
Defines functions InitialSubset.gaus InitialSubset.binom InitialSubset.multinom index.subsets.multinom index.subsets.binom index.subsets.gaus

index.subsets.gaus <- function(x, nsamp){
   is <- replicate(nsamp,sample.int(nrow(x), 3))

index.subsets.binom <- function(x, y, nsamp){
   is <- replicate(nsamp,c(sample(which(y==1),2),sample(which(y==0),2))); options(warn = - 1)

## starting with 500 index subsets sometimes problematic. That is the reason we made it optional
index.subsets.multinom <- function(x, y, nsamp){
  k <- ncol(y)
  is <- replicate(nsamp,
                    sample(which(y[,c]==1),2)},y),matrix)),ncol=1))); options(warn = - 1)

InitialSubset.multinom <- function(x, y, h, hsize, alpha, lambda, nsamp, scal, ncores, seed) {
  # gives initial 500 subsamples after Two C Steps
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  index.subsets <- index.subsets.multinom(x, y, nsamp)

  twoCstep <- function(c, x, y, index.subsets, h, hsize, alpha, lambda, scal) {
    ## C step 1
    Cstep1 <- CStep.multinom(x, y, index.subsets[,c], h, hsize, alpha, lambda, scal=FALSE)
    indx1 <- Cstep1$index
    ## C step 2
    Cstep2 <- CStep.multinom(x, y, indx1, h, hsize, alpha, lambda, scal) # h observations
    indx2 <- Cstep2$index
    object <- Cstep2$object
    return(list(obj=object, indx=indx2))
  subsets <- mclapply(1:nsamp,
                      FUN = twoCstep,
                      x = x,
                      y = y,
                      index.subsets = index.subsets,
                      h = h,
                      hsize = hsize,
                      alpha = alpha,
                      lambda = lambda,
                      scal =scal,
                      mc.cores = ncores,
                      mc.cleanup = TRUE,
                      mc.allow.recursive = FALSE)

InitialSubset.binom <- function(x, y, h, hsize, alpha, lambda, nsamp, scal, ncores, seed) {
   # gives initial 500 subsamples after Two C Steps
   if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

   index.subsets <- index.subsets.binom(x, y, nsamp)

   twoCstep <- function(c, x, y, index.subsets, h, hsize, alpha, lambda, scal) {
      ## C step 1
      Cstep1 <- CStep.binom(x, y, index.subsets[,c], h, hsize, alpha, lambda/4, scal=FALSE)
      indx1 <- Cstep1$index
      ## C step 2
      Cstep2 <- CStep.binom(x, y, indx1, h, hsize, alpha, lambda/h, scal) # h observations
      indx2 <- Cstep2$index
      object <- Cstep2$object
      return(list(obj=object, indx=indx2)) }

   subsets <- mclapply(1:nsamp,
                       FUN = twoCstep,
                       x = x,
                       y = y,
                       index.subsets = index.subsets,
                       h = h,
                       hsize = hsize,
                       alpha = alpha,
                       lambda = lambda,
                       scal =scal,
                       mc.cores = ncores,
                       mc.cleanup = TRUE,
                       mc.allow.recursive = FALSE)
   # return(subsets=subsets)

InitialSubset.gaus <- function(x, y, h, hsize, alpha, lambda, nsamp, scal, ncores, seed) {
   # gives initial 500 subsamples after Two C Steps
   if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

   index.subsets <- index.subsets.gaus(x, nsamp)

   twoCstep <- function(c, x, y, index.subsets, h, hsize, alpha, lambda, scal) {
      ## C step 1
      Cstep1 <- CStep.gaus(x, y, index.subsets[,c], h, hsize, alpha, lambda/3, scal=FALSE)
      indx1 <- Cstep1$index
      ## C step 2
      Cstep2 <- CStep.gaus(x, y, indx1, h, hsize, alpha, lambda/h, scal) # h observations
      indx2 <- Cstep2$index
      object <- Cstep2$object
      return(list(obj=object, indx=indx2)) }

   subsets <- mclapply(1:nsamp,
                       FUN = twoCstep,
                       x = x,
                       y = y,
                       index.subsets = index.subsets,
                       h = h,
                       hsize = hsize,
                       alpha = alpha,
                       lambda = lambda,
                       scal =scal,
                       mc.cores = ncores,
                       mc.cleanup = TRUE,
                       mc.allow.recursive = FALSE)
   # return(subsets=subsets)

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