xdate.floater <- function(rwl, series, = "Unk", min.overlap=50, n=NULL,prewhiten = TRUE, biweight=TRUE,
method = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"),
make.plot = TRUE, return.rwl = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
method2 <- match.arg(method)
# Trim series in case it has NA (e.g., submitted stright from the rwl)
idx.good <- !
series <- series[idx.good]
nSeries <- length(series)
## turn off warnings for this function
## The sig test for spearman's rho often produces warnings.
w <- options(warn = -1)
## Normalize
tmp <- normalize.xdate(rwl, series, n, prewhiten, biweight)
master <- tmp$master
series2 <- tmp$series
idx.good <- !
series2 <- series2[idx.good]
## trim master so there are no NaN like dividing when
## only one series for instance.
idx.good <- !is.nan(master)
x <- master[idx.good]
yrs <- as.numeric(names(x))
y <- series2
nx <- length(x)
ny <- length(y)
cat("Original rwl years: ", min(time(rwl)), " to ", max(time(rwl))," (", length(time(rwl)), ")\n",sep="")
cat("Detrended rwl years: ", min(yrs), " to ", max(yrs), " (", length(yrs), ")\n",sep="")
cat("Original series length:", nSeries, "\n")
cat("Detrended series length:", ny, "\n")
cat("Minimum overlap for search:", min.overlap, "\n")
if(min.overlap > ny) {stop("min.overlap must be less than series length after detrending")}
minYrsOut <- numeric()
maxYrsOut <- numeric()
rOut <- numeric()
pOut <- numeric()
nOut <- numeric()
# need to crawl through backwards because, the start years on both the master
# and the series can be impacted by the nomalizing (e.g., hanning, prewhiten).
# The ends can't be. So crawl through backwards and calc dates that way
crawl <- (nx+(ny-min.overlap)):(min.overlap)
edgeCounter <- 0
for(i in crawl){
if(i > nx){
xInd <- (i-ny+1):nx
yInd <- 1:(ny-(i-nx))
tmp <- cor.test(x[xInd],y[yInd], method = method2,alternative = "greater")
rOut[i] <- tmp$estimate
pOut[i] <- tmp$p.val
# the dating here is weird. The end date is going to be the max of xInd plus the overlap off the edge.
maxYrsOut[i] <- max(yrs[xInd]) + ny - min.overlap + edgeCounter
edgeCounter <- edgeCounter - 1
minYrsOut[i] <- maxYrsOut[i] - nSeries + 1
nOut[i] <- length(x[xInd])
if(i >= ny & i <= nx){
xInd <- (i-ny+1):i
tmp <- cor.test(x[xInd],y, method = method2,alternative = "greater")
rOut[i] <- tmp$estimate
pOut[i] <- tmp$p.val
maxYrsOut[i] <- max(yrs[xInd])
# the end date is right, so subtract the original series length to get start date
minYrsOut[i] <- max(yrs[xInd]) - nSeries + 1
nOut[i] <- length(x[xInd])
if(i < ny){
xInd <- 1:i
yInd <- xInd + ny-length(xInd)
tmp <- cor.test(x[xInd],y[yInd], method = method2,alternative = "greater")
rOut[i] <- tmp$estimate
pOut[i] <- tmp$p.val
maxYrsOut[i] <- max(yrs[xInd])
# the end date is right, so subtract the original series length to get start date
minYrsOut[i] <- max(yrs[xInd]) - nSeries + 1
nOut[i] <- length(x[xInd])
res <- data.frame(minYrsOut,maxYrsOut,rOut,pOut,nOut)
names(res) <- c("first","last","r","p","n")
mask <- rowSums(
res <- res[mask,]
# best cor
rBest <- which.max(res$r)
firstBest <- res$first[rBest]
lastBest <- res$last[rBest]
rBest <- res$r[rBest]
pBest <- res$p[rBest]
names(series) <- firstBest:lastBest
tmp <- as.rwl(data.frame(series))
names(tmp) <-
rwlOut <- combine.rwl(rwl,tmp)
## plot
if (make.plot) {
op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) # Save par
on.exit(par(op)) # Reset par on exit
# plot 1 -- seg plot with new series inserted
yr <- as.numeric(row.names(rwlOut))
first.year <- as.matrix(apply(rwlOut, 2, yr.range, yr.vec=yr))[1, ]
last.year <- as.matrix(apply(rwlOut, 2, yr.range, yr.vec=yr))[2, ]
neworder <- order(first.year, decreasing=FALSE)
segs <- rwlOut[, neworder, drop=FALSE]
n.col <- ncol(segs)
seq.col <- seq_len(n.col)
for (i in seq.col) {
segs[[i]][![[i]])] <- i
seg2col <- which(names(segs)
segs.axis2 <- names(segs)
segs.axis4 <- names(segs)
segs.axis2[seq(2,n.col,by=2)] <- NA
segs.axis4[seq(1,n.col,by=2)] <- NA
par(mar=c(-0.1, 5, 2, 5) + 0.1, mgp=c(1.1, 0.1, 0), tcl=0.5,
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
plot(yr, segs[[1]], type="n", ylim=c(0, n.col+1),
ylab="", xlab="")
grid(ny = NA)
apply(segs, 2, lines, x=yr, lwd=4,lend=2, col="grey60")
lines(x=yr,y = segs[[seg2col]], lwd=4,lend=2, col="darkgreen")
axis(2, at=seq.col, labels=segs.axis2, srt=45, tick=FALSE, las=2)
axis(4, at=seq.col, labels=segs.axis4, srt=45, tick=FALSE, las=2)
# plot 2
sig <- qnorm(1 - 0.05 / 2) / sqrt(res$n)
par(mar=c(2, 5, -0.1, 5) + 0.1, yaxs="r")
plot(res$last,res$r,type="n",xlab="Year", ylab="End Year Cor.",
lines(res$last,sig, lty="dashed")
segments(x0 = firstBest, x1 = lastBest,y0 = rBest, y1 = rBest,
lty="dashed", col="darkgreen")
text(x = lastBest, y = rBest, labels = lastBest,
col="darkgreen", adj=c(0,1))
text(x = firstBest, y = rBest, labels = firstBest,
col="darkgreen", adj = c(1,1))
res <- list(res,rwlOut)
cat("Years searched:", min(res$first), "to", max(res$last), "\n")
cat("Highest overall correlation for series is", round(rBest,2), "with dates", firstBest, "to", lastBest, "\n")
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