
Defines functions tbl_query tbl_file tbl.duckdb_connection sql_escape_datetime.duckdb_connection sql_escape_date.duckdb_connection sql_expr_matches.duckdb_connection sql_translation.duckdb_connection duckdb_n_distinct duckdb_grepl db_connection_describe.duckdb_connection dbplyr_edition.duckdb_connection translate_duckdb simulate_duckdb

Documented in simulate_duckdb tbl_file tbl_query translate_duckdb

#' DuckDB SQL backend for dbplyr
#' @description
#' This is a SQL backend for dbplyr tailored to take into account DuckDB's
#' possibilities. This mainly follows the backend for PostgreSQL, but
#' contains more mapped functions.
#' @name backend-duckdb
#' @aliases NULL
#' @examplesIf duckdb:::TEST_RE2 && rlang::is_installed("dbplyr")
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb(), path = ":memory:")
#' dbiris <- copy_to(con, iris, overwrite = TRUE)
#' dbiris %>%
#'   select(Petal.Length, Petal.Width) %>%
#'   filter(Petal.Length > 1.5) %>%
#'   head(5)
#' DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)

#' Connection object for simulation of the SQL generation without actual database.
#' dbplyr overrides database specific identifier and string quotes
#' @param ... Any parameters to be forwarded
#' @export
#' @rdname backend-duckdb
simulate_duckdb <- function(...) {
  structure(list(), ..., class = c("duckdb_connection", "TestConnection", "DBIConnection"))

#' Connection object for simulation of the SQL generation without actual database.
#' This version keeps the database specific identifier and string quotes, i.e.
#' allows to translate to DuckDB SQL dialect.
#' @param ... Any parameters to be forwarded
#' @export
#' @rdname backend-duckdb
translate_duckdb <- function(...) {
  structure(list(), ..., class = c("duckdb_connection", "DBIConnection"))

# Declare which version of dbplyr API is being called.
# @param con A \code{\link{dbConnect}} object, as returned by \code{dbConnect()}
# @name dbplyr_edition
dbplyr_edition.duckdb_connection <- function(con) {

# Description of the database connection
# @param con A \code{\link{dbConnect}} object, as returned by \code{dbConnect()}
# @name db_connection_describe
# @return
# String consisting of DuckDB version, user login name, operating system, R version and the name of database
db_connection_describe.duckdb_connection <- function(con) {
  info <- DBI::dbGetInfo(con)
    "DuckDB ", info$db.version, " [", Sys.info()["login"], "@",
    paste(Sys.info()[c("sysname", "release")], collapse = " "), ":",
    "R ", R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor, "/", info$dbname, "]"

duckdb_grepl <- function(pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE) {
  # https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/functions/patternmatching
  if (any(c(perl, fixed, useBytes))) {
    stop("Parameters `perl`, `fixed` and `useBytes` in grepl are not currently supported in DuckDB backend", call. = FALSE)

  sql_expr <- pkg_method("sql_expr", "dbplyr")

  if (ignore.case) {
    icpattern <- paste0("(?i)", pattern)
    sql_expr(REGEXP_MATCHES((!!x), (!!icpattern)))
  } else {
    sql_expr(REGEXP_MATCHES((!!x), (!!pattern)))

duckdb_n_distinct <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  sql <- pkg_method("sql", "dbplyr")
  check_dots_unnamed <- pkg_method("check_dots_unnamed", "rlang")

  if (missing(...)) {
    stop("`...` is absent, but must be supplied.")

  if (!identical(na.rm, FALSE)) {
    stop("Parameter `na.rm = TRUE` in n_distinct() is currently not supported in DuckDB backend.", call. = FALSE)

  # https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/data_types/struct.html#creating-structs-with-the-row-function
  str_struct <- paste0("row(", paste0(list(...), collapse = ", "), ")")

  sql(paste0("COUNT(DISTINCT ", str_struct, ")"))

