#' @importFrom ashr normalmix
init_g_for_npmle <- function(x,
scale = "estimate",
min_K = 3,
max_K = 300,
KLdiv_target = 1 / length(x),
force_pointmass = FALSE) {
# Default is to use point masses:
normalmix_sd <- 0
if (identical(scale, "estimate")) {
if (force_pointmass || (diff(range(x))) / max_K < 3 * min(s)) {
# Use point-mass mixture.
scale <- ebnm_scale_npmle(
x, s, min_K, max_K, KLdiv_target, pointmass = TRUE
} else {
# Use Gaussian mixture.
scale <- ebnm_scale_npmle(
x, s, min_K, max_K, KLdiv_target, pointmass = FALSE
normalmix_sd <- scale / 2
grid <- seq(min(x), max(x), by = scale)
ncomp <- length(grid)
g_init <- normalmix(pi = rep(1 / ncomp, ncomp),
mean = grid,
sd = normalmix_sd)
#' Set scale parameter for NPMLE and deconvolveR prior family
#' The default method for setting the \code{scale} parameter for functions
#' \code{\link{ebnm_npmle}} and \code{\link{ebnm_deconvolver}}.
#' @inheritParams ebnm_npmle
#' @param min_K The minimum number of components \eqn{K} to include in the
#' mixture of point masses used to approximate the nonparametric family of
#' all distributions.
#' @param max_K The maximum number of components \eqn{K} to include in the
#' approximating mixture of point masses.
#' @param KLdiv_target The desired bound \eqn{\kappa} on the KL-divergence from
#' the solution obtained using the approximating mixture to the exact
#' solution. More precisely, the scale parameter is set such that given
#' the exact MLE
#' \deqn{\hat{g} := \mathrm{argmax}_{g \in G} L(g),}
#' where \eqn{G} is the full nonparametric family, and given the MLE for the
#' approximating family \eqn{\tilde{G}}
#' \deqn{\tilde{g} := \mathrm{argmax}_{g \in \tilde{G}} L(g),}
#' we have that
#' \deqn{\mathrm{KL}(\hat{g} \ast N(0, s^2) \mid \tilde{g} \ast N(0, s^2)) \le \kappa,}
#' where \eqn{\ast \ N(0, s^2)} denotes convolution with the normal error
#' distribution (the derivation of the bound assumes homoskedastic
#' observations). For details, see \strong{References} below.
#' @param pointmass When the range of the data is so large that \code{max_K}
#' point masses cannot provide a good approximation to the family of all
#' distributions, then \code{ebnm} will instead use a mixture of normal
#' distributions, with the standard deviation of each component equal to
#' \code{scale}\eqn{/ 2}. Setting \code{pointmass = FALSE} gives the
#' default \code{scale} for this mixture of normal distributions.
#' To be exact, \code{ebnm} uses a mixture of normal distributions rather than
#' a mixture of point masses when
#' \deqn{\frac{\max(x) - \min(x)}{\min(s)} > 3 \ \mathrm{max}_K;} for a
#' rationale, see \strong{References} below. Note however that \code{ebnm}
#' only uses a mixture of normal distributions when \code{scale = "estimate"};
#' if parameter \code{scale} is set manually, then a mixture of point masses
#' will be used in all cases. To use a mixture of normal distributions with
#' the scale set manually, an object created by the constructor function
#' \code{\link[ashr]{normalmix}} must be provided as argument to parameter
#' \code{g_init} in function \code{\link{ebnm_npmle}} or function
#' \code{\link{ebnm_deconvolver}}.
#' @references
#' Jason Willwerscheid (2021).
#' \emph{Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization: Methods and Applications}.
#' University of Chicago, PhD dissertation.
#' @export
ebnm_scale_npmle <- function(x,
min_K = 3,
max_K = 300,
KLdiv_target = 1 / length(x),
pointmass = TRUE) {
if (pointmass) {
scale <- min(s) * (64 * KLdiv_target)^(1 / 4)
} else {
scale <- 2 * min(s) * sqrt(exp(2 * KLdiv_target) - 1)
xrange <- diff(range(x))
ncomp <- min(max(min_K - 1, ceiling(xrange / scale)), max_K - 1) + 1
return(xrange / (ncomp - 1))
#' Set scale parameter for scale mixtures of normals
#' The default method for setting the \code{scale} parameter for function
#' \code{\link{ebnm_normal_scale_mixture}}.
#' @inherit ebnm_scale_npmle
#' @param mode A scalar specifying the mode of the prior \eqn{g}.
