
Defines functions ecospat.margin ecospat.niche.dyn.index ecospat.shift.centroids ecospat.plot.niche.dyn ecospat.grid.clim.dyn ecospat.kd

Documented in ecospat.grid.clim.dyn ecospat.margin ecospat.niche.dyn.index ecospat.plot.niche.dyn ecospat.shift.centroids

## Written by Olivier Broennimann and Blaise Petitpierre. Departement of Ecology and Evolution (DEE).
## University of Lausanne. Switzerland. April 2012.
## functions to perform measures of niche overlap and niche equivalency/similarity tests as described in Broennimann et al. (submitted)
## list of functions:
## ecospat.kd(x,ext,R = 100,th = 0 ,env.mask = c(),method = 'adehabitat')
## wrapper function to draw smoothed densities in the environmental space using different methods
## x = environmental  scores (along one or two dimension)
## ext = extent along the environmental score. Vector including corresponding to c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). The y component is optional.
## th = percentile threshold used to delineate the niche. 0 means that all occurences are included within the niche. 0.05 means that 95 % of the distribution is included within the niche.
## env.mask = SpatRaster of vector containing the environmental background densities
## method = method used to draw the kernel density distribution. By default, 'adehabitat' uses kernelUD from the library adehabitatHR but you can set it to 'ks' to use the the algorithm from the ks library
## extend.extent = vector with extention values of the window size (see details)
## grid.clim.dyn(glob,glob1,sp,R,th.sp,th.env)
## use the scores of an ordination (or SDM predictions) and create a grid z of RxR pixels
## (or a vector of R pixels when using scores of dimension 1 or SDM predictions) with occurrence densities
## Only scores of one, or two dimensions can be used
## sp= scores for the occurrences of the species in the ordination, glob = scores for the whole studies areas, glob 1 = scores for the range of sp
## R= resolution of the grid, th.sp=quantile of species densitie at species occurences used as a threshold to exclude low species density values,
## th.env=The quantile used to delimit a threshold to exclude low environmental density values of the study area.
## geomask= a geographical mask to delimit the background extent if the analysis takes place in the geographical space. It can be a SpatialPolygon or a SpatRaster object. Note that the CRS should be the same as the one used for the points.
## kernel.method = method used to estimate the the kernel density. The initial and original method is 'adehabitat', while 'ks' has been recently implemented for future developments in multidimensional space
## dynamic.index(z1,z2,intersection=NA)
## calculate niche expansion, stability and unfilling
## z1 : gridclim object for the native distribution
## z2 : gridclim object for the invaded range
## intersection : quantile of the environmental density used to remove marginal climates.
## If intersection = NA, analysis is performed on the whole environmental extent (native and invaded)
## If intersection = 0, analysis is performed at the intersection between native and invaded range
## If intersection = 0.05, analysis is performed at the intersection of the 5th quantile of both native and invaded environmental densities
## etc...
## plot.niche.dyn(z1,z2,quant,title,interest,colz1,colz2,colinter,colZ1=,colZ2=)
## plot niche categories and species density
## z1 : gridclim object for the native distribution
## z2 : gridclim object for the invaded range
## quant : quantile of the environmental density used to delimit marginal climates.
## title : title of the figure
## interest : choose which density to plot. If interest = 0, plot no densitiy, if interest=1 plot native density, if interest=2 plot invasive density
## colz1 : color used to depict unfilling area
## colz2 : color used to depict expansion area
## colinter : color used to depict overlap area
## colZ1 : color used to delimit the native extent
## colZ2 : color used to delimit the invaded extent
## ecospat.shift.centroids(sp1,sp2,clim1,clim2)
## draw arrows linking the centroid of the native and inasive distribution (continuous line) and between native and invaded extent (dashed line)
## sp1 : scores of the species native distribution along the the 2 first axes of the PCA
## sp2 : scores of the species invasive distribution along the the 2 first axes of the PCA
## clim1 : scores of the entire native extent along the the 2 first axes of the PCA
## clim2 : scores of the entire invaded extent along the the 2 first axes of the PCA
## ecospat.margin
## Shows the limit of the niche in the environmental space
## z : object resulting form the ecospat.grid.clim.dyn function
## th : percentile threshold used to delineate the niche. 0 means that all occurrences are included within the niche. 0.05 means that 95 % of the distribution is included within the niche.
## kern.method : method used to draw the kernel density distribution. By default, 'adehabitat' uses kernelUD from the library adehabitatHR but you can set it to 'ks' to use the the algorithm from the ks library
## bootstrap : bootstrap approach to estimate the limite of the niche. The occurrences are resampled and the niche margin is drawn for each resampling
## bootstrap.rep : number of resamplings if the boostrap is selected. 100 is a minimum, 1000 would be better
## bootstrap.ncore = number of cores to use for parallelization if the boostrap estimation is selected
## it returns 3 objects
## niche.density : a SpatRaster of the niche density
## niche.envelope : a SpatRaster of the niche envelope in the environmental space. If boostrap is selected, it shows the percentages of confidence of the margin.
## niche.contour : a SpatialLine object delineating the contour of the niche. If bootstrap is selected, it represents the contour if the 95% confidence interval