# Customized translation functions for DuckDB SQL
# @param con A \code{\link{dbConnect}} object, as returned by \code{dbConnect()}
# @name sql_translation
sql_translation.duckdb_connection <- function(con) {
  sql_variant <- pkg_method("sql_variant", "dbplyr")
  sql_translator <- pkg_method("sql_translator", "dbplyr")
  sql <- pkg_method("sql", "dbplyr")
  build_sql <- pkg_method("build_sql", "dbplyr")
  sql_expr <- pkg_method("sql_expr", "dbplyr")
  sql_prefix <- pkg_method("sql_prefix", "dbplyr")
  sql_cast <- pkg_method("sql_cast", "dbplyr")
  sql_paste <- pkg_method("sql_paste", "dbplyr")
  sql_aggregate <- pkg_method("sql_aggregate", "dbplyr")
  sql_aggregate_2 <- pkg_method("sql_aggregate_2", "dbplyr")
  win_aggregate <- pkg_method("win_aggregate", "dbplyr")
  win_aggregate_2 <- pkg_method("win_aggregate_2", "dbplyr")
  win_over <- pkg_method("win_over", "dbplyr")
  win_current_order <- pkg_method("win_current_order", "dbplyr")
  win_current_group <- pkg_method("win_current_group", "dbplyr")

  base_scalar <- pkg_method("base_scalar", "dbplyr")
  base_agg <- pkg_method("base_agg", "dbplyr")
  base_win <- pkg_method("base_win", "dbplyr")

      .parent = base_scalar,
      as.raw = sql_cast("VARBINARY"),
      `%%` = function(a, b) sql_expr(FMOD(!!a, !!b)),
      `%/%` = function(a, b) sql_expr(FDIV(!!a, !!b)),
      `^` = sql_prefix("POW", 2),
      bitwOr = function(a, b) sql_expr((CAST((!!a) %AS% INTEGER)) | (CAST((!!b) %AS% INTEGER))),
      bitwAnd = function(a, b) sql_expr((CAST((!!a) %AS% INTEGER)) & (CAST((!!b) %AS% INTEGER))),
      bitwXor = function(a, b) sql_expr(XOR((CAST((!!a) %AS% INTEGER)), (CAST((!!b) %AS% INTEGER)))),
      bitwNot = function(a) sql_expr(~ (CAST((!!a) %AS% INTEGER))),
      bitwShiftL = function(a, b) sql_expr((CAST((!!a) %AS% INTEGER)) %<<% (CAST((!!b) %AS% INTEGER))),
      bitwShiftR = function(a, b) sql_expr((CAST((!!a) %AS% INTEGER)) %>>% (CAST((!!b) %AS% INTEGER))),
      log = function(x, base = exp(1)) {
        if (isTRUE(all.equal(base, exp(1)))) {
        } else if (base == 10) {
        } else if (base == 2) {
        } else {
          sql_expr(LOG(!!x) / LOG(!!base))
      log10 = sql_prefix("LOG10", 1),
      log2 = sql_prefix("LOG2", 1),

      # See https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb/issues/530 about NaN, infinites and NULL in DuckDB
      # The following is how R functions for detecting those should behave:
      # Function 	    Inf 	–Inf 	NaN 	NA
      # is.finite() 	FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
      # is.infinite() TRUE 	TRUE 	FALSE FALSE
      # is.nan() 	    FALSE FALSE TRUE 	FALSE
      # is.na() 	    FALSE FALSE TRUE 	TRUE
      # https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb/issues/3019
      #      is.na = function(a) build_sql("(", a, " IS NULL OR PRINTF('%f', ", a, ") = 'nan')"),
      is.nan = function(a) build_sql("(", a, " IS NOT NULL AND PRINTF('%f', ", a, ") = 'nan')"),
      is.infinite = function(a) build_sql("(", a, " IS NOT NULL AND REGEXP_MATCHES(PRINTF('%f', ", a, "), 'inf'))"),
      is.finite = function(a) build_sql("(NOT (", a, " IS NULL OR REGEXP_MATCHES(PRINTF('%f', ", a, "), 'inf|nan')))"),
      grepl = duckdb_grepl,

      # Return index where the first match starts,-1 if no match
      regexpr = function(p, x) {
        build_sql("(CASE WHEN REGEXP_MATCHES(", x, ", ", p, ") THEN (LENGTH(LIST_EXTRACT(STRING_SPLIT_REGEX(", x, ", ", p, "), 0))+1) ELSE -1 END)")
      round = function(x, digits = 0) sql_expr(ROUND_EVEN(!!x, CAST(ROUND((!!digits), 0L) %AS% INTEGER))),
      as.Date = sql_cast("DATE"),
      as.POSIXct = sql_cast("TIMESTAMP"),

