edr <-
function(Y,X,H,K,method,submethod="SIR-QZ", ...){
tol <- 1e-10
#Vérification des paramètres d'entrée
dimVar <- .check.param(Y, X, H, K, method)
n <- dimVar$n
p <- dimVar$p
if(n<=p) {
if (method=="SIR-I") {
warning(paste("The sample size 'n' is not greater than the number of",
"variables 'p'. We will use a specific method dedicated to this case."))
res <- edrUnderdet(Y, X, H, K, submethod, ...)
} else {
stop(paste("The sample size 'n' is not greater than the number of",
"variables 'p'. This case is not handled when 'method' is not equal to",
} else {
nbind<-rep(n%/%H,H) # number of subject in each slices
Xord<-matXY[sort.list(matXY[,1]),-1] #sort X by Y
M1 <- sliceMat(Y, X, H, rdSup=TRUE)
M1 <- sigmainvsqrt%*%M1%*%sigmainvsqrt
for(h in 1:H){
for(h in 1:H){
"SIR-I"= M1,
"SIR-II"= M2,
"SAVE"= Msave)
rSIR<-eigen(M, symmetric=TRUE)
matEDR <- as.matrix(sigmainvsqrt %*% rSIR$vectors)
if (any( abs(Im(matEDR)) > tol )) {
warning("Some large imaginary parts were deleted in the complex matrix 'matEDR'.")
matEDR <- Re(matEDR)
res <- list(matEDR = matEDR, eigvalEDR = rSIR$values, K=K, H=H, n=n, method=method,
X=X, Y=Y)
class(res) <-"edr"
} }
#Calcul la matrice de tranchange d'une méthode SIR-I
sliceMat <- function(Y, X, H, details=FALSE, rdSup=FALSE) {
p <- ncol(X)
n <- nrow(X)
index <- sort(Y, index.return=TRUE)$ix
if (rdSup) {
group <- rep(0:(H-1), nbind)
} else {
group <- sort(1:n %% H)
Sh <- matrix(0, ncol=H,nrow=n)
Ph <- matrix(0, ncol=H, nrow=H)
for (i in 0:(H-1)) {
nh <- sum(group==i)
Sh[index[group==i],i+1] <- 1/nh
Ph[i+1,i+1] <- nh/n
Sh <- Sh - 1/n # Sh <- "Ibar_n" %*% S_h
resultat <- t(X) %*% Sh %*% Ph %*% t(Sh) %*% X
if (details) {
list(M=resultat, Xh= t(Sh) %*% X, Ph=Ph)
} else {
} }
#Estime les directions EDR ou les indices d'un modèle de régression lorsque n < p
#en utilisant SIR-I
edrUnderdet <- function(Y, X, H, K, method, initEDR=NULL, maxIter=NULL,
regulParam=NULL, sMin=1e-16, sChg=10, btspSamp=NULL) {
tol <- 1e-6
#Vérification des paramètres d'entrée
dimVar <- .check.param(Y, X, H, K, "SIR-I")
n <- dimVar$n
p <- dimVar$p
#if (!(method %in% c("SIR-QZ", "SIR-MP", "RSIR", "SR-SIR"))) {
if (!(method %in% c("SIR-QZ", "RSIR", "SR-SIR"))) {
stop("Unknown method for 'SIR-I' when n < p.")
if (all(method!="SIR-QZ", length(H)>1)) {
warning("Only the first value of the 'H' vector will be considered.")
H <- H[1]
if (all(method=="SR-SIR", is.null(initEDR))) {
initEDR <- as.matrix(diag(p)[,1:K])
if (all(method=="SR-SIR", any(length(maxIter)!=1, dim(initEDR)!=c(p,K),
is.null(regulParam) ))) {
stop(paste("Invalid inputs 'initEDR', 'maxIter' and/or 'regulParam'",
"for the 'SR-SIR' method."))
if (all(method=="RSIR", any(length(btspSamp)!=1, is.null(regulParam) ))) {
stop(paste("Invalid inputs 'btspSamp' and/or 'regulParam'",
"for the 'RSIR' method."))
if (all(method=="SIR-QZ", any(!is.numeric(sMin), !is.numeric(sChg), sMin <= 0,
sChg <= 0))) {
stop("Invalid inputs 'sMin' and/or 'sChg' for the 'SR-SIR' method.")
if (all( any(method=="RSIR",method=="SR-SIR"), any(regulParam < 0))) {
stop("Every element in 'regulParam' must be positive.")
