# ==================================================================================================
# setup
# ==================================================================================================
## Original objects in env
ols <- ls()
acf_fun <- function(dat, ...) {
lapply(dat, function(x) {
as.numeric(acf(x, lag.max = 50, plot = FALSE)$acf)
evaluators <- suppressMessages(cvi_evaluators("VI", ground.truth = labels_subset))
score_fun <- evaluators$score
pick_fun <- evaluators$pick
type_score_fun <- list(fuzzy = score_fun)
bad_score_fun <- list(fuzzy = function(...) { list(1L:2L, 3L:5L) })
cfgs <- compare_clusterings_configs(c("p", "h", "f", "t"), k = 2L:3L,
controls = list(
partitional = partitional_control(
pam.precompute = c(FALSE, TRUE),
iter.max = 10L,
nrep = 2L,
version = 2L
hierarchical = hierarchical_control(
method = "all"
fuzzy = fuzzy_control(
fuzziness = c(2, 2.5),
iter.max = 10L,
delta = c(0.1, 0.01),
version = 2L
tadpole = tadpole_control(
dc = c(1.5, 2),
window.size = 19L:20L,
lb = c("lbk", "lbi")
preprocs = pdc_configs(
type = "preproc",
## shared
none = list(),
zscore = list(center = c(FALSE)),
## only for fuzzy
fuzzy = list(
acf_fun = list()
## only for tadpole
tadpole = list(
reinterpolate = list(new.length = 205L)
## specify which should consider the shared ones
share.config = c("p", "h")
distances = pdc_configs(
type = "distance",
dtw_basic = list(
norm = c("L1", "L2"),
window.size = 18L
fuzzy = list(
L2 = list()
share.config = c("p", "h")
centroids = pdc_configs(
type = "centroid",
partitional = list(
pam = list()
## special name 'default'
hierarchical = list(
default = list()
fuzzy = list(
fcmdd = list()
tadpole = list(
shape_extraction = list(znorm = TRUE)
cfgs_gak <- compare_clusterings_configs(types = "p", k = 2L:3L,
controls = list(
partitional = partitional_control(
iter.max = 5L,
nrep = 1L,
version = 2L
preprocs = pdc_configs(
none = list()
distances = pdc_configs(
gak = list(window.size = 20L, sigma = c(100, 120))
centroids = pdc_configs(
pam = list()
cfgs_dba <- compare_clusterings_configs(types = "h", k = 2L:3L,
preprocs = pdc_configs(
none = list()
distances = pdc_configs(
dtw_basic = list(window.size = 20L)
centroids = pdc_configs(
DBA = list(window.size = 20L,
max.iter = 5L)
cfgs_sdtwc <- compare_clusterings_configs(types = "h", k = 2L,
preprocs = pdc_configs(
none = list()
distances = pdc_configs(
sdtw = list()
centroids = pdc_configs(
sdtw_cent = list()
# ==================================================================================================
# CVI evaluators
# ==================================================================================================
test_that("cvi_evaluators work nicely with compare_clusterings.", {
# these should be unit tests, but oh well
expect_error(cvi_evaluators("external"), "ground.truth")
expect_error(cvi_evaluators("VI"), "ground.truth")
pick_inconclusive <- cvi_evaluators(c("RI", "ARI"), ground.truth = labels_subset)$pick
res <- list(data.frame(RI = 0:1, ARI = 1:0))
expect_error(pick_inconclusive(res), "inconclusive")
res <- list(data.frame(RI = c(0,1), ARI = c(0,2)),
data.frame(RI = c(2,0), ARI = c(1,0)))
expect_error(pick_inconclusive(res), "inconclusive")
# smaller cfgs
cfgs <- compare_clusterings_configs(c("h", "f"), k = 2L:3L,
controls = list(
hierarchical = hierarchical_control(
method = "average"
fuzzy = fuzzy_control(
fuzziness = c(2, 2.5),
iter.max = 10L
preprocs = pdc_configs(
type = "preproc",
## shared
none = list(),
## only for fuzzy
fuzzy = list(
acf_fun = list()
## specify which should consider the shared ones
share.config = c("h")
distances = pdc_configs(
type = "distance",
sbd = list(),
fuzzy = list(
L2 = list()
share.config = c("h")
centroids = pdc_configs(
type = "centroid",
## special name 'default'
hierarchical = list(
default = list()
fuzzy = list(
fcmdd = list()
# non-fuzzy
ev_valid <- cvi_evaluators("valid", ground.truth = labels_subset)
ev_internal <- cvi_evaluators("internal", ground.truth = labels_subset)
ev_external <- cvi_evaluators("external", ground.truth = labels_subset)
ev_vi <- cvi_evaluators("VI", ground.truth = labels_subset)