      # lubridate functions

      month = function(x, label = FALSE, abbr = TRUE) {
        if (!label) {
          sql_expr(EXTRACT(MONTH %FROM% !!x))
        } else {
          if (abbr) {
            sql_expr(STRFTIME(!!x, "%b"))
          } else {
            sql_expr(STRFTIME(!!x, "%B"))
      quarter = function(x, type = "quarter", fiscal_start = 1, with_year = identical(type, "year.quarter")) {
        if (fiscal_start != 1) {
          stop("`fiscal_start` is not yet supported in DuckDB translation. Must be 1.", call. = FALSE)
        if (is.logical(type)) {
          type <- if (type) {
          } else {
        if (with_year) {
          type <- "year.quarter"
          quarter = {
            sql_expr(EXTRACT(QUARTER %FROM% !!x))
          year.quarter = {
            sql_expr((EXTRACT(YEAR %FROM% !!x) || "." || EXTRACT(QUARTER %FROM% !!x)))
          date_first = {
            sql_expr((CAST(DATE_TRUNC("QUARTER", !!x) %AS% DATE)))
          date_last = {
            sql_expr((CAST((DATE_TRUNC("QUARTER", !!x) + !!sql("INTERVAL '1 QUARTER'") - !!sql("INTERVAL '1 DAY'")) %AS% DATE)))
          stop(paste("Unsupported type", type), call. = FALSE)
      qday = function(x) {
        build_sql("DATE_DIFF('DAYS', DATE_TRUNC('QUARTER', CAST((", x, ") AS DATE)), (CAST((", x, ") AS DATE) + INTERVAL '1 DAY'))")
      wday = function(x, label = FALSE, abbr = TRUE, week_start = NULL) {
        if (!label) {
          week_start <- if (!is.null(week_start)) week_start else getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)
          offset <- as.integer(7 - week_start)
          sql_expr(EXTRACT("dow" %FROM% CAST((!!x) %AS% DATE) + !!offset) + 1L)
        } else if (label && !abbr) {
          sql_expr(STRFTIME(!!x, "%A"))
        } else if (label && abbr) {
          sql_expr(STRFTIME(!!x, "%a"))
        } else {
          stop("Unrecognized arguments to `wday`", call. = FALSE)
      yday = function(x) sql_expr(EXTRACT(DOY %FROM% !!x)),

      # These work fine internally, but getting INTERVAL-type data out of DuckDB
      # seems problematic until there is a fix for the issue #1920 / #2900
      # (https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb/issues/1920)
      seconds = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TO_SECONDS(CAST((!!x) %AS% BIGINT)))
      minutes = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TO_MINUTES(CAST((!!x) %AS% BIGINT)))
      hours = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TO_HOURS(CAST((!!x) %AS% BIGINT)))
      days = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TO_DAYS(CAST((!!x) %AS% INTEGER)))
      weeks = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TO_DAYS(7L * CAST((!!x) %AS% INTEGER)))
      months = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TO_MONTHS(CAST((!!x) %AS% INTEGER)))
      years = function(x) {
        sql_expr(TO_YEARS(CAST((!!x) %AS% INTEGER)))

      # Week_start algorithm: https://github.com/tidyverse/lubridate/issues/509#issuecomment-287030620
      floor_date = function(x, unit = "seconds", week_start = NULL) {
        if (unit %in% c("week", "weeks")) {
          week_start <- if (!is.null(week_start)) week_start else getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)
          if (week_start == 1) {
            sql_expr(DATE_TRUNC(!!unit, !!x))
          } else {
            offset <- as.integer(7 - week_start)
            sql_expr(CAST((!!x) %AS% DATE) - CAST(EXTRACT("dow" %FROM% CAST((!!x) %AS% DATE) + !!offset) %AS% INTEGER))
        } else {
          sql_expr(DATE_TRUNC(!!unit, !!x))
      paste = sql_paste(" "),
      paste0 = sql_paste(""),

