
#' Ensemble Partial Least Squares for Outlier Detection
#' Outlier detection with ensemble partial least squares.
#' @param x Predictor matrix.
#' @param y Response vector.
#' @param maxcomp Maximum number of components included within each model.
#' If not specified, will use the maximum number possible (considering
#' cross-validation and special cases where n is smaller than p).
#' @param cvfolds Number of cross-validation folds used in each model
#' for automatic parameter selection, default is \code{5}.
#' @param reptimes Number of models to build with Monte-Carlo resampling
#' or bootstrapping.
#' @param method Resampling method. \code{"mc"} (Monte-Carlo resampling)
#' or \code{"boot"} (bootstrapping). Default is \code{"mc"}.
#' @param ratio Sampling ratio used when \code{method = "mc"}.
#' @param parallel Integer. Number of CPU cores to use.
#' Default is \code{1} (not parallelized).
#' @return A list containing four components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{error.mean} - error mean for all samples (absolute value)
#' \item \code{error.median} - error median for all samples
#' \item \code{error.sd} - error sd for all samples
#' \item \code{predict.error.matrix} - the original prediction error matrix
#' }
#' @author Nan Xiao <\url{https://nanx.me}>
#' @note To maximize the probablity that each observation can
#' be selected in the test set (thus the prediction uncertainty
#' can be measured), please try setting a large \code{reptimes}.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{enpls.fs}} for measuring feature importance with
#' ensemble partial least squares regressions.
#' See \code{\link{enpls.fit}} for fitting ensemble partial least
#' squares regression models.
#' @export enpls.od
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach "%dopar%"
#' @examples
#' data("alkanes")
#' x <- alkanes$x
#' y <- alkanes$y
#' set.seed(42)
#' od <- enpls.od(x, y, reptimes = 50)
#' print(od)
#' plot(od)
#' plot(od, criterion = "sd")
enpls.od <- function(
  x, y,
  maxcomp = NULL,
  cvfolds = 5L,
  reptimes = 500L,
  method = c("mc", "boot"),
  ratio = 0.8,
  parallel = 1L) {
  if (missing(x) | missing(y)) stop("Please specify both x and y")

  method <- match.arg(method)

  x.row <- nrow(x)
  samp.idx <- vector("list", reptimes)
  samp.idx.remain <- vector("list", reptimes)

  if (method == "mc") {
    for (i in 1L:reptimes) {
      samp.idx[[i]] <- sample(1L:x.row, round(x.row * ratio))
      samp.idx.remain[[i]] <- setdiff(1L:x.row, samp.idx[[i]])

  if (method == "boot") {
    for (i in 1L:reptimes) {
      samp.idx[[i]] <- sample(1L:x.row, x.row, replace = TRUE)
      samp.idx.remain[[i]] <- setdiff(1L:x.row, unique(samp.idx[[i]]))

  plsdf <- as.data.frame(cbind(x, y))

  if (parallel < 1.5) {
    errorlist <- vector("list", reptimes)
    for (i in 1L:reptimes) {
      plsdf.sample <- plsdf[samp.idx[[i]], ]
      plsdf.remain <- plsdf[samp.idx.remain[[i]], ]
      errorlist[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(
        enpls.od.core(plsdf.sample, plsdf.remain, maxcomp, cvfolds)
  } else {
    errorlist <- foreach(i = 1L:reptimes) %dopar% {
      plsdf.sample <- plsdf[samp.idx[[i]], ]
      plsdf.remain <- plsdf[samp.idx.remain[[i]], ]
      enpls.od.core(plsdf.sample, plsdf.remain, maxcomp, cvfolds)

  prederrmat <- matrix(NA, ncol = x.row, nrow = reptimes)
  for (i in 1L:reptimes) {
    for (j in 1L:length(samp.idx.remain[[i]])) {
      prederrmat[i, samp.idx.remain[[i]][j]] <- errorlist[[i]][j]

  errmean <- abs(colMeans(prederrmat, na.rm = TRUE))
  errmedian <- apply(prederrmat, 2L, median, na.rm = TRUE)
  errsd <- apply(prederrmat, 2L, sd, na.rm = TRUE)

  res <- list(
    "error.mean" = errmean,
    "error.median" = errmedian,
    "error.sd" = errsd,
    "predict.error.matrix" = prederrmat
  class(res) <- "enpls.od"


#' core function for enpls.od
#' select the best ncomp with cross-validation and
#' use it to fit the complete training set,
#' then predict on the test set. scale = TRUE
#' @return the error vector between predicted y and real y
#' @keywords internal

enpls.od.core <- function(plsdf.sample, plsdf.remain, maxcomp, cvfolds) {
  if (is.null(maxcomp)) {
    plsr.cvfit <- plsr(
      y ~ .,
      data = plsdf.sample,
      scale = TRUE,
      method = "simpls",
      validation = "CV",
      segments = cvfolds
  } else {
    plsr.cvfit <- plsr(
      y ~ .,
      data = plsdf.sample,
      ncomp = maxcomp,
      scale = TRUE,
      method = "simpls",
      validation = "CV",
      segments = cvfolds

  # select best component number using adjusted CV
  cv.bestcomp <- which.min(RMSEP(plsr.cvfit)[["val"]][2L, 1L, -1L])

  plsr.fit <- plsr(
    y ~ .,
    data = plsdf.sample,
    ncomp = cv.bestcomp,
    scale = TRUE,
    method = "simpls",
    validation = "none"

  pred <- predict(
    ncomp = cv.bestcomp,
    newdata = plsdf.remain[, !(colnames(plsdf.remain) %in% c("y"))]
  )[, 1L, 1L]

  error <- plsdf.remain[, "y"] - pred
  names(error) <- NULL


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enpls documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:02 a.m.