ecospat.kd <- function(x, ext, R = 100, th = 0, env.mask = c(),
                       method = "adehabitat") {
  if (method == "adehabitat") {
    if (ncol(x) == 2) {
      xr <- data.frame(cbind(
        (x[, 1] - ext[1]) / abs(ext[2] - ext[1]),
        (x[, 2] - ext[3]) / abs(ext[4] - ext[3])
      )) # data preparation
      mask <- adehabitatMA::ascgen(sp::SpatialPoints(cbind((0:(R)) / R, (0:(R) / R))),
                                   nrcol = R - 2, count = FALSE
      ) # data preparation
      x.dens <- adehabitatHR::kernelUD(sp::SpatialPoints(xr[, 1:2]),
                                       h = "href", grid = mask,
                                       kern = "bivnorm"
      ) # calculate the density of occurrences in a grid of RxR pixels along the score gradients
      x.dens <- terra::rast(
        matrix(x.dens$ud,nrow = R)
        xmin = ext[1], 
        xmax = ext[2], 
        ymin = ext[3],
        ymax = ext[4]
      if (!is.null(th)) {
        th.value <- quantile(terra::extract(x.dens, x)[,1], th)
        x.dens[x.dens < th.value] <- 0
      if (!is.null(env.mask)) {
        x.dens <- x.dens * env.mask
    } else if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      xr <- seq(from = min(ext), to = max(ext), length.out = R) # breaks on score gradient 1
      x.dens <- density(x[, 1],
                        kernel = "gaussian", from = min(xr), to = max(xr),
                        n = R, cut = 0
      ) # calculate the density of occurrences in a vector of R pixels along the score gradient
      # using a gaussian kernel density function, with R bins.
      if (!is.null(env.mask)) {
        x.dens$y <- x.dens$y * env.mask
      if (!is.null(th)) {
        xr <- sapply(x, findInterval, x.dens$x)
        th.value <- quantile(x.dens$y[xr], th)
        sprm <- which(x.dens$y < th.value)
        x.dens$y[sprm] <- 0 # remove infinitesimally small number generated by kernel density function
  if (method == "ks") {
    if (ncol(x) == 2) {
      x.dens <- ks::kde(x,
                        xmin = ext[c(1, 3)],
                        xmax = ext[c(2, 4)], gridsize = c(R, R)
      x.dens <- terra::flip(terra::t(terra::rast(x.dens$estimate)), direction = "vertical")
      terra::ext(x.dens) <- c(
        xmin = ext[1], xmax = ext[2], ymin = ext[3],
        ymax = ext[4]
      if (!is.null(th)) {
        th.value <- quantile(terra::extract(x.dens, x)[,1], th)
        x.dens[x.dens < th.value] <- 0
      if (!is.null(env.mask)) {
        x.dens <- x.dens * env.mask
    } else if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      x.dens <- ks::kde(x,
                        xmin = min(ext),
                        xmax = max(ext), gridsize = c(R, R)
      x.dens$y <- x.dens$estimate
      x.dens$x <- x.dens$eval.points
      if (!is.null(env.mask)) {
        x.dens$y <- x.dens$y * env.mask
      if (!is.null(th)) {
        xr <- sapply(x, findInterval, x.dens$x)
        th.value <- quantile(x.dens$y[xr], th)
        sprm <- which(x.dens$y < th.value)
        x.dens$y[sprm] <- 0 # remove infinitesimally small number generated by kernel density function

