`ssf` <- function(rwl,
nyrs = NULL,
difference = FALSE,
max.iterations = 25,
mad.threshold = 5e-4,
recode.zeros = FALSE, = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
if(max.iterations > 25){
warning("Having to set max.iterations > 25 in order to meet a stopping criteria is generally a sign that the data are not ideal for signal free detrending.")
if(mad.threshold < 0.0001 | mad.threshold > 0.001){
warning("The stopping criteria, mad.threshold, is outside the recommended range of 0.0001 to 0.001.")
# error msgs for later
negCurveMsg <- gettext("[1] The signal free detrending curve has values <= 0. See help (?ssf).",
domain = "R-dplR")
maxIterMsg <- gettext("[2] Reached maximum iterations and stopping criteria are not satisfied. See help (?ssf).",
domain = "R-dplR")
crn0Msg <- gettext("[3] The initial chronology contains at least one row (year) with a zero, creating div0 problems. See help (?ssf).",
domain = "R-dplR")
input0Msg <- gettext("[4] Input data contain at least one row (year) with all zero values, creating div0 problems. See help (?ssf).",
domain = "R-dplR")
zeroColMsg <- gettext("[5] Input data contain at least one series with all zero values. See help (?ssf).",
domain = "R-dplR")
inputNAmsg <- gettext("[6] Input data contain at least one row (year) with all NA values, creating div0 problems. See help (?ssf).",
domain = "R-dplR")
# make a copy of rwl just in case we change it.
dat <- rwl
# check class of rwl
if(!any(class(dat) %in% "rwl")) {
warning("Input data needs to be class \"rwl\". Attempting to coerce.")
dat <- as.rwl(dat)
# recode zeros to 0.001 if asked.
if(recode.zeros){dat[dat==0] <- 0.001}
# error checks
# Look for any rows where all the values are NA -- unconnected floaters
if(any(rowSums( == ncol(dat))){
# Can't have all zeros across the board for a year. This is
# a conservative check but if there are zeros for a year, the chron can eval to zero
# which causes headaches with div0.
zeroRowCheck <- apply(dat,1,function(x){sum(x,na.rm=TRUE)==0})
# Heck look for zeros in series too. Never know what kind of silliness users come up with.
zeroColCheck <- apply(dat,2,function(x){sum(x,na.rm=TRUE)==0})
# get some detrending options
method2 <- match.arg(arg = method,
choices = c("Spline", "AgeDepSpline"),
several.ok = FALSE)
# useful vars
yrs <- time(dat)
seriesNames <- names(dat)
nSeries <- dim(dat)[2]
nYrs <- dim(dat)[1]
medianAbsDiff <- 1 #init only
datSummary <- rwl.stats(dat)
medianSegLength <- median(datSummary$year)
if(method2 == "AgeDepSpline"){
infoList <- list(method=method2,
nyrs = nyrs,
pos.slope = TRUE,
max.iterations = max.iterations,
mad.threshold = mad.threshold)
else {
infoList <- list(method=method2,
nyrs = nyrs,
max.iterations = max.iterations,
mad.threshold = mad.threshold)
# Make some storage objects
# These are arrays of [nYrs,nSeries,max.iterations]
# Array to hold the SF measurements
sfRW_Array <- array(NA,dim=c(nYrs,nSeries,max.iterations))
# Array to hold the rescaled SF measurements
sfRWRescaled_Array <- array(NA,dim=c(nYrs,nSeries,max.iterations))
# Array to hold the rescaled SF curves
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array <- array(NA,dim=c(nYrs,nSeries,max.iterations))
# Array to hold the SF RWI
sfRWI_Array <- array(NA,dim=c(nYrs,nSeries,max.iterations))
# Array (2d though) to hold the SF Crn
sfCrn_Mat <- array(NA,dim=c(nYrs,max.iterations))
# Array (2d though) to hold the HF Crn
hfCrn_Mat <- array(NA,dim=c(nYrs,max.iterations))
# Vector for storing median absolute difference (mad)
MAD_Vec <- numeric(max.iterations-1)
# Array (2d though) to hold the differences between the kth
# and the kth-1 high freq chronology residuals
hfCrnResids_Mat <- matrix(NA,nrow = nYrs,ncol=max.iterations-1)
# Let's do it. First, here is a simplish detrending function modified from
# detrend.series(). The issue with using detrend() is that negative values are
# not allowed for the detrend funcs. Maybe they should be (e.g., z-scored
# data) but they aren't as of right now. So here is a simplified detrend function.
getCurve <- function(y,method=method2,
## Remove NA from the data (they will be reinserted later)
good.y <- which(!