#Exécution des différentes méthodes
Sigma <- var(X)
additionalContent <- NULL
if (method == "SIR-QZ") {
sMax <- 1e10
sVect <- NULL
eigvalEDR <- NULL
indices <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(H)) {
M <- sliceMat(Y, X, H[i])
temp <- .Rdggev(M, Sigma)
s <- sMin
cache <- is.finite(temp$lambda)
index <- sort(temp$lambda[cache], index.return=TRUE,
while ( (sum((abs(temp$beta) < tol) & (abs(temp$alphar) < tol)) > 0)
| (length(temp$alphar) - sum(temp$alphar < tol) < K) ) {
if (s >= sMax) {
stop("The 'SIR-QZ' methods fails to find a regularization parameter.")
temp <- .Rdggev(M, Sigma + s * diag(p))
s <- s * sChg
cache <- is.finite(temp$lambda)
index <- sort(temp$lambda[cache], index.return=TRUE,
sVect <- c(sVect, s)
#Quelques valeurs de 'temp$lambda' peuvent éventuellement être infinies,
#elles sont retirées avant de renvoyer ces valeurs propres
if (is.null(eigvalEDR)) {
eigvalEDR <- as.matrix(temp$lambda[cache][index])
} else {
diffTaille <- dim(eigvalEDR)[1] - length(temp$lambda[cache][index])
if (diffTaille > 0) {
eigvalEDR <- cbind(eigvalEDR, c(temp$lambda[cache][index],
} else {
eigvalEDR <- cbind(rbind(eigvalEDR,
matrix(NA, nrow=-diffTaille, ncol=dim(eigvalEDR)[2])),
} }
indices <- cbind(indices, X %*% temp$vr[,cache][,index[1:K]])
resACP <- princomp(indices)
indices <- resACP$scores[,1:K]
res <- list(indices=as.matrix(indices), eigvalEDR=eigvalEDR, K=K, H=H, n=n,
method=paste("SIR-I,",method), X=X, Y=Y, s=sVect)
} else {
#Non fonctionnel :
if (method == "SIR-MP") {
M <- sliceMat(Y, X, H) <- ginv(M)
lambda.stop <- min(H-1,p)
#A gérer : H < K.
Sigma.svd <- svd(Sigma)
Sigma.half <- Sigma.svd$u %*% diag(sqrt(Sigma.svd$d)) %*% Sigma.svd$v
decElPro <- eigen(Sigma.half %*% %*% Sigma.half)
eta <- decElPro$vectors[,lambda.stop + 1 - 1:K]
matEDR <- %*% Sigma.half %*% eta
matEDR <- Re(matEDR %*% diag(1/sqrt(diag(t(matEDR) %*% matEDR))))
eigvalEDR <- Re(decElPro$values)
if (method == "RSIR") {
regulParam <- sort(regulParam)
if (regulParam[1]!=0) {
regulParam <- c(0, regulParam)
M <- sliceMat(Y, X, H)
#Directions EDR initiales, sans régularisation
temp <- .edrNorm(M, Sigma, K)
matEDRBase <- temp$matEDR
eigValBase <- temp$eigVal
#Détermination du parmètre de lissage par estimation bootstrap du MSE
#-> Calcul des estimations des directions EDR, des variances et des moyennes
vars <- matrix(0, nrow=length(regulParam), ncol=K)
matEDRMean <- array(dim=c(p,length(regulParam), K))
for (i in 1:length(regulParam)) {
matEDRBtsp <- array(dim=c(p,btspSamp,K))
for (j in 1:btspSamp) {
index <- sample(n,n,replace=TRUE)
M2 <- sliceMat(Y[index], X[index,], H)
Sigma2 <- var(X[index,])