ecospat.grid.clim.dyn <- function(glob, glob1, sp, R = 100, th.sp = 0,
                                  th.env = 0, geomask = NULL,
                                  kernel.method = "adehabitat",
                                  extend.extent = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
  if (is.null(kernel.method) | (kernel.method != "ks" & kernel.method != "adehabitat")) {
    stop("supply a kernel method ('adehabitat' or 'ks')")
  glob <- as.matrix(glob)
  glob1 <- as.matrix(glob1)
  sp <- as.matrix(sp)
  l <- list()
  if (ncol(glob) > 2) {
    stop("cannot calculate overlap with more than two axes")
  if (ncol(glob) == 1) {
    # if scores in one dimension (e.g. LDA,SDM predictions,...)
    xmin <- min(glob[, 1]) + extend.extent[1]
    xmax <- max(glob[, 1]) + extend.extent[2]
    glob1.dens <- ecospat.kd(x = glob1, ext = c(xmin, xmax), method = kernel.method, th = th.env, R = R)
    sp.dens <- ecospat.kd(
      x = sp, ext = c(xmin, xmax), method = kernel.method, th = th.sp, R = R,
      env.mask = glob1.dens$y > 0
    x <- sp.dens$x
    y <- sp.dens$y
    z <- sp.dens$y * nrow(sp) / sum(sp.dens$y) # rescale density to the number of occurrences in sp, ie. number of occurrence/pixel
    Z <- glob1.dens$y * nrow(glob) / sum(glob1.dens$y) # rescale density to the number of sites in glob1
    z.uncor <- z / max(z) # rescale between [0:1] for comparison with other species
    z.cor <- z / Z # correct for environment prevalence
    z.cor[is.na(z.cor)] <- 0 # remove n/0 situations
    z.cor[z.cor == "Inf"] <- 0 # remove 0/0 situations
    z.cor <- z.cor / max(z.cor) # rescale between [0:1] for comparison with other species
  if (ncol(glob) == 2) {
    # if scores in two dimensions (e.g. PCA)
    xmin <- apply(glob, 2, min, na.rm = T)
    xmax <- apply(glob, 2, max, na.rm = T)
    ext <- c(xmin[1], xmax[1], xmin[2], xmax[2]) + extend.extent
    glob1.dens <- ecospat.kd(x = glob1, ext = ext, method = kernel.method, th = th.env, R = R)
    if (!is.null(geomask)) {
      terra::crs(geomask) <- NA
      glob1.dens <- terra::mask(glob1.dens, geomask, updatevalue = 0) # Geographical mask in the case if the analysis takes place in the geographical space
    sp.dens <- ecospat.kd(
      x = sp, ext = ext, method = kernel.method, th = th.sp, R =R,
      env.mask = glob1.dens > 0
    x <- seq(from = ext[1], to = ext[2], length.out = R)
    y <- seq(from = ext[3], to = ext[4], length.out = R)
    l$y <- y
    Z <- glob1.dens * nrow(glob1) / terra::global(glob1.dens, "sum")$sum # rescale density to the number of occurrences in sp, ie. number of occurrence/pixel
    z <- sp.dens * nrow(sp) / terra::global(sp.dens, "sum")$sum  # rescale density to the number of occurrences in sp, ie. number of occurrence/pixel
    z.uncor <- z / terra::global(z, "max")$max
    z.cor <- z / Z # correct for environment prevalence
    z.cor[is.na(z.cor)] <- 0 # remove n/0 situations
    z.cor <- z.cor / terra::global(z.cor, "max")$max
  w <- z.uncor # niche envelope
  w[w > 0] <- 1
  l$x <- x
  l$z <- z
  l$z.uncor <- z.uncor
  l$z.cor <- z.cor
  l$Z <- Z
  l$glob <- glob
  l$glob1 <- glob1
  l$sp <- sp
  l$w <- w

ecospat.plot.niche.dyn <- function(z1, z2, intersection=0, title = "", name.axis1 = "Axis 1",
                                   name.axis2 = "Axis 2", interest = 1, 
                                   col.abn = "lightgreen", col.unf = "green",
                                   col.exp = "red", col.stab = "blue", 
                                   col.pio = "pink", col.NA = "grey",
                                   colZ1 = "green3", colZ2 = "red3", transparency = 70,...) {
  t_col <- function(color, percent = 50, name = NULL) {
    ## Get RGB values for named color
    rgb.val <- col2rgb(color)
    ## Make new color using input color as base and alpha set by transparency
    t.col <- rgb(rgb.val[1], rgb.val[2], rgb.val[3],
                 alpha = (100 - percent) * 255 / 100,
                 names = name,
                 maxColorValue = 255)
  col.abn = t_col(col.abn,transparency)
  col.unf = t_col(col.unf,transparency)
  col.exp = t_col(col.exp,transparency)
  col.stab = t_col(col.stab,transparency)
  col.pio = t_col(col.pio,transparency)
  col.NA = t_col(col.NA,transparency)
  cat <- ecospat.niche.dyn.index(z1, z2, intersection)$dyn