if(length(good.y) == 0) {
stop("all values are 'NA'")
} else if(any(diff(good.y) != 1)) {
stop("'NA's are not allowed in the middle of the series")
y2 <- y[good.y]
nY2 <- length(y2)
## Recode any zero values to 0.001 to avoid div0
y2[y2 == 0] <- 0.001
# Age Dep Spl
if("AgeDepSpline" %in% method2){
## Age dep smoothing spline with nyrs (50 default) as the init stiffness
## are NULL
nyrs2 <- 50
nyrs2 <- nyrs
Curve <- ads(y=y2, nyrs0=nyrs2, pos.slope = TRUE)
# Put NA back in
Curve2 <- rep(NA, length(y))
Curve2[good.y] <- Curve
if("Spline" %in% method2){
nyrs2 <- length(y2) * 0.6667
else if(nyrs > 0 & nyrs < 1) {
nyrs2 <- length(y2) * nyrs
nyrs2 <- nyrs
Curve <- caps(y=y2, nyrs=nyrs2)
# Put NA back in
Curve2 <- rep(NA, length(y))
Curve2[good.y] <- Curve
# fit curves
datCurves <- apply(dat,2,getCurve,
rownames(datCurves) <- time(dat)
if(any(datCurves <= 0,na.rm = TRUE)){
# get RWI
if(difference){ datRWI <- dat - datCurves }
else { datRWI <- dat / datCurves }
# and initial chron at iter0
iter0Crn <- chron(datRWI,biweight = TRUE)
# Check for zeros in the chronology. This can happen in VERY sensitive
# chrons with years that mostly zeros if the chron is built with tukey's
# biweight robust mean (e.g., co021). This causes problems with div0 later on
# so if there are any zeros in the chron, switch straight mean which should
# head off any zeros in the chron unless the data themseleves are bunk.
# e.g., UT024.
iter0Crn <- chron(datRWI,biweight = FALSE)
# Additional check. If there are still zeros it should mean that the OG data were passed in with zeros.
datSampDepth <- iter0Crn$samp.depth # for later
normalizedSampleDepth <- sqrt(datSampDepth-1)/sqrt(max(datSampDepth-1)) # for later
iter0Crn <- iter0Crn[,1] # just keep the chron
# STEP 2 - Divide each series of measurements by the chronology
# NB: This can produce some very very funky values when iter0Crn is near zero.
# E.g., in co021 row 615 has a tbrm RWI of 0.0044 which makes for some huge SF
if(difference){ sfRW_Array[,,1] <- as.matrix(dat - iter0Crn) }
else { sfRW_Array[,,1] <- as.matrix(dat/iter0Crn) }
# STEP 3 - Rescale to the original mean
colMeansMatdatSF <- matrix(colMeans(sfRW_Array[,,1],na.rm = TRUE),
nrow = nrow(sfRW_Array[,,1]),
ncol = ncol(sfRW_Array[,,1]),
byrow = TRUE)
colMeansMatdat <- matrix(colMeans(dat,na.rm = TRUE),
nrow = nrow(dat),
ncol = ncol(dat),
byrow = TRUE)
sfRWRescaled_Array[,,1] <- (sfRW_Array[,,1] - colMeansMatdatSF) + colMeansMatdat
# STEP 4 - Replace signal-free measurements with original measurements when samp depth is 1
sfRWRescaled_Array[datSampDepth==1,,1] <- as.matrix(dat[datSampDepth==1,])
# STEP 5 - Fit curves to signal free measurements
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,1] <- apply(sfRWRescaled_Array[,,1],2,getCurve,
if(any(sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,1] <= 0,na.rm = TRUE)){
# STEP 6 - divide original measurements by curve obtained from signal free measurements fitting
if(difference){ sfRWI_Array[,,1] <- as.matrix(dat - sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,1]) }
else { sfRWI_Array[,,1] <- as.matrix(dat/sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,1]) }
# STEP 7 - create 1st signal-free chronology
sfCrn_Mat[,1] <- chron(sfRWI_Array[,,1],biweight = TRUE)[,1]
# Check for zeros in the chronology. This can happen in VERY sensitive
# chrons with years that mostly zeros if the chron is built with tukey's
# biweight robust mean (e.g., co021). This causes problems with div0 later on
# so if there are any zeros in the chron, switch straight mean which should
# head off any zeros in the chron unless the data themseleves are bunk
sfCrn_Mat[,1] <- chron(sfRWI_Array[,,],biweight = FALSE)[,1]
# And calc the high freq crn that will be used to determine MAD stopping crit
hfCrn_Mat[,1] <- sfCrn_Mat[,1] - caps(sfCrn_Mat[,1], #empty?