      # clock
      add_days = function(x, n, ...) {
        build_sql("DATE_ADD(", !!x, ", INTERVAL '", n ," day')")
      add_years = function(x, n, ...) {
        build_sql("DATE_ADD(", !!x, ", INTERVAL '", n ," year')")
      get_year = function(x) {
        build_sql("DATE_PART('year', ", !!x, ")")
      get_month = function(x) {
        build_sql("DATE_PART('month', ", !!x, ")")
      get_day = function(x) {
        build_sql("DATE_PART('day', ", !!x, ")")
      date_count_between = function(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L){

        if (precision != "day") {
          stop('The only supported value for `precision` on SQL backends is "day"')
        if (n != 1) {
          stop('The only supported value for `n` on SQL backends is "1"')

        build_sql("DATEDIFF('day', ", !!start, ", " ,!!end, ")")


      # stringr functions
      str_c = sql_paste(""),
      str_detect = function(string, pattern, negate = FALSE) {
        if (negate) {
          sql_expr((NOT(REGEXP_MATCHES(!!string, !!pattern))))
        } else {
          sql_expr(REGEXP_MATCHES(!!string, !!pattern))
      str_replace = function(string, pattern, replacement) {
        sql_expr(REGEXP_REPLACE(!!string, !!pattern, !!replacement))
      str_replace_all = function(string, pattern, replacement) {
        sql_expr(REGEXP_REPLACE(!!string, !!pattern, !!replacement, "g"))
      str_squish = function(string) {
        sql_expr(TRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(!!string, "\\s+", " ", "g")))
      str_remove = function(string, pattern) {
        sql_expr(REGEXP_REPLACE(!!string, !!pattern, ""))
      str_remove_all = function(string, pattern) {
        sql_expr(REGEXP_REPLACE(!!string, !!pattern, "", "g"))
      #      str_to_title = function(string) {
      #        sql_expr(INITCAP(!!string))
      #      },
      str_to_sentence = function(string) {
        build_sql("(UPPER(", string, "[0]) || ", string, "[1:NULL])")
      # Respect OR (|) operator: https://github.com/tidyverse/stringr/pull/340
      str_starts = function(string, pattern) {
        build_sql("REGEXP_MATCHES(", string, ",'^(?:'||", pattern, "))")
      str_ends = function(string, pattern) {
        build_sql("REGEXP_MATCHES((?:", string, ",", pattern, "||')$')")
      # NOTE: GREATEST needed because DuckDB PAD-functions truncate the string if width < length of string
      str_pad = function(string, width, side = "left", pad = " ", use_length = FALSE) {
        if (side %in% c("left")) {
          sql_expr(LPAD(!!string, CAST(GREATEST(!!as.integer(width), LENGTH(!!string)) %AS% INTEGER), !!pad))
        } else if (side %in% c("right")) {
          sql_expr(RPAD(!!string, CAST(GREATEST(!!as.integer(width), LENGTH(!!string)) %AS% INTEGER), !!pad))
        } else if (side %in% c("both")) {
          sql_expr(RPAD(REPEAT(!!pad, (!!as.integer(width) - LENGTH(!!string)) / 2L) %||% !!string, CAST(GREATEST(!!as.integer(width), LENGTH(!!string)) %AS% INTEGER), !!pad))
        } else {
          stop('Argument \'side\' should be "left", "right" or "both"', call. = FALSE)
      .parent = base_agg,
      prod = sql_aggregate("PRODUCT"),
      cor = sql_aggregate_2("CORR"),
      cov = sql_aggregate_2("COVAR_SAMP"),
      sd = sql_aggregate("STDDEV", "sd"),
      var = sql_aggregate("VARIANCE", "var"),
      all = sql_aggregate("BOOL_AND", "all"),
      any = sql_aggregate("BOOL_OR", "any"),
      str_flatten = function(x, collapse) sql_expr(STRING_AGG(!!x, !!collapse)),
      first = sql_prefix("FIRST", 1),
      last = sql_prefix("LAST", 1),
      n_distinct = duckdb_n_distinct
      .parent = base_win,
      prod = win_aggregate("PRODUCT"),
      cor = win_aggregate_2("CORR"),
      cov = win_aggregate_2("COVAR_SAMP"),
      sd = win_aggregate("STDDEV"),
      var = win_aggregate("VARIANCE"),
      all = win_aggregate("BOOL_AND"),
      any = win_aggregate("BOOL_OR"),
      str_flatten = function(x, collapse) {
          sql_expr(STRING_AGG(!!x, !!collapse)),
          partition = win_current_group(),
          order = win_current_order()
      n_distinct =
        function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
            duckdb_n_distinct(..., na.rm = na.rm),
            partition = win_current_group()

