
Defines functions getDailyMaster

Documented in getDailyMaster

#' Retrieves daily master index
#' \code{getDailyMaster} retrieves daily master index from the U.S. SEC EDGAR server.
#' getDailyMaster function takes date as an input parameter from a user,  
#' and downloads master index for the date from the U.S. SEC EDGAR server 
#' \url{https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/daily-index/}. It strips headers 
#' and converts this daily filing information into dataframe format.
#' Function creates new directory 'edgar_DailyMaster' into working directory 
#' to save these downloaded daily master index files in Rda format. 
#' User must follow the US SEC's fair access policy, i.e. download only what you 
#' need and limit your request rates, see \url{https://www.sec.gov/os/accessing-edgar-data}.
#' @usage getDailyMaster(input.date)
#' @param input.date in character format 'mm/dd/YYYY'.
#' @return Function returns filings information in a dataframe format.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' output <- getDailyMaster('08/09/2016')

getDailyMaster <- function(input.date) {
    input.date <- as.Date(input.date, "%m/%d/%Y")
    if (is.na(input.date)) {
        msg <- "Select the appropriate date."
    if (Sys.Date() < input.date) {
        msg <- "Select the appropriate date."
    year <- format(input.date, "%Y")
    month <- format(input.date, "%m")
    day <- format(input.date, "%d")
    options(warn = -1)  # remove warnings
    # Check the download compatibility based on OS
    getdownCompat <- function() {
      if (nzchar(Sys.which("libcurl"))) {
        dmethod <- "libcurl"
      } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("wget"))) {
        dmethod <- "wget"
      } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl"))) {
        dmethod <- "curl"
      } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("lynx"))) {
        dmethod <- "lynx"
      } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("wininet"))) {
        dmethod <- "wininet"
      } else {
        dmethod <- "auto"
    # function to download file and return FALSE if download error
    DownloadSECFile <- function(link, dfile, dmethod) {
      UA <- "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:93.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/93.0"
        # utils::download.file(link, dfile, method = dmethod, quiet = TRUE,
        #                      headers = c("User-Agent" = useragent,
        #                                  "Accept-Encoding"= "deflate, gzip",
        #                                  "Host"= "www.sec.gov"))
        r <- httr::GET(link, 
                       httr::add_headers(`Connection` = "keep-alive", `User-Agent` = UA),
                       httr::write_disk(dfile, overwrite=TRUE)
      }, error = function(e) {
    DownloadSECFile2 <- function(link, dfile, dmethod) {

        res <- DownloadSECFile(link, dfile, dmethod)
    # function for downloading daily Index
    GetDailyInfo <- function(day, month, year) {
        dmethod <- getdownCompat() ## Check the download compatibility based on OS
        date <- paste0(year, month, day)
        filename <- paste0("edgar_DailyMaster/daily_idx_", date)
        link1 <- paste0("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/daily-index/", year, "/QTR", ceiling(as.integer(month)/3), 
                        "/master.", date, ".idx")       
        link2 <- paste0("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/daily-index/", year, "/QTR", ceiling(as.integer(month)/3), 
            "/master.", date, ".idx")
        link3 <- paste0("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/daily-index/", year, "/QTR", ceiling(as.integer(month)/3), 
            "/master.", substr(as.character(year), 3, 4), month, day, ".idx")
        link4 <- paste0("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/daily-index/", year, "/QTR", ceiling(as.integer(month)/3), 
            "/master.", date, ".idx")
        down.success = FALSE
        if (year < 1999) {
          down.success <- DownloadSECFile2(link3, filename, dmethod)
        if (year > 1998 && year < 2012) {
          down.success <- DownloadSECFile2(link4, filename, dmethod)
        if (year > 2011) {
            fun.return1 <- DownloadSECFile2(link1, filename, dmethod)
            if (fun.return1 && file.size(filename) > 500) {
                down.success = TRUE
            } else {
                fun.return2 <- DownloadSECFile2(link2, filename, dmethod)
                if (fun.return2) {
                  down.success = TRUE
        if (down.success) {
            # Removing ''' so that scan with '|' not fail due to occurrence of ''' in company name
            temp.data <- gsub("'", "", readLines(filename))
			temp.data <- iconv(temp.data, "latin1", "ASCII", sub = "")

            # writting back to storage
            writeLines(temp.data, filename)
            # Find line number where header description ends
            header.end <- grep("--------------------------------------------------------", temp.data)
            scrapped.data <- scan(filename, what = list("", "", "", "", ""), flush = F, skip = header.end, sep = "|", 
                quiet = T)
            final.data <- data.frame(cik = scrapped.data[[1]], company.name = scrapped.data[[2]], form.type = scrapped.data[[3]], 
                date.filed = scrapped.data[[4]], edgar.link = scrapped.data[[5]])
            final.data$edgar.link <- NULL
            ## Save daily master index in Rda format
            save(final.data, file = paste0(filename, ".Rda"))
           cat(" Daily master index is not availbale for this date.")
    ## Call above GetDailyInfo function
    return(GetDailyInfo(day, month, year))

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edgar documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 5:07 p.m.