nyrs = floor(medianSegLength))
# STEP 8 - Repeat (2) through (7) until the MAD threshold
# is reached or we hit maxIter
cat("Data read. Running ssf with \n")
cat("\nFirst iteration done.\n")
iterationNumber <- 2 # Start on 2 b/c we did one above
while(medianAbsDiff > mad.threshold){
k = iterationNumber
# STEP 2 - Divide each series of measurements by the last SF chronology
if(difference){ sfRW_Array[,,k] = as.matrix(dat - sfCrn_Mat[,k-1]) }
else { sfRW_Array[,,k] = as.matrix(dat/sfCrn_Mat[,k-1]) }
# STEP 3 - Rescale to the original mean
colMeansMatdatSF <- matrix(colMeans(sfRW_Array[,,k],na.rm = TRUE),
nrow = nrow(sfRW_Array[,,k]),
ncol = ncol(sfRW_Array[,,k]),
byrow = TRUE)
tmp <- (sfRW_Array[,,k] - colMeansMatdatSF) + colMeansMatdat
# can get a nan if unlucky. set to? zero?
tmp[is.nan(tmp)] <- 0
sfRWRescaled_Array[,,k] <- tmp
# STEP 4 - Replace signal-free measurements with original measurements when sample depth is one
sfRWRescaled_Array[datSampDepth==1,,k] <- as.matrix(dat[datSampDepth==1,])
# STEP 5 - fit curves to signal free measurements
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,k] <- apply(sfRWRescaled_Array[,,k],2,getCurve,
if(any(sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,k] <= 0,na.rm = TRUE)){
# STEP 6 - divide original measurements by curve obtained from signal free curves
if(difference){ sfRWI_Array[,,k] <- as.matrix(dat - sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,k]) }
else { sfRWI_Array[,,k] <- as.matrix(dat/sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,k]) }
# STEP 7 - create kth signal-free chronology
sfCrn_Mat[,k] <- chron(sfRWI_Array[,,k],biweight = TRUE)[,1]
# Check for zeros in the chronology. This can happen in VERY sensitive
# chrons with years that mostly zeros if the chron is built with tukey's
# biweight robust mean (e.g., co021). This causes problems with div0 later on
# so if there are any zeros in the chron, switch straight mean which should
# head off any zeros in the chron unless the data themseleves are bunk
sfCrn_Mat[,k] <- chron(sfRWI_Array[,,k],biweight = FALSE)[,1]
# Now look at diffs in fit using median abs diff in the high freq resids
# This is the (high freq) resids from the current iter minus the resids from prior iter
hfCrn_Mat[,k] <- sfCrn_Mat[,k] - caps(sfCrn_Mat[,k], #empty?