#' @param min_K The minimum number of components \eqn{K} to include in the
#' finite mixture of normal distributions used to approximate the
#' nonparametric family of scale mixtures of normals.
#' @param max_K The maximum number of components \eqn{K} to include in the
#' approximating mixture of normal distributions.
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @export
ebnm_scale_normalmix <- function(x,
mode = 0,
min_K = 3,
max_K = 300,
KLdiv_target = 1 / length(x)) {
max_x2 <- max((x - mode)^2)
min_s2 <- min(s)^2
max_mult <- (max(max_x2 / min_s2, 1) + 1)^(1 / (min_K - 1)) + 1e-8
min_mult <- max_mult^((min_K - 1) / (max_K - 1)) - 1e-8
grid_mult <- approx(
y = smngrid$m,
x = log(smngrid$KL),
xout = log(KLdiv_target),
rule = 2
grid_mult <- min(max(grid_mult, min_mult), max_mult)
K <- ceiling(log(max(max_x2 / min_s2, 1) + 1, base = grid_mult)) + 1
scale <- sqrt(min_s2 * (grid_mult^(0:(K - 1)) - 1))
#' Set scale parameter for nonparametric unimodal prior families
#' The default method for setting the \code{scale} parameter for functions
#' \code{\link{ebnm_unimodal}}, \code{\link{ebnm_unimodal_symmetric}},
#' \code{\link{ebnm_unimodal_nonnegative}}, and
#' \code{\link{ebnm_unimodal_nonpositive}}.
#' @inherit ebnm_scale_normalmix
#' @param min_K The minimum number of components \eqn{K} to include in the
#' finite mixture of uniform distributions used to approximate the
#' nonparametric family of unimodal distributions.
#' @param max_K The maximum number of components \eqn{K} to include in the
#' approximating mixture of uniform distributions.
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%`
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr filter arrange pull
#' @export
ebnm_scale_unimix <- function(x,
mode = 0,
min_K = 3,
max_K = 300,
KLdiv_target = 1 / length(x)) {
max_x <- max(abs(x - mode))
min_s <- min(s)
max_K <- min(max_K, max(symmunigrid$idx))
# Trim grids to have desired number of components:
grids <- symmunigrid %>%
filter(.data[["idx"]] <= max_K) %>%
# Remove grids that are too fine to span the range of the data:
KLs <- grids %>%
filter(.data[["idx"]] == max_K) %>%
filter(.data[["loc"]] > max_x / min_s) %>%
# Remove grids that are too coarse to give the required number of components:
KLs <- grids %>%
filter(.data[["KL"]] %in% KLs,.data[["idx"]] == min_K) %>%
filter(.data[["loc"]] < max_x / min_s) %>%
if (length(KLs) == 0) {
# Bail and use the scale mixture of normals grid:
scale <- ebnm_scale_normalmix(
x = (x - mode) / min_s,
s = 1,
mode = 0,
min_K = max_K,
max_K = max_K,
KLdiv_target = KLdiv_target
} else if (KLdiv_target <= min(KLs)) {
scale <- grids %>%
filter(.data[["KL"]] == min(KLs)) %>%
} else if (KLdiv_target >= max(KLs)) {
scale <- grids %>%
filter(.data[["KL"]] == max(KLs)) %>%
} else {
# Select the two grids that are nearest the target KL:
lower_KL <- max(KLs[KLs <= KLdiv_target])
upper_KL <- min(KLs[KLs > KLdiv_target])
lower_grid <- grids %>%
filter(.data[["KL"]] == lower_KL) %>%
upper_grid <- grids %>%
filter(.data[["KL"]] == upper_KL) %>%
# Interpolate:
prop <- (log(KLdiv_target) - log(lower_KL)) / (log(upper_KL) - log(lower_KL))
scale <- lower_grid + prop * (upper_grid - lower_grid)
# Trim grid and re-scale:
scale <- min_s * scale
K <- min(sum(scale < max_x) + 1, max_K)
scale <- scale[1:K]
get_ashr_grid <- function(x,
mode = 0,
grid_mult = sqrt(2)) {
# Adapted from ashr:::autoselect.mixsd.
sigmamin <- min(s[s > 0]) / 10
sigmamax <- max(8 * sigmamin, 2 * sqrt(max((x - mode)^2 - s^2, 0)))
npoint <- ceiling(log2(sigmamax / sigmamin) / log2(grid_mult))
scale <- grid_mult^((-npoint):0) * sigmamax
scale <- c(0, scale)
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