temp <- .edrNorm(M2, Sigma2 + regulParam[i] * diag(p), K)
matEDRBtsp[,j,] <- temp$matEDR
matEDRBaseReg <- (Sigma + regulParam[i] * diag(p)) %*% matEDRBase
for (k in 1:K) {
D <- (t(matEDRBaseReg[, k]) %*% matEDRBtsp[, , k] > 0) * 2 - 1
matEDRBtsp[,,k] <- matEDRBtsp[,,k] * as.matrix(rep(1, p)) %*% D
vars[i,k] <- sum(diag(var(t(matEDRBtsp[,,k]))))
matEDRMean[,i,k] <- matEDRBtsp[,,k] %*% rep(1/btspSamp,btspSamp)
} }
#-> Calcul de l'estimation du MSE
loss <- vector("numeric", length(regulParam))
bias <- array(dim=c(p,length(regulParam), K))
for (k in 1:K) {
bias[,,k] <- matEDRMean[,,k] - matEDRMean[,1,k] %*%
loss <- loss + vars[,k] + t(rep(1,p)) %*% bias[,,k]^2
#Estimation des directions EDR avec le paramètre de régularisation optimal
regulOpt <- which(loss==min(loss))
temp <- .edrNorm(M, Sigma + regulParam[regulOpt] * diag(p), K)
matEDR <- temp$matEDR
eigvalEDR <- temp$eigvalEDR
additionalContent <- list(s=regulParam[regulOpt], estMSE=loss)
if (method == "SR-SIR") {
temp <- sliceMat(Y, X, H, details=TRUE)
Xh <- t(temp$Xh)
Ph <- temp$Ph
testedEDR <- list()
iterVec <- NULL
rssVec <- NULL
nbParamVec <- NULL
gcvVec <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(regulParam)) {
iter <- 0
testedEDR[[i]] <- initEDR
GNew <- Inf
GDiff <- Inf
#Alternating least squares algorithm
while(all(iter < maxIter, GDiff > tol)) {
C1 <- solve(t(testedEDR[[i]]) %*% Sigma %*% Sigma %*% testedEDR[[i]]) %*%
t(testedEDR[[i]]) %*% Sigma
C <- C1 %*% Xh
C2 <- solve(C %*% Ph %*% t(C) %x% (Sigma %*% Sigma) +
regulParam[i] * diag(p * K))
C3 <- C2 %*% ((C %*% Ph) %x% Sigma)
testedEDR[[i]] <- matrix(C3 %*% as.vector(Xh), nrow=p, byrow=FALSE)
S <- ((sqrt(Ph) %*% t(C)) %x% Sigma) %*% C2 %*% ((C %*% sqrt(Ph)) %x% Sigma)
C4 <- (diag(p * H) - S) %*% (sqrt(Ph) %x% diag(p)) %*% as.vector(Xh)
GOld <- GNew
GNew <- as.vector(t(C4) %*% C4)
GDiff <- GOld - GNew
iter <- iter + 1
testedEDR[[i]] <- testedEDR[[i]] %*%
sqrt(diag(1/diag(t(testedEDR[[i]]) %*% testedEDR[[i]]), nrow=K, ncol=K))
#Calcul des critères de sélection de paramètres
iterVec <- c(iterVec, iter)
rssVec <- c(rssVec, GNew)
pLambda <- sum(diag(S))
nbParamVec <- c(nbParamVec, pLambda)
gcvVec <- c(gcvVec, GNew / (p * H * (1 - pLambda / p / H) ^ 2))
chosenPar <- which(gcvVec == min(gcvVec))[1]
matEDR <- testedEDR[[chosenPar]]
eigvalEDR <- NULL
additionalContent <- list(s=regulParam[chosenPar], testedEDR=testedEDR,
iter=iterVec, gcv=gcvVec)
res <- c(list(matEDR=matEDR, eigvalEDR=eigvalEDR, K=K, H=H, n=n,
method=paste("SIR-I,",method) , X=X, Y=Y), additionalContent)
class(res) <-"edr"
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