requireVersion <- function(package, ver) {
requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE) &&
packageVersion(package) >= ver
### Try to create directory named by tempdir() if it has gone missing
check.tempdir <- function() {
td <- tempdir()
if (!file.exists(td)) {
dir.create(td, mode = "0700")
### Checks that all arguments are TRUE or FALSE
check.flags <- function(...) {
flag.bad <- vapply(list(...),
function(x) { !(identical(x, TRUE) ||
identical(x, FALSE)) },
if (any(flag.bad)) {
offending <- vapply([c(FALSE, flag.bad)],
deparse, "")
stop(gettextf("must be TRUE or FALSE: %s",
paste(sQuote(offending), collapse=", "),
domain = NA)
### Function to check if x is equivalent to its integer
### representation. Note: Returns FALSE for values that fall outside
### the range of the integer type. The result has the same shape as x;
### at least vector and array x are supported. <- function(x) {
suppressWarnings(y <- x == as.integer(x))
y[] <- FALSE
### Converts from "year and suffix" presentation to dplR internal
### years, where year 0 (e.g. as a row name) is actually year 1 BC
dplr.year <- function(year, suffix) {
AD = ifelse(year > 0, year, as.numeric(NA)),
BC = ifelse(year > 0, 1-year, as.numeric(NA)),
BP = ifelse(year > 0, 1950-year, as.numeric(NA)),
### Prints the contents of a matrix row together with column labels.
### By default, doesn't print NA values. If is TRUE,
### reports all-NA rows as one NA.
row.print <- function(x,,, collapse=", ") {
if ( { <- !
if (any( {
paste(colnames(x)[], x[], sep=": ", collapse=collapse)
} else if ( {
} else {
paste(colnames(x), x, sep=": ", collapse=collapse)
### Returns indices of rows in matrix X that match with pattern.
row.match <- function(X, pattern) {
which(apply(X, 1,
function(x) {
all( == &&
all(x == pattern, na.rm = TRUE)
### Increasing sequence.
### The equivalent of the C loop 'for(i=from;i<=to;i++){}'
### can be achieved by writing 'for(i in inc(from,to)){}'.
### Note that for(i in from:to) fails to do the same if to < from.
inc <- function(from, to) {
if (is.numeric(to) && is.numeric(from) && to >= from) {
seq(from=from, to=to)
} else {
### Decreasing sequence. See inc.
dec <- function(from, to) {
if (is.numeric(to) && is.numeric(from) && to <= from) {
seq(from=from, to=to)
} else {
### AR function for chron, normalize1, normalize.xdate, ...
ar.func <- function(x, model = FALSE, ...) {
y <- x
idx.goody <- !
ar1 <- ar(y[idx.goody], ...)
y[idx.goody] <- ar1$resid+ar1$x.mean
if (isTRUE(model)) {
structure(y, model = ar1)
} else {
### Range of years. Used in cms, rcs, rwl.stats, seg.plot, spag.plot, ...
yr.range <- function(x, yr.vec = as.numeric(names(x))) {
na.flag <-
if (all(na.flag)) {
res <- rep(NA, 2)
mode(res) <- mode(yr.vec)
} else {
### Multiple ranges of years.
yr.ranges <- function(x, yr.vec = as.numeric(names(x))) {
na.flag <-
idx.good <- which(!na.flag)
idx.bad <- which(na.flag)
n <- length(x)
res <- matrix(nrow=ceiling(n / 2), ncol=2)
k <- 0
while (length(idx.good) > 0) {
first.good <- idx.good[1]
idx.bad <- idx.bad[idx.bad > first.good]
if (length(idx.bad) > 0) {
first.bad <- idx.bad[1]
} else {
first.bad <- n + 1
idx.good <- idx.good[idx.good > first.bad]
res[k <- k + 1, ] <- yr.vec[c(first.good, first.bad - 1)]
res[seq_len(k), , drop=FALSE]
### Used in cms, rcs, ...
sortByIndex <- function(x) {
lowerBound <- which.min(
c(x[lowerBound:length(x)], rep(NA, lowerBound - 1))