  if (is.null(z1$y)) {
    R <- length(z1$x)
    x <- z1$x
    xx <- sort(rep(1:length(x), 2))
    y1 <- z1$z.uncor / max(z1$z.uncor)
    Y1 <- z1$Z / max(z1$Z)
    if (intersection > 0) {
      Y1.quant <- quantile(as.matrix(z1$Z)[which(as.matrix(z1$Z) > 0)], probs = seq(0, 1, intersection))[2] / max(as.matrix(z1$Z))
    } else {
      Y1.quant <- 0
    Y1.quant <- Y1 - Y1.quant
    Y1.quant[Y1.quant < 0] <- 0
    yy1 <- sort(rep(1:length(y1), 2))[-c(1:2, length(y1) * 2)]
    YY1 <- sort(rep(1:length(Y1), 2))[-c(1:2, length(Y1) * 2)]
    y2 <- z2$z.uncor / max(z2$z.uncor)
    Y2 <- z2$Z / max(z2$Z)
    if (intersection > 0) {
      Y2.quant <- quantile(as.matrix(z2$Z)[which(as.matrix(z2$Z) > 0)], probs = seq(0, 1, intersection))[2] / max(as.matrix(z2$Z))
    } else {
      Y2.quant <- 0
    Y2.quant <- Y2 - Y2.quant
    Y2.quant[Y2.quant < 0] <- 0
    yy2 <- sort(rep(1:length(y2), 2))[-c(1:2, length(y2) * 2)]
    YY2 <- sort(rep(1:length(Y2), 2))[-c(1:2, length(Y2) * 2)]
    plot(x, y1, type = "n", xlab = name.axis1, ylab = "density of occurrences",
         main = title)
    polygon(x[xx], c(0, y1[yy1], 0, 0), col = col.unf, border = 0)
    polygon(x[xx], c(0, y2[yy2], 0, 0), col = col.exp, border = 0)
    polygon(x[xx], c(
      0, apply(cbind(y2[yy2], y1[yy1]), 1, min, na.exclude = TRUE),
      0, 0
    ), col = col.stab, border = 0)
    lines(x[xx], c(0, Y2.quant[YY2], 0, 0), col = colZ2, lty = "dashed")
    lines(x[xx], c(0, Y1.quant[YY1], 0, 0), col = colZ1, lty = "dashed")
    lines(x[xx], c(0, Y2[YY2], 0, 0), col = colZ2)
    lines(x[xx], c(0, Y1[YY1], 0, 0), col = colZ1)
    segments(x0 = min(x[xx]), y0 = 0, x1 = max(x[xx]), y1 = 0, col = "white")

    seg.cat <- function(inter, cat, col.abn, col.unf, col.stab,
                        col.exp,col.pio, col.NA) {
      if (inter[3] == 0) {
        my.col <- 0
      if (inter[3] == 1) {
        my.col <- col.abn
      if (inter[3] == 2) {
        my.col <- col.unf
      if (inter[3] == 3) {
        my.col <- col.stab
      if (inter[3] == 4) {
        my.col <- col.exp
      if (inter[3] == 5) {
        my.col <- col.pio
      if (inter[3] == 6) {
        my.col <- col.NA
        x0 = inter[1], y0 = -0.01, y1 = -0.01, x1 = inter[2],
        col = my.col, lwd = 4, lty = 2
    inter <- cbind(z1$x[-length(z1$x)], z1$x[-1], cat[-1][])
    apply(inter, 1, seg.cat, col.unf = col.unf, col.exp = col.exp, 
          col.stab= col.stab, col.pio = col.pio, col.abn = col.abn,
          col.NA = col.NA)
  if (!is.null(z1$y)) {
    # assign the correct color to each category of the niche
    col_category<-c("#FFFFFF", col.abn, col.unf, 
                    col.stab,col.exp, col.pio, col.NA)[sort(1+(unique(terra::values(cat))))]
    if (interest == 1) {
      terra::plot(z1$z.uncor,col=gray(100:0 / 100),legend=FALSE, xlab = name.axis1, 
           ylab = name.axis2,mar = c(3.1,3.1,2.1,3.1))      
    if (interest == 2) {
      terra::plot(z2$z.uncor,col=gray(100:0 / 100),legend=FALSE,xlab = name.axis1, 
           ylab = name.axis2,mar = c(3.1,3.1,2.1,3.1))
    if (interest == 0){
                  legend=FALSE, box = TRUE,xlab = name.axis1, 
                  ylab = name.axis2,mar = c(3.1,3.1,2.1,3.1))
                  add = TRUE,legend=FALSE, box = TRUE)
      z1$Z, add = TRUE, levels = quantile(z1$Z[z1$Z > 0], c(0, intersection)),
      drawlabels = FALSE, lty = c(1, 2), col = colZ1
      z2$Z, add = TRUE, levels = quantile(z2$Z[z2$Z > 0], c(0, intersection)),
      drawlabels = FALSE, lty = c(1, 2), col = colZ2


