
if (!inherits(object, "section_function"))
stop("'object' must be section_function object\n")
attr(object, "arg_env")$args
#' @rdname section_fun
#' @export
get_fun <- function(object){
if (!inherits(object, "section_function"))
stop("'object' must be section_function object\n")
#' @export
print.section_function <- function(x, ...){
x2 <- x
attributes(x2) <- NULL
#' @export
summary.section_function <- function(object, ...){
cat("Original function: \n")
cat("Section: \n")
get_args <- function(added_env) {
function() {
## cat("in get_args:\n")
env <- parent.frame()
args <- names(formals(sys.function(sys.parent(1))))
## cat("args:\n ");print(args) ## To be specified in call
if (length(args) > 0) {
vals <- mget(args, envir = env)
## cat("vals:\n"); str(vals) ## To be specified in call
ellipsis <- names(vals) == '...'
if (any(ellipsis)) {
vals <- append(vals, eval(quote(list(...)), env), which(ellipsis))
vals[ellipsis] <- NULL
vals <- vals[!vapply(vals, is_missing_arg, logical(1))]
} else {
vals <- NULL
## cat("when done: \n")
## str(list(args=added_env$args, vals=vals, args_end=added_env$args_end))
out <- c(added_env$args, vals, added_env$args_end)
## str(out)
apply_args <- function(fun, args, last = FALSE) {
fmls <- formals(fun)
#cat("+++ formals: \n"); print(fmls)
arg_env <- attr(fun, 'arg_env')
fmls[names(args)] <- NULL
formals(fun) <- fmls[!names(fmls) %in% names(args)]
#cat("+++ +++ formals: \n"); print(formals(fun))
if (last) {
assign('args_end', append(args, arg_env$args_end), envir = arg_env)
} else {
##arg_env <- clone_environment(arg_env)
common <- intersect(names(arg_env$args), names(args))
if (length(common) > 0)
arg_env$args[common] <- NULL
assign('args', append(arg_env$args, args), envir = arg_env)
structure(fun, class = c('section_function', 'function'), arg_env = arg_env)
is_missing_arg <- function(x) {
identical(x, quote(expr = ))
clone_environment <- function(e1){
as.environment(as.list(e1, all.names=TRUE))
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