# valid
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_valid$score,
pick.clus = ev_valid$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_valid$score,
pick.clus = ev_valid$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# internal
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_internal$score,
pick.clus = ev_internal$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_internal$score,
pick.clus = ev_internal$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# external
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_external$score,
pick.clus = ev_external$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_external$score,
pick.clus = ev_external$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# vi
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_vi$score,
pick.clus = ev_vi$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_vi$score,
pick.clus = ev_vi$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# fuzzy
ev_valid <- cvi_evaluators("valid", TRUE, ground.truth = labels_subset)
ev_internal <- cvi_evaluators("internal", TRUE, ground.truth = labels_subset)
ev_external <- cvi_evaluators("external", TRUE, ground.truth = labels_subset)
ev_vi <- cvi_evaluators("VI", TRUE, ground.truth = labels_subset)
# valid
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_valid$score,
pick.clus = ev_valid$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_valid$score,
pick.clus = ev_valid$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# internal
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_internal$score,
pick.clus = ev_internal$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_internal$score,
pick.clus = ev_internal$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# external
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_external$score,
pick.clus = ev_external$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_external$score,
pick.clus = ev_external$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# vi
with_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_vi$score,
pick.clus = ev_vi$pick,
return.objects = TRUE)
without_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = ev_vi$score,
pick.clus = ev_vi$pick,
return.objects = FALSE)
expect_identical(with_objs$results, without_objs$results)
expect_identical(with_objs$pick$config, without_objs$pick)
# ==================================================================================================
# Compare clusterings
# ==================================================================================================
test_that("Compare clusterings works for the minimum set with all possibilities.", {
errored_cfg <- compare_clusterings_configs("t",controls = list(
tadpole = tadpole_control(1.5, 10L)
errored_cfg$tadpole$window.size <- NULL
errored <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset, "t", errored_cfg,
.errorhandling = "pass",
score.clus = function(...) {})
expect_true(inherits(errored$scores$tadpole[[1L]], "error"))
errorpass_comp <- compare_clusterings(data_subset, c("p", "h", "f"),
configs = compare_clusterings_configs(k = 2L:3L),
seed = 932L, return.objects = TRUE,
.errorhandling = "pass"),
expect_true(inherits(errorpass_comp$objects.fuzzy[[1L]], "error"))
expect_warning(errorrm_comp <- compare_clusterings(data_subset, c("p", "h", "f"),
configs = compare_clusterings_configs(),
seed = 932L, return.objects = TRUE,
.errorhandling = "remove"))
expect_warning(no_score <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset, c("f"),
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
return.objects = TRUE,
score.clus = function(...) stop("NO!")),
expect_warning(no_pick <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset, c("f"),
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = score_fun,
pick.clus = function(...) stop("NO!")),
expect_warning(no_pick_with_objects <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset, c("f"),
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
return.objects = TRUE,
score.clus = score_fun,
pick.clus = function(...) stop("NO!")),
expect_warning(compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset, c("f"),
