
Defines functions format_time save_cal check_if_glm_list consensus_p response_curve_cons response_curve_ind response standardize_interaction_names get_red_dev var_importance_ind

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aux function to evaluate the Variable Contribution of the predictors
# get variable contribution for an individual model
var_importance_ind <- function(model, data = NULL, weights = NULL){

  # initial tests
  if (missing(model)) {
    stop("Argument 'model' must be defined.")

  # deviance of the full model
  dev_full <- deviance(model)

  # preds names
  pnames <- names(coef(model))[-1]

  # deviance of the reduced models
  dev_reduction <- sapply(pnames, function(x) {
    dev_full - get_red_dev(full_model = model, reduce_var = x, data = data,
                           weights = weights)

  deviance_importance <- dev_reduction / sum(dev_reduction)

  # preparing results
  tab_contr <- data.frame(predictor = names(deviance_importance),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  tab_contr$contribution <- deviance_importance

  ord <- order(tab_contr$contribution, decreasing = TRUE)
  tab_contr <- tab_contr[ord,]
  tab_contr$cum_contribution <- cumsum(tab_contr$contribution)

  # returning results

#to get deviance of a model after excluding predictors
get_red_dev <- function(full_model, reduce_var, data, weights = NULL) {
  # initial tests
  if (missing(full_model)) {
    stop("Argument 'full_model' must be defined.")
  if (missing(reduce_var)) {
    stop("Argument 'reduce_var' must be defined.")
  if (missing(data)) {
    stop("Argument 'data' must be defined.")

  # Ensure reduce_vars is a character vector
  reduce_var <- as.character(reduce_var)

  # Construct the reduced formula
  reduced_formula_str <- paste("~ . -", paste(reduce_var, collapse = " - "))
  reduced_formula <- as.formula(reduced_formula_str)

  # Attempt to update the model with the new formula and data
  reduce_model <- suppressWarnings(
    update(object = full_model, formula = reduced_formula,
           data = data, weights = weights)


# Function to standardize interaction term names
standardize_interaction_names <- function(names) {
  sapply(names, function(name) {
    # Split the name by ':', sort, and re-join
    parts <- strsplit(name, ":")[[1]]
    if(length(parts) > 1) {
      return(paste(sort(parts), collapse = ":"))
    } else {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aux function to calculate the Response Curves

# aux function to get the individual response of a variable keeping constant
# the others predictors
response <- function(model, variable, data = NULL, n = 100, new_data = NULL,
                     extrapolate = FALSE) {

  # initial tests
  if (missing(model) | missing(variable)) {
    stop("Argument 'model' or 'variable' must be defined.")

  if (class(model)[1] == "glm" && is.null(try(model$data)) && is.null(data)) {
    stop(paste0("The argument 'data' must be defined in case the model entered",
                " does not explicitly include a data component."))

  if (class(model)[1] == "glm" && !is.null(try(model$data))) {
    data <- model$data

  if (!is.null(new_data)) {
    if (!class(new_data)[1] %in% c("matrix", "data.frame", "SpatRaster")) {
      stop("'new_data' must be of class 'matrix', 'data.frame', 'SpatRaster'")

  # It gets only the variable names used in the fitted model
  vnames <- colSums(
    sapply(colnames(data), grepl, names(coef(model)[-1]))
    ) > 0

  if (any(!variable %in% names(vnames))) {
    stop("The name of the 'variable' was not defined correctly.")

  # Extract calibration data from the model object
  cal_data <- data[, vnames]

  # Extract the limits of the calibration data
  cal_maxs <-  apply(cal_data, 2, FUN = max)
  cal_mins <-  apply(cal_data, 2, FUN = min)

  # Get the average of all variables
  means <- apply(cal_data, 2, FUN = mean)

  if (is.null(new_data)) {

    if (extrapolate){

      rr <- range(cal_data[, variable]) # range of the calibration data
      extension <- 0.11 * diff(rr)

      l_limit <- rr[1] - extension
      u_limit <- rr[2] + extension

      rangev <- c(l_limit, u_limit)

    } else {
      rangev <- range(cal_data[, variable])

  } else {

    if (class(new_data)[1] == "SpatRaster") {
      rangev <- terra::minmax(new_data[[variable]])
    } else {
      rangev <- range(new_data[, variable])


  newvar <- seq(rangev[1], rangev[2], length = n)

  m <- data.frame(matrix(means, n, length(means), byrow = T))
  colnames(m) <- names(means)

  m[, variable] <- newvar

  # Response of the variable
  m$predicted <- stats::predict(model, m, type = "response")

  return(m[,c(variable, "predicted")])


# Response curve for a single model
response_curve_ind <- function(model, variable, data = NULL, n = 100,
                               new_data = NULL, extrapolate = FALSE,
                               xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, col = NULL, ...) {

  # initial tests
  if (missing(model) | missing(variable)) {
    stop("Argument 'model' or 'variable' must be defined.")

  if (class(model)[1] == "glm" && is.null(try(model$data)) && is.null(data)) {
    stop(paste0("The argument 'data' must be defined in case the model entered",
                " does not explicitly include a data component."))

  if (class(model)[1] == "glm" && !is.null(try(model$data))) {
    data <- model$data

  if (!is.null(new_data)) {
    if (!class(new_data)[1] %in% c("matrix", "data.frame", "SpatRaster")) {
      stop("'new_data' must be of class 'matrix', 'data.frame', 'SpatRaster'")

  response_out <- response(model = model, variable = variable, data = data,
                           n = n, extrapolate = extrapolate,
                           new_data = new_data)

  limits <- range(data[, variable])