ecospat.shift.centroids <- function(sp1, sp2, clim1, clim2, col = "red") {
  if (ncol(as.matrix(sp1)) == 2) {
    arrows(median(sp1[, 1]), median(sp1[, 2]), median(sp2[, 1]), median(sp2[
    ]), col = col, lwd = 2, length = 0.1)
    arrows(median(clim1[, 1]), median(clim1[, 2]), median(clim2[, 1]),
           median(clim2[, 2]),
           lty = "11", col = col, lwd = 2, length = 0.1
  } else {
    arrows(median(sp1), 0.025, median(sp2), 0.025,
           col = col, lwd = 2,
           length = 0.1
    arrows(median(clim1), -0.025, median(clim2), -0.025,
           lty = "11", col = col,
           lwd = 2, length = 0.1


ecospat.niche.dyn.index <- function(z1, z2, intersection = 0) {
  w1.full <- as.matrix(z1$w) # native environmental distribution mask
  w2.full <- as.matrix(z2$w) # invaded environmental distribution mask
  glob1 <- as.matrix(z1$Z) # Native environmental extent densities
  glob2 <- as.matrix(z2$Z) # Invaded environmental extent densities
  if (intersection >0){
    quant.val.z1 <- quantile(glob1[glob1 > 0], probs = seq(0, 1, intersection))[2] # threshold do delimit native environmental mask
    quant.val.z2 <- quantile(glob2[glob2 > 0], probs = seq(0, 1, intersection))[2] # threshold do delimit native environmental mask
  if (intersection == 0){
    quant.val.z1 <- 0
    quant.val.z2 <- 0

  glob<- (glob1 > quant.val.z1) * (glob2 > quant.val.z2) # delimitation of the intersection between the native and invaded extents
  w1 <- w1.full * glob # Environmental native distribution at the intersection
  w2 <- w2.full * glob # Environmental invasive distribution at the intersection
  z.pio.cat <- (((glob2>quant.val.z2) - (glob1>quant.val.z1))==1) * (w2.full * (glob2 > quant.val.z2)) # categorizing pioneering pixels
  z.exp.cat <- 1*(((w1 + 2 * w2) / 2)==1)# categorizing expansion pixels ## replace as.numeric with 1* because error with niche similarity test
  z.stable.cat <- 1*((w1 + 2 * w2)==3) # categorizing stable pixels
  z.unf.cat <- 1*((w1 + 2 * w2) == 1)# categorizing unfilling pixels 
  z.abn.cat <- (((glob1>quant.val.z1) - (glob2>quant.val.z2))==1) * (w1.full * (glob1 > quant.val.z1))# categorizing abandonment pixels
  z.na.cat<- ((w1.full + w2.full)>0) - 
   ((z.pio.cat + z.exp.cat + z.stable.cat + z.unf.cat + z.abn.cat)>0)# categorizing pixels in non-analog environment