# Customized translation for comparing to objects in DuckDB SQL
# @param con A \code{\link{dbConnect}} object, as returned by \code{dbConnect()}
# @param x First object to be compared
# @param y Second object to be compared
# @name sql_expr_matches
sql_expr_matches.duckdb_connection <- function(con, x, y) {
  build_sql <- pkg_method("build_sql", "dbplyr")
  # https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/expressions/comparison_operators
  build_sql(x, " IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ", y, con = con)

# Customized escape translation for date objects
# @param con A \code{\link{dbConnect}} object, as returned by \code{dbConnect()}
# @param x Date object to be escaped
# @name sql_escape_date
sql_escape_date.duckdb_connection <- function(con, x) {
  # https://github.com/tidyverse/dbplyr/issues/727
  dbQLit <- pkg_method("dbQuoteLiteral", "DBI")
  dbQLit(con, x)

# Customized escape translation for datetime objects
# @param con A \code{\link{dbConnect}} object, as returned by \code{dbConnect()}
# @param x Datetime object to be escaped
# @name sql_escape_datetime
sql_escape_datetime.duckdb_connection <- function(con, x) {
  dbQLit <- pkg_method("dbQuoteLiteral", "DBI")
  dbQLit(con, x)

# Customized handling for tbl() to allow the use of replacement scans
# @param src .con A \code{\link{dbConnect}} object, as returned by \code{dbConnect()}
# @param from Table or parquet/csv -files to be registered
# @param cache Enable object cache for parquet files
tbl.duckdb_connection <- function(src, from, ..., cache = FALSE) {
  if (!inherits(from, "sql") && !DBI::dbExistsTable(src, from)) {
    from <- dbplyr::sql(paste0("FROM ", from))
  if (cache) DBI::dbExecute(src, "PRAGMA enable_object_cache")

#' Create a lazy table from a Parquet or SQL file
#' `tbl_file()` is an experimental variant of [dplyr::tbl()] to directly access files on disk.
#' It is safer than `dplyr::tbl()` because there is no risk of misinterpreting the request,
#' and paths with special characters are supported.
#' @param src A duckdb connection object
#' @param path Path to existing Parquet, CSV or JSON file
#' @param cache Enable object cache for Parquet files
#' @export
#' @rdname backend-duckdb
tbl_file <- function(src, path, ..., cache = FALSE) {
  if (...length() > 0) {
    stop("... must be empty.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!file.exists(path)) {
    stop("File '", path, "' not found", call. = FALSE)
  if (grepl("'", path)) {
    stop("File '", path, "' contains a single quote, this is not supported", call. = FALSE)
  tbl_query(src, paste0("'", path, "'"), cache = cache)

#' Create a lazy table from a query
#' `tbl_query()` is an experimental variant of [dplyr::tbl()]
#' to create a lazy table from a table-generating function,
#' useful for reading nonstandard CSV files or other data sources.
#' It is safer than `dplyr::tbl()` because there is no risk of misinterpreting the query.
#' Use `dplyr::tbl(src, dplyr::sql("SELECT ... FROM ..."))` for custom SQL queries.
#' See <https://duckdb.org/docs/data/overview> for details on data importing functions.
#' @param query SQL code, omitting the `FROM` clause
#' @export
#' @rdname backend-duckdb
tbl_query <- function(src, query, ..., cache = FALSE) {
  if (cache) DBI::dbExecute(src, "PRAGMA enable_object_cache")
  table <- dplyr::sql(paste0("FROM ", query))
  dplyr::tbl(src, table)

# Needed to suppress the R CHECK notes (due to the use of sql_expr)

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duckdb documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.