### Increment the given number (vector) x by one in the given base.
### Well, kind of: we count up to and including base (not base-1), and
### the smallest digit is one. Basically, we have a shift of one because
### of array indices starting from 1 instead of 0. In case another
### digit is needed in the front, the result vector y grows.
count.base <- function(x, base) {
n.x <- length(x)
pos <- n.x
y <- x
y[pos] <- y[pos] + 1
while (y[pos] == base + 1) {
y[pos] <- 1
if (pos == 1) {
temp <- vector(mode="integer", length=n.x+1)
temp[-1] <- y
pos <- 2
y <- temp
pos <- pos - 1
y[pos] <- y[pos] + 1
### Compose a new name by attaching a suffix, which may partially
### replace the original name depending on the limit imposed on the
### length of names. <- function(, alphabet, idx, limit) {
idx.length <- length(idx)
if (!is.null(limit) && idx.length > limit) { <- ""
} else {
last.part <- paste(alphabet[idx], collapse="")
if (is.null(limit)) { <- paste0(, last.part)
} else { <- paste0(substr(, 1, limit - idx.length),
### Fix names so that they are unique and no longer than the given
### length. A reasonable effort will be done in the search for a set of
### unique names, although some stones will be left unturned. The
### approach should be good enough for all but the most pathological
### cases. The output vector keeps the names of the input vector.
fix.names <- function(x, limit=NULL, mapping.fname="", mapping.append=FALSE,
basic.charset=TRUE) {
fn <- mapping.fname
if (!is.character(fn) ||[1]) || Encoding(fn[1]) == "bytes") {
fn <- ""
} else {
fn <- fn[1]
} <- FALSE
n.x <- length(x)
x.cut <- x
rename.flag <- rep(FALSE, n.x)
if (basic.charset) {
bad.chars <- paste(c("[^",LETTERS,letters,0:9,"]"),collapse="")
idx.bad <- grep(bad.chars, x.cut, perl=TRUE)
if (length(idx.bad) > 0) {
warning("characters outside a-z, A-Z, 0-9 present: renaming series")
if (nzchar(fn)) { <- TRUE
rename.flag[idx.bad] <- TRUE
## Remove inappropriate characters (replace with nothing)
x.cut[idx.bad] <- gsub(bad.chars, "", x.cut[idx.bad],
useBytes = !l10n_info()[["MBCS"]])
if (!is.null(limit)) {
over.limit <- nchar(x.cut) > limit
if (any(over.limit)) {
warning("some names are too long: renaming series")
if (nzchar(fn)) { <- TRUE
rename.flag[over.limit] <- TRUE
x.cut[over.limit] <- substr(x.cut[over.limit], 1, limit)
unique.cut <- unique(x.cut)
n.unique <- length(unique.cut)
## Check if there are duplicate names after truncation and removal
## of inappropriate characters. No duplicates => nothing to do
## beyond this point, except return the result.
if (n.unique == n.x) {
y <- x.cut
} else {
warning("duplicate names present: renaming series")
if (nzchar(fn)) { <- TRUE
y <- character(length=n.x)
names(y) <- names(x)
alphanumeric <- c(0:9, LETTERS, letters) <- length(alphanumeric)
## First pass: Keep already unique names
for (i in 1:n.unique) {
idx.this <- which(x.cut %in% unique.cut[i])
n.this <- length(idx.this)
if (n.this == 1) {
y[idx.this] <- x.cut[idx.this]
if (!is.null(limit)) {
x.cut <- substr(x.cut, 1, limit - 1)
x.cut[y != ""] <- NA
unique.cut <- unique(x.cut) # may contain NA
n.unique <- length(unique.cut)
## Second pass (exclude names that were set in the first pass):
## Make rest of the names unique
for (i in 1:n.unique) {
this.substr <- unique.cut[i]
if ( {# skip NA
idx.this <- which(x.cut %in% this.substr)
n.this <- length(idx.this)
suffix.count <- 0
for (j in 1:n.this){
still.looking <- TRUE
while (still.looking) {
suffix.count <- count.base(suffix.count,
proposed <-[i],alphanumeric,suffix.count,limit)
if (!nzchar(proposed)) {
warning("could not remap a name: some series will be missing")
still.looking <- FALSE
## F for Fail...
proposed <- paste0(unique.cut[i], "F")
} else if (!any(y %in% proposed)) {
still.looking <- FALSE
this.idx <- idx.this[j]
y[this.idx] <- proposed
rename.flag[this.idx] <- TRUE
if ( {
if (mapping.append && file.exists(fn)) {
map.file <- file(fn, "a")
} else {
map.file <- file(fn, "w")
for (i in which(rename.flag)) {
if (x[i] != y[i]) {
cat(x[i], "\t", y[i], "\n", file=map.file, sep = "")