nyrs = floor(medianSegLength))
hfCrnResids_Mat[,k-1] <- hfCrn_Mat[,k] - hfCrn_Mat[,k-1]
# calculate the median absolute differences weighted by the normalized sample depth
medianAbsDiff <- median(abs(hfCrn_Mat[,k]*normalizedSampleDepth - hfCrn_Mat[,k-1]*normalizedSampleDepth))
MAD_Vec[k-1] <- medianAbsDiff
cat("Iteration: ", k, " Median Abs Diff: ",round(medianAbsDiff,5),
" (",round(mad.threshold/medianAbsDiff * 100,5),"% of threshold)\n",
sep = "")
if(iterationNumber==max.iterations & medianAbsDiff > mad.threshold){
iterationNumber <- iterationNumber + 1
# Remove empty NAs from output that aren't needed anymore.
# Trim the SF measurements
sfRW_Array <- sfRW_Array[,,1:k]
# Trim the rescaled SF measurements
sfRWRescaled_Array <- sfRWRescaled_Array[,,1:k]
# Trim the rescaled SF curves
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array <- sfRWRescaledCurves_Array[,,1:k]
# Trim the SF RWI
sfRWI_Array <- sfRWI_Array[,,1:k]
# Trim the SF crn
sfCrn_Mat <- sfCrn_Mat[,1:k]
# Trim the HF crn
hfCrn_Mat <- hfCrn_Mat[,1:k]
# Trim the hfCrnResids
hfCrnResids_Mat <- hfCrnResids_Mat[,1:(k-1)]
# Trim the differences
MAD_Vec <- MAD_Vec[1:(k-1)]
### return final crn in class(crn)
finalCrn <- data.frame(sfc=sfCrn_Mat[,k],samp.depth=datSampDepth)
row.names(finalCrn) <- row.names(dat)
class(finalCrn) <- c("crn", "data.frame")
cat("Simple Signal Free Chronology Complete \n")
# add the original data to the arrays and mats
# the original data
#nIter <- dim(sfRW_Array)[3]
arrayDims <- dim(sfRW_Array)
arrayDims[3] <- arrayDims[3] + 1
# get final outputs setup
sfRW_Array2 <- array(data = NA,dim=arrayDims)
sfRW_Array2[,,1] <- as.matrix(dat)
sfRW_Array2[,,2:arrayDims[3]] <- sfRW_Array
dimnames(sfRW_Array2) <- list(yrs,seriesNames,0:k)
sfRWRescaled_Array2 <- array(data = NA,dim=arrayDims)
sfRWRescaled_Array2[,,1] <- as.matrix(dat)
sfRWRescaled_Array2[,,2:arrayDims[3]] <- sfRWRescaled_Array
dimnames(sfRWRescaled_Array2) <- list(yrs,seriesNames,0:k)
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array2 <- array(data = NA,dim=arrayDims)
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array2[,,1] <- as.matrix(datCurves)
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array2[,,2:arrayDims[3]] <- sfRWRescaledCurves_Array
dimnames(sfRWRescaledCurves_Array2) <- list(yrs,seriesNames,0:k)
sfRWI_Array2 <- array(data = NA,dim=arrayDims)
sfRWI_Array2[,,1] <- as.matrix(datRWI)
sfRWI_Array2[,,2:arrayDims[3]] <- sfRWI_Array
dimnames(sfRWI_Array2) <- list(yrs,seriesNames,0:k)
sfCrn_Mat2 <- cbind(iter0Crn,sfCrn_Mat)
rownames(sfCrn_Mat2) <- yrs
colnames(sfCrn_Mat2) <- 0:k
tmp <- iter0Crn - caps(iter0Crn,
nyrs = floor(medianSegLength))
hfCrn_Mat2 <- cbind(tmp,hfCrn_Mat)
rownames(hfCrn_Mat2) <- yrs
colnames(hfCrn_Mat2) <- 0:k
res <- list(infoList = infoList,
k = k,
ssfCrn = finalCrn,
# The SF measurements
sfRW_Array = sfRW_Array2,
# The rescaled SF measurements
sfRWRescaled_Array = sfRWRescaled_Array2,
# The rescaled SF curves
sfRWRescaledCurves_Array = sfRWRescaledCurves_Array2,
# The SF RWI
sfRWI_Array = sfRWI_Array2,
# The SF crn
sfCrn_Mat = sfCrn_Mat2,
# The high freq chronology
hfCrn_Mat = hfCrn_Mat2,
# The high freq chronology residuals
hfCrnResids_Mat = hfCrnResids_Mat,
# The median abs diff
MAD_Vec = MAD_Vec)
comment(res) <- "ssfLong"
class(res) <- c("crn","data.frame")
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