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = bad_score_fun),
type_score <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset, c("f"),
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
score.clus = type_score_fun)
type_score_objs <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset, c("f"),
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
return.objects = TRUE,
score.clus = type_score_fun)
expect_identical(no_pick$results, type_score$results)
expect_identical(no_pick$results, type_score_objs$results)
all_comparisons <- compare_clusterings(data_reinterpolated_subset,
c("p", "h", "f", "t"),
configs = cfgs, seed = 392L,
trace = TRUE,
score.clus = score_fun,
pick.clus = pick_fun,
return.objects = TRUE,
shuffle.configs = TRUE)
repeat_clustering(data_reinterpolated_subset, all_comparisons, "config3_1"),
repeat_clustering(data_reinterpolated_subset, all_comparisons, "config10_1"),
repeat_clustering(data_reinterpolated_subset, all_comparisons, "config18_2"),
gak_comparison <- compare_clusterings(data_subset, "p",
configs = cfgs_gak, seed = 190L,
score.clus = score_fun)
do_this <- if (foreach::getDoParWorkers() > 1L) base::eval else testthat::expect_warning
dba_comparison <- compare_clusterings(data_multivariate, "h",
configs = cfgs_dba, seed = 294L,
score.clus = score_fun)
sdtwc_comparison <- compare_clusterings(data_subset, "h",
configs = cfgs_sdtwc, seed = 3290L,
score.clus = score_fun)
## rds
all_comparisons$pick$object <- reset_nondeterministic(all_comparisons$pick$object)
all_comparisons$pick$object@call <- call("zas", foo = "bar")
all_comparisons$proc_time <- NULL
all_comparisons$objects.partitional <- NULL
all_comparisons$objects.hierarchical <- NULL
all_comparisons$objects.fuzzy <- NULL
all_comparisons$objects.tadpole <- NULL
gak_comparison$proc_time <- NULL
dba_comparison$proc_time <- NULL
sdtwc_comparison$proc_time <- NULL
assign("comp_all", all_comparisons, persistent)
assign("comp_gak", gak_comparison, persistent)
assign("comp_dba", dba_comparison, persistent)
assign("comp_sdtwc", sdtwc_comparison, persistent)
simple_gak <- cfgs_gak
simple_gak$partitional$k <- 2L
simple_gak <- compare_clusterings(data_subset, "p", simple_gak,
seed = 3289L, score.clus = score_fun)
expect_error(repeat_clustering(data_subset, simple_gak, "config1_1"))
expect_s4_class(repeat_clustering(data_subset, simple_gak, "config1"), "TSClusters")
test_that("Results data frame for hierarchical clustering is correct (GH issue #57).", {
cfgs <- compare_clusterings_configs(types = "h", k = 2L:3L,
controls = list(
hierarchical = hierarchical_control(method = "all")
preprocs = pdc_configs(
none = list()
distances = pdc_configs(
sbd = list()
centroids = pdc_configs(
shape_extraction = list()
cmp <- compare_clusterings(data_subset, "h", configs = cfgs, seed = 329L, return.objects = TRUE)
ignored <- Map(seq_len(nrow(cmp$results$hierarchical)),$results$hierarchical, factor(cmp$results$hierarchical$config_id,
cmp$results$hierarchical$config_id)), # prevent factor re-ordering
f = function(i, res, obj) {
expect_identical(obj@k, res$k, info = paste("Row", i))
expect_identical(obj@method, res$method, info = paste("Row", i))
test_that("step.pattern can be provided in a nested list (GH issue #59)", {
cfgs <- compare_clusterings_configs(
types = "p",
k = 4L,
controls = list(
partitional = partitional_control(
iter.max = 30L,
nrep = 1L
preprocs = pdc_configs(
type = "preproc",
none = list(),
share.config = c("p")
distances = pdc_configs(
type = "distance",
dtw_basic = list(
norm = c("L1", "L2"),
step.pattern = list(dtw::symmetric1, dtw::symmetric2)
share.config = c("p", "h")
centroids = pdc_configs(
type = "centroid",
partitional = list(
pam = list()
cmp <- compare_clusterings(data_subset, "p", configs = cfgs, seed = 329L, return.objects = TRUE)
expect_identical(length(cmp$objects.partitional), 4L)
# ==================================================================================================
# clean
# ==================================================================================================
rm(list = setdiff(ls(), ols))
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