### Handle different types of 'series'.
### If series is a character or numeric vector of length 1, it is
### interpreted as a column index to rwl. In this case, the
### corresponding column is also dropped from rwl.
### Returns list(rwl, series, series.yrs), where series is equipped
### with names indicating years.
### Intended to be used by ccf.series.rwl(), corr.series.seg(), ...
pick.rwl.series <- function(rwl, series, series.yrs) {
if (length(series) == 1) {
if (is.character(series)) {
seriesIdx <- logical(ncol(rwl))
seriesIdx[colnames(rwl) == series] <- TRUE
nMatch <- sum(seriesIdx)
if (nMatch == 0) {
stop("'series' not found in 'rwl'")
} else if (nMatch != 1) {
stop("duplicate column names, multiple matches")
rwl2 <- rwl[, !seriesIdx, drop = FALSE]
series2 <- rwl[, seriesIdx]
} else if (is.numeric(series) && is.finite(series) &&
series >=1 && series < ncol(rwl) + 1) {
rwl2 <- rwl[, -series, drop = FALSE]
series2 <- rwl[, series]
} else {
stop("'series' of length 1 must be a column index to 'rwl'")
rNames <- rownames(rwl)
names(series2) <- rNames
series.yrs2 <- as.numeric(rNames)
} else {
rwl2 <- rwl
series2 <- series
names(series2) <- as.character(series.yrs)
series.yrs2 <- series.yrs
list(rwl = rwl2, series = series2, series.yrs = series.yrs2)
# does the skeleton calculation
xskel.calc <- function(x,filt.weight=9,skel.thresh=3){
x.dt <- hanning(x, filt.weight)
n <- length(x)
y <- rep(NA, n)
## calc rel growth
n.diff <- n - 1
idx <- 2:n.diff
temp.diff <- diff(x)
y[idx] <- rowMeans(cbind(temp.diff[-n.diff], -temp.diff[-1])) / x.dt[idx]
y[y > 0] <- NA
## rescale from 0 to 10
na.flag <-
y.range <- c(NA, NA)
y.range <- range(y[!na.flag])
newrange <- c(10, 1)
mult.scalar <-
(newrange[2] - newrange[1]) / (y.range[2] - y.range[1])
y <- newrange[1] + (y - y.range[1]) * mult.scalar
y[y < skel.thresh] <- NA
y <- ceiling(y)
## Reorders vector x according to partial matching of its names to the
## names in Table. This is designed to replicate argument matching in
## R function calls, which also means that it is possible to omit some
## or all names in x. There is no equivalent of default values here,
## i.e. the lengths of the arguments must match.
vecMatched <- function(x, Table) {
stopifnot(is.character(Table), !, nzchar(Table),
length(x) == length(Table))
xNames <- names(x)
y <- as.vector(x)
N <- length(Table)
if (!is.null(xNames)) {
matches <- pmatch(xNames, Table)
isNA <-
nNA <- sum(isNA)
if (nNA == 0) {
y[matches] <- x
} else {
xNA <- xNames[isNA]
flagBad <- | nzchar(xNA)
if (any(flagBad)) {
stop(gettextf("unknown element(s): %s",
paste(xNames[isNA][flagBad],collapse=", ")))
if (nNA < N) {
notNA <- !isNA
theMatch <- matches[notNA]
y[theMatch] <- x[notNA]
y[seq_len(N)[-theMatch]] <- x[isNA]
# Looks for internal NA in a series. Returns the position of internal NA via which <- function(x) { <-
x.ok <- which(!
n.ok <- length(x.ok)
if (n.ok <= 1) { <- 0 # NA, NULL?
first.ok <- x.ok[1]
last.ok <- x.ok[n.ok]
if (last.ok - first.ok + 1 > n.ok) { <- first.ok:last.ok
x.notok <- which( <- x.notok[x.notok %in%]
else { <- 0 # NA, NULL?
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