  ## Plotting curve
  # Create a list of arguments to pass to the plot function
  if (is.null(xlab)) {xlab <- variable}

  plotcurve_args <- list(x = response_out[, variable],
                         y = response_out$predicted,
                         type = "l",
                         xlab= xlab,
                         ylab = ylab,
                         col = col,

  # plot using do.call()
  do.call(plot, plotcurve_args)

  abline(v = limits,
         col = c("black", "black"),
         lty = c(2, 2),
         lwd = c(1, 1)

# Consensus response curve
response_curve_cons <- function(model, variable, data = NULL, n = 100,
                                new_data = NULL, extrapolate = FALSE,
                                xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, col = NULL, ...) {

  # initial tests
  if (missing(model) | missing(variable)) {
    stop("Argument 'model' or 'variable' must be defined.")

  if (!is.null(new_data)) {
    if (!class(new_data)[1] %in% c("matrix", "data.frame", "SpatRaster")) {
      stop("'new_data' must be of class 'matrix', 'data.frame', 'SpatRaster'")

  # extract the response of the variable for each models
  response_out <-
    lapply(model, function(x){

      # It gets only the variable names used in the fitted model
      vnames <- colSums(sapply(colnames(data), grepl, names(coef(x)[-1]))) > 0

      if (any(!variable %in% names(vnames))) {
        stop("The name of the 'variable' was not defined correctly.")

      coefs <- names(coef(x)[-1])
      c1 <- any(c(variable, paste0("I(", variable, "^2)")) %in% coefs)
      c2 <- any(grepl(paste0("^", variable, ":"), coefs))
      c3 <- any(grepl(paste0(":", variable, "$"), coefs))

      if (any(c1, c2, c3)){
        x <- response(x, variable, data = data, new_data = new_data,
                      extrapolate = extrapolate)

      } else {

  response_out <- do.call(rbind, response_out)
  limits <- range(data[, variable])

  x <- response_out[, variable]
  y <- response_out$predicted

  # Fit GAM model
  fitting <- mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"))

  # Generate predicted values and standard error.
  x_seq <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = 100)
  pred <- predict(fitting, newdata = data.frame(x = x_seq), se = T)

  # Extract predicted values, confidence intervals (95%), and standard errors
  y_pred <- pred$fit
  lower_ci <- y_pred - 1.96 * pred$se.fit
  upper_ci <- y_pred + 1.96 * pred$se.fit

  ## Plotting curve
  # Create a list of arguments to pass to the plot function
  if (is.null(xlab)) {xlab <- variable}
  plotcurve_args <- list(x = x,
                         y = y,
                         type = "n",
                         xlab= xlab,
                         ylab = ylab,

  # plot using do.call()
  do.call(plot, plotcurve_args)

  # Create shading interval using polygon
  x_polygon <- c(x_seq, rev(x_seq))
  y_polygon <- c(lower_ci, rev(upper_ci))
  polygon(x_polygon, y_polygon, col = "lightgrey", border = NA)

  # Add the regression curve
  lines(x_seq, y_pred, col = col)

  # It adds the calibration limits
  abline(v = limits,
         col = c("black", "black"),
         lty = c(2, 2),
         lwd = c(1, 1)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aux function to calculate consensus predictions (or "ensemble").

# Consensus forecasts are obtained by combining the forecasts from a collection
# (or “ensemble”) of model predictions

consensus_p <- function(predictions, weights = NULL){

  if (!is.null(weights)) {

    if (sum(weights) != 1){
      stop("'weights' must sum to 1 to calculate the weighted average.")

      } else {
        # Mean
        c_mean <- terra::app(predictions, mean)

        # Median
        c_media <- terra::app(predictions, median)

        # Variance
        c_var <- terra::app(predictions, var)

        # Weighted average
        c_wmean <- terra::app(predictions*weights, sum)

        cons <- c(c_mean, c_media, c_var, c_wmean)
        names(cons) <- c("Mean", "Median", "Variance", "Weighted_average")
  } else {

    # Mean
    c_mean <- terra::app(predictions, mean)

    # Median
    c_media <- terra::app(predictions, median)

    # Variance between the consensus predictions
    c_var <- terra::app(c(c_mean, c_media), var)

    cons <- c(c_mean, c_media, c_var)
    names(cons) <- c("Mean", "Median", "Consensus_variance")



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aux to check if an argument is a list of glm objects
check_if_glm_list <- function(arg) {
  if (methods::is(arg, "list") && all(sapply(arg, function(x) "glm" %in%  class(x)))) {
  } else {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aux to save calibration result tables
save_cal <- function(x, out_dir) {

  if (missing(out_dir)) {
    stop("Argument 'out_dir' must be defined.")

  if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) {

  write.table(x$calibration_results, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",",
              file = paste0(out_dir, "/1_Full_report.csv"))

  write.table(x$summary, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",",
              file = paste0(out_dir, "/2_Summary.csv"))

  write.table(x$selected, row.names = FALSE, sep = ";",
              file = paste0(out_dir, "/3_Selected_models.csv"))

  write.table(x$data, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",",
              file = paste0(out_dir, "/4_Data_splitted.csv"))


# Aux functions to show executing time as hours, minutes and seconds.
format_time <- function(x){
  # formatting time
  hs <- as.numeric(x) %/% 3600
  ms <- (as.numeric(x) %% 3600) %/% 60
  ss<- as.numeric(x) %% 60

  # Time running message
  m <- sprintf("\nExecution time: %1.f hours, %1.f minutes and %.2f seconds",
               hs, ms, ss)

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