  obs.pio <- as.matrix(z2$z.uncor) * as.matrix(z.pio.cat) # density correction
  obs.exp <- as.matrix(z2$z.uncor) * as.matrix(z.exp.cat) # density correction
  obs.stab <- as.matrix(z2$z.uncor) * as.matrix(z.stable.cat) # density correction
  obs.unf <- as.matrix(z1$z.uncor) * as.matrix(z.unf.cat) # density correction
  obs.abn <- as.matrix(z1$z.uncor) * as.matrix(z.abn.cat) # density correction
  dyn <- z.abn.cat+ (2 * z.unf.cat) + (3 * z.stable.cat) + (4 * z.exp.cat) +
    (5 * z.pio.cat) 
  dyn[z.na.cat[]==1] <- 6
  if (!is.null(z1$y)) {
    dyn <- terra::rast(matrix(dyn,nrow = dim(z1$w)[1],ncol=dim(z1$w)[2],byrow = TRUE))
    terra::ext(dyn) <- terra::ext(c(
  } # draw matrix with 5 categories of niche dynamic
  expansion.index.w <- sum(obs.exp) / sum(obs.stab + obs.exp) # expansion
  stability.index.w <- sum(obs.stab) / sum(obs.stab + obs.exp) # stability
  unfilling.index.w <- sum(obs.unf) / sum(obs.unf + (z.stable.cat *as.matrix(z1$z.uncor))) # unfilling
  expansion.index.w[is.nan(expansion.index.w)]<-0 # correction for 0/0
  stability.index.w[is.nan(stability.index.w)]<-0 # correction for 0/0
  unfilling.index.w[is.nan(unfilling.index.w)]<-0 # correction for 0/0
  # quantify niche categories
  z1_z2<-sum(as.matrix(z1$z.uncor) * as.matrix(z.stable.cat))
  #fill the list of objects
  part <- list()
  part$dyn <- dyn
  part$dynamic.index.w <- c(expansion.index.w, stability.index.w, unfilling.index.w)
  names(part$dynamic.index.w) <- c("expansion", "stability", "unfilling")
  part$category_quantity <- c(z2_only_NA, z2_only_A, z2_z1,
                              z1_only_NA, z1_only_A, z1_z2)
  names(part$category_quantity) <- c("z2_only_NA", "z2_only_A", "z2_z1",
                                     "z1_only_NA", "z1_only_A","z1_z2")


ecospat.margin <- function(z, th.quant = 0, kern.method = "adehabitat",
                           bootstrap = FALSE, bootstrap.rep = 100, bootstrap.ncore = 1) {
  if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"dplyr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  niche.dens <- ecospat.kd(
    x = z$sp, ext = c(min(z$x), max(z$x), min(z$y), max(z$y)), R = length(z$x),
    th = th.quant, env.mask = z$Z > 0, method = kern.method
  niche.envelope <- (niche.dens > 0) / (niche.dens > 0)
  niche.contour <- terra::as.polygons(niche.envelope, dissolve = TRUE)
  if (bootstrap == T) {
    my.df <- dplyr::as_tibble(z$sp) # convert to tibble to do faster resampling
    bst <- list()
    bst <- vector(mode = "list", length = bootstrap.rep)
    if (bootstrap.ncore < 4 | bootstrap.rep <= 1000) { # resampled data
      bst <- lapply(bst, function(x) as.matrix(dplyr::sample_n(my.df, nrow(my.df), replace = T))) #
    } else {
      CL <- parallel::makeCluster(bootstrap.ncore)
      parallel::clusterExport(CL, varlist = c("my.df", "bst"), envir = environment())
      bst <- parallel::parLapply(CL, bst, function(x) as.matrix(dplyr::sample_n(my.df, nrow(my.df))))
    if (bootstrap.ncore == 1) {
      my.mask <- z$Z > 0
      cpoints <- lapply(bst, ecospat.kd,
                        ext = c(min(z$x), max(z$x), min(z$y), max(z$y)), R = length(z$x),
                        th = th.quant, env.mask = z$Z > 0, method = kern.method
      ) # compute kernel density on the resampled data
      bin.bst <- lapply(cpoints, function(x) x > 0) ## binarized kernel distribution
    } else {
      ext <- c(min(z$x), max(z$x), min(z$y), max(z$y))
      R <- length(z$x)
      env.mask <- z$Z > 0
      CL <- parallel::makeCluster(bootstrap.ncore)
                              varlist = c(
                                "bst", "ecospat.kd", "ext", "R",
                                "th.quant", "env.mask", "kern.method"
                              envir = environment()
      cpoints <- parallel::parLapply(CL, bst, ecospat.kd,
                                     ext = c(min(z$x), max(z$x), min(z$y), max(z$y)),
                                     R = length(z$x), th = th.quant, env.mask = z$Z > 0,
                                     method = kern.method
      ) # compute kernel density on the resampled data
      bin.bst <- parallel::parLapply(CL, cpoints, function(x) x > 0) ## binarized kernel distribution
    sum.bst <- Reduce("+", bin.bst) ## sum of the binarized kernel distribution
    niche.envelope <- sum.bst / bootstrap.rep * 100 ## scaling in percentage
    niche.contour <- terra::as.polygons(niche.envelope >= 95, dissolve = TRUE)
    niche.density = niche.dens, niche.envelope = niche.envelope,
    niche.contour = niche.contour

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ecospat documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:06 p.m.